Topic: Is it a sin?
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Mon 10/15/12 07:56 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

jeez, you're scary

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:56 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

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Mon 10/15/12 07:58 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:04 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

God is a spiritual being, he is not a physical flesh being. So I would say it's safe to say no. We are not given the knowledge if he eats or not, would be irrelevant and pointless to know.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:05 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

jeez, you're scary

jeez, you're avoiding the question.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:07 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

God is a spiritual being, he is not a physical flesh being. So I would say it's safe to say no. We are not given the knowledge if he eats or not, would be irrelevant and pointless to know.

if eating food according to you have nothing to do with perfection then God probably eats spiritual food

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:10 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

God is a spiritual being, he is not a physical flesh being. So I would say it's safe to say no. We are not given the knowledge if he eats or not, would be irrelevant and pointless to know.

if eating food according to you have nothing to do with perfection then God probably eats spiritual food

Possibly, I couldn't see a good reason for it. But it's possible I reckon lol. We eat food to sustain this physical flesh body, God has not physical flesh body.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:10 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

jeez, you're scary

jeez, you're avoiding the question.

and you're being dense ....if Eve was made from one of Adam's Turds she would still be his sh_t

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:11 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

God is a spiritual being, he is not a physical flesh being. So I would say it's safe to say no. We are not given the knowledge if he eats or not, would be irrelevant and pointless to know.

if eating food according to you have nothing to do with perfection then God probably eats spiritual food

Possibly, I couldn't see a good reason for it. But it's possible I reckon lol. We eat food to sustain this physical flesh body, God has not physical flesh body.

the post mention spiritual food to sustain a spiritual body

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:13 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

jeez, you're scary

jeez, you're avoiding the question.

and you're being dense ....if Eve was made from one of Adam's Turds she would still be his sh_t

How so? Again, God altered the DNA from male to female, who know what else was altered in that.

So again, what relation would the two have if you wish to claim they were related?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:14 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

We are not "God". We are a creation of God. The two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

did God have to eat?

God is a spiritual being, he is not a physical flesh being. So I would say it's safe to say no. We are not given the knowledge if he eats or not, would be irrelevant and pointless to know.

if eating food according to you have nothing to do with perfection then God probably eats spiritual food

Possibly, I couldn't see a good reason for it. But it's possible I reckon lol. We eat food to sustain this physical flesh body, God has not physical flesh body.

the post mention spiritual food to sustain a spiritual body

I don't know, can't say as if I've ever eat'n "spiritual" food. Or again see the relevance in it. Food we eat now is to maintain this physical body. It's vitamins and what not. But spiritually speaking, I don't know of specifically any literal "spiritual" food.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:19 AM

How so? Again, God altered the DNA from male to female, who know what else was altered in that.

So again, what relation would the two have if you wish to claim they were related?

Genesis 2
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Cowboy, try paying attention to the things you post...Adam said that Eve was his flesh and bone..can't get much more realted then that

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:22 AM

How so? Again, God altered the DNA from male to female, who know what else was altered in that.

So again, what relation would the two have if you wish to claim they were related?

Genesis 2
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Cowboy, try paying attention to the things you post...Adam said that Eve was his flesh and bone..can't get much more realted then that

And again, what "relation" would they have? They are two separate creations of God. They are not descendant of one another. So please, enlighten us Funches.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:27 AM

I don't know, can't say as if I've ever eat'n "spiritual" food. Or again see the relevance in it. Food we eat now is to maintain this physical body. It's vitamins and what not. But spiritually speaking, I don't know of specifically any literal "spiritual" food.

well we have learn in the forum that we can't go by what you know since you admitted that you don't study the bible and make mistakes posting

so if being created perfect means that you have to eat food, then that would make God imperfect if he doesn't eat spiritual food

God probably eat ghost toasties, evaporated milk, count chocular, boo beery, frankenberry, angel food

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:30 AM

And again, what "relation" would they have? They are two separate creations of God. They are not descendant of one another. So please, enlighten us Funches.

Adam was created, Eve was formed,

Adam stated that Eve was his flesh and bone

a child would be flesh and bone of it's parent

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:36 AM

I don't know, can't say as if I've ever eat'n "spiritual" food. Or again see the relevance in it. Food we eat now is to maintain this physical body. It's vitamins and what not. But spiritually speaking, I don't know of specifically any literal "spiritual" food.

well we have learn in the forum that we can't go by what you know since you admitted that you don't study the bible and make mistakes posting

so if being created perfect means that you have to eat food, then that would make God imperfect if he doesn't eat spiritual food

God probably eat ghost toasties, evaporated milk, count chocular, boo beery, frankenberry, angel food

I don't "study" the bible in the sense of how people study for school and stuff. I read the bible, I cross reference between things, and I "investigate".

Why wouldn't being made perfect mean that we have to eat food? It all works perfectly together, the plants/herbs that grow in this Earth and the beasts of this world give us the nutrients we need perfectly. There is no one thing we need in that way that we can not get right here on this Earth.

And about the ghost toasties and what not, where did you receive this information? Or are you just going on assumptions?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 08:38 AM

And again, what "relation" would they have? They are two separate creations of God. They are not descendant of one another. So please, enlighten us Funches.

Adam was created, Eve was formed,

Adam stated that Eve was his flesh and bone

a child would be flesh and bone of it's parent

Adam was formed, Eve was formed.

Yes a child would be the flesh and bone of it's parents, but a child is "born" from the parents. Eve was not "born" from anyone. Eve was "formed" just as Adam was. Adam had nothing to do specifically with the creation of Eve. God just used one of his ribs, nothing Adam did or didn't do caused this to happen.

So again after again, what relation would they have?

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:03 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 10/15/12 09:07 AM

I don't "study" the bible in the sense of how people study for school and stuff. I read the bible, I cross reference between things, and I "investigate".

so you "investigate" being a Christian? ....which means you aren't one

Why wouldn't being made perfect mean that we have to eat food? It all works perfectly together, the plants/herbs that grow in this Earth and the beasts of this world give us the nutrients we need perfectly. There is no one thing we need in that way that we can not get right here on this Earth.

And about the ghost toasties and what not, where did you receive this information? Or are you just going on assumptions?

you have yet to explain what's wrong with God having to eat food in order to sustain him spiritually

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:06 AM

And again, what "relation" would they have? They are two separate creations of God. They are not descendant of one another. So please, enlighten us Funches.

Adam was created, Eve was formed,

Adam stated that Eve was his flesh and bone

a child would be flesh and bone of it's parent

Adam was formed, Eve was formed.

Yes a child would be the flesh and bone of it's parents, but a child is "born" from the parents. Eve was not "born" from anyone. Eve was "formed" just as Adam was. Adam had nothing to do specifically with the creation of Eve. God just used one of his ribs, nothing Adam did or didn't do caused this to happen.

So again after again, what relation would they have?

sorry , your argument is with Adam and the's the bible and Adam that claimed that Eve was the flesh and bone of Adam

that makes Eve his daughter

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:31 AM

I don't "study" the bible in the sense of how people study for school and stuff. I read the bible, I cross reference between things, and I "investigate".

so you "investigate" being a Christian? ....which means you aren't one

Why wouldn't being made perfect mean that we have to eat food? It all works perfectly together, the plants/herbs that grow in this Earth and the beasts of this world give us the nutrients we need perfectly. There is no one thing we need in that way that we can not get right here on this Earth.

And about the ghost toasties and what not, where did you receive this information? Or are you just going on assumptions?

you have yet to explain what's wrong with God having to eat food in order to sustain him spiritually

so you "investigate" being a Christian? ....which means you aren't one

Uh, no. Where do you see the term "Christian" in my post? I investigate into the scriptures on the things God wishes for us to do and not do.

you have yet to explain what's wrong with God having to eat food in order to sustain him spiritually

God doesn't "need" anything. But you were the on that brought up God eating, so please explain why he would need to and where you get this information of it.