Topic: Can You change the orientation of a Lesbian
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Fri 12/28/12 11:32 AM

jaded72's photo
Sun 12/30/12 08:03 AM

Hi, was on another but similar thread and someone bragged on how he slept with Lesbians. Being around the block I have met both Lesbians and Bisexual women. But seriously if a Lady goes that way is there anything any guy can do to change her. I say NO!

Why would you want to change her?

Also, sexuality is a natural part of being human - there are different degrees of attraction to the same and opposite sex. Saying that you can choose who you are attracted to is a bit naive. JMO. You can choose what you do about how you feel, but not the part about HOW you feel. This applies to men and women, both. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, bisexuality exists for both genders.

I have worked with enough young people going through the challenges of adolescence and ALL that entails to have seen how gender identity issues can manifest. And even though society has come a long way to be accepting of people from varying orientations, It is still not an easy road if you do not fit the "Norm". Heck, it's not easy if you do fit the 'norm" .... lol.

Just my 2 cents.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/30/12 11:56 AM
the mind is powerful

anyone can change, fewer can be changed by others

but anyone can change 'themself' , if and when they decide to,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:09 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 12/30/12 12:10 PM

I do not believe homosexuality is a choice among men. This is because I cannot imagine enjoying myself while doing sexual things with another man. I find the thought repulsive.

However, I think it's different with women. I don't mean to suggest that a woman can be turned one way or the other. What I'm saying is that the right person (man or woman) may come along at the right time and she'll go the other way, at least for a while.

In other words, according to what I've read on the subject and my personal experience, women are bi-sexual and DO make a choice about their sexual orientation and therefore can go either way for the right person.

thats interesting

I think all humans have a capacity for bisexuality, personally. Though I Think the training in men, the programming from birth, makes it harder/less likely for them to develop that attraction to men,,,,

in that sense, I Think a person can start (At least from the time they begin becoming 'sexual') with a specific attraction but then DEVELOP other attractions,,,by breaking down mental and emotional wals that prevent it

once you are able to be 'attracted to' humans of either gender, appreciate beauty in either gender,, than you can definitely CHOOSE which you will consciously ACT upon

I think alot of it is self validation/reptition of behavior too,, the more often we say we are something (stupid, loser,et,,,) and couple it with repeated behavior enforcing that belief (not studying, not trying to win),, the more that description becomes a real and seemingly UNALTERABLE part of 'who we are'

I know someone who lived the gay lifestyle until his late forties, who is now happily married to a woman,,,,,

I wouldnt say if he is no longer attracted to men at all, but he is happy with his wife and (as far as I know) very devoted,,,

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 12:32 PM

the mind is powerful

anyone can change, fewer can be changed by others

but anyone can change 'themself' , if and when they decide to,,,,

I totally agree with this statement.. the mind is a VERY powerful tool.. and one can change oneself at any given moment of their choosing.. as my eldest just recently discovered and proclaimed "it's as simple as changing ones mind".. although it apply's to ALL aspects of life and not just one's sexuality..

SeaWInd777's photo
Sun 12/30/12 01:43 PM
Edited by SeaWInd777 on Sun 12/30/12 01:45 PM

true homosexuals of either gender have very little choice in the matter. The real choice is whether to be honest about it. I think it is wonderful that people in today's society can be accepted for their true orientation.

With my long history in athletics I can confidently say that true homosexuals are born that way.

You can find research to support almost anything so to me that is a lesser reasoning

Bi sexuality is another matter. That is a choice, and it's mostly curiousity. A lesbian (true lesbian) who sleeps with a man was probably just curious.

Being a lesbian, I agree. I was born that way.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 12/30/12 01:52 PM
I don't believe people have a choice about their sexual preferences, be it male, female, both, neither, or anything else you care to imagine. Whoever said women "choose" their sexuality while men do not must have been a man.

Why can't people just leave other people's sex lives alone? As long as nobody is getting hurt, what's it to anybody else?

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 12/30/12 01:57 PM
What goes on behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

Oh wait, that's Las Vegas.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/30/12 03:19 PM

What goes on behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

Oh wait, that's Las Vegas.


yeah, sex is private, until people are forced to define others by it,, than its made public,,,

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 12/30/12 03:31 PM

I don't believe people have a choice about their sexual preferences, be it male, female, both, neither, or anything else you care to imagine. Whoever said women "choose" their sexuality while men do not must have been a man.

Why can't people just leave other people's sex lives alone? As long as nobody is getting hurt, what's it to anybody else?

I said it. And the reason I said it is because the research I've seen on the matter suggests it's true. But, I admit, it's just a hypothesis. More study needs to be done to follow up.

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 04:15 PM

Hi, was on another but similar thread and someone bragged on how he slept with Lesbians. Being around the block I have met both Lesbians and Bisexual women. But seriously if a Lady goes that way is there anything any guy can do to change her. I say NO!


msharmony's photo
Sun 12/30/12 04:20 PM
I think it may be easier to develop attractions than to lose them

I think any hetero/homo can develop into bi

probably harder for a bi to lose their attraction

willowdraga's photo
Sun 12/30/12 04:52 PM

Hi, was on another but similar thread and someone bragged on how he slept with Lesbians. Being around the block I have met both Lesbians and Bisexual women. But seriously if a Lady goes that way is there anything any guy can do to change her. I say NO!

No changing needed if the woman sleeps with both sexes she is bi sexual.

Shouldn't ever try to change anyone anyway. Either love them how they are in their natural way of being or leave them alone.

willowdraga's photo
Sun 12/30/12 04:57 PM

true homosexuals of either gender have very little choice in the matter. The real choice is whether to be honest about it. I think it is wonderful that people in today's society can be accepted for their true orientation.

With my long history in athletics I can confidently say that true homosexuals are born that way.

You can find research to support almost anything so to me that is a lesser reasoning

Bi sexuality is another matter. That is a choice, and it's mostly curiousity. A lesbian (true lesbian) who sleeps with a man was probably just curious.

Being a lesbian, I agree. I was born that way.

Bi sexuals are also born that way. The confusing part for those of us who are either homo or hetero is that we cannot comprehend well that state of being where sexual attraction has no gender. But sexuality is a born state of being. What we do with it is a choice but who we are attracted to in our basest biological state is born to us.

winterblue56's photo
Sun 12/30/12 05:13 PM

I don't believe people have a choice about their sexual preferences, be it male, female, both, neither, or anything else you care to imagine. Whoever said women "choose" their sexuality while men do not must have been a man.

Why can't people just leave other people's sex lives alone? As long as nobody is getting hurt, what's it to anybody else?


no photo
Tue 01/01/13 06:56 AM
For those that are truly lesbian from womb to tomb, I don't believe you can change them.

Perhaps the issue is that many women say that they are lesbian when in reality they have chosen it & the lifestyle - which is their right and it does not matter to me at all - because of numerous reasons. These are probably the ones us guys run into that say they are but then want a man to have that experience, or to be their safe male friend to have sex with because they are tired of their toys, or they want a baby, or they have been hurt emotionally and it was a woman that was there to comfort them. They use the word lesbian to describe themselves when in reality they are not truly lesbian in the sense from the womb to the tomb. As unpleasant as it is to say it, they chose it - which to me is an affront to those who are it.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 01/01/13 07:23 AM
The only way I know to change the orientation of anyone is to turn them around or flip them over.

no photo
Tue 01/01/13 07:27 AM

The only way I know to change the orientation of anyone is to turn them around or flip them over.


ArtGurl's photo
Tue 01/01/13 07:32 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Tue 01/01/13 07:33 AM

The only way I know to change the orientation of anyone is to turn them around or flip them over.


If that is kinky, the body paint would blow your mind laugh

Happy New Year Torgo flowerforyou

Back on topic ... no. There is no way to change someone's sexual orientation in my opinion. I am a straight gurl and no one can change that. Why would it be different for someone with same sex orientation?

I do believe that we have the capacity to change anything we choose. No one else can choose it for us though.

no photo
Tue 01/01/13 07:34 AM
Happy New Year to you!flowerforyou