Topic: happy Easter to everyone ....
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/15 12:54 PM
I am Christian but I don't celebrate these holidays as religious holidays. I was taught and still believe to celebrate every day. I get what was said. These holidays are days designated by the Roman church to push out pagan holidays. If others celebrate them as Christian, pagan, etc holidays...I support that. I just celebrate them as tradition, family and for the kids...those are fun

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 05:19 PM
There is always someone with no face, Religion-no answer that brings attention to themselves to distract the very essence of reverence for our Lord.
We should all be praising him every moment of every day, not arguing over Kibble & Bits.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 04/05/15 05:34 PM

It is all fun and entertaining, but nothing to do with Christ. Anyway, have a good day! Enjoy everyday the good Lord has blessed us with!

Not all, just the egg hunt. And the egg hunt is just one little piece of the entire day's celebration. Again a 15 minute egg hunt for the kids, nothing more, just to keep their attention and make them feel they are having a good time, as a child's mind isn't mature enough to understand the real concept of the celebration. The egg hunt isn't Easter all in itself. Easter is about celebrating new life, new life in Christ whom resurrected and defeated death for us all so we can all live in the paradise with God walking in this new life in Christ.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:11 PM
This thread deserves ...

Can't a simple expression of "Happy Easter" be just that?

dgame22's photo
Sun 04/05/15 10:38 PM

I am Christian but I don't celebrate these holidays as religious holidays. I was taught and still believe to celebrate every day. I get what was said. These holidays are days designated by the Roman church to push out pagan holidays. If others celebrate them as Christian, pagan, etc holidays...I support that. I just celebrate them as tradition, family and for the kids...those are fun
[/quoteMany people are wondering what Easter actually
means, as the true meaning of Easter has been
lost. What I can tell you is it isn't about cute little
fluffy chickens, nor does it have anything to do
with Easter bunnies. It isn't even about Easter
eggs. Although an egg can represent 'new life'
because new life hatches from the egg, and Jesus
was resurrected on the third day - giving us new
life in Him. But just like Christmas, the real
meaning has been forgotten. For those of us who
are Christians, we understand what Easter is all
about. But for those who haven't experienced this
'new life' in Jesus, I want to share with you the
Easter story.
In Old Testament times, the priest would bring
bulls, goats or a spotless lamb without any
blemishes to be sacrificed as a sin offering for
himself and for the people. The blood would purify
and make atonement (forgive, make amends) for
their sins. This was the old order of atonement.
When Jesus came, He was a representation of the
sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the
world. He was the final sacrifice. We no longer
have to sacrifice animals to make atonement for
our sins. Jesus has done this once and for all.
It's His blood that cleanses us from all sin. He
was crucified on the cross (the form of execution
in those days). The sin of the world was upon
Him, yet He was without sin and blameless. He
bore it all. This is why Jesus is referred to as the
'Lamb of God'. He was bodily resurrected (came
back to life) on the third day. He appeared to
many - eating and drinking with them. He
appeared to them for 40 days, then ascended
(went up to) Heaven. Acts 1: 1-11

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/06/15 02:20 AM
Easter was intentionally put in for Passover. 29 times is Pasha (translated Passover the NT 28 times. only one time is it translated Easter. so yes Traditions of men because the religious leaders are the ones who changed it to Easter. Man not Yahweh. That does make it a Tradition of men who hold men Higher than Yahweh's commandments.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/06/15 03:34 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 04/06/15 03:38 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 04/06/15 03:39 AM
slaphead slaphead slaphead
can't you Guys just simply enjoy a Holiday,and what it stands for,instead of picking everything apart in the manner of the Pharisees you detest so much!slaphead
Just enjoy for a Change with Friends and Family,for crying out loud!


no photo
Mon 04/06/15 03:46 AM

The Pharisees did add a whole lot of rituals that were worthless. Christ reprimanded them for letting the rituals be placed before what is important. Is not celebrating Pagan Holiday's like Christmas and Easter doing the same thing? How does a holiday based on Easter, the Goddess of fertility have anything to do with Christ?

so you 2 holy rollers ( You and cowboy) had nothing better to do on such a special day for many then have a debate about Easter on a web site?... interesting

After after all, all the OP said was 'Happy Easter".. just a greeting... which you both ruined.. nice work.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 04/06/15 04:12 AM
only one time is it [Passover] translated Easter.

Ah, you are referring to that translation error that is in the KJV.
Thankfully, modern English versions don't contain that error.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/06/15 04:26 AM

The Pharisees did add a whole lot of rituals that were worthless. Christ reprimanded them for letting the rituals be placed before what is important. Is not celebrating Pagan Holiday's like Christmas and Easter doing the same thing? How does a holiday based on Easter, the Goddess of fertility have anything to do with Christ?

so you 2 holy rollers ( You and cowboy) had nothing better to do on such a special day for many then have a debate about Easter on a web site?... interesting

After after all, all the OP said was 'Happy Easter".. just a greeting... which you both ruined.. nice work.

I do apologize if this has upset you. And nobody was "arguing" persay. We said happy Easter, then expressed what it ment to us on that day. If someone took it offensive, got offended by the comments or the discussion there in, i apologize I guess lol.

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 04:51 AM

The Pharisees did add a whole lot of rituals that were worthless. Christ reprimanded them for letting the rituals be placed before what is important. Is not celebrating Pagan Holiday's like Christmas and Easter doing the same thing? How does a holiday based on Easter, the Goddess of fertility have anything to do with Christ?

so you 2 holy rollers ( You and cowboy) had nothing better to do on such a special day for many then have a debate about Easter on a web site?... interesting

After after all, all the OP said was 'Happy Easter".. just a greeting... which you both ruined.. nice work.

I do apologize if this has upset you. And nobody was "arguing" persay. We said happy Easter, then expressed what it ment to us on that day. If someone took it offensive, got offended by the comments or the discussion there in, i apologize I guess lol.

It didn't upset me. I am not overly religious man. But I found it to be childish and self serving to pick THAT day to debate a holiday which means so much to so many. And yes, when you have sentences in a post such as your below. (not to mention the laundry list of verses that followed).. it is a debate.
But I have found that religious fanatics don't really care much for what other think.. as long as they drive their personal point of view across. But hey.. that is just my opinion.. to each his own.

You should read the beginning of the chapter to understand that which is said and why in verse 9.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/06/15 05:25 AM

The Pharisees did add a whole lot of rituals that were worthless. Christ reprimanded them for letting the rituals be placed before what is important. Is not celebrating Pagan Holiday's like Christmas and Easter doing the same thing? How does a holiday based on Easter, the Goddess of fertility have anything to do with Christ?

so you 2 holy rollers ( You and cowboy) had nothing better to do on such a special day for many then have a debate about Easter on a web site?... interesting

After after all, all the OP said was 'Happy Easter".. just a greeting... which you both ruined.. nice work.

I do apologize if this has upset you. And nobody was "arguing" persay. We said happy Easter, then expressed what it ment to us on that day. If someone took it offensive, got offended by the comments or the discussion there in, i apologize I guess lol.

It didn't upset me. I am not overly religious man. But I found it to be childish and self serving to pick THAT day to debate a holiday which means so much to so many. And yes, when you have sentences in a post such as your below. (not to mention the laundry list of verses that followed).. it is a debate.
But I have found that religious fanatics don't really care much for what other think.. as long as they drive their personal point of view across. But hey.. that is just my opinion.. to each his own.

You should read the beginning of the chapter to understand that which is said and why in verse 9.

And yes, when you have sentences in a post such as your below.

The statement in question, the "sentence below" you mention is plainly saying to understand the context of the verse(s) that we were talking about, one would have to read the beginning of the chapter. You're truly funny if you at all took offense to the quoted statement of mine, but we are done if this is as petty as the discussions are going to get in this thread.

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 05:34 AM
yep... were done.. had my say.. happy preaching

dgame22's photo
Mon 04/06/15 07:53 AM

Easter was intentionally put in for Passover. 29 times is Pasha (translated Passover the NT 28 times. only one time is it translated Easter. so yes Traditions of men because the religious leaders are the ones who changed it to Easter. Man not Yahweh. That does make it a Tradition of men who hold men Higher than Yahweh's commandments.
[/quoteEaster, or Resurrection
Day, is the most sacred
day of the year for
Christians. It is even
more important than
Christmas. Unlike
Christmas, the death and
resurrection of Isa Al-
Masih is historically
dated. We know this
based on the Jewish
Passover celebration
which has been celebrated
for thousands of years.
Easter through the
Jewish Passover
Passover celebrates
Israel’s exodus from
Egypt. God delivered
Israel from Egyptian
slavery. On the night
before the exodus, God
sent the angel of death to
kill the firstborn child of
everyone who lived in
But God told the Israelites
that each family must
sacrifice a lamb. They
placed the lamb’s blood
on the door posts of the
house. When the angel of
death saw the blood, the
household was spared.
Death and judgment
passed over the house
due to the blood of the
sacrificed lamb.
God told the Israelites to
celebrate the Feast of
Passover every year.
Passover was a reminder
of what God had done in
the past and what God
was going to do in the
future. The Passover lamb
symbolized the need for a
sacrifice to protect the
people from death. It
was given as a sign of an
event that would happen
later in time.

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 08:46 AM

I am Christian but I don't celebrate these holidays as religious holidays. I was taught and still believe to celebrate every day. I get what was said. These holidays are days designated by the Roman church to push out pagan holidays. If others celebrate them as Christian, pagan, etc holidays...I support that. I just celebrate them as tradition, family and for the kids...those are fun

It is wonderful that we are able to celebrate pretty much as we please. History shows this has not always been so. From what I read, the blending of these holiday's (Christmas and Easter) is the result of Roman politics. Constantine used religion as another weapon for power and control. These holiday's were part of it.
So! Do we question all things or should we remain silent, that we do not offend anyone?

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 08:54 AM

Easter was intentionally put in for Passover. 29 times is Pasha (translated Passover the NT 28 times. only one time is it translated Easter. so yes Traditions of men because the religious leaders are the ones who changed it to Easter. Man not Yahweh. That does make it a Tradition of men who hold men Higher than Yahweh's commandments.
[/quoteEaster, or Resurrection
Day, is the most sacred
day of the year for
Christians. It is even
more important than
Christmas. Unlike
Christmas, the death and
resurrection of Isa Al-
Masih is historically
dated. We know this
based on the Jewish
Passover celebration
which has been celebrated

Where did that quote come from? The Passover is biblical and Christians are told to observe it. Blending pagan holiday's (Christmas & Easter) into it. Not a good idea!
for thousands of years.
Easter through the
Jewish Passover
Passover celebrates
Israel’s exodus from
Egypt. God delivered
Israel from Egyptian
slavery. On the night
before the exodus, God
sent the angel of death to
kill the firstborn child of
everyone who lived in
But God told the Israelites
that each family must
sacrifice a lamb. They
placed the lamb’s blood
on the door posts of the
house. When the angel of
death saw the blood, the
household was spared.
Death and judgment
passed over the house
due to the blood of the
sacrificed lamb.
God told the Israelites to
celebrate the Feast of
Passover every year.
Passover was a reminder
of what God had done in
the past and what God
was going to do in the
future. The Passover lamb
symbolized the need for a
sacrifice to protect the
people from death. It
was given as a sign of an
event that would happen
later in time.

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 08:59 AM
Error, that was meant to be at the end of your quote.
"Where did you get that quote from? Passover is Biblical and Christians are told to observe it"

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/06/15 09:04 AM
Sometimes a well wish is simply that

no photo
Mon 04/06/15 09:38 AM
I wish everybody well also, have a good week!