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Topic: Is it a sin?
CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/21/12 05:58 AM

Nocturnal emissions are not sinful,

sorry Cowboy....but according to the bible they are

so I have to either take your word for it ...or what was written in the bible

choices choices

Nocturnal Emissions?...are they like Vampires that only "come" out at night?

Please show where they are "sinful". I have showed where they are "unclean" and the one needs to bathe after one to clean up the mess. But please show where it is "sinful"

Deuteronomy 23
10 If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:

11 But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again.

ESV - English Standard Version
10 “If any man among you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he shall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp, 11 but when evening comes, he shall bathe himself in water, and as the sun sets, he may come inside the camp

TBRich's photo
Fri 09/21/12 06:34 AM

Nocturnal emissions are not sinful,

sorry Cowboy....but according to the bible they are

so I have to either take your word for it ...or what was written in the bible

choices choices

Nocturnal Emissions?...are they like Vampires that only "come" out at night?

Please show where they are "sinful". I have showed where they are "unclean" and the one needs to bathe after one to clean up the mess. But please show where it is "sinful"

Deuteronomy 23
10 If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:

11 But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again.

ESV - English Standard Version
10 “If any man among you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he shall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp, 11 but when evening comes, he shall bathe himself in water, and as the sun sets, he may come inside the camp

I think I may have "sinned" the last time you let me sleep on your couch....Sorry.....

no photo
Fri 09/21/12 08:06 AM

Please show where they are "sinful".

it's sinful because God said "don't spill your seed on the ground" ...

doesn't matter if you are sleeping
doesn't matter if you are wake
doesn't matter if you are bad or good
so don't spill your seed for goodness sake

oh oh oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

you better watch out
you better not cry
you better watch out I'm telling you why
God said don't spill your seed on the ground

dragnmywagn's photo
Fri 09/21/12 02:12 PM

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/21/12 02:20 PM

Please show where they are "sinful".

it's sinful because God said "don't spill your seed on the ground" ...

doesn't matter if you are sleeping
doesn't matter if you are wake
doesn't matter if you are bad or good
so don't spill your seed for goodness sake

oh oh oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

you better watch out
you better not cry
you better watch out I'm telling you why
God said don't spill your seed on the ground

God did not say don't spill your seed on the bed sheets while sleeping. He said not to spill your seed. Thus is an action YOU commit. If it happens while sleeping, it is not an action you specifically chose to partake, therefore could not be responsible for. Again, if you feel it is a sin, please give the scriptures that state specifically "wet dreams" are a sin or "spilling your seed while asleep".

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 02:21 PM
sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/21/12 02:25 PM

sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

Yes, exactly why those verses were posted. It doesn't say it's sinful that they spilt their seed while sleeping, just unclean... imagine that lol, who woulda guessed, right?

no photo
Fri 09/21/12 03:20 PM

God did not say don't spill your seed on the bed sheets while sleeping. He said not to spill your seed.

God said not to spill it ...doesn't matter where

in religion..wet dreams means you have a spirit of lust

as you sleep Satan is whispering sweet nothings in your ear to make you spill your seed or in the case of women get them to pop their cherry

no photo
Fri 09/21/12 03:21 PM

sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

and what if you spill some holy water on youself...are you still unclean?

MsHarmony...that's why you still have my vote for being the Mistress of the bad analogy

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/21/12 06:18 PM

sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

and what if you spill some holy water on youself...are you still unclean?

MsHarmony...that's why you still have my vote for being the Mistress of the bad analogy

and you have my vote for king of the irrelevant

no, spilling water doesnt make you unclean, you found an exception


CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/21/12 09:21 PM

God did not say don't spill your seed on the bed sheets while sleeping. He said not to spill your seed.

God said not to spill it ...doesn't matter where

in religion..wet dreams means you have a spirit of lust

as you sleep Satan is whispering sweet nothings in your ear to make you spill your seed or in the case of women get them to pop their cherry

Funches lol, the way I said it was in a sort of humor. But you have absolute NO control over spilling your seed while you're sleeping. YOU'RE not the one spilling your seed, it is happening involuntarily in your sleep. God said for US not to spill our seed. That is an action being done. While sleeping YOU are not spilling your seed, your body is doing it naturally without your consent lol.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 05:35 AM

sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

and what if you spill some holy water on youself...are you still unclean?

MsHarmony...that's why you still have my vote for being the Mistress of the bad analogy

and you have my vote for king of the irrelevant

no, spilling water doesnt make you unclean, you found an exception


MsHarmony...you conjure up bad analogies in an attempt to make my posts irrelevant but they just end up showing why my posts are revelant...because how many things can you name that followers spill on themselves while they are asleep

1. Drool
2. Fart-Gas
3. ?

1. Their seed
2. Their Cherry
3. A Confession

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 06:03 AM

Funches lol, the way I said it was in a sort of humor. But you have absolute NO control over spilling your seed while you're sleeping. YOU'RE not the one spilling your seed, it is happening involuntarily in your sleep. God said for US not to spill our seed. That is an action being done. While sleeping YOU are not spilling your seed, your body is doing it naturally without your consent lol.

Cowboy...I'm not disputing what you are saying...I'm pointing out that it's Satan that is causing you to spill your seed because you have a spirit of lust..and that's why in religion, wet dreams are a sin

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 06:23 AM

Funches lol, the way I said it was in a sort of humor. But you have absolute NO control over spilling your seed while you're sleeping. YOU'RE not the one spilling your seed, it is happening involuntarily in your sleep. God said for US not to spill our seed. That is an action being done. While sleeping YOU are not spilling your seed, your body is doing it naturally without your consent lol.

Cowboy...I'm not disputing what you are saying...I'm pointing out that it's Satan that is causing you to spill your seed because you have a spirit of lust..and that's why in religion, wet dreams are a sin

You can settle this entire thing, when you find a verse that specifically says wet dreams are sinful and or that it is sinful to spill your seed WHILE sleeping. lol.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 10:26 AM
actually all I have to prove is that possession exist in the bible

remember when you posted that you sinned because Satan took advantage of a weak moment and cause you to go against God

if Satan can cause you to go against God and sin when you are awake

then explain why Satan can't cause you to go against God and spill your seed when you are asleep

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/22/12 10:32 AM

sometimes unclean just means


sorry, but if you have 'spilled' anything upon yourself, you are no longer clean,,,,,

and what if you spill some holy water on youself...are you still unclean?

MsHarmony...that's why you still have my vote for being the Mistress of the bad analogy

and you have my vote for king of the irrelevant

no, spilling water doesnt make you unclean, you found an exception


MsHarmony...you conjure up bad analogies in an attempt to make my posts irrelevant but they just end up showing why my posts are revelant...because how many things can you name that followers spill on themselves while they are asleep

1. Drool
2. Fart-Gas
3. ?

1. Their seed
2. Their Cherry
3. A Confession

I wouldnt consider someone covered in drool clean would you?
people usually refer to liquids or solids when they speak of 'spills'
so a spilled 'gas' is another example of an irrelevant analogy

I dont know who believes that only 'heathens' spill seed, but I likewise dont consider ejaculate to be 'clean'

nor blood

and again, a confession, is generally not in the context of this discussion on 'spills'

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:54 AM

actually all I have to prove is that possession exist in the bible

remember when you posted that you sinned because Satan took advantage of a weak moment and cause you to go against God

if Satan can cause you to go against God and sin when you are awake

then explain why Satan can't cause you to go against God and spill your seed when you are asleep

if Satan can cause you to go against God and sin when you are awake

then explain why Satan can't cause you to go against God and spill your seed when you are asleep

Satan didn't "cause" me to commit the sin nor did I say or insinuate that. Satan tempted/tempts me to commit the different sins, but nevertheless it is my choice to do so or not.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:56 AM

I dont know who believes that only 'heathens' spill seed, but I likewise dont consider ejaculate to be 'clean'

nor blood

MsHarmony....so you're suggesting that both the blood of Christ and his ejaculants would be unclean?....wow

might I suggest that you stick to the topic and stop presenting bad analogies...they always seem to get you into trouble

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 11:58 AM

I dont know who believes that only 'heathens' spill seed, but I likewise dont consider ejaculate to be 'clean'

nor blood

MsHarmony....so you're suggesting that both the blood of Christ and his ejaculants would be unclean?....wow

might I suggest that you stick to the topic and stop presenting bad analogies...they always seem to get you into trouble

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:05 PM

Satan didn't "cause" me to commit the sin nor did I say or insinuate that. Satan tempted/tempts me to commit the different sins, but nevertheless it is my choice to do so or not.

Cowboy...exactly how did Satan tempt you to sin and get you to complete the act....did you see or hear Satan in the physically?......or did he use your mind?

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