Topic: Rejection. Get all bent.
willing2's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:16 AM
For me, rejection is just part of the courtship dance.

Yes, it stings a little. However, I choose to dance and in that choice buzzes the wasp of rejection.

It's all about choices we make.

When I was young rejection felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.

I see many posts of how angry and frustrated some folks get over a potential love.

Why? Is it sprained pride? A sense of entitlement? Over active fantasy?

In my younger days, it was for the fantasy of having a family that loved me.

It took time and many rejections to learn to not take it so personal.

What's ya'lls experiences and how well do you handle the sting?

mowildflower's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:38 AM
I agree, I see many post made where the folks are so angry and frustrated and I think, "get real" it is only part of the dating ritual. We are not going to want to take everyone home we meet. That's a fact of life...

I think online, people are living their fantasy which makes it difficult to accept that the person they are talking to is a real live person they only hear what they want to.

Take time to really get to know someone before you get involved and then you probably still have lots more to learn.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:51 AM
Myself I think way too many try way to hard to find love.... Some act as if they can not survive without it... As they get older they may realize that if one is not happy with themselves first that kind of love is hard to fine...

It is not another that will truly make you happy if your not happy within.. And it is not the end of the world when someone rejects you. It is better to find out from the beginning they are not the one for you....

willing2's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:57 AM
I've had a few take me home and a couple days later make me leave.

Never could get the hang of the poor whooped puppy dog.

no photo
Thu 01/16/14 08:03 AM
Rejection doesn't so much bother me as much as being strung along for a while with lies and then being rejected. Its not being rejected thats bad its how they do it. Just be respectful and honest an upfront. Don't use and string someone along.

willing2's photo
Thu 01/16/14 08:09 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 01/16/14 08:15 AM

Rejection doesn't so much bother me as much as being strung along for a while with lies and then being rejected. Its not being rejected thats bad its how they do it. Just be respectful and honest an upfront. Don't use and string someone along.

I agree.
Getting strung along sucks.

I have to also admit to stringing women along. Leaving them believing the relationship was more than just sex and/or a need for a place to crash.

Deception. Yes, guilty.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 01/16/14 10:18 AM

For me, rejection is just part of the courtship dance.

Yes, it stings a little. However, I choose to dance and in that choice buzzes the wasp of rejection.

It's all about choices we make.

When I was young rejection felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.

I see many posts of how angry and frustrated some folks get over a potential love.

Why? Is it sprained pride? A sense of entitlement? Over active fantasy?

In my younger days, it was for the fantasy of having a family that loved me.

It took time and many rejections to learn to not take it so personal.

What's ya'lls experiences and how well do you handle the sting?

stop kicking the Hornet Nest!laugh

princess100's photo
Thu 01/16/14 11:43 AM
am 50 but still can't handle rejection lol silly old me xx

no photo
Thu 01/16/14 12:31 PM
I think it's a mixture of arrogance and entitlement. They think they're amazing and when someone disagrees, they're outraged and offended. I also think many people think anyone who resorts to online dating is desperate and will take the first person who approaches them, so when they hear "no" or get no reply, they're confused and insulted and wonder what is wrong with them or "how dare he/she reject me????"

willing2's photo
Thu 01/16/14 12:39 PM

am 50 but still can't handle rejection lol silly old me xx

Hope the bad experiences don't leave you with a cold heart there,Darlin.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 01/16/14 01:09 PM

What's ya'lls experiences and how well do you handle the sting?

Well, I am like the anti-stalker.

If I get so much as a whiff that someone (I want)
does not want me, I am out of there so fast.

Life is too short.
Reciprocal love is all that matters.

no photo
Thu 01/16/14 01:10 PM

What's ya'lls experiences and how well do you handle the sting?

Well, I am like the anti-stalker.

If I get so much as a whiff that someone (I want)
does not want me, I am out of there so fast.

Life is too short.
Reciprocal love is all that matters.


ASolitaryMan's photo
Thu 01/16/14 02:39 PM
smitten I accept some rejection. But it's confusing when on our fist date a woman's attitude, behavior is completely different than her profile story. slaphead :angel:

no photo
Thu 01/16/14 02:59 PM
When I was young me and two other lads asked a girl out and she told us to wait until the weekend for her answer. I was sure she would pick me. I was very confident she would. But she didn't. I was crushed.
And to this day I still think the only reason she didn't pick me was to make me jealous.

I've experienced a lot of rejection on here.

no photo
Thu 01/16/14 03:02 PM
I share Soufie's feelings...From body language to subtle innuendo, the slightest hint will send me running...When it happens, I shake it off and get back in the saddle...At my age, I can't afford to waste time building low self esteem ....drinker

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/16/14 03:07 PM

What's ya'lls experiences and how well do you handle the sting?

Well, I am like the anti-stalker.

If I get so much as a whiff that someone (I want)
does not want me, I am out of there so fast.

Life is too short.
Reciprocal love is all that matters.

amen sista!

it helps to already be secure that we are loved,,, than it doesn't matter who else likes us or not,,,lol

soufiehere's photo
Thu 01/16/14 03:30 PM

I've experienced a lot of rejection on here.

Oh, you have not.
Everyone adores you.
Whether they know it or not :-)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 01/16/14 03:51 PM

smitten I accept some rejection. But it's confusing when on our fist date a woman's attitude, behavior is completely different than her profile story. slaphead :angel:

I do assume that was a typo or .... ?????