Community > Posts By > mementoman
am I here?
ARE U HERE???????? well what a stopper,U ****ING TIT?????? AM I HERE ??? I WISH U WERENT<U TWAT
hard times.........
I am been on a lot longer than you???,,,,,,,,,oh my god you cant even spell english u stupid yank,,,dont you mean i have been on here a lot longer than you????? go eat a ****ing donut or corndog u stupid yank....or go start a war you cant and wont win,,,like usuall
hard times.........
Well i give u some advice...DONT BE SO ****ING MORBID<<<<HOW THE HELL DO U EXPECT A RESPONSE>>>>>>ARE U CRAZY?????
1 Wish
not any wonder u ugly twat
new girl in town
New in town????? What town...thats the lamest intro ive ever heard for a women...if u said u want to talk and meet people then thats the way im a wanker and im not
Racism works both ways...
God bless a thick nation,who thinks europe is a
Racism works both ways...
I think we are all racist in some way,but certain races are deemed more racist than others,,,sad but true.
Racism works both ways...
Racism,just like women nagging is here to stay and talking about it does
Racism works both ways...
Of couse its an issue ita always an issue and our very existance boils down to how interact with different races
Racism works both ways...
yes it does and the colour of his skin dosnt mean a thing,he was there for for you and thats what counts,,,your mum should be ashamed of herself
Racism works both ways...
sorry to hear that are you happy with this person???
Racism works both ways...
Black White and Asian whats yor views??
Tim Burton
cant wait to see sweeny todd though
Tim Burton
he always uses jonny depp and his wife helena thats the only annoying thing about most of his recent films
Tim Burton
Snap i love tim burton films and a nightmare before christmas is one of my fav,,,i even have the pumpkin king slippers,,lol
Everyone especialy the courts always favuor the women.....just coz she gave birth to the child dosent mean that a guy dosent feel any less and women alway put on the crocodile tears for the judge to sway the decision...women are just devious and cunning i fu****g hate my life ,,,she is my flesh and blood just as much as she is her's...
I will do
My whole life has been an up hill battle mate,and this is one less thing i caould be doing without in my life,,,but its also the one thing in my life that means anything to me,,,MY KID..
No im not its the truth,,,87% of women get custody here so of course im worried
UWANNA thanks for the advice mate,,,ive taken on board what u said ....keep it cool,,,,got it..