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Topic: Why always the US getting beat on in these threads
BigGlenn's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:30 PM
Agenda or not, We give the most and get the most grief for it.

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:34 PM
Glenn, Australian Politics is no different...most 'assistance' to other counries get a bill..grumble

oldsage's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:34 PM
Think we want to help our friends & expect our help to be remembered. Wish so many would.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:36 PM
That's life.
I do something for you...

Nothing wrong with that.
The U.S. has done more without payback than anyone else.

willy_cents's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:37 PM
If you want a yardstick to measure by, figure the ratio of ppl who want to come here vs the number of ppl who want to leave

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 09/10/07 06:40 PM
If my neighbor's down on his luck and needs a few bucks, It's a loan.
If he can't pay it, Oh well. That's what neighbors do. If I see him driving a BMW, We've got a problem.
As far as aid to other countries, Those are my tax dollars, Not G.W.'s It better be a loan.

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/10/07 07:02 PM
Train of thought...economies, national and globally...

Politically, national and globally..

Us troops in Irag, Afganistan, Timor, and anywhere else they are..

Why is the US perceived in a negative light?

Many country's economies are reliant on Wall Street amongst others, (Australia is like the compulsive gambler, has bets each way in every market.)

Politically and trade-wise, we are almost parasitic in how dependent our politicians run this country, and how our trade markets are affected by the US.

US political leader says off to war you go...our political leaders saluted and said 'YES SIR!!!'..'how many would you like and at what time?'

Ever thought this great nation of yours may be like the dictator, and the bully, from a political world power perspective?

Why does everyone want to go there? Why are they 'all aboard'for the last great journey?

Where do the weaker kids hang in the schoolyard?

With the bully.

There's the black side of my thinkings...destruct and stomp on them as you choose.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/10/07 07:29 PM
Ecuador is the mother and the father of corruption.
We have people dying for a simple flu because the politicians steal the money from the public hospitals.
kids don't go to school half of the year because teachers don't get paid becasue politicians steal the money for the teachers' salaries.
But at least we don't have illegal immigration.
That is about it.

no photo
Mon 09/10/07 07:33 PM
lol i don't know if that was meant to be a joke LW but the part about illegal immigration was funny.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/10/07 07:36 PM
u know my sarcasm my brother.drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Mon 09/10/07 08:17 PM
We are like 50 individual countries in one, some are rich, some are strong, some are weak, and some are poor! Combined (United) we are all equal, rich and strong!

The EU is founded on the model of our success. If they can get it together, politically, and put their jealousies and cultural differences aside, then they could possibly compete with us in power, influence, and economics.

If they succeed then they will be the big dog and experience the scrutiny and contempt that the US has for years! They will be the recipients of world attention and scrutiny that we are now!

This may happen in 20 years, maybe never, because unlike America that started out as 50 united states, they have a long history of being severely divided, in language and cultures. How can countries as close as North and South Carolina (for example) develop such completely different languages, I often wonder, and believe this is one reason that some of the most devastating wars were fought!

Anyway, It doesn't bother me that the rest of the world complains about us. Their is an old saying that says, "If you cant run with the big dogs, stay on the porch." I relate this to, "if you dont like the criticism then roll over and get back on the porch." It comes with the territory, get used to it, and quit complaining!

As far as internally bickering and *****ing, its always been that way, ALWAYS. Just look at how long it took for 13, THIRTEEN, states to ratify the Constitution! What you see happening in our lifetimes is nothing new, and it is not the country falling apart or backsliding from world prominence!

KerryO's photo
Mon 09/10/07 08:17 PM
Willy_cents writes:

" If you want a yardstick to measure by, figure the ratio of ppl who want to come here vs the number of ppl who want to leave "

Well, I guess if corporate entities were actually people, the Cayman Islands would be the new Capitol of The Free World. (And will Halliburton now need a different kind of green card to do business here?:)

-Kerry O.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 09/10/07 08:46 PM
Why does everyone want to come here?

The natural beauty!

Freedom of expression!



Diverse cultures!

Low Unemployment rate!

Education! (Top ten Universities in the world, 7- US, including all top 3)

WOMEN!!!!love love love

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/10/07 08:49 PM
but be honest glen
u wanna go to colombia for a while
drinker drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Mon 09/10/07 09:00 PM
Sure do, and Ecudaor, Gutemala, and Peru!drinker drinker

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/10/07 09:14 PM
cool bro

Fanta46's photo
Mon 09/10/07 09:19 PM
Eh..... Bed time man! see ya tomorrow!!drinker glasses

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/10/07 09:19 PM
good night

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/10/07 10:20 PM
With all our faults, the U.S. is still the best game in this solar system. Some say we are loosing our freedom, but we still have more freedom than most places. Some of the posts on this site would get you summarily executed in some countires of the world and long prison sentences in others. On the eve of 9/11 I think we should all step back, take a deep breath and Tnank God for what we have in this country.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/10/07 11:34 PM
I am just wondering, we have people from all over the world on this site. Lots of the members here have opinions about how our politics, military, ecology, etc. should be handled.
Plenty of ideas on how wrong we are.
What about your own countries? Are they perfect?
Have you ever been here & really seen the US, experienced this country as it really is? If we are so bad,Why are so many willing to come here to live?

To answer the OP original question would have to look at the basis of these forums.

They are mainly from the US and to those of us who want to get involved in this forum, we have to get into the US political system, and the US presidential elections and other stuff that the US is involved in. Otherwise most of the stuff we post would get no hits.

Classic example is the item about the sheep farmers in Spain.
How many of you have been to Spain? In fact how many of you have been to Europe and actually checked out what is going on?

"Only 15% of the US has a passport! So 85% of the US has never left its home shores" (Ed Fuller, Marriott International's managing director for International Lodging, quoting latest government figures)

People all over Europe want to live in the UK ... WTF is that? Because our social system is the best in Europe ... i.e. its free.

I would love to live in Australia ... I have already lived there and I would relish the chance to improve my lifestyle.

As US activities get rammed down our throats every night here, we get to learn more about what is going on.

With the advent of 9/11 it went to prove that your govt doesnt actually care about your security, and that must have come as one hell of a shock.

Last night I listened to some US Senator, on the BBC, questioning General Petraeus, as he has come under heavy criticism in Congress as he reports on the progress of the US military surge.

Even when you screw up, you dont see it.

Your fanatacism about your country is admirable, but if you want to put yourselves on a pedastal, you must expect detractors - even from within.

Thats the beauty of democracy - and its downfall

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