Topic: Father of shot child, heckled by pro gun activists | |
Ignorance is hugging your gun and forsaking the child.... As this thread a few others prove over and over... Again, Polly want a cracker? I can protect a child from a crazy guy with a gun better than I can bare hand from a bad guy with a gun. And the Wheels of the BUS go ROUND AND ROUND! Yep she is like a parrot squawking the same illogical rant over and over. She ignores the facts, squawks out false information, and thinks she is making some point which she will not reveal. I would like willowdraga to tell me what her point is instead of whining and crying. So what is your point willowdraga? If you have a point please get to it because I'm beginning to think you need professional help. |
No ignorance is forsaking your child by not being able to stop a kidnapper with a gun. Wise and beautiful!! ![]() Now, will you show more cleavage? ![]() ![]() Hug a drone, screw the kids. ![]() ![]() The only cleavage I have is behind me when I bend over while wearing my hip huggers. |
![]() Yep, and I wear a powdered wig, take tea promptly at 2.35 pm, speak King's English, and wear a monocle. My horse is white and farts gold dust. And people around me are always so nice clean and polite. Now I will open my eyes! Whoop, not liking the real world. Back to closing my eyes! ![]() |
52 Percent of Americans Say Sandy Hook Is Being Exploited for Political Gain
Emily Ekins|Jan. 30, 2013 9:15 am As gun rights and gun control are debated in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, a majority of Americans say elected officials are “exploiting” the tragedy. The new Reason-Rupe poll finds 52 percent of Americans believe that elected officials are exploiting the tragedy for political gain, while 41 percent feel elected officials are acting responsibly. Democrats differ sharply from independents and Republicans on the issue. Seventy-one percent of Republicans and 60 percent of independents think the tragedy is being politicized, while just 32 percent of Democrats believe so. As Jacob Sullum mentioned in his column this morning, Reason-Rupe finds that over half, 51 percent, of Americans say people “should be allowed to own assault weapons,” while 44 percent say people “should be prohibited from owning assault weapons.” Once again there is a substantial political divide: 68 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents say assault weapons should be allowed. However, just 33 percent of Democrats agree. Democrats, who normally count on the youth vote, may be surprised to find that 70 percent of 18-24 year-olds and 58 percent of 25-34 year-olds say “assault weapons should be allowed.” Similarly, Republicans, who usually rely upon the senior vote, will find that 57 percent of 55-64 year-olds and 61 percent of people over the age of 65 say assault weapons should be prohibited. As Congress gets ready to debate new gun restrictions, just 27 percent of Americans say the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 would’ve helped avoid the tragedy if it were still in place. Over two-thirds, 67 percent, say the ban would not have helped avoid the shooting. The public is split on what might have helped prevent the Newtown tragedy. When asked what might have helped prevent the shooting, 24 percent proposed better mental health treatment, 19 percent said stricter gun laws, 18 percent stressed better parenting and 17 percent suggested armed guards. The poll also found little consensus when respondents were asked, open-ended, to actually define an assault weapon. Assault weapons were described as fully automatic machine guns in 29 percent of the responses. Twenty-seven percent of the answers defined assault weapons as any gun that fires rapidly, 23 percent focused on the size of the magazine or clip and 17 percent described them as any gun having the ability to fire multiple rounds. The polls finds 52 percent approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing and 42 percent disapprove. The public is split over how the president is handling the economy, with 48 percent approving and 47 percent disapproving. Just 17 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing and 74 percent disapprove. The Reason-Rupe poll conducted live interviews with 1,000 adults on mobile (500) and landline (500) phones from January 17-21, 2013. The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percent. Princeton Survey Research Associates International executed the nationwide survey. The full poll is online here (.pdf) and additional Reason-Rupe poll resources are available here. This is the latest in a series of Reason-Rupe public opinion surveys dedicated to exploring what Americans really think about government and major issues. This Reason Foundation project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation. Emily Ekins is the director of polling for Reason Foundation where she leads the Reason-Rupe public opinion research project. |
No ignorance is forsaking your child by not being able to stop a kidnapper with a gun. Wise and beautiful!! ![]() Now, will you show more cleavage? ![]() ![]() Hug a drone, screw the kids. ![]() ![]() The only cleavage I have is behind me when I bend over while wearing my hip huggers. That could work. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This is a reminder to NOT make posts personal. Keep it on the topic.
Kim |
Even if some guy who happens to own a gun did heckle the man, that has no bearing on me.
I am not responsible for anyone else. Just because I own a gun doesn't mean all gun owners represent me. Silly. |
Even if some guy who happens to own a gun did heckle the man, that has no bearing on me. I am not responsible for anyone else. Just because I own a gun doesn't mean all gun owners represent me. Silly. It has already come out in multiple sources that no heckling occurred. NBC edited out the part where the man asked twice for input from the audience with the statement (paraphrased) "Can anyone here give me a reason why they would need an assault rifle or a thirty round clip?" and the response was several people said "second amendment" and second amendment should not be abridged!" He then said he respected their opinion and asked that they consider his. There was no heckling of any kind at any time. NBC edited out a large chuck of the video to make it look like the man was heckled. I have seen the full video and it is nothing like what was shown on NBC. |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia....
I did see the amended version and they were still heckling because the second amendment is not a reason for someone to have an assault weapon.
In light of his loss even bringing up anything would have been heckling so yea it was heckling. |
And still gun hugging and forsaking the children...
H |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... What the second amendment guarantees is that the government can't take guns away (or abridge the rights) from law abiding citizens. |
Edited by
Fri 02/01/13 08:52 AM
I did see the amended version and they were still heckling because the second amendment is not a reason for someone to have an assault weapon. In light of his loss even bringing up anything would have been heckling so yea it was heckling. Then you don't know what heckling is. The audience didn't "bring up" anything. They answered the question he directed to them, politely. He was never interrupted. Your OP also has the false statement that an assault weapon was used. No assault weapon was used in this attack. It was left in the trunk of his car the whole time. And it really isn't an assault weapon anyway. It was a semi-auto rifle so so many others. |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... |
Edited by
Fri 02/01/13 09:18 AM
Politicians are making fun of anyone who states that the second amendment was for the purpose of guarding against tyranny. So soon we forget what gun control did to Germany. Only the secret police and the military had guns and people were rounded up and put on trains and sent to death camps. People were put into gas chambers and killed.
This is not ancient history. This is within my own generation. My father fought against this tyranny. Don't be so naive that you think it can't still happen. |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... Morning birdy! ![]() |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... Morning birdy! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... Morning birdy! ![]() ![]() ![]() Close enough ![]() ![]() |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... Morning birdy! ![]() ![]() ![]() Close enough ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Even the second amendment doesn't guarantee the right to an assault weapon or any weapon actually outside of the regulated militia.... |