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Topic: Is it a sin?
CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:35 AM

And again, what "relation" would they have? They are two separate creations of God. They are not descendant of one another. So please, enlighten us Funches.

Adam was created, Eve was formed,

Adam stated that Eve was his flesh and bone

a child would be flesh and bone of it's parent

Adam was formed, Eve was formed.

Yes a child would be the flesh and bone of it's parents, but a child is "born" from the parents. Eve was not "born" from anyone. Eve was "formed" just as Adam was. Adam had nothing to do specifically with the creation of Eve. God just used one of his ribs, nothing Adam did or didn't do caused this to happen.

So again after again, what relation would they have?

sorry , your argument is with Adam and the bible...it's the bible and Adam that claimed that Eve was the flesh and bone of Adam

that makes Eve his daughter

How could Eve be Adam's daughter? And there is no argument anywhere, what are you talking about? An argument is when two keep disagreeing with one another and each other is trying to prove something and or trying to prove the other wrong. I'm not here doing either of the two, so what argument are you talking about?

Daughter - A girl or woman in relation to her parents

Now explain how Adam is a "parent".

Parent - A father or mother.

Adam did not create Eve nor did he give birth to her. So therefore he could not be her mother or father. So again, please explain what relation they would have with one another constituting it incest.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:47 AM

How could Eve be Adam's daughter?

Adam and the bible stated she was his flesh and bone

even you stated that a child would be of the parent's flesh and bone, aren't you your parent's flesh and bone?

Cowboy...you're arguing against that which is written in the bible and what you typed in your own posts

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:56 AM

How could Eve be Adam's daughter?

Adam and the bible stated she was his flesh and bone

even you stated that a child would be of the parent's flesh and bone, aren't you your parent's flesh and bone?

Cowboy...you're arguing against that which is written in the bible and what you typed in your own posts

Again, not arguing lol. And again, no just because she is his flesh and bone does not make her his child. You did not explain how she was his daughter. How could he have a daughter, there was no other woman on the planet at that time? Or do you not know how people of this world have children?

What did Adam do to invoke the creation of Eve?

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:04 AM

What did Adam do to invoke the creation of Eve?

God place Adam to sleep and Adam had a wet dream and spilt his rib (keeping on topic), God fertized the rib and when Adam awoke there was Eve flesh of his flesh bone of his bone

Eve was the Love Child of God and Adam..

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:07 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 10/15/12 10:07 AM

Again, not arguing lol. And again, no just because she is his flesh and bone does not make her his child. You did not explain how she was his daughter. How could he have a daughter, there was no other woman on the planet at that time? Or do you not know how people of this world have children?

What did Adam do to invoke the creation of Eve?

God place Adam to sleep and Adam had a wet dream and spilt his rib (keeping on topic), God fertized the rib and when Adam awoke there was Eve flesh of his flesh bone of his bone

Eve was the Love Child of God and Adam..

Please do give the scriptures that specifically say what you have said. Otherwise, it is nothing more then false and or possibly a lie.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:12 AM

Please do give the scriptures that specifically say what you have said. Otherwise, it is nothing more then false and or possibly a lie.

you have already given the passage when you presented the scripture Adam stating that Eve was of his flesh and Bone

and then you stated in your own post that a child is the flesh and bones of it's parents

as I said, you are arguing against what is written in the bible and what you typed in your own posts

you have to face it...your religion makes you an imbred

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:19 AM

Please do give the scriptures that specifically say what you have said. Otherwise, it is nothing more then false and or possibly a lie.

you have already given the passage when you presented the scripture Adam stating that Eve was of his flesh and Bone

and then you stated in your own post that a child is the flesh and bones of it's parents

as I said, you are arguing against what is written in the bible and what you typed in your own posts

you have to face it...your religion makes you an imbred

No a child is the DECEDENT of their parents. Eve is not a decendant of Adam. And again, a child is BORN from their parents. Neither of them were "born". Neither of them is a parent over the other. Both are two separate creations of God.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:41 AM

No a child is the DECEDENT of their parents. Eve is not a decendant of Adam. And again, a child is BORN from their parents. Neither of them were "born". Neither of them is a parent over the other. Both are two separate creations of God.

since Eve came later on from the body of Adam, makes her both Adam's descendent and his daughter delivered by a C-section

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