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Topic: Can mary save?
Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:16 PM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:17 PM
Edited by funches on Wed 12/05/12 02:23 PM

How so? What are you talking about? Who think's of Marry's vagina? And how would that make her "divine".

did Jesus pop out of her eye or her vagina?

Yes but no one mentioned or referred to her vagina specifically until you did,

eventually someone has to teach you about the birds and the bees

no one was talking about it until you did. And this is the last post from me on her physical organs.

then perhaps you should hang out at the kiddie's table, you asked a question and I answered it

sorry but Mary was a woman and in case you didn't know it women have vaginas

my point was that vaginas have power over Men and the framers of the bible couldn't afford to give any more power to it by making it Divine ...this is why they would not allow Jesus to call Mary Mother

or it would be The Father The Son and The Holy Mother

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:18 PM
Mary only carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to him and never ever get called "Mother" by him...

huh The New Testament does not say that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:19 PM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:22 PM

Mary only carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to him and never ever get called "Mother" by him...

huh The New Testament does not say that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".

of course it does not say it...due to the fact that he never called her "Mother"

or you are welcome to present a passage from the bible in which he does call her "Mother"

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:31 PM

Mary only carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to him and never ever get called "Mother" by him...

huh The New Testament does not say that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".

of course it does not say it...due to the fact that he never called her "Mother"

or you are welcome to present a passage from the bible in which he does call her "Mother"

Oh no. I'm not playing that game.
You make the claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".
It is up to you to prove the claim to be true.

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:41 PM

Mary only carried Jesus for nine months and gave birth to him and never ever get called "Mother" by him...

huh The New Testament does not say that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".

of course it does not say it...due to the fact that he never called her "Mother"

or you are welcome to present a passage from the bible in which he does call her "Mother"

Oh no. I'm not playing that game.
You make the claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother".
It is up to you to prove the claim to be true.

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:51 PM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

I think it gives power to Christ

Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 12/05/12 02:52 PM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 04:05 PM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

I think it gives power to Christ

Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

MsHarmony...the passage you presented refer to submitting to the "marriage" as in the reverence for Christ....because the passages after the one you presented gives all the power to the Husbands

Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

Muaness's photo
Wed 12/05/12 04:05 PM
Edited by Muaness on Wed 12/05/12 04:06 PM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

The bible did not talk of it because it's an irrelevant issue and has no reason Tony be in the bible.

no photo
Wed 12/05/12 04:22 PM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

the thing about religion is that people are so willing to believe anything....if he can walk on water...perhaps he urinated water into wine

the moral of the story is...if the bible doesn't state that Jesus did it...then one shouldn't claim that he did

the bible clearly states that Jesus referred to his Mother as "Woman" but never will you find a passage in which he called her "Mother"

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/05/12 04:54 PM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

I think it gives power to Christ

Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

MsHarmony...the passage you presented refer to submitting to the "marriage" as in the reverence for Christ....because the passages after the one you presented gives all the power to the Husbands

Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

its pretty simple english

'submit to one another'

not 'submit to marriage'

take from it what you wish,,,,,

Christ had GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, as does the husband in a relationship, he did not 'dictate' or 'rule', he only lived for his FATHER

which, if a husband does as well, only means that the power is GODS, however you chalk it up

a good wife can trust a good husband to be following God, which she should also be doing,, whether in following the example set by the husband or doing so out of her own reverence for God

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/06/12 02:45 AM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

I think it gives power to Christ

Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

MsHarmony...the passage you presented refer to submitting to the "marriage" as in the reverence for Christ....because the passages after the one you presented gives all the power to the Husbands

Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

its pretty simple english

'submit to one another'

not 'submit to marriage'

take from it what you wish,,,,,

Christ had GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, as does the husband in a relationship, he did not 'dictate' or 'rule', he only lived for his FATHER

which, if a husband does as well, only means that the power is GODS, however you chalk it up

a good wife can trust a good husband to be following God, which she should also be doing,, whether in following the example set by the husband or doing so out of her own reverence for God

Man is not made the head of the family to "dictate" anything. God set it up this way for a reason. Goes along with the saying "To many chiefs and not enough indians".

Man may lead the family, but he is/should be lead by God. Thus God would in the end be the one leading the family.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/06/12 02:48 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 12/06/12 02:48 AM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

the thing about religion is that people are so willing to believe anything....if he can walk on water...perhaps he urinated water into wine

the moral of the story is...if the bible doesn't state that Jesus did it...then one shouldn't claim that he did

the bible clearly states that Jesus referred to his Mother as "Woman" but never will you find a passage in which he called her "Mother"

Because Marry was only Jesus' mother in concept. Marry did not procreate Jesus. Marry did not have sex to conceive Jesus. God the father formed Jesus inside of Marry's womb. So with that, Marry had no influence on the "creation" of Jesus in the flesh, thus she was not his "mother".

no photo
Thu 12/06/12 06:38 AM

Jesus wasn't all that Heavenly when it came to women rights

huh Just where does the Bible say that God gives any particular right to anyone?

to many to list...but two of the best examples are

wives ahould submit and obey their husbands as to the Lord ...

Women are to remain silent in churches and can not teach or preach religion to Men ...

I asked you to name Bible verses that reveal rights granted by God. You did not do that.

it should be obvious that obey and submit clearly gives the rights to Men

I think it gives power to Christ

Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

MsHarmony...the passage you presented refer to submitting to the "marriage" as in the reverence for Christ....because the passages after the one you presented gives all the power to the Husbands

Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

its pretty simple english

'submit to one another'

not 'submit to marriage'

take from it what you wish,,,,,

MsHarmony...perhaps if you bother to read the preceding passages you would have realize they were referring to marriage

Christ had GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, as does the husband in a relationship, he did not 'dictate' or 'rule', he only lived for his FATHER

MsHarmony...in case no one told you....those that hand out commandments are trying to rule and dictate

which, if a husband does as well, only means that the power is GODS, however you chalk it up

a good wife can trust a good husband to be following God, which she should also be doing,, whether in following the example set by the husband or doing so out of her own reverence for God

The Bible made it clear that the husband is in control of the wife

Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

no photo
Thu 12/06/12 06:54 AM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

the thing about religion is that people are so willing to believe anything....if he can walk on water...perhaps he urinated water into wine

the moral of the story is...if the bible doesn't state that Jesus did it...then one shouldn't claim that he did

the bible clearly states that Jesus referred to his Mother as "Woman" but never will you find a passage in which he called her "Mother"

Because Marry was only Jesus' mother in concept. Marry did not procreate Jesus. Marry did not have sex to conceive Jesus. God the father formed Jesus inside of Marry's womb. So with that, Marry had no influence on the "creation" of Jesus in the flesh, thus she was not his "mother".

so "immaculate conception" to you means Mary didn't actaully have a baby Jesus but found a "concept" baby Jesus in a cabbage patch?

Cowboy...I see that you still haven't received your birds and the bees talk yet ..especially since the bible makes it clear that Mary will "conceive" in the womb

when a female egg gets fertilzed...it's called sex and falls into the realm of procreation and results in having little children of the corn ...or of the clone

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/06/12 01:06 PM

I made a claim that Jesus never called Mary "Mother" and never called her "Frankenberry"

if you wish to claim otherwise ....then present a passage in which he does call her Mother or Frankenberry

but if you can't...that would be an indication that he never called Mary Mother nor Frankenberry

Nowhere does the New Testament mention Jesus urinating. Are we to believe that he never urinated?

the thing about religion is that people are so willing to believe anything....if he can walk on water...perhaps he urinated water into wine

the moral of the story is...if the bible doesn't state that Jesus did it...then one shouldn't claim that he did

the bible clearly states that Jesus referred to his Mother as "Woman" but never will you find a passage in which he called her "Mother"

Because Marry was only Jesus' mother in concept. Marry did not procreate Jesus. Marry did not have sex to conceive Jesus. God the father formed Jesus inside of Marry's womb. So with that, Marry had no influence on the "creation" of Jesus in the flesh, thus she was not his "mother".

so "immaculate conception" to you means Mary didn't actaully have a baby Jesus but found a "concept" baby Jesus in a cabbage patch?

Cowboy...I see that you still haven't received your birds and the bees talk yet ..especially since the bible makes it clear that Mary will "conceive" in the womb

when a female egg gets fertilzed...it's called sex and falls into the realm of procreation and results in having little children of the corn ...or of the clone

Funches, please listen for once. I never said Marry didn't conceive Jesus. Not even mentioned at all. Marry did not have to have "sex" to conceive Jesus. God placed Jesus inside he womb without any "sex" taking place.

no photo
Thu 12/06/12 03:03 PM
Can any human save another to heaven1 11 ? ? Only christ is the savior ! !Amen It is so!

no photo
Thu 12/06/12 03:30 PM

Funches, please listen for once. I never said Marry didn't conceive Jesus. Not even mentioned at all. Marry did not have to have "sex" to conceive Jesus. God placed Jesus inside he womb without any "sex" taking place.

Cowboy....God didn't place Jesus into Mary...it was The Holy Spirit that enter into mary so that she could conceive...the bible clearly states that Mary "conceive"... and that takes an egg being fertilized...and sex

once the Holy Spirit enter Mary and impregnanted her...that was sex

perhaps it wasn't memorable to Mary or perhaps the Holy Spirit is a two minute man and it happen to quick for her to enjoy...but neverless... it was sex

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