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Topic: University students offended by cotton
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/23/17 02:08 PM

Ok so these ❄ want to be offended. What if the person, who made it was offended? Pr the home owner trying to have a noce dinner? I saw nothing about it beinng intentional. I guess the guests only have the right to be offended? NOPE

my biggest question to that is "why do they think anyone should care at what offends them?"... i certainly don't care what offends anyone...

True...until someone complains on social media and it could effect your job, etc

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 07:57 AM

I'm confused on how it's offensive. People bring flowers, plants and even sticks in for decorations all the time. It's not like a swastika or confederate flag was put on it. It actually fits with a rustic look and could look very nice.

african americans were slaves, slaves were forced to pick cotton from cotton stalks

cotton is decorative, unless you are a slave being tortured into picking it for someone elses benefit, or a descendant of the same,,,then it just may feel like an OFFENSIVE stereotype

like being white, invited to a black persons house for dinner, and having dolls in white sheets on the table

kkk were not the ONLY ones to wear white sheets, of course, but the association specifically with white guests, may feel like more than just a coincidental 'decoration'

IT WAS JUST A DECORATION! I am sure none of these students were slaves or picked cotton.

It is not like Jews being invited to dinner with swastikas there. Come on! If they are that offended, They better not wear or use cotton

and a nazi has swastikas JUST for 'decoration' too,, does that make them less offensive?

the choice was made to put cotton STALKS for the black guests

not to WEAR cotton

there is a big difference between the two,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 07:59 AM

african americans were slaves, slaves were forced to pick cotton from cotton stalks

cotton is decorative, unless you are a slave being tortured into picking it for someone elses benefit, or a descendant of the same,,,then it just may feel like an OFFENSIVE stereotype

like being white, invited to a black persons house for dinner, and having dolls in white sheets on the table

kkk were not the ONLY ones to wear white sheets, of course, but the association specifically with white guests, may feel like more than just a coincidental 'decoration'

Blacks WERE(200-150years ago) slaves, slaves WERE(200-150years ago) forced to pick cotton from cotton stalks

cotton is decorative (AND A PLANT), unless you WERE(200-150years ago...not a black person alive today has picked any cotton) a slave(200-150years ago) being tortured(NOT EVERY COTTON PICKER WAS TORTURED) into picking it for someone elses benefit, or a descendant of the same,,,then it just may feel like an OFFENSIVE stereotype

like being white, invited to a black persons house for dinner, and having dolls in white sheets on the table

kkk were not the ONLY ones to wear white sheets, of course, but the association specifically with white guests, may FEEL like more than just a coincidental 'decoration'

I guess when you let your "FEELINGS" take control with out any facts, people can come up with the dumbest things...

again, who cares about the time? Its legacy and symbolism

like our constitution which was written 200 years ago
or confederate flags which were created long ago
or the pledge of allegiance ...

it does not matter how OLD something was when it comes to the historical significance or symbolism it holds for people,,, lets stop pretending we dont understand this,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:03 AM

Ok so these ❄ want to be offended. What if the person, who made it was offended? Pr the home owner trying to have a noce dinner? I saw nothing about it beinng intentional. I guess the guests only have the right to be offended? NOPE

I am offended that they posted it on social media. Where is MY play doh!grumble

anyone else who was offended can post to social media about it too,,,

anyone has a 'right' to be offended and freely speak about it too ...

they did not ask for play doh, they shared their feelings as people here are doing...

it was as INTENTIONAL as the choice of dinner, when one has GUESTS the decoration and food choice usually are , by manner of planning, INTENTIONAL:

the day before NO COTTON STALKS,,the day after most likely NO COTTON STALKS, ,, then its intentionally set for the day and the guests,,,,

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:09 AM
I had a friend over for dinner last night so happens that he's Jewish . No, no we didn't eat him, he joined us. really have to be careful what I say these days!
Anyway, I played it safe. The table was was bare, well, he stormed out saying he was offended! By what I asked? By the empty table he replied, it reminded him of when the nazis stole everything and his parents had an empty table slaphead
Sometimes you just can't win!

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:13 AM
bare tables are not historically tied to JEWISH peoples oppression,, but the effort at comedy is noted ...

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:20 AM

bare tables are not historically tied to JEWISH peoples oppression,, but the effort at comedy is noted ...

Oh, but you don't know what offends them for sure!
And to be frank, if you asked 100 people what the decoration was made from you wouldn't get 100 correct answers.
Same as asking kids where eggs or milk comes from. many don't have a clue laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:30 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/24/17 08:31 AM

bare tables are not historically tied to JEWISH peoples oppression,, but the effort at comedy is noted ...

Oh, but you don't know what offends them for sure!
And to be frank, if you asked 100 people what the decoration was made from you wouldn't get 100 correct answers.
Same as asking kids where eggs or milk comes from. many don't have a clue laugh

we know nothing for sure Mikey, but there is something called an EDUCATED guess

we can guess a swastika might offend a jewish person, even though we cant know EVERY jewish person will be offended

we can guess americans might be offended at someone displaying a flag improperly, or not putting their hand over their heart during the banner or pledge
though we cant know EVERY american will be offended

,,,, getting the point yet?

its not how long ago something happened
or about knowing for sure what offends everyone

its about aknowledging these historical/symbolic connections WHEN someone assures that they did in fact offend them

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:36 AM
When I go to Thanksgiving I expect turkey and stuffing. If there is ham I'm like WTF its not Easter! I think they were probably trying to keep things "traditional". It would be weird to serve sushi and rice unless that was mentioned ahead of time. What seems more offensive to me is that they had "Latino"night, then they had "African American" night. Why do we need "special" nights for different cultures? Did they also have a "whites only night"? I mean we have to keep things equal on all levels right? What was the center piece on "Asian" night? Things like minority quota's and the African American college fund are set to give others advantages that do not apply to all people, isn't that considered offensive?

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:40 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/24/17 08:42 AM

When I go to Thanksgiving I expect turkey and stuffing. If there is ham I'm like WTF its not Easter! I think they were probably trying to keep things "traditional". It would be weird to serve sushi and rice unless that was mentioned ahead of time. What seems more offensive to me is that they had "Latino"night, then they had "African American" night. Why do we need "special" nights for different cultures? Did they also have a "whites only night"? I mean we have to keep things equal on all levels right? What was the center piece on "Asian" night? Things like minority quota's and the African American college fund are set to give others advantages that do not apply to all people, isn't that considered offensive?

actually, quotas on colleges are illegal unless imposed by a judge after PROVEN discrimination

and likewise, the UNCF is set up to give others 'equal opportunities' , not 'advantages that do not apply to all people'

the only time a MINORTY has advantage is in an apartheid state

otherwise, by definition, they are at a disadvantage and have to work to be represented in the population where the MAJORITY is the 'norm'

so , this person had those groups who are in MINORITY at their campus to discuss how to better serve them or include them in the 'norm'

there would be no reason to do the same with those who are already the MAJORITY being served (whites)

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:42 AM
Then surely an "educated" person would see it as a table decoration?
I'm watching an old black and white film at the moment, called the dambusters, made in 1954 about the royal air force bombing the dams in Germany. so, the lead guy has a black labrador and its name is the n word. yes offencive these days but not back then. This is a true story, should it be changed or told as it was?
It's not a nice word I agree and it wouldn't be used these days.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:44 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 09/24/17 08:48 AM

Then surely an "educated" person would see it as a table decoration?
I'm watching an old black and white film at the moment, called the dambusters, made in 1954 about the royal air force bombing the dams in Germany. so, the lead guy has a black labrador and its name is the n word. yes offencive these days but not back then. This is a true story, should it be changed or told as it was?
It's not a nice word I agree and it wouldn't be used these days.

mikey, this is really beating a dead horse isnt it?

no, an EDUCATED person could see it as a decoration or as a decoration SPECIFICALLY and perhaps ignorantly chosen for its african american guests,,,

if it wasnt offensive, why dodge the question when being addressed, if it was simply 'decoration', why not say that instead of joking away someones offense

the reaction was improper and dismissive, and the instagram post may have been avoided if the response has been better handled

I dont know what your movie has to do with this discussion, but if its a historically based film then it should of course be told how hit happened.

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:48 AM

Then surely an "educated" person would see it as a table decoration?
I'm watching an old black and white film at the moment, called the dambusters, made in 1954 about the royal air force bombing the dams in Germany. so, the lead guy has a black labrador and its name is the n word. yes offencive these days but not back then. This is a true story, should it be changed or told as it was?
It's not a nice word I agree and it wouldn't be used these days.

mikey, this is really beating a dead horse isnt it?

no, an EDUCATED person could see it as a decoration or as a decoration SPECIFICALLY and perhaps ignorantly chosen for its african american guests,,,

I dont know what your movie has to do with this discussion, but if its a historically based film then it should of course be told how hit happened.

It is a dead horse but don't tell horse lovers or we'll be in the poo with them lol.
As for the movie, I just tried to give another example of how things were. I still think you'd struggle to get 70 % of people who know what the decoration is.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:49 AM

Then surely an "educated" person would see it as a table decoration?
I'm watching an old black and white film at the moment, called the dambusters, made in 1954 about the royal air force bombing the dams in Germany. so, the lead guy has a black labrador and its name is the n word. yes offencive these days but not back then. This is a true story, should it be changed or told as it was?
It's not a nice word I agree and it wouldn't be used these days.

mikey, this is really beating a dead horse isnt it?

no, an EDUCATED person could see it as a decoration or as a decoration SPECIFICALLY and perhaps ignorantly chosen for its african american guests,,,

I dont know what your movie has to do with this discussion, but if its a historically based film then it should of course be told how hit happened.

It is a dead horse but don't tell horse lovers or we'll be in the poo with them lol.
As for the movie, I just tried to give another example of how things were. I still think you'd struggle to get 70 % of people who know what the decoration is.

perhaps, but I dont think there is any struggle with the people who CHOSE it for AFRICAN AMERICAN guests ...

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 08:58 AM
So, to sum up the thread, in your opinion, they did it on purpose?

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:04 AM

So, to sum up the thread, in your opinion, they did it on purpose?


be offensive


set their table and prepare their meals according to their guest?

offensiveness may or may not have been 'on purpose'

choice of table setting and meal was definitely 'on purpose'

no photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:11 AM
Thought that was what it was all about!
See if you just gave people dinner on a tray they wouldn't have this trouble laugh
When I come back in the afterlife I've asked to be a table cloth, they get laid 3 times a day and pulled off at the end of the night laugh
Now I'm having second thoughts, it might offend laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:18 AM

Thought that was what it was all about!
See if you just gave people dinner on a tray they wouldn't have this trouble laugh
When I come back in the afterlife I've asked to be a table cloth, they get laid 3 times a day and pulled off at the end of the night laugh
Now I'm having second thoughts, it might offend laugh

now thats a funny joke,,(The table cloth joke)


no photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:23 AM
At last rofl
Just run this story past you on the news here earlier. A church, was rented out for a fashion show. ok, not to bad a way to get some cash. but the people holding the show had some girls dressed up as devil's, and some with the star of David logo on there faces for no apparent reason? That to me is a case of "why would you do that "

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:30 AM

Then surely an "educated" person would see it as a table decoration?
I'm watching an old black and white film at the moment, called the dambusters, made in 1954 about the royal air force bombing the dams in Germany. so, the lead guy has a black labrador and its name is the n word. yes offencive these days but not back then. This is a true story, should it be changed or told as it was?
It's not a nice word I agree and it wouldn't be used these days.

Well someday noone will own pets because that takes the freedom of animals away. The circus as we know it is already done for and the zoos are feeling the pressure too. I bring this up because slaves were similar to pets back in the day. They were expected to do what their owners wanted them to do, and were disciplined when they didn't. We have to remember that not everyone owned slaves. In the US it was only allowed in the south, the few that owned plantations had them, some wealthy families had some as servants, and a few farms that wouldn't be considered plantations had them. Like pet most were taken care of as such, it was to the owners advantage to take care of them. However like pets a few people choose to abuse them in an effort to get them to do as they wanted. The mostly white people of the north United States decided it was not right for people to own these people, thus the civil war which freed these people. The owners were upset because of their financial loss, and most of the slaves were now homeless and unemployed so they ended up going to work for the people that owned them. The Confederates (the south) was upset by losing their territory as they did not want to become part of the union, so the Confederate Flag isn't directly a "slave" thing, but more of a territory thing that has become to mean different things to different people. So in the end white people brought the slaves to the US. White people freed them from slavery. White people employed those of them that wanted to be employed. There for all white people are responsible for all bad things with the exception of those white people who also have at least some black in them (aka Barak Obama) who seem to ignore their "bad heritage" so they can go look at me, I'm a victim, oh poor me.

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