Topic: can you describe God without sounding delusional | |
Good evening....
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Explain Funches, again your starting to sound jugdemental.
Explain Funches, again your starting to sound jugdemental. dude ..don't you read your own just said the bible states that you are not supposed to discuss such a other words you are forbidden to think beyond those belief or think for yourself |
lol yes to a very basic sence you are correct. Again Funches look at the big picture and try to reply in a humble manner. Why spend time on depicting the visual of what god may look like, this has no relevance... In all honesty maybe he has no "face"? But there are bigger things to worry about than the face of god since maybe there could be many. Whats the face of god have to do with "Religion" or even sunday school programming? Did you once practice religion?
lol yes to a very basic sence you are correct. Again Funches look at the big picture and try to reply in a humble manner. Why spend time on depicting the visual of what god may look like, this has no relevance... In all honesty maybe he has no "face"? But there are bigger things to worry about than the face of god since maybe there could be many. Whats the face of god have to do with "Religion" or even sunday school programming? Did you once practice religion? you asked what do the face of God has to do with sunday school programming? ..well it's the sunday school programming that brainwash you into thinking the face of God has nothing to do with it appear to know less about God than I do |
Good evening.... ![]() hey Jess |
lol yes to a very basic sence you are correct. Again Funches look at the big picture and try to reply in a humble manner. Why spend time on depicting the visual of what god may look like, this has no relevance... In all honesty maybe he has no "face"? But there are bigger things to worry about than the face of god since maybe there could be many. Whats the face of god have to do with "Religion" or even sunday school programming? Did you once practice religion? you asked what do the face of God has to do with sunday school programming? ..well it's the sunday school programming that brainwash you into thinking the face of God has nothing to do with it appear to know less about God than I do how does the face of God have anything to do with it? I notices posts as God has no Gender, Therfore Dragqueen and other comments are suggested. If God was man would this be sexist, if God was Female would he show emotion? In all reality could God be matter? Could God be a force ? This is why you dont "Face" good since there comes many interpretations, which casuses alot of confusion as well as incorrect opinions. His face in the big picture plays no relevance to your salvation. Again ill ask were you once a believer in christ?> |
lol yes to a very basic sence you are correct. Again Funches look at the big picture and try to reply in a humble manner. Why spend time on depicting the visual of what god may look like, this has no relevance... In all honesty maybe he has no "face"? But there are bigger things to worry about than the face of god since maybe there could be many. Whats the face of god have to do with "Religion" or even sunday school programming? Did you once practice religion? you asked what do the face of God has to do with sunday school programming? ..well it's the sunday school programming that brainwash you into thinking the face of God has nothing to do with it appear to know less about God than I do how does the face of God have anything to do with it? I notices posts as God has no Gender, Therfore Dragqueen and other comments are suggested. If God was man would this be sexist, if God was Female would he show emotion? In all reality could God be matter? Could God be a force ? This is why you dont "Face" good since there comes many interpretations, which casuses alot of confusion as well as incorrect opinions. His face in the big picture plays no relevance to your salvation. Again ill ask were you once a believer in christ?> Kalamazooguy ...the way you talk about and refer to God just shows you know nothing about the have no clue about God and would worship the first alien that claimed to be God..especially it that alien had no face ..also you ask was I once a "believer" in Christ? ..."to believe is to doubt" |
hold on now lets no assume. You asked for an opinion, i did not describe what he looks at more less letting you know how many different combinations there can be. Afterall if you know more why did you ask about describing God, if you know what the bible states =)
Believe is Doubt, interesting. That actually has a alot of thought behind it however, Thats a rather negative approach to such a idea. This would be you yourself, lacks trust in anyone, casue after all Trust requires believing. Somthing to think about however |
hold on now lets no assume. You asked for an opinion, i did not describe what he looks at more less letting you know how many different combinations there can be. Afterall if you know more why did you ask about describing God, if you know what the bible states =) well the bible also states to put to death children that curse their parents do you follow that ...yes or no? Believe is Doubt, interesting. That actually has a alot of thought behind it however, Thats a rather negative approach to such a idea. This would be you yourself, lacks trust in anyone, casue after all Trust requires believing. Somthing to think about however to believe is to doubt is not about means you can only believe because you do not know |
But in all reality to we really know anything? We only "think" we know, until someone proves it wrong... So instead of living life questioning everything ill take a stand and set my ground and beliefs and root them. At least i can say im content with how a feel, and not living a Nomadic lifestlye. I guess it depends on how you want to live your life
AS well, putting to Death is not killing otherwise the bible would have said such. Death can be described in many ways, the Death of a soul for instance. Depends on how you want to interpret such.
But in all reality to we really know anything? We only "think" we know, until someone proves it wrong... So instead of living life questioning everything ill take a stand and set my ground and beliefs and root them. At least i can say im content with how a feel, and not living a Nomadic lifestlye. I guess it depends on how you want to live your life if in reality as you quoted "do we really know anything" then that is the reason why you shouldn't limit yourself with unproven or unprovable beliefs doing so you have forged an alliance with something you can't even describe |
AS well, putting to Death is not killing otherwise the bible would have said such. Death can be described in many ways, the Death of a soul for instance. Depends on how you want to interpret such. putting to Death is not killing? right it just places you on death are brainwashed |
He looks like a platypus... at least thats my theory. You hardly ever see platypus's so I must assume he's one of those... hey Jayme....I'm surprise you can spell it Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?... Can you bible beaters not take a little sarcasm? My goddess people, have a sense of humor. |
I ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YOU ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Who is God... He is Knowable.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:23,24) ... He is Approachable. God invites us to talk to him and engage him in what concerns us. We don't have to get our act together first. Neither do we need to be polite, theologically correct or holy. It is his nature to be loving and accepting when we go to him. "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." (Psalms 145:18) Who is God... He is Creative. Everything we make is put together with existing materials or built on previous thoughts. God has the capacity of speaking things into existence, not just galaxies and life forms, but solutions to today's problems. God is creative, for us. His power is something he wants us to be aware of and to rely on. "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." (Psalms 147:5) "...where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalms 121:1,2) ... He is Forgiving. We sin. We tend to do things our way instead of God's way. And he sees it and knows it. God does not merely overlook such sin, but is prepared to judge and condemn people for their sin. However, God is forgiving and will forgive us from the moment we begin a relationship with him. Jesus, the Son of God, paid for our sin with his death on a cross. He rose from the dead and offers us this forgiveness. "We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done... We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us." (Romans 3:22,25) ... He is Honest. Truer than our feelings, thoughts, and perception, God is totally accurate and honest in what he says. Every promise he makes to us can be fully counted on, he means it. We can take him at his word. "The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalms 119:130,105) ... He is Capable. If we trust him, he will never make a mistake, never undercut us or deceive us. He can be fully trusted to do what is right, in all circumstances, at all times. "No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame..." (Psalms 25:3) Kat |
Thank you bible beater woman...
Those are all bible verses, not solid proof enough for me that its the way we're all supposed to be. The bible has been changed about a half a million times. I want to see the original while a hieroglyphs expert translates for me. I want the expert to be atheist so I know he's not just just telling me what he wants it to say to bring me over the the dark side. Religion is what is wrong with this world. I do have a religion, or set of spiritual beliefs rather, but I dont' shove it in people's faces. I have a few family members who won't speak to me because the fact I won't sit in a church with them and act like I fear God and eternal damnation and all that crap. |
Hatefullness is not one of my attributes ma'am. I am also NOT a bible thumper. I have read it and do read it once in awhile.
People like you are the reason I have stayed away from these forums. Tolerance is the key. Seems you have none. I have as much of a right as you to post in here and I WILL NOT be calling you out of your name or belittling you. Have a good night. ![]() Kat |
Omnipotent and personal
True Love in the purest form of sacrafice |