Topic: Abortion
Mortman's photo
Fri 03/22/13 10:12 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I've heard and seen from several "pro-lifers" who are mostly motivated by their inability to have children, having had difficulty finding a child to adopt.

The biggest problem I had with those people is that they ignore the number of foster children available for adoption, already. Those "pro-lifers" were white and the available children weren't. So, they want to outlaw abortion, in order to raise the number of available white babies, and then go on avoiding the brown ones, and completely ignoring the problems in society actually caused by unwanted babies.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 11:58 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 03/23/13 12:13 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

I don't care about passive people who "don't support" abortion or who just have an opinion about what they think they would do if faced with that problem of unwanted pregnancy in the family; they just want to preach and pass judgement on other people who choose abortion. People they don't even know. Its really none of their business now is it? Especially if they are not willing to step up to the plate and provide a home for these unwanted children or help these pregnant teenagers who keep doing drugs and popping out a child every year that they can't even take care of.

I like pets, at least you can spay and neuter them.

Do you know what happens to these children? If the state knows about them, they become wards of the state and foster children. If not, they are brought up with neglect and abuse by parents that can't take care of them.

I have family members who don't believe in abortion and who have stepped up to the plate, raising other people's children because their mothers are irresponsible addicts. They are now faced with raising two black and two white children that should have never been conceived or born in the first place. They have a right to their anti-abortion opinions I would say. They walk the walk, but I don't think they can handle much more.

P.S. oops I forgot about the first one, who is now in the service and was taken in at the age of 15. That makes three black children they have taken in and are raising. (I consider him to be raised to completion.) If it were not for that, he would have ended up in prison like so many others.

So if you won't or can't walk the walk, then your opinion on abortion is your own personal one to be used in your own individual situation. You have no right to tell other people what they can or must do in that situation.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 12:05 PM

Great idea to abort Libs and Progressives.

Should there be an age limit on aborting them?smokin


mightymoe's photo
Sat 03/23/13 12:13 PM

Abortion is murder; plain and simple.

if it was that plain and simple, there wouldn't be a debate about it...
i disagree, for a number of reasons... first, if a woman doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have to just have it and be responsible for it for the next 18-20 years....second, there is no life, it hasn't learned anything or even have any thought process in the first 3 or 4 months...third, there is to many people in the world as it is, IMO...
fourth, deformed, retarded, or abnormal won't hve the quality of life that a normal child would have, plus the extra strain on the parents and the government that helps with money for doctors, special schooling, ect...
nobody should tell the woman to have or not have an abortion, it should totally up to her...

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 03:53 PM
I'm definitely not against it. Just make sure you discuss it with your lover, before doing so.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 03:57 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 03/23/13 03:58 PM

I'm definitely not against it. Just make sure you discuss it with your lover, before doing so.

Um... why?

There are "lovers" and there are "husbands" and then there are the "sperm doners."

If you are uncertain about what you want, and you have a responsible partner you can raise a child with, by all means... discuss it with him. But that is an option. You are not obligated to do so.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:01 PM
If I remember correctly, if you murder a pregnant mother you are charged with two homicides. So why is abortion not considered murder? Well murder is an unlawful plan killing and abortion is legal by USA law, therefore it is not murder. Still it is weird that we want to keep murderers and rapist alive and support them for the rest of their life in jail and yet an innocent life like a fetus is kill because of the choose the mother made.

Keep in mind I only support abortion if the woman was raped or if her life is in jeopardy. I don’t by the “I was raped because I choose to get drunk at a party” line.

Although I wonder how much of the pregnancies are the result of the government paying for the abortion or aid for childcare. I have seen some women have kids just to get a government check. And one nurse told me that she had a girl that wanted to get the abortion so she can go parting. Also in the next room was a couple trying for the third time to have a child without having a miscarriage. She also told me that many of the nurses had to rotate with helping the doctor with the abortion that they had difficulty with helping in the death of an unborn child.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:20 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

I don't care about passive people who "don't support" abortion or who just have an opinion about what they think they would do if faced with that problem of unwanted pregnancy in the family; they just want to preach and pass judgement on other people who choose abortion. People they don't even know. Its really none of their business now is it? Especially if they are not willing to step up to the plate and provide a home for these unwanted children or help these pregnant teenagers who keep doing drugs and popping out a child every year that they can't even take care of.

I like pets, at least you can spay and neuter them.

Do you know what happens to these children? If the state knows about them, they become wards of the state and foster children. If not, they are brought up with neglect and abuse by parents that can't take care of them.

I have family members who don't believe in abortion and who have stepped up to the plate, raising other people's children because their mothers are irresponsible addicts. They are now faced with raising two black and two white children that should have never been conceived or born in the first place. They have a right to their anti-abortion opinions I would say. They walk the walk, but I don't think they can handle much more.

P.S. oops I forgot about the first one, who is now in the service and was taken in at the age of 15. That makes three black children they have taken in and are raising. (I consider him to be raised to completion.) If it were not for that, he would have ended up in prison like so many others.

So if you won't or can't walk the walk, then your opinion on abortion is your own personal one to be used in your own individual situation. You have no right to tell other people what they can or must do in that situation.

we all have the rigth to look after life,, whether we are in positions to financialy support them or not,,,,

Kleisto's photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:35 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:40 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 03/23/13 08:40 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:41 PM

If I remember correctly, if you murder a pregnant mother you are charged with two homicides. So why is abortion not considered murder?

Probably because a WOMAN who chooses abortion is making a choice about HER BODY and her health. No other person can force her to abort her pregnancy, she is the only person who has the right to that decision. Neither can anyone force her to give birth.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 03/23/13 08:48 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

Preventing a woman from having a free choice of whether or not to have an abortion is not "protecting a child" so don't pat yourself on the back for "saving a child" unless you intend to raise that "child" after it is born.

A fetus is not a "child." If you want to "protect" children you will have to wait until after they are born.frustrated frustrated

Even a new born baby is not called "a child" until it gets to be older. I have to laugh at how people call a fetus "a child."

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:46 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,


msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:49 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

Preventing a woman from having a free choice of whether or not to have an abortion is not "protecting a child" so don't pat yourself on the back for "saving a child" unless you intend to raise that "child" after it is born.

A fetus is not a "child." If you want to "protect" children you will have to wait until after they are born.

well, doctors wanted my mother to abort me,,, so actually someones decision to stop that action (namely my mother) did SAVE A CHILD,,

of course saving a life is saving a life,, regardless of the circumstances or who felt the right to determine the fate of that life,,,


thats an opinion and the center of the debate is the perception of when life becomes valuable enough to protect

when it is a 'fetus', or a 'child' or a 'teen' or whatever stage of life,,,

many dont think it should count as a seperate life until its born, others disagree....

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 08:57 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

Preventing a woman from having a free choice of whether or not to have an abortion is not "protecting a child" so don't pat yourself on the back for "saving a child" unless you intend to raise that "child" after it is born.

A fetus is not a "child." If you want to "protect" children you will have to wait until after they are born.

well, doctors wanted my mother to abort me,,, so actually someones decision to stop that action (namely my mother) did SAVE A CHILD,,

of course saving a life is saving a life,, regardless of the circumstances or who felt the right to determine the fate of that life,,,


thats an opinion and the center of the debate is the perception of when life becomes valuable enough to protect

when it is a 'fetus', or a 'child' or a 'teen' or whatever stage of life,,,

many dont think it should count as a seperate life until its born, others disagree....

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:04 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

Preventing a woman from having a free choice of whether or not to have an abortion is not "protecting a child" so don't pat yourself on the back for "saving a child" unless you intend to raise that "child" after it is born.

A fetus is not a "child." If you want to "protect" children you will have to wait until after they are born.

well, doctors wanted my mother to abort me,,, so actually someones decision to stop that action (namely my mother) did SAVE A CHILD,,

of course saving a life is saving a life,, regardless of the circumstances or who felt the right to determine the fate of that life,,,


thats an opinion and the center of the debate is the perception of when life becomes valuable enough to protect

when it is a 'fetus', or a 'child' or a 'teen' or whatever stage of life,,,

many dont think it should count as a seperate life until its born, others disagree....

Well of course "others disagree." You are not saying anything new.

The question is not at what stage a life is valuable enough to protect. The question is when that life is growing inside of a woman's body, who has the right to tell that woman what she can do about it.

It is her life and her body. Nobody owns that but HER. She has dominion. She has the final say and only she can make that decision. Others don't have to agree and others don't have to like it.

That's the law.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:07 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 03/23/13 09:07 PM
Now if an embryo was created with her egg and her husband's sperm in a test tube and frozen, she may not be able to own these embryos or decide their fate if someone (her husband) objected.

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:11 PM

I'm definitely not against it. Just make sure you discuss it with your lover, before doing so.

Um... why?

There are "lovers" and there are "husbands" and then there are the "sperm doners."

If you are uncertain about what you want, and you have a responsible partner you can raise a child with, by all means... discuss it with him. But that is an option. You are not obligated to do so.

jeannie, what would you like me to be? drool I prefer to be a sperm doner..drool

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:13 PM

My point is people who scream that abortion is murder probably have not been faced with the reality of being responsible for an unwanted child or children and while they can make suggestions about "adoption" they don't really know what that involves.

It is easy to have an opinion when you are not face to face with the problem.

I don't see many anti-abortion proponents offering to adopt and raise these unwanted children.

I would bet there are quite a few anti abortion folks who do actually adopt and raise unwanted children

but that is beside the point,,,,not eveyone is able to take on children, yet I wouldnt think that should stop them from speaking up about children being abused or neglected

similarly, I think its irrelevant to not supporting abortion,,,,

why is that irrelevant? SOMEONE has to raise the kid, it doesn't just come able to raise itself! If someone can't handle it and no one else wants to, what good is that gonna do for anyone? The kid will lead a ****ed up life because of it, is that fair to it to be burdened with that because of the mistakes of the parent? If it can't be raised properly, it almost is better off not existing really from that perspective.

I don't think abortion should be used as an easy out for not being responsible for yourself that said, but......I think the topic of what happens to these unwanted kids is VERY relevant, it will shape the rest of their lives.

yes, society may have to pay to keep a child safe or alive,, oh the DREAD,,,,

frustrated frustrated

it cant be raised properly DEAD, and we dont know how properly it will be raised until someone is RAISING It,,,

and yes, what happesn to them is important to discuss,

but my not being able to 'step up' to raise someones child, is irrelevant to me stepping in to protect that child if they are facing death or harm,,,,

Preventing a woman from having a free choice of whether or not to have an abortion is not "protecting a child" so don't pat yourself on the back for "saving a child" unless you intend to raise that "child" after it is born.

A fetus is not a "child." If you want to "protect" children you will have to wait until after they are born.

well, doctors wanted my mother to abort me,,, so actually someones decision to stop that action (namely my mother) did SAVE A CHILD,,

of course saving a life is saving a life,, regardless of the circumstances or who felt the right to determine the fate of that life,,,


thats an opinion and the center of the debate is the perception of when life becomes valuable enough to protect

when it is a 'fetus', or a 'child' or a 'teen' or whatever stage of life,,,

many dont think it should count as a seperate life until its born, others disagree....

Well of course "others disagree." You are not saying anything new.

The question is not at what stage a life is valuable enough to protect. The question is when that life is growing inside of a woman's body, who has the right to tell that woman what she can do about it.

It is her life and her body. Nobody owns that but HER. She has dominion. She has the final say and only she can make that decision. Others don't have to agree and others don't have to like it.

That's the law.

we are not born with children inside, they are not 'our body' they are only developing initially inside our body

so , as said before, it is about 'life'

whether we call it a 'fetus' ,
'unborn child'...or whatever

a woman owns her body, just like she owns her home (if she bought it, but does that mean there is NO LIMIT to what she does or is permitted to do to the life that may be inside of it?

thats the debate,,,

once the law didnt support it being exclusively about the woman, after roe v wade, the law changed

and it could change again,,,,as happens when cultures develop / progress,,,etc,,,

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 09:15 PM

I'm definitely not against it. Just make sure you discuss it with your lover, before doing so.

Um... why?

There are "lovers" and there are "husbands" and then there are the "sperm doners."

If you are uncertain about what you want, and you have a responsible partner you can raise a child with, by all means... discuss it with him. But that is an option. You are not obligated to do so.

jeannie, what would you like me to be? drool I prefer to be a sperm doner..drool

I offer my services to you free of charge. smokin