Topic: happy Easter to everyone ....
no1phD's photo
Sat 04/25/15 08:54 AM
you guys just killed the Easter Bunny didn't you.....?... and now you're just arguing about what to do with the body...lmao

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 08:55 AM
we call passover "paskua"

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 09:12 AM
OK thank you. I guess google doesn't know everything after all.drinker

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 09:14 AM

you guys just killed the Easter Bunny didn't you.....?... and now you're just arguing about what to do with the body...lmao

Not to worry! Those little eggs behind the Easter bunny weren't chocolate anyway.laugh

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 09:45 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Sat 04/25/15 10:18 AM
i remember from what i read in the book of John, that Christ is the word of God made flesh.

that all things were made through him (which makes sense because God created everything by the words that he uttered "let there be...")

the word of God(ie. Jesus) was sent to us in order that those who believed in him may be counted also as children of God...regardless Gentile or Jew... resulting in redemption thru faith and grace and not exclusively by law...

he said that "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."no one has seen God, but since Jesus is the literal Word of God made flesh, hence, by looking upon him, to see the works of christ and what it stood for... is like seeing who God is already as if you are seeing God. but it does not mean that they are one and the same.

when jesus died, he had accomplished what he was sent here to conquer death, to conquer worldliness...thru his resurrection. and that is the message of his entire ministry...for us to live by the spirit and not of the flesh... and in doing so thru faith, have a place in the kingdom of God... hence we celebrate this significance of "easter" or the Sunday of his resurrection...

when he suffered and died, he prayed to the Father and asked that we be forgiven, by the Father... which shows that they are two separate beings...if they are one and the same...then he could've just said...i forgive you all... why have to plead from the Father..?

even after death, he resurrected and sat at the right hand of the Father... which shows that they remain to be separate... he did not sit in equality to the Father, but as the right hand...again as having been given authority by the Father over all of creation...but still, he is not equal to God for his power was conferred to him by God...

all up to the end of times, it is said that he was given authority over the heaven and earth, over both living and dead... but he also says that not even he knows when everything will end, that only God knows, not even the son knows when it will be....which also proves that he is not the same as God, who is the sole authority on the matter...

christ said that he will send a helper (the Spirit of truth) in order to help the apostles and disciples... that this spirit comes from the Father...this also indicates that Jesus, God and the Spirit are separate entities...

the first commandment states that there shall be no other God besides not even Christ can have the title of being equal to God...much less be the same as God...

i cannot believe that jesus and God is one and the same because if they are, then that means he is just talking with himself ...and everything that he has preached about the nature of God and the manner to which we are to be saved, will just contradict itself...which is not acceptable...for i do not believe he will deceive us in such a manner...

jesus even says that if one speaks against him, he can be forgiven...but if one sins against the holy spirit, he shall not be forgiven....which also means that they are not one and the same...neither are they of equal standing...

i cannot also accept that the spirit of holiness sent to help us is the same as God, who is nothing less than the Utmost Highest Divinity. it is the spirit of holiness that assist us... to overcome the flesh... how can we presume that it is the same as God... it may have come from him, in order to help us to reach him through Christ...but it can never be the same and equal with him...

idk...this is how i understand things...simple as... i am familiar with the trinity doctrine...but i find the explanation to be contradictory to what is written in the bible...

they may act in oneness of purpose...but they cannot be one and the same...and they do not have the same ranking....hence, are not equal to each other...

and yes...slaphead easter is over...but the discussion on the nature of God and the purpose of Christ's resurrection is always a matter of import for those who are searching for truth...

so good thing this thread is in general religion chat and not well wishes..smile2

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/25/15 10:18 AM

i remember from what i read in the book of John, that Christ is the word of God made flesh.

that all things were made through him (which makes sense because God created everything by the words that he uttered "let there be...")

the word of God(ie. Jesus) was sent to us in order that those who believed in him may be counted also as children of God...regardless Gentile or Jew... resulting in redemption thru faith and grace and not exclusively by law...

he said that "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."no one has seen God, but since Jesus is the literal Word of God made flesh, hence, by looking upon him, to see the works of christ and what it stood for... is like seeing who God is already as if you are seeing God. but it does not mean that they are one and the same.

when jesus died, he had accomplished what he was sent here to conquer death, to conquer worldliness...thru his resurrection. and that is the message of his entire ministry...for us to live by the spirit and not of the flesh... and in doing so thru faith, have a place in the kingdom of God... hence we celebrate this significance of "easter" or the Sunday of his resurrection...

when he suffered and died, he prayed to the Father and asked that we be forgiven, by the Father... which shows that they are two separate beings...if they are one and the same...then he could've just said...i forgive you all... why have to plead from the Father..?

even after death, he resurrected and sat at the right hand of the Father... which shows that they remain to be separate... he did not sit in equality to the Father, but as the right hand...again as having been given authority by the Father over all of creation...but still, he is not equal to God for his power was conferred to him by God...

all up to the end of times, it is said that he was given authority over the heaven and earth, over both living and dead... but he also says that not even he knows when everything will end, that only God knows, not even the son knows when it will be....which also proves that he is not the same as God, who is the sole authority on the matter...

christ said that he will send a helper (the Spirit of truth) in order to help the apostles and disciples... that this spirit comes from the Father...this also indicates that Jesus, God and the Spirit are separate entities...

the first commandment states that there shall be no other God besides not even Christ can have the title of being equal to God...much less be the same as God...

i cannot believe that jesus and God is one and the same because if they are, then that means he is just talking with himself ...and everything that he has preached about the nature of God and the manner to which we are to be saved, will just contradict itself...which is not acceptable...for i do not believe he will deceive us in such a manner...

jesus even says that if one speaks against him, he can be forgiven...but if one sins against the holy spirit, he shall not be forgiven....which also means that they are not one and the same...neither are they of equal standing...

i cannot also accept that the spirit of holiness sent to help us is the same as God, who is nothing less than the Utmost Highest Divinity. it is the spirit of holiness that assist us... to overcome the flesh... how can we presume that it is the same as God... it may have come from him, in order to help us to reach him through Christ...but it can never be the same and equal with him...

idk...this is how i understand things...simple as... i am familiar with the trinity doctrine...but i find the explanation to be contradictory to what is written in the bible...

they may act in oneness of purpose...but they cannot be one and the same...and they do not have the same ranking....hence, are not equal to each other...

he said that "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."no one has seen God, but since Jesus is the literal Word of God made flesh, hence, by looking upon him, to see the works of christ and what it stood for... is like seeing who God is already as if you are seeing God. but it does not mean that they are one and the same.

John 14:9

9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

John 10:30

30 I and my Father are one.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/25/15 10:19 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 04/25/15 10:22 AM

Pentecost, I know but Pasqua? I googled it and still don't know. Bitter herbs or something? what is it?

With a Capital its Easter,and Lower Case its Passover!

But I still hope you all get finished before Whitsunday!laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/25/15 10:25 AM

Pentecost, I know but Pasqua? I googled it and still don't know. Bitter herbs or something? what is it?

With a Capital its Easter,and Lower Case its Passover!

But I still hope you all get finished before Whitsunday!laugh

Easter is passover, there is no difference between the two. It's a celebration of our Lords resurrection, "pasch".

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 11:54 AM
Well, Cowboy GH...

The Jewish Community has been celebrating Passover for centuries before Jesus was resurrected.

While there is a pre-emptive symbolism in the event of the Passover that are pertinent to Jesus death and resurrection, it is still predominantly about exile from bondage in Pagan Egypt to those who chose to celebrate it, and that heritage.

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:01 PM

Not to worry! Those little eggs behind the Easter bunny weren't chocolate anyway.laugh

I've had my suspicions about Nestl�-Quick Cereal for a while. sad2

(Why Is That Rabbit Looking So Happy On The Side Of The Box ?)

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:21 PM

Well, Cowboy GH...

The Jewish Community has been celebrating Passover for centuries before Jesus was resurrected.

While there is a pre-emptive symbolism in the event of the Passover that are pertinent to Jesus death and resurrection, it is still predominantly about exile from bondage in Pagan Egypt to those who chose to celebrate it, and that heritage.

I apologize for my earlier statement, not sure what I was thinking lol. I know passover is a Jewish thing and Easter is resurrection of Jesus Christ so neither one really anything at all to do with the other.

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:28 PM
Honestly.. I am curious to know cowboy, regarding your religious background, if you dont mind...
You seem like youve undergone some formal schooling...?

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:29 PM
That's Okay, Cowboy GH...

It's all about the Lamb that ain't baaaaAAAAAaaaad. :banana:

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:34 PM

Honestly.. I am curious to know cowboy, regarding your religious background, if you dont mind...
You seem like youve undergone some formal schooling...?

No schooling at all actually. Haven't even gone to like a bible study thing since I was knee high to a grass hopper lol.... since I was a kid. Just I have had a traumatic incident in my life, I was in a car wreck at 19 that disabled me for life. I have no memory recollection of between 16 and 19 and struggle day to day to on different things/occasions of such. And so I have dedicated my time of being disabled to learn more about God and actually "study" rather then just read the words. As of how I learned many many things in the past couple years including but not limited to such simple things as the word "god" means a person/being of authority over another(s). Which then later gives better perspective of the context of that which is said. And go through different translations and cross reference 3rd party sources and such. God gave his life for me, the least I can do is give mine back in return.

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:47 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Sat 04/25/15 12:49 PM
Kudos to you drinker and thanks be to God
I do hope you will be given much opportunities to inspire others to search for and find Him as well, and may you be well able to serve his purpose. May he continue to grant you wisdom and faith to find what you seek.
God bless you!:heart:

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 01:11 PM
Dear Cowboy GH,

I think I've read about a little-bit of Your circumstances in the past, but I didn't think You're in such a dramatically difficult way.

So, You obviously have time-on-Your-hands to be able to do much studying.

My offer to Snail-Mail a photo-copy of the opening verses of John 1 verse 1 is still something I fully intend doing... If You so wish !

In the mean-time, may I recommend Your contacting Jehovah's Witnesses, and ask them for a copy of their Diaglot Translations of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

They've got two translations...

The older publication is called, 'The Interlinear Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures.'

And, the other newer-one is called, 'The Emphatic Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures.'


One more thing, Cowboy GH...

If You don't have the money (Which Isn't Much) for paying for one of these Bibles, I'll Western Union enough to You.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 04/26/15 12:19 AM

Dear Cowboy GH,

I think I've read about a little-bit of Your circumstances in the past, but I didn't think You're in such a dramatically difficult way.

So, You obviously have time-on-Your-hands to be able to do much studying.

My offer to Snail-Mail a photo-copy of the opening verses of John 1 verse 1 is still something I fully intend doing... If You so wish !

In the mean-time, may I recommend Your contacting Jehovah's Witnesses, and ask them for a copy of their Diaglot Translations of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

They've got two translations...

The older publication is called, 'The Interlinear Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures.'

And, the other newer-one is called, 'The Emphatic Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures.'


One more thing, Cowboy GH...

If You don't have the money (Which Isn't Much) for paying for one of these Bibles, I'll Western Union enough to You.

I appreciate your suggestion my friend and might check it out if I get that curious bout it. But I refrain/avoid dealing with Jahovah's on this level, as i automatically know they do not believe Jesus Christ to be God but just a mere prophet. So with just that little bit on them, I refrain from any further "knowledges" they may be able to give.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 04/26/15 12:20 AM

Kudos to you drinker and thanks be to God
I do hope you will be given much opportunities to inspire others to search for and find Him as well, and may you be well able to serve his purpose. May he continue to grant you wisdom and faith to find what you seek.
God bless you!:heart:

God bless you Pansytilly :)

no photo
Sun 04/26/15 07:03 PM
Well Cowboy GH...

I could be argued that Jehovah's Witnesses have an enlightened perspective with regards their advocating that Jesus is subjective to his Heavenly Creator.

Maybe, it's one of Jehovah's Witnesses greatest attributes !

At the very least... You'd get an authentically original translation of the Christian Texts, as opposed to the paraphrased abrogated works You been trying to make sense of now.


If You gave me the choice of box full of Paraphrased Bibles 8' Ft. long, 4'Ft. deep, and 4'Ft. wide...

Or, the same measure in Fire Wood...

I take the Fire Wood because I know it would burn better in my stove ! :laughing:

[ Important Note: I Couldn't Give A Paraphrazed Bible To Anybody In Good-Conscience ]

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 04/26/15 07:50 PM

Well Cowboy GH...

I could be argued that Jehovah's Witnesses have an enlightened perspective with regards their advocating that Jesus is subjective to his Heavenly Creator.

Maybe, it's one of Jehovah's Witnesses greatest attributes !

At the very least... You'd get an authentically original translation of the Christian Texts, as opposed to the paraphrased abrogated works You been trying to make sense of now.


If You gave me the choice of box full of Paraphrased Bibles 8' Ft. long, 4'Ft. deep, and 4'Ft. wide...

Or, the same measure in Fire Wood...

I take the Fire Wood because I know it would burn better in my stove ! :laughing:

[ Important Note: I Couldn't Give A Paraphrazed Bible To Anybody In Good-Conscience ]

I could be argued that Jehovah's Witnesses have an enlightened perspective with regards their advocating that Jesus is subjective to his Heavenly Creator.

He was subjective, because he came in the form of a servant. And they disregard specific point blank straight forward verses where Jesus himself is saying he is our God and besides him there is no other. And the fact that it was Lord God that made everything eg., Jesus Christ. But that's getting way off topic lol and don't mean to make it seem as if I'm harping on or bashing someone's beliefs.... just expressing my views on it, is all.