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Topic: do you think dwayne chapman is a racist...
OpenMindOpenHeart's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:12 PM
was=race sorry for typo

lulu24's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:13 PM
"This may be a little bit off the topic of Dog but within the same thought- Why is it that everyones first defense to not being a racist is "I have friends that are black."? We all know that there is a big difference between being an aquaintance with someone that you may be ok with sharing a meal or conversation with and actually have that someone live in your home with you or date/marry or have children with someone in your own family."

thank you for saying that...

OpenMindOpenHeart's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:15 PM
You are quite welcome lulu24. I don't always talk. I listen and observe as well.

lulu24's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:19 PM
i'm not on here much anymore...but what you said is VERY profound and true. the same people who claim to not be "racist" certainly notice the difference in color...or they wouldn't have to point that out in the first place. their families all share the same trait, the same hue...

when someone feels the need to defend their lack of "racism", i automatically mentally chuck them up as being such. actions, not words, define the person.

race is a social construct, it doesn't exist. biologically, we're all human.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:23 PM
Open, you are so right about the statement of "I am not racist I have black friends." I have heard it many times myself and it is a cop out. And the definition of friend needs to be clarified with them. It is not someone you have over your house daily or spend holidays with. I have been blessed with a whole "nuther family myself, they take me in and give me the love and support of a true family. I am one of them as far as they are concerned. It gives me a view of black folks many whites will never have, one of love.

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:46 PM
This whole thing is just another example of how the press in the US (especially the tabloids) brings up sensationalism and alarmism for the almighty dollar.

Yes, he was racist. There are a lot of people out there like that which use bad language. But this whole episode, airtime, and public discussion would be better served by covering real acts of serious racism, or even better, real acts of reconcilliation going on in the world.

What this is all really about is 1. money, 2. fame and 3. sensationalism... and WAY in last place: 4. Racist language.

I really hate the press in the US.

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:07 PM
OpenMindOpenHeartflowerforyou (great name,BTW),

You make a great point. One thing I would like to point out, however, is when you said the people who get away with saying what they want make a lot of money. I assume you're referring to my mentioning Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. And you're right--they DO make a lot more than average Americans. But so do Don Imus and Dwayne Chapman. Their money didn't get them out of what they said. And that's the point I've been trying to make to everyone all along.

As far as who holds the purse strings in this country, it sure isn't melaugh ! Matter of fact, I often find myself at odds with those "rich old white men" more than anyone else. Check out any of my posts in "Current Events" for proof of that.

OpenMindOpenHeart's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:12 PM
flowerforyou knoxman

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:14 PM
just to say--i'm not crazy of this show-anyway---smokin

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:20 PM
I come from a family that used that word all the time, to me it has no meaning. Maybe its a common thing said in his house, and it holds no meaning either. Rappers say it all the time and nobody rises an eyebrow (then again rappers are stupid anyway).

Totage's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:31 PM
To me racism is the beleive that one is superior simply because of their race, and that all other races are inferior. It's not about hatred of other races or racist names.

no photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:04 AM
I call myself a "coconut" because I came from one of the polynesian islands in the South Pacific. Most Aussies, New Zelanders and all the South Pacific people would know what I mean. It's nothing and we make fun of each other for the fun part. But, if anyone use it to hurt me I might retaliate and show them my "Once Were Warriors" look hahaha. Yes, we make fun of each other even if you are white but all in for fun.

I must say, I don't like the "n" word....I don't like 4 letter "c" word too.

no photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:19 AM
mementoman - I think it is those that abuse it and use it to hurt why it is not cool and it is nothing to do with being white. I have tough white mates, oh calling them "white" some might correct me to use the politically correct term caucasian, well it doesn't matter they are still white...lol We know our limits and understand it some would take it the wrong way

mementoman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:45 AM
Quite frankly us whites cant even open our mouths today without being branded racist,over here in England we cant say BLACKBOARD any more coz thats racist its CHALKBOARD pubs that are called the BLACK swan etc are being encouraged to change the name,for gos sake we cant even fly our own flag (st george) without BLACKS and ASIANS telling us we the devil race .Well ive had enough of it IM WHITE AND IM PROUD.Tuff titty if no one like what ive said:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

mementoman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 03:45 AM
Sin39...I know i agree but i have never been racist to anyone, but i have experienced racism in bradford and leeds in England coz im white,??? we are not the devil race and im not a slave master so why do the black community of England keep telling the prime minister to oppolagize for the slave trade ??? No white person in England alive today had anything to do with it? So why should we,i feel guilty?? Im ashamed of the British Empire, but not England...noway noway

no photo
Sun 11/04/07 12:12 PM
I don't know if the bounty hunter is racist or not, but for him to say anything of that nature, makes me wonder about his character.

Also, it is true that rappers say the "n" word, but just because a small part of African -American culture does this, doesn't make it socially acceptable in my book.

If you have never experienced racism, then you wouldn't know what it feels like to be called the "n" word.

I have experienced it while fearing for my life.

To be hated because of your skin color, religious background, and the like is just plain and simply wrong.

Racism comes from people not wanting to learn about other cultures, religions, backgrounds, etc.

Until people stop fearing the unknown lives of others, racism will live on...

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