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Topic: Is it a sin?
CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/23/12 08:10 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 09/23/12 08:14 AM

Whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be clean Funches, would be a mess. I've now shown a further explanation from Harmony and what she said. Please it is your turn now to quote where she specifically said it was unclean. And no taking things out of context. If you quote something Harmony said, quote the whole thing and place what you're referring to in the [ quote ] and [ /quote ] thing. If this can not be done, then why you slander someone and say they said something when they did not?

sure no problem, perhaps it will open up your eyes

POSTED BY MsHarmony:
heads up: 'believers' often disagree, there are many issues to disagree over or agree with and 'believers' are potentially going to disagree on or agree about some or even many of them,,,,,

http://mingle2.com/topic/show/336225?page=5 last post on the bottom of the page

MsHarmony was acknowledging that she didn't agree with you...but you are so scare to confront her that you refuse to see and instead insist on accusing me of slandering her

that blood is unclean whether it is spilt or not is a belief that some believers have and why some are forbidden to get blood transfusions even from Jesus

but anyway you tried to claim that Jesus is God and the blood of Jesus was pure and clean so my intentions was to get you to admit that the blood of Jesus if spilt would be unclean

Whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be clean Funches, would be a mess.

Now you're spreading lies? She no where disagreed with what I said. She mentioned on a general note that sometimes believers disagree with one another. But nothing she said disagreed with what I said. You really should put more attention to the discussion itself and not trying to make the people "discussing" with you look bad.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:08 AM

Proverbs 17:10 and 12


Proverbs 17:11

Cowboy. Be careful my brother.

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:19 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 09/23/12 09:32 AM
Cowboy......it's not about MsHarmony...it's about you admitting that Jesus's blood just as his ejaculants from his wet dreams would be unclean if spilt

but I must say that without MsHarmony I couldn't have accomplish the task of getting you to admit it

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:30 AM


Proverbs 17:10 and 12


Proverbs 17:11


Proverbs 11:9

Cowboy. Be careful my brother.

why do Christians always treat Cowboy as if he didn't have a clue about anything

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:48 AM

Cowboy......it's not about MsHarmony...it's about you admitting that Jesus's blood just as his ejaculants from his wet dreams would be unclean if spilt

but I must say that without MsHarmony I couldn't have accomplish the task of getting you to admit it

Yes both are unclean as in a messy way. But here you are twisting words and taking them out of context. Jesus' blood is pure, it is the cleanest, as in sin wise. His blood was sin free, that is why his sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice which ended the old covenant. No other sacrifice was pure enough to do such a thing, only through his pure blood are we saved. No other sacrifice could surpass Jesus'.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/23/12 09:49 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 09/23/12 09:54 AM


Proverbs 17:10 and 12


Proverbs 17:11


Proverbs 11:9

Cowboy. Be careful my brother.

why do Christians always treat Cowboy as if he didn't have a clue about anything

He wasn't saying that, what are you talking about Funches?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 09/23/12 10:53 AM
laugh laugh

7 pages on the topic of wet dreams being a sin.....

I don't know why I'm surprised!

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/23/12 11:07 AM

laugh laugh

7 pages on the topic of wet dreams being a sin.....

I don't know why I'm surprised!

Me neither.

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 01:08 PM

Yes both are unclean as in a messy way. But here you are twisting words and taking them out of context. Jesus' blood is pure, it is the cleanest, as in sin wise. His blood was sin free, that is why his sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice which ended the old covenant. No other sacrifice was pure enough to do such a thing, only through his pure blood are we saved. No other sacrifice could surpass Jesus'.

sorry "Cowboy 2"...I've already got "Cowboy 3" to confess and give testimony that the blood of Jesus was unclean....

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 01:24 PM


Proverbs 17:10 and 12


Proverbs 17:11


Proverbs 11:9

Cowboy. Be careful my brother.

why do Christians always treat Cowboy as if he didn't have a clue about anything

He wasn't saying that, what are you talking about Funches?

Hikerjohn" is on a dating forum telling you to be careful....be careful of what?...his concern is rather odd especially since the thread is about wet dreams....

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/23/12 02:53 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 09/23/12 02:55 PM

Yes both are unclean as in a messy way. But here you are twisting words and taking them out of context. Jesus' blood is pure, it is the cleanest, as in sin wise. His blood was sin free, that is why his sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice which ended the old covenant. No other sacrifice was pure enough to do such a thing, only through his pure blood are we saved. No other sacrifice could surpass Jesus'.

sorry "Cowboy 2"...I've already got "Cowboy 3" to confess and give testimony that the blood of Jesus was unclean....

No, I said the spill the blood left would be unclean, as in would be a mess on the ground. You're speaking again of two different types of clean. Please keep up and stay on track Funches.

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 04:40 PM

No, I said the spill the blood left would be unclean, as in would be a mess on the ground. You're speaking again of two different types of clean. Please keep up and stay on track Funches.

Cowboy..holy water if it is spilt wouldn't be consider unclean or a mess, but you just admitted once again that the blood of Jesus would be unclean under the same circumstances....

you hornswoggled yourself into saying something that you now regret.....now fall to your knees and pray to the lord almighty for forgiveness ...and think before you post

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/23/12 05:55 PM

No, I said the spill the blood left would be unclean, as in would be a mess on the ground. You're speaking again of two different types of clean. Please keep up and stay on track Funches.

Cowboy..holy water if it is spilt wouldn't be consider unclean or a mess, but you just admitted once again that the blood of Jesus would be unclean under the same circumstances....

you hornswoggled yourself into saying something that you now regret.....now fall to your knees and pray to the lord almighty for forgiveness ...and think before you post

What are you talking about? Holy water spilt on the ground, would be a mess. Wouldn't necessarily be "unclean" cause it's water.

Again, no one said the blood of Jesus itself is/was dirty, foul, or unclean. But the mess it would have left behind after being spilt on the ground would make a mess.

no photo
Sun 09/23/12 07:57 PM

Again, no one said the blood of Jesus itself is/was dirty, foul, or unclean. But the mess it would have left behind after being spilt on the ground would make a mess.

Cowboy...I'm not disputing what you said...it's just rare hearing/reading a believer who would actually admit that their God's blood and wet dreams ejaculants is unclean and leaves a mess when slipt ...

especially since they once burn witches and torture people for making statements like that...you are truly a pioneer

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/24/12 01:39 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 09/24/12 01:40 AM

Again, no one said the blood of Jesus itself is/was dirty, foul, or unclean. But the mess it would have left behind after being spilt on the ground would make a mess.

Cowboy...I'm not disputing what you said...it's just rare hearing/reading a believer who would actually admit that their God's blood and wet dreams ejaculants is unclean and leaves a mess when slipt ...

especially since they once burn witches and torture people for making statements like that...you are truly a pioneer

Why are you stuck on the ejaculation Funches? lol. The two have nothing to do with one another. One is a choice, the other is getting hurt and the blood spilling out on it's own. And I never said Jesus' blood itself is unclean. Again, the mess it would leave on the ground would be unclean, but that does not mean the blood itself is unclean. It just boggles my mind, why you're stuck on thinking of ejaculations while speaking about Jesus here. Yes I realize this thread originally started out speaking of wet dreams. But that has nothing to do with the sub categories that have been brought up eg., the crucifixion and God's blood being spilt. Please try to stay on topic and stick to one or the other.

no photo
Mon 09/24/12 06:12 AM

Why are you stuck on the ejaculation Funches? lol. The two have nothing to do with one another. One is a choice, the other is getting hurt and the blood spilling out on it's own. And I never said Jesus' blood itself is unclean. Again, the mess it would leave on the ground would be unclean, but that does not mean the blood itself is unclean. It just boggles my mind, why you're stuck on thinking of ejaculations while speaking about Jesus here. Yes I realize this thread originally started out speaking of wet dreams. But that has nothing to do with the sub categories that have been brought up eg., the crucifixion and God's blood being spilt. Please try to stay on topic and stick to one or the other.

Cowboy.....It's amazing how you bamboolzed yourself into a conversation about how unclean and messy your Lord's spilt blood and noctural emissions are.....

repent Heathen

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/24/12 07:18 AM

laugh laugh

7 pages on the topic of wet dreams being a sin.....

I don't know why I'm surprised!
Idea for Jerry Lee Lewis to make another Hit-Song!
Whole Lot Of Wet Dreaming Going On!laugh

Why do have people to make Faith so complicated?
Simplify Simple,the Bard said!bigsmile

TBRich's photo
Mon 09/24/12 06:28 PM

laugh laugh

7 pages on the topic of wet dreams being a sin.....

I don't know why I'm surprised!

Its not about the topic, its about watching the interplay of Cowboy and Funches.

no photo
Tue 09/25/12 05:53 AM
Edited by funches on Tue 09/25/12 05:59 AM
I doubt if Cowboy will show up and continue this convesation, by now it probably donned upon him that his sermons about his Lord's blood being unclean and messy if it touched the ground was unwise

but when it comes to wet dreams being a sin, science did not exist in the bible which means that your dreams were either good and from God or was evil and therefore from satan

pertaining to the bible, wet dreams whether one believed them to be voluntary or involuntary would still be a form of sex and equated to lust and since lust is a sin, then the wet dream would be bad and would not have come from God but from Satan

The Book of Revelation was a dream...so if wet dreams are not a sin..then it's possible that The Book of Revelation and most of the bible "came" (no pun intended) from wet dreams

The Bible was inspired by wet dreams?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 09/25/12 06:32 AM

I doubt if Cowboy will show up and continue this convesation, by now it probably donned upon him that his sermons about his Lord's blood being unclean and messy if it touched the ground was unwise

but when it comes to wet dreams being a sin, science did not exist in the bible which means that your dreams were either good and from God or was evil and therefore from satan

pertaining to the bible, wet dreams whether one believed them to be voluntary or involuntary would still be a form of sex and equated to lust and since lust is a sin, then the wet dream would be bad and would not have come from God but from Satan

The Book of Revelation was a dream...so if wet dreams are not a sin..then it's possible that The Book of Revelation and most of the bible "came" (no pun intended) from wet dreams

The Bible was inspired by wet dreams?

What are you talking about? A wet dream can NOT be a sin Funches lol. A sin is something done in disobedience to the LORD. You do not choose to dream or what your dreams are about. Regardless if they may be brought on subconsciously. They are not a conscious decision to have or what they are about. Therefore you could not possibly be accountable for a dream. Science has nothing to do with this Funches lol. You forget who we're talking about? You forget it was God that created this world? Therefore anything science could possibly know, Jesus already knows or anything science doesn't know yet, because he was the one that created it lol.

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