Topic: Take My Country Back | |
yep, loving people enough not to have a mentality of allowing their clock to run down if they cant find an income
what a shame,,, |
You are so ridiculous it's actually comical.
You like definitions? par�a�site [par-uh-sahyt] Show IPA noun a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. |
and what has that to do with anything?
already stated those who use temporary assistance as a permanent dependence need a change in perception |
3-5yrs while Unemployed; as long as you get some nothing job that doesn't pay over a curtain amount, you can stay on Welfare=Slavery for life. this is what kills me, its almost always people who claim they have never and WOULD NEVER Be on welfare that no so much about what welfare requires unemployment, in most cases, has a time limit equal to a percentage of the time one worked at the job 'welfare' also , in most cases, has a 3-5 year limit, being unemployed has nothing to do with eligibility term limits Sure.... " One of the most controversial features of the 1990s welfare reforms was the imposition of time limits on benefit receipt. Time limits became a central feature of federal policy in the landmark 1996 welfare law, which created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The law prohibits states from using federal TANF funds to assist most families for more than 60 months. Under contract to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Lewin Group and MDRC have conducted a comprehensive review of what has been learned about time limits. The review, which updates a 2002 study, includes analysis of administrative data reported by states to ACF, visits to several states, and a literature review. The update is timely because most states now have several years’ experience with time limits. Federal law affords states great flexibility in setting time-limit policies. The federal 60-month limit does not apply to state-funded benefits; also, states may use federal TANF funds to support up to 20 percent of the caseload beyond 60 months. Thus, states may set a 60-month time limit, a shorter limit, or no time limit, and they may choose to exempt families from time limits. Not surprisingly, time-limit policies vary dramatically from state to state." Welfare Time Limits: An Update on State Policies, Implementation, and Effects on Families |
states set their own rules,, as many support , for their funds
the FEDERAL welfare which FEDERAL INCOME TAX applies to, ,has time limits imposed on 4 out of 5 welfare recipients,,, |
lol, and I live here NOW,,,,the system does not go EVERYWHERE and you are gonna show up with cleaning supplies for a house that you carried by BUS? smh not everyone can work in a casino, and very few 'churches' hire plenty of people who want to work are unemployed in vegas,,,, and many of the 'jobs' that people assume hire anybody( although that is a myth too,, employers want people who want THAT job, not people who just want ANY job) still don't pay enough for them to be out of poverty or for them to not need assistance not to mention they usually have 'flexible' schedules that most single parents with SMALL CHILDREN wont be able to meet,,,kids need routine and stability,,, And more excuses, please keep it up, I wonder how long this list can get. |
I'll shoot some notes out offering my ideas that anyone, and their dependants on the dole for more than 2 years get an invisible readable tattoo of their guv number.
That would help reduce fraud and protect the environment. |
its as expansive of the egos of all those 'did it all myself' egotists,,,
and what has that to do with anything? already stated those who use temporary assistance as a permanent dependence need a change in perception OK I get bodied people voluntarily being on "temporary assistance" is OK if it's inconvenient to work and tax payers should happily contribute to the CULTURE of these PARASITIC VULTURES. |
really? so perhaps you should protest income taxes altogether, that money goes to 'someone' doesn't it? and doesn't come back in a check in your mailbox? because the country doesn't run on smiles and good intentions, things have to be PAID for and INVESTED in, ,even if not EVERYONE will use them roads, that not everyone drives on, schools that not everyone uses,,,etc,, its called investing in the type of society one wishes to have,, some people wish to have a society where the future ADULTS of America are placed as a priority of the society's investments,,, Can't protest income taxes, you will go to jail. Hey there's an option. Free food, board, clothes, medical and the children are taken care of too. But you are right about income taxes, why does anybody volunteer to pay for those idiots in Washington to be stupid. You're right, this country runs on government thievery that runs up the cost of living on those earning to give to those entitled. Roads, not really, that is why there is a gas tax except for the entitlement holders like public transit, they don't pay gas tax. Schools, don't go there so not going to pay that either. Investing in society, what a liberal way to say robbed by the government. As for the future of adults, if they can't take care of themselves, the buzzards need food too, dang good priority there. |
I don't know what type of 'welfare' it is, but it probably aint federal,,, do you personally see or deposit her funds? if so, she is an anomaly (like those bank customers who turn out to be robbers, or those bank employees who turn out to be embezzlers) Bull.... One of the most controversial features of the 1990s welfare reforms was the imposition of time limits on benefit receipt. Time limits became a central feature of federal policy in the landmark 1996 welfare law, which created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. The law prohibits states from using federal TANF funds to assist most families for more than 60 months. Under contract to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Lewin Group and MDRC have conducted a comprehensive review of what has been learned about time limits. The review, which updates a 2002 study, includes analysis of administrative data reported by states to ACF, visits to several states, and a literature review. The update is timely because most states now have several years’ experience with time limits. Federal law affords states great flexibility in setting time-limit policies. The federal 60-month limit does not apply to state-funded benefits; also, states may use federal TANF funds to support up to 20 percent of the caseload beyond 60 months. Thus, states may set a 60-month time limit, a shorter limit, or no time limit, and they may choose to exempt families from time limits. Not surprisingly, time-limit policies vary dramatically from state to state. Welfare Time Limits: An Update on State Policies, Implementation, and Effects on Families So many ways around it as I am sure you know. |
Once again, a thread in this forum has gone way off topic. Folks, the expression "Take my country back" does not pertain to people who are trapped in poverty. It does not pertain to racism or sexism. "Take my country back" means "Take my country back from the politicians who are trying to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America." The people who say "Take my country back" are (in general) still in favor of the government providing financial assistance to people who are trapped in physical poverty. The people who say "Take my country back" are still opposed to racism and sexism. The people who say "Take my country back" want an end to the mismanagement of the USA's federal government. Sure, extremist opinions have been expressed in this forum, but those opinions are minority opinions among people who say, "Take my country back." Please do not hijack the topic. The OP is directing the topic so it can't be off topic. But it definitely isn't about racism or sexism. |
Edited by
Mon 03/03/14 04:56 PM
@msharmony You have all my sympathy for this thread, your persistence, your ideas. From Europe, it's good to read this, feels connected humanly. I just wonder how you bear all the hatred that pours from many responses you triggered... Take care Europe, the original entitlement society. How's that Euro thing working out for ya? |
ty dodo and I appreciate that humans have diverse opinions and perceptions I don't mean to lump EVERYONE together, but at the same time when one says they want to take something 'back', to me there is something they are wishing to return to either they are wishing to return to having possession of something or they are wishing to return to a different point my question is,, what point would that be? at what times were politicians 'different' than they are now? recognizing that corruption has ALWAYS been a risk and a presence in politics and amongst politicians, who are, before anything else HUMAN,,, what is the point or possession people presume to return to? They want to return to a point at which the U.S. government was not being controlled by people who want to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America. That's not return, that is where we are now... |
not so menial when it can be sent back to a country where it is worth 13 times as much,,lol Im sure americans would love a rate of pay 13 times higher, and nothing would be considered MENIAL at that rate,,, But there would always be some excuse.... |
not so menial when it can be sent back to a country where it is worth 13 times as much,,lol Im sure americans would love a rate of pay 13 times higher, and nothing would be considered MENIAL at that rate,,, But there would always be some excuse.... It's very obvious, someone on here has no idea the value of the dollar in other countries that send us illegal. I'd be interested in which illegals send dollars that are 13 times the value of their home currency. |
ty dodo and I appreciate that humans have diverse opinions and perceptions I don't mean to lump EVERYONE together, but at the same time when one says they want to take something 'back', to me there is something they are wishing to return to either they are wishing to return to having possession of something or they are wishing to return to a different point my question is,, what point would that be? at what times were politicians 'different' than they are now? recognizing that corruption has ALWAYS been a risk and a presence in politics and amongst politicians, who are, before anything else HUMAN,,, what is the point or possession people presume to return to? They want to return to a point at which the U.S. government was not being controlled by people who want to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America. please explain how we are being turned socialist, when CORPORATIONS are holding so much stake in the politics seems more like a Corporatocracy than anything CLOSE to a socialist state what production or manufacturing do you own? I certainly don't own any , nor does anyone I know,,,, from my perspective its the same as it always was, the rule of the elite,, whether they were the slaveowners getting free labor from people who didn't have the rights or the worth to actually 'pay' into their system with anything but their work,,,and therefore were certainly not equally entitled to its privileges or protections or whether they are the wealthy ceos, 'job producers' , etc,, who get CHEAP labor from people who don't have ENOUGH to actually 'pay' into their system with anything but work, and are therefore certainly not equally entitled to its privileges (or basic needs) or protections,,, its always been those with money looking down on those without and telling them they are less deserving and less significant,,, When in Rome, do as the Romans do, when a slave get treated as a slave. That's what makes the world go round. But I do disagree with the looking down part. Most of the time when you look down, there is another leech sucking blood. Always want more for less. That is why the government is the best game in town. |
I agree, do the crime, do the time commit fraud, welfare fraud, voter fraud, embezzlement, forgery these are CRIMES And should be prosecuted what they have to do with the legitimate purpose of welfare, or voting, or working with money, or signing documents is yet to be determined,,, Welfare is fraud, the fraud of thinking something is owed and then taking at the point of a gun. |
When did welfare programs become an OPTION instead of working? Welfare programs are supposed to be for those who CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES, it wasn't created for those who DON'T WANT TO HELP THEMSELVES. I don't know ANYONE who wants to see CHILDREN or THOSE WHO CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES starve or go homeless. If able bodied PARASITES did their FAIR SHARE and even paid MINIMAL income tax then there would be more money to help those who REALLY DO NEED HELP!!!! Who's really hurting the THRULY NEEDY by reducing the funds available for programs to help them? Those who use welfare as an OPTION instead of working because working is an INCONVENIENCE or those who want to keep more of the money they EARN? It's the dependency CULTURE that needs to addressed by Americans who care about a future that will help ALL AMERICANS lift THEMSELVES out of POVERTY. Society doesn't OWE anyone anything for the CHOICES THEY MAKE!!! And sir, that is where they have you trapped. Long ago, churches and communities helped those down on their luck. They shared food, gave clothes and even helped a neighbor build a home. There was charity galore, more than enough for all the help that was needed. Then came the government. They took, abused and destroyed charity. Now all we have is one large entitlement system. And income tax, why would anyone in their right mind volunteer to give a large percentage of their life to the bankers. The one truth the IRS has ever told and the large majority don't believe them. But that is another thread. |
welfare has ALWAYS been an 'option', welfare:the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group wives depended upon the 'welfare'(fortunes) of their childrens fathers/husbands in the balance of running a home together business owners and ceos and the elite depended upon the WELFARE (health) of their laborers in the balance of running a successful enterprise to make them profits working(for money) isn't like breathing , it doesn't just happen, people compete for jobs based upon skills, job availability, geography and competition and when COMPETITION for jobs increased, (ID say around the time minorities and women gained equal status for those opportunities) , and when people became more spread out geographically and as the job market changed to bottom line economics(outsourcing, automation) instead of family and community focused businesses and industries and when employers started weening out employees by their credit ratings or their employment status,, the 'option' to work became one that took more time and effort and that time passes with people still having NEEDS that they cant put off,, like food and shelter for their kids I agree , those who think that temporary assistance is for long term dependence are a problem, but I also think those who assume anyone needing temporary assistance should be ridiculed and defined by the EXCEPTIONS who abuse it are part of the problem too because they would rather discard a lot of needy people by their limited view of what 'needy' is,,,, This whole thing would be deemed as welfare: as defined from an entitlement outlook and welfare has never been an option until it was robbed from someone else. Try this definition: Welfare - charity at the point of a gun. And no, you can't take the entitlement definition and pretend it applies to other things. And once someone loses their integrity and accepts the alms of others as an entitlement, integrity never returns, it just gets easier to make excuses to the point entitlement becomes a right. And someone should help the kids, they didn't ask to be born to losers. However the losers should be left in the gutter where they were found. |