Topic: Gun Control | |
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Mon 05/21/18 01:49 AM
ms.harmony criminals don't registers guns, so how does Law enforcement identify those criminals? The answer is good police work, informants/rats and sometimes good luck. Democrats say oh Bill Clinton's assault weapon ban was effective yet it still happened, remember Columbine among others. Democrats say since the end of the weapons ban more school shootings happened, yes? but social media has something to do with that. Social media, the Clinton News Network treats these killers like rock stars practically, digging up every thing on these losers keeping their name in the forefront, and you wonder why more copy cats commit these shootings? The Boston Marathon bomber look at the publicity, One thing America should take from the U.K is the media not giving any press or limited press to the mass killers, the one mass shooter they had in 1996 barely mentioned the pricks name. That is what we should do here, barely mention the killer and focus on the victims and lives affected , don't give any press to these killers Quick test, name one victim from the parkland shooting? Name the azzhole shooter. bet you couldn't come up with one victims name from the top of your head but you know the killers name . I still disagree with the conclusion. We know Hitlers name and we know Bin Ladens name, people who do monstrous things do not necessarily center their motivation around what infamy they may gain on the national or international stage, but around revenge and retaliation and pain against the IMMEDIATE environment they blame. Could the press play one part in COMBINATION with other things which form the perfect combination of ingredients? absolutely. but one of those ingredients is still always going to be the laws that deter the availablity of certain tools used to massacre from getting into the hands of those most likely to find motivation to do so. |
3 quick questions
1. What age can you drink alcohol? 2. What age can you drive? 3. What age can you own a gun? Oh sorry, 4. What age can you have sex legally? |
1. Many believe that anyone under the age of twenty-one can not consume alcohol in the United States. However, this is incorrect because underage drinking is allowed in 31 states with parental consent and 17 states with spousal consent, if the consenting spouse is over 21.
2. In the vast majority of states, the minimum age for unsupervised driving is 16. The youngest legal drivers are in South Dakota at 14 years, 6 months. The oldest minimum age for driving is in New Jersey at 17 years old. But, there are an increasing number of restrictions that vary by state for drivers under 18. 3. Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10 Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition. 4. There is no federal or state law regulating human physical interaction so long as it is 'consentual', there is law that defines what age 'consent' is legally recognized though. When it comes to minors, consent is legally not recognized with non minors. |
![]() I need to process this ![]() |
for age of consent most any state that has any statute is usually 16 however proving consent after fact is the sticky wicket
Guns could be totally outlawed tomorrow and the amount of them out there in the public ( legal and not) right now would keep country armed for the next 50 years anyway. So what is any gun law going to actually accomplish. Laws dont prevent, but they do make it easier to identify and prosecute criminals. We will never eliminate criminals but the law makes a more precise way to identify them and get justice for victims. Really?, well the vast majority of the criminals using guns to commit violent crimes are criminal using a stolen gun. What in the world is a any gun law going to do about that. Anyway, your overall concept of justice after the fact does nothing to stop the actual injustice... the actual crime committed with the gun. |
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Mon 05/21/18 08:07 AM
Las vegs -Paddock had LEGALLY OBTAINED AR-10 and AR-15 rifles. florida nightclub -Mateen had LEGALLY OBTAINED Sig rifle and Glock Virginia tech killer had LEGALLY OBTAINED Glock Adam Lanza DID TAKE parents weapons The church shooter DEVIN was sold an AR 556 from a licensed dealer/store Nikolas Cruz used an AR 15 that he bought LEGALLY from a gun shop The AR15 used by Malik and Farook were LEGALLY PURCHSED the AR15 and the Glock that Holmes used to shoot up the theater were LEGALLY PURCHASED the list goes on and on when it comes to these MASS SHOOTINGS the weapons have not usually been 'stolen by criminals' but obtained by citizens who had not yet been considered 'criminals' and therefore permitted these types of weapons with no consideration of their history of illness or violence. And I have conceded I in no way believe any law STOPS any type of crime completely, but may make it less simple for such crimes to be committed |
I still disagree with the conclusion. We know Hitlers name and we know Bin Ladens name, people who do monstrous things do not necessarily center their motivation around what infamy they may gain on the national or international stage, but around revenge and retaliation and pain against the IMMEDIATE environment they blame. Could the press play one part in COMBINATION with other things which form the perfect combination of ingredients? absolutely. but one of those ingredients is still always going to be the laws that deter the availablity of certain tools used to massacre from getting into the hands of those most likely to find motivation to do so. so you couldn't name one victim huh? and comparing Bin Laden and Hitler to Nicholas Cruz, come on ? I cannot go anywhere in the english speaking or first world nation that doesn't know the name of Bin Laden or Scumbag Adolf. No one outside of the U.S. knows the name of Nicholas Cruz. I like how you tried to sneak it in the back door about the available laws used to deter the availability of certain tools ( the so called assault rifle) in the hands of certain deranged individuals. I'm curious what was weapon used in the lastest Texas shooting? Reality time, I think it was Oliver who said it perfectly 'You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices. . |
Not sure if it's correct but on the news here they said something like when you purchase a gun and go through the checks that information is only kept for around 24 hours. This means you can't match a fire arm to a person?
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Mon 05/21/18 08:16 AM
I still disagree with the conclusion. We know Hitlers name and we know Bin Ladens name, people who do monstrous things do not necessarily center their motivation around what infamy they may gain on the national or international stage, but around revenge and retaliation and pain against the IMMEDIATE environment they blame. Could the press play one part in COMBINATION with other things which form the perfect combination of ingredients? absolutely. but one of those ingredients is still always going to be the laws that deter the availablity of certain tools used to massacre from getting into the hands of those most likely to find motivation to do so. so you couldn't name one victim huh? and comparing Bin Laden and Hitler to Nicholas Cruz, come on ? I cannot go anywhere in the english speaking or first world nation that doesn't know the name of Bin Laden or Scumbag Adolf. No one outside of the U.S. knows the name of Nicholas Cruz. I like how you tried to sneak it in the back door about the available laws used to deter the availability of certain tools ( the so called assault rifle) in the hands of certain deranged individuals. I'm curious what was weapon used in the lastest Texas shooting? Reality time, I think it was Oliver who said it perfectly 'You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices. . No. history has rarely ever recorded the name of victims, unless they die in a way considered to be heroic, thats my point. We dont learn about the names of the native americans who died at the hands of Columbus men, but we know Columbus name. We dont know the names of those enslaved by Presidents, but we know the Presidents names. We can indirectly impact human behavior, but thats another topic. In the simplest form, we can adapt to individuals behaviors to reduce potential for harm. Just like a bank will not hire an ex bank robber, or a school a convicted pedophile. Gun retailers should have similar precautions, IMHO, in regard to who they sell guns to. As far as style of weapons, the Santa Fe killer is an outlier, not what has been the general trend and I have stated on many occasions myself that o law will stop all crime, but it is no reason to stop making the laws that attempt to define a structure and cultural expectations of behavior, and to assist in the prosecution of those who disregard them in harm to others.... |
Is it legal to own a anti aircraft missile defense system in the usa?
Is it legal to own a anti aircraft missile defense system in the usa? haaa, doesn't fall as easily under the vague class of 'arms' where it concerns the average citizen, so no. |
requires an extra special permit just like owning a tank
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Dam, so I can't interest you in one then?
It will work without the radar so ideal for taking to Walmart or the cinema! ![]() |
No. history has rarely ever recorded the name of victims, unless they die in a way considered to be heroic, thats my point. We dont learn about the names of the native americans who died at the hands of Columbus men, but we know Columbus name. We dont know the names of those enslaved by Presidents, but we know the Presidents names. We can indirectly impact human behavior, but thats another topic. In the simplest form, we can adapt to individuals behaviors to reduce potential for harm. Just like a bank will not hire an ex bank robber, or a school a convicted pedophile. Gun retailers should have similar precautions, IMHO, in regard to who they sell guns to. As far as style of weapons, the Santa Fe killer is an outlier, not what has been the general trend and I have stated on many occasions myself that o law will stop all crime, but it is no reason to stop making the laws that attempt to define a structure and cultural expectations of behavior, and to assist in the prosecution of those who disregard them in harm to others.... strawman Ms.harmony, come on comparing crimes? I think you missed the point. What you've posted made no sense, why would a bank entertain hiring a convicted bank robber? why would a school entertain hiring a pedophile? Off topic ever heard of Frank Abagnale Jr? he was a check forger and con artist, who spent time in prison in Sweden, france and America who ended up working for the FBI later and then his own business an expert in check forgeries. On topic. Gun retailers job is sell guns to the consumer, they follow the law with back ground checks etc, a psyche exam is not required(yet) , so how are they supposed to know who is mentally stable? Its funny how you dismiss the santa fe killer as an outlier, interesting. when are you going to jump on board to tell legislators that mental health among other things are a problem that needs to be addressed. |
It shouldn't be a problem hiring guards for all the schools, same as hiring armed police here in the UK.
We both have hundreds of well trained veterans! |
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Mon 05/21/18 09:14 AM
could be done here too mikey from an even larger pool of vets.
the most vocal reason against is turning schools into armed camps and collateral damage when the gun fight at ok corral starts |
Oh yeah
![]() Make sure the sun is behind you ![]() On a more serious note, they would be better than arming a teacher with no experience! |
if untrained and inexperienced yes for sure.
in this area most schools already have at lest one on duty police officer i believe my town calls them resource officer |
Is it legal to own a anti aircraft missile defense system in the usa?
Depends on the definition the government uses for "anti aircraft missile defense system." You can buy and build model rockets. You can buy and use drones. You can buy and use radar systems. You can go to school and learn computer programming and engineering. You can build drones and rockets and guidance systems. You could probably get away with having a system that "accidentally" happens to act as an anti aircraft missile defense system. It's going to take a lot of money. If it is reactively triggered you will most likely face murder charges for killing pilots and passengers and/or damaging property. You can't legally buy a "patriot anti aircraft missile defense system" from Raytheon without special permission from the government. It shouldn't be a problem hiring guards for all the schools, same as hiring armed police here in the UK.
Many schools have limited students leaving campus on their free periods, they have strict dress code/uniform policies (e.g. uniforms, can't have swear words, no Trump support hats), they've funneled access points for entrance or egress, locking doors, can't leave class, visitors have to sign in and out, can't just hang around, they've put up metal detectors, done random locker searches, brought in drug sniffing dogs and police, some can do random drug tests, and now you want to put (maybe armed?) guards in the schools. Kids can't vote until they're 18, so their rights aren't all that recognized until then. Maybe we should just let the people running private prisons run the school system? Schools are effectively affecting the same safeguards. And as we all know, nothing bad ever happens in prisons because they are under constant monitoring, control who comes in and leaves, there are armed guards, guards control everything that comes in and out of prisons, and most money goes to prisoner reform/education, right? But will yield the point, there are no mass shootings in prisons. How does this look from the students perspective, rather than the parents/random adult civilians perspective for what they want to do to their children and how they want children to perceive it. |