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Topic: can you describe God without sounding delusional
wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 03:57 PM

The actions of others are consequential to our own choices.

the casinos call that gambling


And one is playing by the casino's rule as well on that one, Funches.

Not my concern what occurs in that regard.

That is up to the players of that game.

That was quite off topic for me.

That is not consequential to our conversation.

I'm not speaking with you in metaphors, only Biblical allegories.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 03:58 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 12/05/07 03:58 PM

so are you saiding that God doesn't known the final outcome before you are even born

Not at all. God knows everything that has, is or will happen. Therefore, God knows everything you will do in your life. He knows how you were born and he knows how you will die. God knows everything, but works in the present. It's an incredibly difficult concept to grasp. I'll give an example, but I don't know how much help it will be.

The Israelites created a golden calf and worshipped it. God's own decisions are made in the present, so God became angry with the Israelites. God said "Moses, you will have to start the Israelites over, because I'm going to kill all of them except for you." and Moses said "Please don't God, this moment can show your mercy to the world. If you kill them, people will speak badly of you." God knew that Moses would make that argument, but if God hadn't said what he did, then Moses would never have made that argument. God acts in the present, how his character dictates. God loved Solomon and blessed him greatly...even though Solomon worshipped other gods late in his life. God knew that would happen, but God treated Solomon how he deserved to be treated at that moment. God is aware of all things, but He acts in the present by blessing and punishing those who deserve it at that time.

Like I said, it's a difficult concept, but once you get it down so much of the Bible makes sense in a new light.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:00 PM

funches, I find you amusing, not in a bad way, but in an ironic way. The religious are trying to save all the lost souls that have not found or have turn away their god. And you are trying to save the godful from themselves because you believe it is a mass hypnosis.laugh What a conundrumlaughflowerforyou

What is the truth then dragoness? Being observant is not a purpose, it states a point of view without any hope inherently related to it. So then, life is just an anarchist state of being with only death as a result.

I know 2 people raised from the dead in Jesus name. An observable and medical fact, one died 'hours' before.

Not argueing with you, I'm sharing to let you know it is real and I care. :heart:

geez nuenjins ...you back already...didn't you just give your farewell speech a couple of post ago ..

wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:01 PM


Yes. That is true.

The gift of the Holy Spirit having been received is the one and only deetermining factor which predestinates a favorable position at the Judgement Of God, JHWH.

is that a fancy way of saying your-destiny is pre-determine


Yes and no.

Yes, it is a determinate destination of Supreme election for man to choose.

No, the position of one's destiny is suspect without the presence of the Holy Spirit within at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:02 PM

ok I left and prayed and asked the Lord for guidance. I will say what I have to say and be done with this thread. With the help from a truly inspiring woman Beth Moore.

hopefully it will include answering the original question

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:05 PM

if the God is all knowing then the God already know how you will be judged on judgement day no matter what path you take it will lead to the same conclusion

God already knows how we will be judged.

God knows because of the actions/thoughts we have, are and will make.

Therefore, our actions determine our future. So what you said isn't true. If you take the narrow path, you will be found innocent. If you take the wide road you will be found guilty. That's how it works, your decisions determine your final judgement. You have full control of your own destiny. A drunk driver might hit you and paralyse you from the neck down, but you are the only one who can decide if you will accept Jesus as your Lord. It sucks, big time, that people can hurt us and use us, but how you deal with your hurts really shows your character. Dwelling on the fact that someone has or might hurt you is pointless, but if you can take that hurt and become a better person, that shows a strong character.

sorry but God supposely created all the situations that determine your destiny ...doesn't God create the storms that kill the flood that drown ...you have to include the forces of nature into the equation and supposely that is created by the grace of God ..and man at this point in time can't control

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:09 PM


Only the individual can know what God,JHWH, has deposited into one's being, apart from God, JHWH, who is present as the Holy Spirit.

the indiviual may be delusional ..again this goes back to you answering the original question to prove this point ..can you

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:13 PM

The actions of others are consequential to our own choices.

the casinos call that gambling


And one is playing by the casino's rule as well on that one, Funches.

Not my concern what occurs in that regard.

That is up to the players of that game.

That was quite off topic for me.

That is not consequential to our conversation.

I'm not speaking with you in metaphors, only Biblical allegories.

and why is that off topic..you said the actions of others are consequencial to our own choices ..which means everything is a gamble..which means you may have made a good choice but because of the actions of another it becomes a bad choice

Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:14 PM
Can you disprove it, Funches?

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:15 PM

Can you disprove it, Funches?

Oh lord, the Jess Dragon woke up...*hides behind couch* :tongue:

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:16 PM

God knows everything that has, is or will happen.

now explain how do you know that this is true

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:17 PM

sorry but God supposely created all the situations that determine your destiny ...doesn't God create the storms that kill the flood that drown ...you have to include the forces of nature into the equation and supposely that is created by the grace of God ..and man at this point in time can't control

That's not true. The weather is a system that was created by God, God isn't in control of it at all times. The weather is a natural occurance. That isn't to say that God can't change the weather with just a thought, but I don't see any scriptural support for a belief that God is in control of the weather at all times. The system that is global weather was created by God and is kept running through God's power, but God isn't directing it, except in special circumstances.

Jess642's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:17 PM

Can you disprove it, Funches?

Oh lord, the Jess Dragon woke up...*hides behind couch* :tongue:

devil devil devil bigsmile laugh laugh

wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:19 PM


Only the individual can know what God,JHWH, has deposited into one's being, apart from God, JHWH, who is present as the Holy Spirit.

the indiviual may be delusional ..again this goes back to you answering the original question to prove this point ..can you


as we both know, that has been accomplished.

We now come to view a paradox or an impasse.

The paradox being that delusion is the sole consequence of one's own choices if in fact only viewable in reflection of another's sole consequence of another's choices. Neither of which is correctible in continued dialogue.

The impasse being that the delusional one must continue in search of deconstruction of delusions if so being that the delusion is in fact real and implied by another in the usurping of choices or the abrogation of those same choices.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:20 PM


Yes. That is true.

The gift of the Holy Spirit having been received is the one and only deetermining factor which predestinates a favorable position at the Judgement Of God, JHWH.

is that a fancy way of saying your-destiny is pre-determine


Yes and no.

Yes, it is a determinate destination of Supreme election for man to choose.

No, the position of one's destiny is suspect without the presence of the Holy Spirit within at the Judgement of God, JHWH.

so if the position of one's destiny is suspect...you again lessen the power of the God as not being an all knowing God ..how could a God "suspect" wouldn't a God "know"

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:20 PM

God knows everything that has, is or will happen.

now explain how do you know that this is true

Everything I know of God, I have read in the Bible. The Bible paints this picture clearly.

wouldee's photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:22 PM

The actions of others are consequential to our own choices.

the casinos call that gambling


And one is playing by the casino's rule as well on that one, Funches.

Not my concern what occurs in that regard.

That is up to the players of that game.

That was quite off topic for me.

That is not consequential to our conversation.

I'm not speaking with you in metaphors, only Biblical allegories.

and why is that off topic..you said the actions of others are consequencial to our own choices ..which means everything is a gamble..which means you may have made a good choice but because of the actions of another it becomes a bad choice



The gamble is of your own choice.

The metaphor is yours.

The responsibility for that metaphor is not incumbent upon the dialogue.

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:22 PM

Can you disprove it, Funches?

sorry Jess..it's not up to me to disprove your delusions it's up to you to provide proof that they aren't delusions

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:24 PM


Only the individual can know what God,JHWH, has deposited into one's being, apart from God, JHWH, who is present as the Holy Spirit.

the indiviual may be delusional ..again this goes back to you answering the original question to prove this point ..can you


as we both know, that has been accomplished.

sorry but you haven't answered it...you are instead trying to preach instead of answering the original question ...

no photo
Wed 12/05/07 04:25 PM

Can you disprove it, Funches?

Oh lord, the Jess Dragon woke up...*hides behind couch* :tongue:

don't worry she's harmless ..

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