Topic: Why always the US getting beat on in these threads | |
and who wants to come in?????
certainly not the educated ...isn't your immigration problem mostly illiterate people that don't know any better??? signed the girl ya love to hate... ![]() ![]() |
No, I think that their illiteracy problem is due to the lack of immigration
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weeeeeellll after the last educational stats ....guess what???
ya can't get it there anymore either!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"U.S. activities rammed down our throats?" Belushi, I doubt anyone could "ram" much down your throat. Your a very strong person, always find your comments interesting.
Immigrants & education, more & more doctors, teachers & technicians are from outside the U.S. I have heard lots of Canadian doc's are leaving there, because they can't make a living there, anymore. I have really enjoyed seeing all these comments, hope more will come. |
Every newspaper,tv station and radio station I listen to, whether it is in the UK, the Netherlands or Germany all have US news.
Its because you make news and not all of it is good. Im sitting in the Airport at Schipol in Amsterdam and across from me is a guy reading a French newspaper ... "Bagdad accueille favorablement les conclusions de David Petraeus" Literally translates into "Baghdad favourably agrees with the conclusions by David Petraeus" So, the French are talking about it too! Europe has become very interested in US activities. So, instead of finding out about the butter mountain, or the wine lake or the forest fires in Greece being started by a 14 year old boy, we are bombarded with US news. Thats having it rammed down our throats! |
you are being bombarded by U.S. news by your own news groups, not american. blast them and maybe you could get the news you want to hear about
Thanks for that perspective Belushi.
I really enjoy learning things like that. |
nu2topcat ... you missed the point.
The point I was trying to prove is that Europe covers loads of stuff in the US. We dont get headline news about other European countries unless we look for it. Then we have to look really hard as well. But US news is easy to come by ... because its here, there and everywhere |
Question oldsage:
For years the US Americans gave a flying f**k about what the Europeans have to say. You as a nation applauded your president for ignoring our concerns, called us cowards and what not. You as a nation have drawn the terrorism you as nation unleashed to our home (see Germany last week). There was no mentioning of it in here, though I've been waiting for someone to bring it up. Why? It's because you don't give a d*** about others, you are too arrogant to see what YOU are doing to us. You refuse to take responsibility for your actions, and you think by letting it fall under the table it disappears. We as Europeans are still voicing the concerns we've voice years ago, and you decided to ignore them. Why does it bother you so much just now? |
Well said Andrea.
Because of our reliance on the acceptance of the power of the US we are also lumped in with them. The US/UK "special relationship" is nothing more than having a European partner of not-so-small influence to try and badger the rest of Europe into seeing things the US's way. Europe desires nothing more than to make money. We are the trading continent. We are getting to the stage where the European squabbles have all but died down. 1000 years of kicking the crap out of each other has taught us that relatively peaceful co-existance is preferable than warring. It has only been in the last 50 years when the economies of eah country has become seriously intermeshed with the others do we have to take into account the political ramifications of going to war. Look at the Eastern African countries. These need peacekeepers more than Iraq/Afghanistan. But because there is no interest there, the US ignores it. Nigeria has oil. Lots of it. But its too bloody difficult to get to. So the US has to get it from the Middle East where its political muscle is greatest. Africa has always been European domains. Belgium, France and to some extent the UK have all had dabblings there. They have all pretty much thrown off the shackles of European Empirical rule and now want nothing more than to kill each other. But this has to stop. Europe no longer has the military forces nor the political will to fight this stuff. It interferes with the acquisition of wealth. But if the US wants to start a war, why the hell do we Europeans have to suffer for it as well? Because we are closer and we have more Muslims nearby. |
"Why does it bother me, now?
I started this thread to find out why people are always ready to put the US down, but seldom say ANYTHING about the problems/conditions in their own country. What are your politicans doing to about the problems in your country? So far only one person has made a remark about their country. We Americans don't care, my limited knowledge, says anytime there is a disaster, we are among the first there. Pouring American tax dollars into other countries, instead of projects we need done here at home. I started all this not to bother people, but to learn more. Sorry if my question shifts the focus from what bad people we are, to asking how is our situation any different than the one you should be looking at in your own country. I am an AMERICAN & proud of that fact. I respect everyone's right to say/ask what they want. I just wanted some info as to the why's. |
"You as a nation have drawn the terrorism you as nation unleashed to our home (see Germany last week). There was no mentioning of it in here, though I've been waiting for someone to bring it up. Why? "
I suppose that the Badder Meinhoff gang and the red army brigade were our fault too. The fact is that most of Europe don't have the cojones to stand up to terrorists, they would rather stick their heads in the sand and hope they will go away. Carlos I guess was our fault too and Abass who murdered Aldo Moro and was given a walk by Italy when we had him in our custody. If it wasn't for the U.S. the national lauguage of Europe right now would be German. Perhaps you are right maybe we should just come home, stop all foreign aid to everybody, Europe included and close our markets to their products. We can take care of our own but Europe has proved time and time again that they can't or won't |
I was wondering why you left out the IRA, but they were for a long time largely funded by Americans, so you couldn't say anything.
And Bader/Meinhof were at least our own terrorists in our own country. We didn't have to go dig them out by sticking our noses in other countries businesses, to draw them to every other country we went to. The terrorists I was talking about from last week had only one target: Americans. |
I didn't realize the depth of hard feelings toward the country I love so dearly.
No, We're not perfect. No, We're not God. But We're expected to act as if we are. We're expected to save everyone at everytime without error in the attempt. If we do it right, We're called arrogant. If we do it wrong, We're incompitent and heartless. But when it hits the fan, Everyone looks to follow our lead. Sure, Let the big guy on the block take all the responsibility. You want to know something? Somebody has to be the big dog, And whoever wears that helm is going to be judged and held to a standard that can never be attained. Most people who offer their judgemental critisism would never be able to handle the job. You know the old saying about critics being frustrated actors. Somebody has to be the big dog, And at this stage of history, It's the U.S.A.. Be thankful it's not Russia or Iran. |
No, problem is, you always go bragging what good you have done and keep doing, if the s**t hits the fan you ignore what impact it has on countries that are not directly concerned.
I have never said that the US is all bad, I wouldn't be here on the site if I thought that. I'm just concerned about the impact your actions have on Europe, and there is an impact as it came to light last week. |
im thinking garden is right, maybe bring all our boys home and use them for border patrol. let the rest of the world deal with their problems, we will deal with ours. might solve our immigration, homeless, and scores of other problems. then when poo-poo hits the fan the world can blame themselfs for there lack of involvement. and not us. George Carlin and Robin Williams made a joke some time back just like this, maybe its not such a joking matter anymore???
let me give you a little bit different perspective on this. i do look at the world news to see what is going on in other parts of the world but i focus on my country while in these threads mostly because i think we need to take care of the many problems here at home before i'm going to go and scrutinize some other countries government or society. the war in iraq is unfortunate and i don't agree with it but if your countries news agencies decide to make U.S. dealings(not the war)front page news how is that the fault of the U.S.? i won't argue with the fact that the U.S. has some questionable dealings and i think we do get too involved in places where we don't need to be but our country also does a lot of good.
i completely agree with your comment nu and have been saying it for years.
Andrea, what do you think would happen in, not just Europe but any part of the world, if we suddenly closed all of our bases & left. How would the economy of those area's be affected. I understand your concerns, but the US was asked to be there & our dollars greatly affect the economy of every country. What aid did your country send over here for Katrina? Canada helped, Russia even offered & yours? This to me is a double standard, of help us & to hell with you.
It is so easy to complain about things, rather than say we are all the same & help solve the situation as a world unit. I think the biggest problem the world fights is LACK OF EDUCATION. Educated people KNOW, fighting is NEVER the answer. |
As far as the bring em home theory. I would rather fight in the enemies home ground than fight here.
I worry about when the AMERICAN people get tired of all the B.S. & say "Take the gloves off." We can get Bin Laden anytime, the cost of civilian life will be very high, because of where he is hiding. Without nukes we can do the job, might level a lot of mountains, but we can end the problem. We can stop feeding so many, healing so many, just quit caring about the rest of the world. Stop & think about it. |