Topic: Take My Country Back | |
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, So you admit to an entitlement mindset? Rather than create to support need you would steal from others? no, I have a PARENT mindset,, stealing isn't the only crime there is while SEARCHING for work, Getting an interview, waiting for the callback and WAITING for that first check, and HOPING it covers the other bills with enough left over for FOOD its a good chance my child would have starved,,,,,and that aint happening so I would do what was necessary to GET THROUGH until I did have an income that could sustain us,,,, My family once lived in a car while I got back on my feet. My children said I could build a castle from a cardboard box. We camped out. A week or so later I had a job but we remained until we could afford a move. I worked day jobs, we also volunteered for meals and facilities to "clean up". No entitlements! We made the best of what we were forced into. My kids even today look back on that time as a moment to remember with a smile.... a learning experience. What do entitlements teach us.... our children? You said it yourself. When times get hard, "crime" is the next option, not trying harder with what you are given! You don't know what need is obviously great for you,, I don't plan to leave my kids alone in a car while Im working like I said 'safe' haven is important to me I wouldn't consider that a safe option,, although people such as yourself have obviously survived it having been sexually assaulted TWICE, I prefer not to risk that with my daughter,,,, So "camping" is an unsafe option? My kids were in school while I worked, then at my work waiting for me, doing homework, or at the library. At no time were they ever in any "jeopardy" or an unsafe environment (other than at school). Had I sought resources they may have been taken from my custody, no matter how temporary the situation may have been. THAT would have been more harsh than any discomfort we were exposed to by our situation. You chose to take from others for your life choices because you desired a "sperm donor" for your child that we all ended up forced to pay support for.... and you call us unreasonable? You say it was all about your child.... I think it was all about you not making better life choices and subjecting your child to your bad judgement and life choices..... then expecting others to pay for them lol, yeah, because no danger came to them doesn't mean the weren't in danger like I Said, having a child who just started school, and needs me available to get them to school, leaving about five hours that they are supervised by others, and not being in a position to work somewhere where my child was free to 'wait for me' and not having a crystal ball to know that the FATHER would decide not to provide any of his share of support for HIS child I used a different option I expect my kids not to suffer danger or starvation because I hit hard time for a couple of my FORTY SOME years on this earth, I Expect to provide (through taxes) for others to be confident their kids wont either |
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, So you admit to an entitlement mindset? Rather than create to support need you would steal from others? no, I have a PARENT mindset,, stealing isn't the only crime there is while SEARCHING for work, Getting an interview, waiting for the callback and WAITING for that first check, and HOPING it covers the other bills with enough left over for FOOD its a good chance my child would have starved,,,,,and that aint happening so I would do what was necessary to GET THROUGH until I did have an income that could sustain us,,,, My family once lived in a car while I got back on my feet. My children said I could build a castle from a cardboard box. We camped out. A week or so later I had a job but we remained until we could afford a move. I worked day jobs, we also volunteered for meals and facilities to "clean up". No entitlements! We made the best of what we were forced into. My kids even today look back on that time as a moment to remember with a smile.... a learning experience. What do entitlements teach us.... our children? You said it yourself. When times get hard, "crime" is the next option, not trying harder with what you are given! You don't know what need is obviously great for you,, I don't plan to leave my kids alone in a car while Im working like I said 'safe' haven is important to me I wouldn't consider that a safe option,, although people such as yourself have obviously survived it having been sexually assaulted TWICE, I prefer not to risk that with my daughter,,,, So "camping" is an unsafe option? My kids were in school while I worked, then at my work waiting for me, doing homework, or at the library. At no time were they ever in any "jeopardy" or an unsafe environment (other than at school). Had I sought resources they may have been taken from my custody, no matter how temporary the situation may have been. THAT would have been more harsh than any discomfort we were exposed to by our situation. You chose to take from others for your life choices because you desired a "sperm donor" for your child that we all ended up forced to pay support for.... and you call us unreasonable? You say it was all about your child.... I think it was all about you not making better life choices and subjecting your child to your bad judgement and life choices..... then expecting others to pay for them lol, yeah, because no danger came to them doesn't mean the weren't in danger like I Said, having a child who just started school, and needs me available to get them to school, leaving about five hours that they are supervised by others, and not being in a position to work somewhere where my child was free to 'wait for me' and not having a crystal ball to know that the FATHER would decide not to provide any of his share of support for HIS child I used a different option I expect my kids not to suffer danger or starvation because I hit hard time for a couple of my FORTY SOME years on this earth, I Expect to provide (through taxes) for others to be confident their kids wont either Yeah.....right. |
yep,, an American who cares about American PEOPLE
and not jus American ideals,,,, how about that,,,? |
yep,, an American who cares about American PEOPLE and not jus American ideals,,,, how about that,,,? You're a liberal.....that's a contradiction of terms! |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. |
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, Of course you wouldn't look to live an honest life by doing what you can to provide; why not look for work cleaning houses or something else? My Son detailed cars when he started trade school; now he's working for a company that will cover school, pay him $11hr as he slaves for those who are certified, and when he graduates will have his pay capped at $17hr for 3yrs for the investment they put into his education; or he could pay the company a prorated amount based on how long he worked for them. My Husband and I didn't raise any slaves. |
lol, yeah, because no danger came to them doesn't mean the weren't in danger like I Said, having a child who just started school, and needs me available to get them to school, leaving about five hours that they are supervised by others, and not being in a position to work somewhere where my child was free to 'wait for me' and not having a crystal ball to know that the FATHER would decide not to provide any of his share of support for HIS child I used a different option I expect my kids not to suffer danger or starvation because I hit hard time for a couple of my FORTY SOME years on this earth, I Expect to provide (through taxes) for others to be confident their kids wont either To take from one by force to provide for another is a form of theft on the population; taking food out of the mouths of my children only to feed another is wrong. Government to take from one to enslave another is a form of tyranny. |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. how does your daughter know the reason the girl got pregnant,, ? sounds like an irresponsible child,,,which isn't specific to impoverished parents,, , and I heard of some people who robbed a bank, but that's really not a reason to shut the banks down and I heard that having some people perform mass shootings is no reason to regulate guns looking at the 'charts' and information provided in this thread . less than 1 in 5 people are receiving the kind of 'welfare' people complain about (some don't consider social security or medicare in their welfare , government handout philosophy) for more than 5 years and federal guidelines set a limit of 3-5 years PER LIFETIME, your story and experience is like that anomaly of a bank robbery and not the rule, its a CRIME and not the standard and not a reason to lump everyone in the same fraudulent boat of the minority we hear stories about,,, |
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, Of course you wouldn't look to live an honest life by doing what you can to provide; why not look for work cleaning houses or something else? My Son detailed cars when he started trade school; now he's working for a company that will cover school, pay him $11hr as he slaves for those who are certified, and when he graduates will have his pay capped at $17hr for 3yrs for the investment they put into his education; or he could pay the company a prorated amount based on how long he worked for them. My Husband and I didn't raise any slaves. again, missing the point to clean houses, one needs transportation and advertising of SOME SORT,, that costs money to LEGALLY clean house in Nevada one needs licensing, THAT COSTS MONEY while one is building up the CLEANING clientele, ones children must EAT and be SAFE (at least its a requirement I have for mine) the freedom of time and resources is quite different when there is another little life involved, and all of it takes TIME to truly acquire money that can sustain and in the meantime,, babies needs don't put themselves on hold until the money comes in,,, |
lol, yeah, because no danger came to them doesn't mean the weren't in danger like I Said, having a child who just started school, and needs me available to get them to school, leaving about five hours that they are supervised by others, and not being in a position to work somewhere where my child was free to 'wait for me' and not having a crystal ball to know that the FATHER would decide not to provide any of his share of support for HIS child I used a different option I expect my kids not to suffer danger or starvation because I hit hard time for a couple of my FORTY SOME years on this earth, I Expect to provide (through taxes) for others to be confident their kids wont either To take from one by force to provide for another is a form of theft on the population; taking food out of the mouths of my children only to feed another is wrong. Government to take from one to enslave another is a form of tyranny. really? so perhaps you should protest income taxes altogether, that money goes to 'someone' doesn't it? and doesn't come back in a check in your mailbox? because the country doesn't run on smiles and good intentions, things have to be PAID for and INVESTED in, ,even if not EVERYONE will use them roads, that not everyone drives on, schools that not everyone uses,,,etc,, its called investing in the type of society one wishes to have,, some people wish to have a society where the future ADULTS of America are placed as a priority of the society's investments,,, |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. how does your daughter know the reason the girl got pregnant,, ? sounds like an irresponsible child,,,which isn't specific to impoverished parents,, , and I heard of some people who robbed a bank, but that's really not a reason to shut the banks down and I heard that having some people perform mass shootings is no reason to regulate guns looking at the 'charts' and information provided in this thread . less than 1 in 5 people are receiving the kind of 'welfare' people complain about (some don't consider social security or medicare in their welfare , government handout philosophy) for more than 5 years and federal guidelines set a limit of 3-5 years PER LIFETIME, your story and experience is like that anomaly of a bank robbery and not the rule, its a CRIME and not the standard and not a reason to lump everyone in the same fraudulent boat of the minority we hear stories about,,, 3-5yrs while Unemployed; as long as you get some nothing job that doesn't pay over a curtain amount, you can stay on Welfare=Slavery for life. |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. how does your daughter know the reason the girl got pregnant,, ? sounds like an irresponsible child,,,which isn't specific to impoverished parents,, , and I heard of some people who robbed a bank, but that's really not a reason to shut the banks down and I heard that having some people perform mass shootings is no reason to regulate guns looking at the 'charts' and information provided in this thread . less than 1 in 5 people are receiving the kind of 'welfare' people complain about (some don't consider social security or medicare in their welfare , government handout philosophy) for more than 5 years and federal guidelines set a limit of 3-5 years PER LIFETIME, your story and experience is like that anomaly of a bank robbery and not the rule, its a CRIME and not the standard and not a reason to lump everyone in the same fraudulent boat of the minority we hear stories about,,, 3-5yrs while Unemployed; as long as you get some nothing job that doesn't pay over a curtain amount, you can stay on Welfare=Slavery for life. this is what kills me, its almost always people who claim they have never and WOULD NEVER Be on welfare that no so much about what welfare requires unemployment, in most cases, has a time limit equal to a percentage of the time one worked at the job 'welfare' also , in most cases, has a 3-5 year limit, being unemployed has nothing to do with eligibility term limits |
Edited by
Mon 03/03/14 01:12 PM
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, Of course you wouldn't look to live an honest life by doing what you can to provide; why not look for work cleaning houses or something else? My Son detailed cars when he started trade school; now he's working for a company that will cover school, pay him $11hr as he slaves for those who are certified, and when he graduates will have his pay capped at $17hr for 3yrs for the investment they put into his education; or he could pay the company a prorated amount based on how long he worked for them. My Husband and I didn't raise any slaves. again, missing the point to clean houses, one needs transportation and advertising of SOME SORT,, that costs money to LEGALLY clean house in Nevada one needs licensing, THAT COSTS MONEY while one is building up the CLEANING clientele, ones children must EAT and be SAFE (at least its a requirement I have for mine) the freedom of time and resources is quite different when there is another little life involved, and all of it takes TIME to truly acquire money that can sustain and in the meantime,, babies needs don't put themselves on hold until the money comes in,,, Vegas has a mass transit system that goes everywhere. 1,000's of rental communities, casinos, churches and people. Nobody that actually wants to work is unemployed in Vegas. There is always jobs, only people not willing to do them when welfare pays more with all the bennies! I know, I lived there for almost 10 yrs on 2 occassions |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. I know someone just like that. |
sidenote: I don't understand why any married person, person with spousal support or child support or any SINGLE person would need welfare never, while I was married, or when I only had MYSELF to look after would I have needed assistance either,,, only when someone else unable to look after themselves depended upon me for food, for shelter, for nurturing and companionship, when someone elses needs put boundaries on my schedule when someone elses impressionability was impacted by my choices and my example,,, did assistance become a blessing that was available to help US through,,,when no other resource (spouse, income) was available to do so,, And if this system weren't in place.... what do you draw on? I suppose crime would be the next thing, as I don't plan to allow my children to starve or be without SAFE shelter,,, Of course you wouldn't look to live an honest life by doing what you can to provide; why not look for work cleaning houses or something else? My Son detailed cars when he started trade school; now he's working for a company that will cover school, pay him $11hr as he slaves for those who are certified, and when he graduates will have his pay capped at $17hr for 3yrs for the investment they put into his education; or he could pay the company a prorated amount based on how long he worked for them. My Husband and I didn't raise any slaves. again, missing the point to clean houses, one needs transportation and advertising of SOME SORT,, that costs money to LEGALLY clean house in Nevada one needs licensing, THAT COSTS MONEY while one is building up the CLEANING clientele, ones children must EAT and be SAFE (at least its a requirement I have for mine) the freedom of time and resources is quite different when there is another little life involved, and all of it takes TIME to truly acquire money that can sustain and in the meantime,, babies needs don't put themselves on hold until the money comes in,,, Vegas has a mass transit system that goes everywhere. 1,000's of rental communities, casinos, churches and people. Nobody that actually wants to work is unemployed in Vegas. There is always jobs, only people not willing to do them when welfare pays more with all the bennies! I know, I lived there for almost 10 yrs on 2 occassions lol, and I live here NOW,,,,the system does not go EVERYWHERE and you are gonna show up with cleaning supplies for a house that you carried by BUS? smh not everyone can work in a casino, and very few 'churches' hire plenty of people who want to work are unemployed in vegas,,,, and many of the 'jobs' that people assume hire anybody( although that is a myth too,, employers want people who want THAT job, not people who just want ANY job) still don't pay enough for them to be out of poverty or for them to not need assistance not to mention they usually have 'flexible' schedules that most single parents with SMALL CHILDREN wont be able to meet,,,kids need routine and stability,,, |
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. how does your daughter know the reason the girl got pregnant,, ? sounds like an irresponsible child,,,which isn't specific to impoverished parents,, , and I heard of some people who robbed a bank, but that's really not a reason to shut the banks down and I heard that having some people perform mass shootings is no reason to regulate guns looking at the 'charts' and information provided in this thread . less than 1 in 5 people are receiving the kind of 'welfare' people complain about (some don't consider social security or medicare in their welfare , government handout philosophy) for more than 5 years and federal guidelines set a limit of 3-5 years PER LIFETIME, your story and experience is like that anomaly of a bank robbery and not the rule, its a CRIME and not the standard and not a reason to lump everyone in the same fraudulent boat of the minority we hear stories about,,, 3-5yrs while Unemployed; as long as you get some nothing job that doesn't pay over a curtain amount, you can stay on Welfare=Slavery for life. this is what kills me, its almost always people who claim they have never and WOULD NEVER Be on welfare that no so much about what welfare requires unemployment, in most cases, has a time limit equal to a percentage of the time one worked at the job 'welfare' also , in most cases, has a 3-5 year limit, being unemployed has nothing to do with eligibility term limits That's not TRUE! I know a 31 year old woman who has been on welfare her whole adult life. She is able bodied but hates work. She loves to have babies with no father. |
Edited by
Mon 03/03/14 01:31 PM
its hard to become 'dependent' on something that lasts 3-5 years of lifetime its like telling mothers not to let babies use a pacifier because as they grow they will STILL depend on it its not gonna happen and its not designed as a 'lift' , we have pulled off the myth of meritocracy allegedly responsible for 'lift' its merely about helping people GET THROUGH,,, Only 3 to 5 years? I know people on Welfare who will only work as much as they have to to stay on Welfare, and turn down better jobs because they'd lose their benefits; in some states, with all the benefits, (Section 8 Housing, FoodStamps, "Help" with utilities, Cash Payments) they make as much as a $50K to $70K by not moving up in payroll. My daughter went to school with one girl who got pregnant at 13 just so that her mother would be able to buy a new car from the increased benefits. Welfare=Slavery. how does your daughter know the reason the girl got pregnant,, ? sounds like an irresponsible child,,,which isn't specific to impoverished parents,, , and I heard of some people who robbed a bank, but that's really not a reason to shut the banks down and I heard that having some people perform mass shootings is no reason to regulate guns looking at the 'charts' and information provided in this thread . less than 1 in 5 people are receiving the kind of 'welfare' people complain about (some don't consider social security or medicare in their welfare , government handout philosophy) for more than 5 years and federal guidelines set a limit of 3-5 years PER LIFETIME, your story and experience is like that anomaly of a bank robbery and not the rule, its a CRIME and not the standard and not a reason to lump everyone in the same fraudulent boat of the minority we hear stories about,,, 3-5yrs while Unemployed; as long as you get some nothing job that doesn't pay over a curtain amount, you can stay on Welfare=Slavery for life. this is what kills me, its almost always people who claim they have never and WOULD NEVER Be on welfare that no so much about what welfare requires unemployment, in most cases, has a time limit equal to a percentage of the time one worked at the job 'welfare' also , in most cases, has a 3-5 year limit, being unemployed has nothing to do with eligibility term limits That's not TRUE! I know a 31 year old woman who has been on welfare her whole adult life. She is able bodied but hates work. She loves to have babies with no father. I don't know what type of 'welfare' it is, but it probably aint federal,,, do you personally see or deposit her funds? if so, she is an anomaly (like those bank customers who turn out to be robbers, or those bank employees who turn out to be embezzlers) |
lol, and I live here NOW,,,,the system does not go EVERYWHERE and you are gonna show up with cleaning supplies for a house that you carried by BUS? smh not everyone can work in a casino, and very few 'churches' hire plenty of people who want to work are unemployed in vegas,,,, and many of the 'jobs' that people assume hire anybody( although that is a myth too,, employers want people who want THAT job, not people who just want ANY job) still don't pay enough for them to be out of poverty or for them to not need assistance not to mention they usually have 'flexible' schedules that most single parents with SMALL CHILDREN wont be able to meet,,,kids need routine and stability,,, There you go making excuses for those who live off of Welfare=Slavery; there is work out there waiting for those who will take it. I cleaned houses, my son use to detail cars; there is a lot of things that people can do if they just look for it to make honest money. |
Once again, a thread in this forum has gone way off topic.
Folks, the expression "Take my country back" does not pertain to people who are trapped in poverty. It does not pertain to racism or sexism. "Take my country back" means "Take my country back from the politicians who are trying to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America." The people who say "Take my country back" are (in general) still in favor of the government providing financial assistance to people who are trapped in physical poverty. The people who say "Take my country back" are still opposed to racism and sexism. The people who say "Take my country back" want an end to the mismanagement of the USA's federal government. Sure, extremist opinions have been expressed in this forum, but those opinions are minority opinions among people who say, "Take my country back." |
ty dodo
and I appreciate that humans have diverse opinions and perceptions I don't mean to lump EVERYONE together, but at the same time when one says they want to take something 'back', to me there is something they are wishing to return to either they are wishing to return to having possession of something or they are wishing to return to a different point my question is,, what point would that be? at what times were politicians 'different' than they are now? recognizing that corruption has ALWAYS been a risk and a presence in politics and amongst politicians, who are, before anything else HUMAN,,, what is the point or possession people presume to return to? |