Topic: Questions to the Other Gender - The Things You really Wonder | |
I usually say hello to a woman by calling her, Sexy, Love or *****, sometimes 2 or 3 together
I'm with you Butribu...personally only care that I'm the only one my significant other is with. very best and simple answer thanks Scooby (hope you dont mind me calling u 'Scooby') for the very best answer. Don't mind at all...that's my nickname. |
he is also rude
keep away. |
max's photo make me scared :S Be very afraid. |
I usually say hello to a woman by calling her, Sexy, Love or *****, sometimes 2 or 3 together DON'T !! lol |
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet.
Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. |
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet. Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. Personally, I like to window shop. But usually I either can't afford it. Or don't need it right now. But sometimes something I didn't know I wanted, I found out I needed. |
Interesting thread. Sipping coffee and thinking of answers.
My Shoes and purses. Easier to buy than clothes where the room is the size of a small poorly lit closet to try them on and you figure someone is watching. Often shoes are still expected to match the outfit and be trendy. Lot of men have shoe fetishes. I am not inclined to accomodate but when I was in a wheelchair it was common for me to wear heels to not appear asexual. I think women generally wear heels to accomodate competeing or being social with other women but it can also be a power play where a shorter woman wants to appear taller and less child like. I see many women "gain" anywhere from 2" to 6" by their shoes. And shoes are cheaper/quicker than other small rewards we try to grant ourselves occassionally. You can find cheap shoes everywhere. Men rarely know the cheap ones from the expensive ones. Why we don't wear many of our shoes? Because they are poorly made, uncomfortable, and most of the time the places appropriate to wear them guys rarely want to go. How often do men really can or want to spring for a nice date night? Or give you notice when one is coming up. Most of my shoes are still for going to some thing with the gals. It is dangerous or at least silly to try to walk in the park or even most parking lots in heels or many of the "cute" shoes. Sad to say we have to think about self defense in far to many settings. If we give them away you complain too. Some have sentimental value. I have my graduation heels, wedding shoes, ect.. When I find a favorite pair it is easier to wear them. They are usually parked by the door so I can slip them on and go. If I have to go through digging into the closet or running into the other room while you got dressed in ten minutes in my underwear/pantyhose which often gets "you" reved up we may never get there. On the purse thing I usually have all the things I need in the main one so it is another step to transfer stuff in. It is sturdier and easier than the pretty ones I carry when I have protection and a guy along that is carrying the protection or cash. Some purses are status symbols in the work place and when we are trying to impress a boss or your Mother/Sister or out do your Exwife we carry one versus another that is more functional. Like you don't have staus symbols. lol Or buy them for us to peeve and Ex. Yea right. Even better if it is big enough to sneak sodas into an over priced movie theater or carry other essentials for you like medications. Now I am older/more affluent each one I have to match an outfit has the essentials but it still comes down to having to switch over the phone and cards. His shoes I rarely notice unles they are radically inappropriate to the setting or I am sizeing someone up. So the dateing situation kind of skews the response. If I am not checking out your over all appearance you can assume you have been friend zoned or I am being polite through the one and only date. If you haven't "shined"/showered/shaved I figure you were inches away from chickening out or don't really care about the date either. Or still stuck int he married slob stage and I don't want to fix you up. It is amazeing how men are rarely able to adapt away from the standard day to day dress. And don't have the wardrobe basics. I think I could count on one hand the number of men I know that own a Tux and the accessories to go with it much less "formal" shoes. Or for that matter serious survival shoes to do serious labor if they are and "office" guy type. If a mans shoes are gross and smelly that I will notice because I am used to being around military where the standard is generally higher even for "work" shoes. And more masculine. I was shocked when I hit the civilian world, especially here in California, and I saw guys wearing flip flops and sandles that I thought maybe they got out of their sisters closet. I like western wear but the Rhinestone cowboy look always made me laugh. Still usually shoes are a dead give way if a guy is a player. Or married. Or batting for both teams. Or as we get older have health issues they actually take care of. It is funny to say I am impressed by sensible shoes but then I don't want to have to be the chronic caregiver for someone who has not idea about self care so that has started to get some attention. Less than incredible "under" wear. While this rarely goes both ways I have seen guys that obviously have underwear that looks like it has been bought by their kids (cartoon boxers yesh) or three ex-wives ago. Tiddy-whites guys? Give me a break. That is kind of like Grandma panties. Commando is just gross. Same story as shoes though. Good undergarments that are pretty, fit, are washable, and are comfortable are very rare. And VERY expensive. Partially because the females body is fluid in size and shape, rarely comforms to mass production semetrical standards, and most under garments are not designed to accomodate real body movements. Tops that don't match bottoms are usually because the bottoms are incredibly disposable and lower quality. Designed for one and done. And less be real you fellas are not exactly delicate about getting the panties off. You like matching "stuff" the do less damage to the bottom half or buy a spare. Usually the only time a man is willing to subsidize the cost is if he gets to take it off of the gal. Men rarely want to pay for support bras or even nurseing bras so the female body takes a lot of wear and tear. Why women say whatever? Because it is less "masculine" than dropping the F-bomb that then can occassionally get you punched in the face because you have stepped out of the protected feminine relm. And it is better than just continueing to listen to a circular arguement. Or whineing. Or outright lying. The handwaving thing I don't know. I think that is picked up off of TV but I don't do it. I might turn away from some one if I did not feel threatened but I am upset I do not want to be touched. I always considered it a fake drama mamma move. Maybe it is an effort to fan yourself to cool off or self distract but I still lean toward it being drama. Kind of like the drop the hankie move. I rarely cry either. Another drama move. And I rarely say the OMG thing. I figure God has very little to do with the kind of things that generate the response in most people. The whole eyes glazed over when you talk to men I kind of think that is a conditioned response. If they honestly tell you they are bored by a conversation they don't want to follow they don't get laid for a couple days or more. If you are getting eye contact they are still distracted by what is in their perifial vision which is going to be your "boobs". Or other distracting body parts. Women tend to wave their hands around a lot when talking. Or jewelery. Or hair. It is really kind of comical to watch and I think a lot of times it is just trying not to get smacked. It can be they are just tired too. If you catch them when they just first walk in the door or are eating they are not going to listen. If you slip into the Qween of the Castle conversation they have already delegated the answer to you. If you start talking to them like the kids or the dog they can't exactly respond the same way so you get the lost in space look. The hey Sexy and Dear Sweetie lingo Is really hard for me to stomache. It is like falling on their own sword 999% of the time. And I really do not want to bother even telling the ones that do it. I think it is another TV or parent generated response and might, I say might, be an attempt to get your attention even seem less threatening at least on the later two but it is hugely condescending when used too early and you know it means nothing. When someone starts off with the Babe, dear, sweetie things I just gringe because I feel like I am the replacement girlfriend for whom ever dumped them or died on them. Want to connect with me say my name even if you have to use my screen name, or ask if you can have a first name to address me by but affection is one thing that you can not fake it to make it. And I am not going to respond well to you book marking me with a nickname. I am no fool. I get that men get responses from more than one person on line just like women do. If I even get a whiff of thinking you are "playing" multiple ladies my interest wilts. Script questions that start with enderments just screem scammer or player. Sure it is ok to talk to me while you are talking to other ladies in the discovery stage that is just normal on line dating "sifting" but you use endearments before we even meet? Come on. Asking about previous sexual relationships At my age you are and idiot if you think I am some kind of Virginal specimin. I have kids that did not fall off a turnip truck. lol And if you are married very long, especially in the USA you have at least some kind of sexual experience. Maybe you saw it on media, bought a book, ask a girlfriend, or actually did it but it is hardly conversation fodder in my mind to tell you how my skills set developed when what you really want is for me to use them with you. Am I telling any future mate the details? I may not be and expert on men but I know dang well that is a can of worms that will do nothing to benefit the relationship to know specifics. On either side of the aisle. I don't like to be compared; and I know men are competiative, but they are going to believe only what they want to believe so "sharing" is one of those "no good deed goes unpunished" deals. Guys who have to hear all the "details" get noved to the neurotic and pervert zone and don't get any. In todays world I get asking the techinical are you healthy and even wanting it verified; that is pretty much survival but if you think you have to ask me that you really do not know me well enough to find out. For the record guys; Sorry; your junk is not that different than all the other junk. Being a nurse and a caregiver has verified that if not just the personal esperience. Despite what the prostitues or someone wanting to impress you tell you our lady parts (if they are in any reasonable condition) are a "universal " fitting mechanism and it really doesn't matter if you get the "mood" setting timing right. I can't speak for others but I pretty much know from about the first date if a guy is NOT EVER getting in my britches eventually. But if you are so vague you can't figure that out; you are not. Unlike many I don't waste my time, which is alot more valyable than whatever you can offer as a date, but I am often surprised at the guys who think they can redeem themselves from what for me is a final decision. I have never got the just chase until you win her over concept. Does a woman (this woman) no mean no? Yes. I may try to be kind about it and hint that you are just not my cup of tea with out shredding your dignity but I don't do the "jump through hoops" I might change my mind thing. I am of the opinion that if a person is putting you or themselves trough a series of tests to decide wheather it is a match you should pick up your marbles from the sand and move on. Do I take my time to get to know someone? Sure. Unless you are going to make datieing on or off line and inquistion it takes time to get to know someone well enough to say yes. I have a pretty good "picker" and yes I have criteria and boundries that if you mess up the yes goes to no but I start out that the yes is going to eventually be on the table or I am not going out with you in the first place. That DOES NOT mean that every guy I do not go out with is somehow massively defective. I just have certain preferences and if you are not even in the ball park why rip you off. I know that there are plenty of women that will consider many of the guys I pass up all that and a bag of chips. When I had more single lady friends it was not uncommon for me to point someone in a friends direction but I really get tired of the whole switching back and forth between married and single cliques and I am probably single as long as I have been because I often date the happily single. I am not sure it that is the odds are good as you get older that someone is single or the goods are odd but I know I am a unique and maybe acquired taste. lol If you have this many thoughts on why you think people do things you probably have gotten very comfortable watching the world go bye in your "mature" world where very little is that much of a nystery. |
Edited by
Sun 04/17/16 12:49 PM
Guys, do you really want to know how many boyfriends your girl had before you? i have been asked this question many times. lately a Turkish guy asked, i said 3 lately and he went OMG (he thought that was too many) i said, "cool down, worse is coming.. i was joking, of course i had many more than that, i am not a nun:/" so is it really worth knowing? for the case the same question comes from the guys, my answer is: i feel no interest in knowing how many girlfriends my man had before me. I think they just want to confirm that the woman is not a slut even if the woman or a man is a slut, even if she/he is a prostitute or a gigolo, there is always someone to put that person in to right.. that should not be a criteria. I agree with you as usual. I was just explaining what the man's reason might be. This was discussed in a thread a few months ago and some of the men were concerned about the woman having a bad sexual reputation |
I think a persons attitude towards sex is important, it would be to me
perhaps the shortcut to figuring that out is knowing how many sexual partners one tends to have in a given period |
we have a short attention span, after that time is up, we go back to thinking about sex, that's about how long it lasts
I don't need to know how many men ya slept with, as soon as I put mine in I can tell if ya been around the block, but that don't matter in a true relationship
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet. Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. we like shopping kitchen shopping - i guess this is about our motherish side. we like keeping our kitchen full with food for our kids, bf, husbands.. clothes shopping and SHOES!! - that is not for you. i like being stared as i wear good lol |
Interesting thread. Sipping coffee and thinking of answers. |
Guys, do you really want to know how many boyfriends your girl had before you? i have been asked this question many times. lately a Turkish guy asked, i said 3 lately and he went OMG (he thought that was too many) i said, "cool down, worse is coming.. i was joking, of course i had many more than that, i am not a nun:/" so is it really worth knowing? for the case the same question comes from the guys, my answer is: i feel no interest in knowing how many girlfriends my man had before me. I think they just want to confirm that the woman is not a slut even if the woman or a man is a slut, even if she/he is a prostitute or a gigolo, there is always someone to put that person in to right.. that should not be a criteria. I agree with you as usual. I was just explaining what the man's reason might be. This was discussed in a thread a few months ago and some of the men were concerned about the woman having a bad sexual reputation is there going to be ONE time we disagree lol |
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet. Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. Personally, I like to window shop. But usually I either can't afford it. Or don't need it right now. But sometimes something I didn't know I wanted, I found out I needed. Some of the most enjoyable dates I've been on have included shopping at the mall together at some point during the date. Especially since I'm the same when it comes to over-doing it on the clothes shopping (during colder weather) You can learn some things about people by paying close attention to what catches their eye and how they make the decisions on what they choose to leave with. When it comes to clothing etc... women have a ton more choices than we do with the types of things made for them to wear. Maybe for a woman who likes to feel attractive, it's an exciting endeavor to have so many choices and to look many different ways.....but that's just what I'm thinking. |
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet. Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. Personally, I like to window shop. But usually I either can't afford it. Or don't need it right now. But sometimes something I didn't know I wanted, I found out I needed. Some of the most enjoyable dates I've been on have included shopping at the mall together at some point during the date. Especially since I'm the same when it comes to over-doing it on the clothes shopping (during colder weather) You can learn some things about people by paying close attention to what catches their eye and how they make the decisions on what they choose to leave with. When it comes to clothing etc... women have a ton more choices than we do with the types of things made for them to wear. Maybe for a woman who likes to feel attractive, it's an exciting endeavor to have so many choices and to look many different ways.....but that's just what I'm thinking. Yes, I agree with you. Shopping in a mall during winter months, whether just window shopping or buying stuffs, is enjoyable and you get to know each other's likes and dislikes. Most men don't like shopping, but most women do. But if you enjoy each other's company, just walking hand in hand in the mall sipping coffee, is a good date. |
Has anyone mentioned shopping on here yet. Most women I know like to shop, I think. Most Men I know don't, I think. I've never done a survey by the way Or is it just a perception. Not a rude question either, I just wondered what it is about shopping that some women seem to like. Not all women like to shop.. I can be in and out of a store quicker than most men.. Clothes shopping I hate to do that.. Shoe shopping now that one will get me in trouble only if I am in the mood. I have been with men that have to go up and down every damn aisle in a store and Lord help us if we go to a mall.. |
I love shopping , but as an act of kindness to the men in my life, I never invite them to shop with me. Im not in favor of trying to force a man into doing anything he doesnt want to do,
What are your feelings about tatoos and unusual piercings on a woman like her nose, lip or tongue? At what point do you consider them excessive? And how do you feel about large tatoos on women after the age of 50? |