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Topic: can you describe God without sounding delusional
Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:26 PM
Ahhh, but Funches, when you stand with blinkers on, and decide what, within your parameters of belief, are fact, and what is fiction, then you can neither prove nor disprove another's views.

You are using you as the benchmark, for all others, and their views, which in it's self is impartial.

Delusion, is a shared thing, and yours is no better than mine.

My delusions sit well with me, however yours seem to not sit so well with you.

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:27 PM

people describe God all the time...I'm just asking you to describe God without sounding delusional

This is the first time I've come into this thread and read it and I haven't gotten through all 30something pages of it, so please forgive me.

God is anything and everything. God is whatever the mind of mankind wants and/or needs it to be.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:28 PM

sorry but God supposely created all the situations that determine your destiny ...doesn't God create the storms that kill the flood that drown ...you have to include the forces of nature into the equation and supposely that is created by the grace of God ..and man at this point in time can't control

That's not true. The weather is a system that was created by God, God isn't in control of it at all times. The weather is a natural occurance. That isn't to say that God can't change the weather with just a thought, but I don't see any scriptural support for a belief that God is in control of the weather at all times. The system that is global weather was created by God and is kept running through God's power, but God isn't directing it, except in special circumstances.

it's those special circumstances I'm talking about ..God is controlling the weather to direct destiny or why would God have anything to do with the weather

wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:34 PM


Yes. That is true.

The gift of the Holy Spirit having been received is the one and only deetermining factor which predestinates a favorable position at the Judgement Of God, JHWH.

is that a fancy way of saying your-destiny is pre-determine


Yes and no.

Yes, it is a determinate destination of Supreme election for man to choose.

No, the position of one's destiny is suspect without the presence of the Holy Spirit within at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

so if the position of one's destiny is suspect...you again lessen the power of the God as not being an all knowing God ..how could a God "suspect" wouldn't a God "know"



The suspicion of one's position in destiny is not relevant to God's, JHWH's, power.

God's , JHWH , power is immutable.

God, JHWH, can know one's choice and judge according to the choice.

God's , JHWH , omniscience knows and applies the choices known to God, JHWH , within the one being brought forward for judgement and in no ways reflects God's, JHWH , observation of choices beyond those known by the individual held accountable at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

The choices of the individual and those acted upon by the individual have merit.

The disposition, as far as position in judgement is suspect in one's own judgement, but not in God's, JHWH.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:34 PM

God knows everything that has, is or will happen.

now explain how do you know that this is true

Everything I know of God, I have read in the Bible. The Bible paints this picture clearly.

no wonder you can't answer the original question

wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:37 PM


Only the individual can know what God,JHWH, has deposited into one's being, apart from God, JHWH, who is present as the Holy Spirit.

the indiviual may be delusional ..again this goes back to you answering the original question to prove this point ..can you


as we both know, that has been accomplished.

sorry but you haven't answered it...you are instead trying to preach instead of answering the original question ...



Deceit has entered into our conversation, by a willful intent to not acknowledge an impasse or a paradox.

This is where my words end.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:37 PM



The gamble is of your own choice.

The metaphor is yours.

The responsibility for that metaphor is not incumbent upon the dialogue.

not knowing the outcome but taking the chance to do it anyway is call gambling

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:40 PM
I can't believe that you all are still feeding him.
funches doesn't want to know what you all think at all, he wants to find out what he thinks.frown

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:41 PM

My delusions sit well with me, however yours seem to not sit so well with you.

I don't have any delusions but it's go to know you're ok with yours

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:43 PM

people describe God all the time...I'm just asking you to describe God without sounding delusional

This is the first time I've come into this thread and read it and I haven't gotten through all 30something pages of it, so please forgive me.

God is anything and everything. God is whatever the mind of mankind wants and/or needs it to be.

sounds like you're describing God as being fantasy

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:47 PM


Yes. That is true.

The gift of the Holy Spirit having been received is the one and only deetermining factor which predestinates a favorable position at the Judgement Of God, JHWH.

is that a fancy way of saying your-destiny is pre-determine


Yes and no.

Yes, it is a determinate destination of Supreme election for man to choose.

No, the position of one's destiny is suspect without the presence of the Holy Spirit within at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

so if the position of one's destiny is suspect...you again lessen the power of the God as not being an all knowing God ..how could a God "suspect" wouldn't a God "know"



The suspicion of one's position in destiny is not relevant to God's, JHWH's, power.

God's , JHWH , power is immutable.

God, JHWH, can know one's choice and judge according to the choice.

God's , JHWH , omniscience knows and applies the choices known to God, JHWH , within the one being brought forward for judgement and in no ways reflects God's, JHWH , observation of choices beyond those known by the individual held accountable at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

The choices of the individual and those acted upon by the individual have merit.

The disposition, as far as position in judgement is suspect in one's own judgement, but not in God's, JHWH.

you're just preaching now ..what point are you possible trying to make if you can't answer the original question

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:49 PM

people describe God all the time...I'm just asking you to describe God without sounding delusional

This is the first time I've come into this thread and read it and I haven't gotten through all 30something pages of it, so please forgive me.

God is anything and everything. God is whatever the mind of mankind wants and/or needs it to be.

sounds like you're describing God as being fantasy

I believe "The Great Big Entity In The Cosmos" has many "faces" so to speak. This Entity can't be described really, however, it can be anything and everything to everyone who believes. I believe we humans have a hard time grasping the concept of an Entity without physical form, so through mankind's history we have given this Entity a physical form in ways that are familar to us. Some have seen the Entity as half human, half animal, others as a god or goddess, others have seen the Entity as a whole host of other familar forms. So am I "delusional" as well, funches?

creativesoul's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:50 PM
For when one truly seeks light
One looks with the heart
Eyes are of no use
They with mind close and start
To reveal the true essence
A goal for you to know
That value when placed right
Soon after will grow
Filling ones spirit
With that which is good
Eyes open then once again
They now see as they should
This world of our life
Begins to make sense
Only after your heart
Removes the old fence
That keeps one from themself
Always it will so
As long as it's there
What's inside one can't know
For the fence now you see
It was placed there by you
As protection from fears
Do you see what they knew
For the gate has no key
Access comes from within
Fear hides you from you
The answer is inside, my friend

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:50 PM


Only the individual can know what God,JHWH, has deposited into one's being, apart from God, JHWH, who is present as the Holy Spirit.

the indiviual may be delusional ..again this goes back to you answering the original question to prove this point ..can you


as we both know, that has been accomplished.

sorry but you haven't answered it...you are instead trying to preach instead of answering the original question ...



Deceit has entered into our conversation, by a willful intent to not acknowledge an impasse or a paradox.

This is where my words end.

the paradox is you preaching and not answering the original question ..how can you preach of something you know not of

Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:50 PM

My delusions sit well with me, however yours seem to not sit so well with you.

I don't have any delusions but it's go to know you're ok with yours

Is that it???

OMFG!!! You poor thing....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

karmafury's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:51 PM

I can't believe that you all are still feeding him.
funches doesn't want to know what you all think at all, he wants to find out what he thinks.frown

Actually he does want to know what people think, regarding the original question. Leave the Bibles at the door and use your brains, logic.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:52 PM

I can't believe that you all are still feeding him.
funches doesn't want to know what you all think at all, he wants to find out what he thinks.frown

hey invisible kitty kat ..hummm you change your picture is that a picture of satan

Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:55 PM
Hey Invisible, I see you.flowerforyou :wink:

nuenjins's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:57 PM

people describe God all the time...I'm just asking you to describe God without sounding delusional

This is the first time I've come into this thread and read it and I haven't gotten through all 30something pages of it, so please forgive me.

God is anything and everything. God is whatever the mind of mankind wants and/or needs it to be.

sounds like you're describing God as being fantasy

I believe "The Great Big Entity In The Cosmos" has many "faces" so to speak. This Entity can't be described really, however, it can be anything and everything to everyone who believes. I believe we humans have a hard time grasping the concept of an Entity without physical form, so through mankind's history we have given this Entity a physical form in ways that are familar to us. Some have seen the Entity as half human, half animal, others as a god or goddess, others have seen the Entity as a whole host of other familar forms. So am I "delusional" as well, funches?

Helloooooo..... friend raised from the dead here. No one even touched it. You guys are as bad as the poster is. Geesh, purposefully and comfortably feeding the wishing well and cracking the fortune cookies. And what possible excuse can you drum up for raising one from the dead in Jesus name as a witnessed and documented medical fact. You can't. You're 'kids' making excuses. :tongue:

Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:59 PM
I keep thinking this is Spider's alter ego...laugh laugh laugh

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