Topic: happy Easter to everyone ....
no1phD's photo
Wed 04/08/15 06:07 PM
maybe it's just my calendar..
but isn't Easter over already..
talk about beating a dead
carry on gentleman..:wink:

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 04/08/15 06:14 PM

maybe it's just my calendar..
but isn't Easter over already..
talk about beating a dead
carry on gentleman..:wink:

Uh, what if someone uses the calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Christians? :tongue:

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 04/08/15 06:17 PM

maybe it's just my calendar..
but isn't Easter over already..
talk about beating a dead
carry on gentleman..:wink:

Uh, what if someone uses the calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Christians? :tongue:

Or maybe because this is a discussion on the celebration in itself, not specifically about the one that just passed. So it just ending and being over with for the year has no direct connection to the discussion at hand or if the discussion continues there of.

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 10:07 AM

Error, that was meant to be at the end of your quote.
"Where did you get that quote from? Passover is Biblical and Christians are told to observe it"

Why would Christians observe it? It is the celebration of when the Jews were freed from the Egyptians. Remember, it was the Jews that did not believe Jesus Christ to be the Almighty as he claimed to be and thought he spoke blasphemy. And Christians are the one's that do believe Jesus and therefore believe in Jesus. So again exactly what does the passover have any connection whatsoever to the Christian faith? And remember the Christian faith is built off the NT when our "Christ" came for our salvation eg., Jesus Christ so anything said about the beliefs of a Christian, would naturally have to come from NT if you think I am wrong here.

The Israelites flight from Egypt, is a physical event that serves as an example of a Christian's road to salvation.
The Israelites put blood on the doorposts so the death angel would Passover their houses and not kill them.
We need the blood of Christ to pay for our sins. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.
The Israelites left Egypt all jubilant and happy until the got to the Red Sea. There they were trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army.
Christians learn of Christ and start to understand the scriptures and get all happy and puffed up. Bad things happen and they cannot handle the situation.
God parted the Red Sea and led the Israelites through.
Christians who follow the commandments of God and stay connected can call upon God for help.

There are seven Holy days given to the Israelites by god. They were relevant then and they are relevant today.

No, they are not bro. Jesus completed, finished all the laws of the old covenant. Reason the Jews still celebrate those days are because they don't see Jesus as the only begotten son of God and thought him to be speak blasphemy. So for them, the old covenant isn't put to rest and the new covenant is total bull. That is the deviding line between Christians and Jews, one still follows the old while the other believes Jesus to have been speaking the truth in what he said and done for us.

So of course Jews wouldn't celebrate Easter. As Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. And they don't believe it happened, so therefore they wouldn't celebrate such an event.

Jesus death was the end of the old covenant, correct. No more special status for the Israelites. Now Jew, Gentile, Eskimo and Cannibal are all the same. Paul wrote a letter to the Church of God at Corinth telling them how to properly observe the Passover. 1corinthian 11:23-29. I would say that means the church Jesus started observed Passover.

Ummm, that speaks nothing of the passover. The verses in 1Corinthian's there is Jesus telling a parable. About the bread is his body and the blood is the new covenant that is spelt out for us. That has absolutely not one thing to do with the Jews being freed out of Egypt in which is what the Pass Over is about.

I guess events can be interpreted depending on how you look at it. When you look at the whole picture, Christ is the Passover lamb of the new testament church, 1 Corinthians 5:7. Paul was correcting the church on how they were keeping the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread 1 Corinthians 11 23-29. Taking the whole chapter in context, I read they were observing Passover and days of Unleavened Bread. If the church was keeping them, they have not been done away with.

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 10:08 AM

Not to make the thread go astray, but God the father isn't Jesus' "metaphorical" father. Marry "knew" no man, she was a virgin. And God the father impregnated Marry with the baby Jesus, thus making God the Father, just that Jesus' Father.

slaphead Spoken like a good Mormon... !

So, not only does God give birth to himself through Mary, he also becomes his own father and son.


smile2 So tell me Cowboy GH...

Is Jesus 'literally' the Lamb of God too ?

(Could It Be That BaaaAAAAaaad ?) :laughing:


Let's not be sheepish about our answers. rofl

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 11:36 AM

Error, that was meant to be at the end of your quote.
"Where did you get that quote from? Passover is Biblical and Christians are told to observe it"

Why would Christians observe it? It is the celebration of when the Jews were freed from the Egyptians. Remember, it was the Jews that did not believe Jesus Christ to be the Almighty as he claimed to be and thought he spoke blasphemy. And Christians are the one's that do believe Jesus and therefore believe in Jesus. So again exactly what does the passover have any connection whatsoever to the Christian faith? And remember the Christian faith is built off the NT when our "Christ" came for our salvation eg., Jesus Christ so anything said about the beliefs of a Christian, would naturally have to come from NT if you think I am wrong here.

The Israelites flight from Egypt, is a physical event that serves as an example of a Christian's road to salvation.
The Israelites put blood on the doorposts so the death angel would Passover their houses and not kill them.
We need the blood of Christ to pay for our sins. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.
The Israelites left Egypt all jubilant and happy until the got to the Red Sea. There they were trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army.
Christians learn of Christ and start to understand the scriptures and get all happy and puffed up. Bad things happen and they cannot handle the situation.
God parted the Red Sea and led the Israelites through.
Christians who follow the commandments of God and stay connected can call upon God for help.

There are seven Holy days given to the Israelites by god. They were relevant then and they are relevant today.

No, they are not bro. Jesus completed, finished all the laws of the old covenant. Reason the Jews still celebrate those days are because they don't see Jesus as the only begotten son of God and thought him to be speak blasphemy. So for them, the old covenant isn't put to rest and the new covenant is total bull. That is the deviding line between Christians and Jews, one still follows the old while the other believes Jesus to have been speaking the truth in what he said and done for us.

So of course Jews wouldn't celebrate Easter. As Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. And they don't believe it happened, so therefore they wouldn't celebrate such an event.

Jesus death was the end of the old covenant, correct. No more special status for the Israelites. Now Jew, Gentile, Eskimo and Cannibal are all the same. Paul wrote a letter to the Church of God at Corinth telling them how to properly observe the Passover. 1corinthian 11:23-29. I would say that means the church Jesus started observed Passover.

Ummm, that speaks nothing of the passover. The verses in 1Corinthian's there is Jesus telling a parable. About the bread is his body and the blood is the new covenant that is spelt out for us. That has absolutely not one thing to do with the Jews being freed out of Egypt in which is what the Pass Over is about.

I guess events can be interpreted depending on how you look at it. When you look at the whole picture, Christ is the Passover lamb of the new testament church, 1 Corinthians 5:7. Paul was correcting the church on how they were keeping the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread 1 Corinthians 11 23-29. Taking the whole chapter in context, I read they were observing Passover and days of Unleavened Bread. If the church was keeping them, they have not been done away with.

Yes they still celebrated the passover at that time as they were still under the old covenant, the covenant given to the Jews. Jesus was there replacing that covenant, which he did. But at the time in question of these verses, they were still under the first covenant, so yes again THEY were celebrating the passover still.

HoneyFly's photo
Thu 04/09/15 11:38 AM
^ Happy Easter CowboyGH! Ain't it Easter everyday?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 11:39 AM

Not to make the thread go astray, but God the father isn't Jesus' "metaphorical" father. Marry "knew" no man, she was a virgin. And God the father impregnated Marry with the baby Jesus, thus making God the Father, just that Jesus' Father.

slaphead Spoken like a good Mormon... !

So, not only does God give birth to himself through Mary, he also becomes his own father and son.


smile2 So tell me Cowboy GH...

Is Jesus 'literally' the Lamb of God too ?

(Could It Be That BaaaAAAAaaad ?) :laughing:


Let's not be sheepish about our answers. rofl

He didn't become his own father and son. The "Father" and Jesus are two separate entities. Jesus is OUR father, God the father is Jesus' father. Jesus' father is NEVER expressed as our own. Notice, he always says "MY father this, MY father that, MY father's will be done, ect. Jesus isn't a brother of ours.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 11:40 AM

^ Happy Easter CowboyGH! Ain't it Easter everyday?

Happy Easter fly :)

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 12:23 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Thu 04/09/15 12:24 PM

Jesus' father is NEVER expressed as our own. Notice, he always says "MY father this, MY father that, MY father's will be done, ect. Jesus isn't a brother of ours.

To quote Jesus once more... (Matthew 6: 9)

"You (Fellow Brothers) must pray then this way; 'OUR FATHER' in the Heavens, let your...(So Forth)"

*************** I Wonder What New Vacillation Will Come Of This **************

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 12:48 PM

Jesus' father is NEVER expressed as our own. Notice, he always says "MY father this, MY father that, MY father's will be done, ect. Jesus isn't a brother of ours.

To quote Jesus once more... (Matthew 6: 9)

"You (Fellow Brothers) must pray then this way; 'OUR FATHER' in the Heavens, let your...(So Forth)"

*************** I Wonder What New Vacillation Will Come Of This **************

That verse don't work man. That verse is plainly Jesus telling them specifically on how to pray. He wasn't making that prayer himself. But by the time they had to pray to tell/ask him rather then go straight up to him face to face, he'd be in Heaven to hear the prayer. Side note notice before he says the prayer he says "therefor pray YE". Again plainly telling us to pray as such.

But please, try another one :)

Matthew 6:9

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 12:58 PM
I'd of thought Jesus was going to be on the Earth for quite-a-while yet when he said these words with his 'fellow Brothers' in faith. spock


So, do quotes from the any of the letters of the Apostles count if they where in the habit of calling the metaphorical-father, "Our Father"... Or it is it that it's just Jesus they're speaking of, too ?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 01:04 PM

I'd of thought Jesus was going to be on the Earth for quite-a-while yet when he said these words with his 'fellow Brothers' in faith. spock


So, do quotes from the any of the letters of the Apostles count if they where in the habit of calling the metaphorical-father, "Our Father"... Or it is it that it's just Jesus they're speaking of, too ?

Would be the Word, Jesus Christ. As he is the one that created us. And please do give the verse where Jesus is speaking "fellow brothers" please.

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 01:14 PM
(Fellow Brothers) is in brackets and is also meant to be understood as a metaphor.


So, for example...

With regards the subject the Heavenly Father as NOT being OUR father (Whether Metaphorical Or Not) it is only ever in reference to Jesus as being the Father ?

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 01:55 PM
Cowboy GH...

I'm trying desperately to understand 'Your' concept of The Divine...

These aren't meant to be trick-questions.

I'm actually trying to understand what 'YOU' are actually believing, within Yourself. smokin

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 04:54 PM

Cowboy GH...

I'm trying desperately to understand 'Your' concept of The Divine...

These aren't meant to be trick-questions.

I'm actually trying to understand what 'YOU' are actually believing, within Yourself. smokin

Genesis 2:4

4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Jesus refers to grown men as "children"-

John 13

33 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come; so now I say to you.

Jeremiah 1 -

4 Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Are you saying the Lord only formed one person?

Sure I could find more references to that which I speak of, but that's taking this thread a bit off topic so will stop here.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 04/09/15 04:57 PM

(Fellow Brothers) is in brackets and is also meant to be understood as a metaphor.


So, for example...

With regards the subject the Heavenly Father as NOT being OUR father (Whether Metaphorical Or Not) it is only ever in reference to Jesus as being the Father ?

Do you know of any verses that reference Jesus' father as our own? Gonna say it's safe to assume, because there are none. Jesus is not a brother of ours. He never once refers to us as brothers to him. Yes he may make some statements with the words "brother" in them, but they are not in the same context as this discussion. Jesus only ever says HE created us, HE created this or that, HE is our God, ect.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 04/09/15 07:47 PM
Mark 3:32 - And a multitude was sitting about him; and they say unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. And he answereth them, and saith, Who is my mother and my brethren? And looking round on them that sat round about him, he saith, Behold, my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

what was Yahshua's will? Was it hundreds of years later he did his fathers will or right then and their? who is his brother?

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 04/10/15 06:55 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 04/10/15 06:56 AM

Mark 3:32 - And a multitude was sitting about him; and they say unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. And he answereth them, and saith, Who is my mother and my brethren? And looking round on them that sat round about him, he saith, Behold, my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

what was Yahshua's will? Was it hundreds of years later he did his fathers will or right then and their? who is his brother?

That verse is speaking specifically of Jesus' brothers. You do realize Jesus had brother's right? Well guess they would be half brothers, but nevertheless.

James, Joses, Simon, and Judas are Jesus' biological half brothers. And if you'll read further up in that chapter

31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.

Everything he did was his father's will.

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 09:04 AM
smile2 I Love Milesoftheusa's Reply ! :thumbsup:

How appropriate... He has given a quote of Jesus reiterating that his 'Brothers' and his 'Sisters' are those who actually followed him and not so-much his biological mother and brothers.

(What's Not To Understand ?)