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Topic: Is it a sin?
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:09 PM

Satan didn't "cause" me to commit the sin nor did I say or insinuate that. Satan tempted/tempts me to commit the different sins, but nevertheless it is my choice to do so or not.

Cowboy...exactly how did Satan tempt you to sin and get you to complete the act....did you see or hear Satan in the physically?......or did he use your mind?

He made it look like a good idea.

Same way teenagers tempt other teenagers to steal, do drugs, have sex, ect. Just looked like and or felt like a good idea at the time and acted before truly thinking about what one is doing.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:11 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:13 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:13 PM

He made it look like a good idea.

Same way teenagers tempt other teenagers to steal, do drugs, have sex, ect. Just looked like and or felt like a good idea at the time and acted before truly thinking about what one is doing.

so after Satan tempted you into temptation...did you ask God for forgiveness and to deliver you from evil

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:14 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

Msharmony said,

I dont know who believes that only 'heathens' spill seed, but I likewise dont consider ejaculate to be 'clean'

nor blood

Again, she was referring to something being "spilt" eg., a mess.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:15 PM

He made it look like a good idea.

Same way teenagers tempt other teenagers to steal, do drugs, have sex, ect. Just looked like and or felt like a good idea at the time and acted before truly thinking about what one is doing.

so after Satan tempted you into temptation...did you ask God for forgiveness and to deliver you from evil

Every day. And thanks to God almighty I'm forgiven through him.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:18 PM

I dont know who believes that only 'heathens' spill seed, but I likewise dont consider ejaculate to be 'clean'

nor blood

MsHarmony....so you're suggesting that both the blood of Christ and his ejaculants would be unclean?....wow

might I suggest that you stick to the topic and stop presenting bad analogies...they always seem to get you into trouble

Im in no trouble

do you think someone would be damned for 'cleaning' Jesus robe, because that would suggest he was 'unclean'

yes, unclean is unclean, and IM sure there were even times when Jesus found himself unclean and therefore bathed
or his garments unclean and therefore washed

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:20 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:21 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her

Yes a guard did. But that doesn't mean the "blood" was unclean. That means the bloody mess was an unclean mess.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:22 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:22 PM

He made it look like a good idea.

Same way teenagers tempt other teenagers to steal, do drugs, have sex, ect. Just looked like and or felt like a good idea at the time and acted before truly thinking about what one is doing.

so after Satan tempted you into temptation...did you ask God for forgiveness and to deliver you from evil

Every day. And thanks to God almighty I'm forgiven through him.

Cowboy...then do the same when Satan induce you in a dream to go against God and spill your seed to the ground

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:26 PM

He made it look like a good idea.

Same way teenagers tempt other teenagers to steal, do drugs, have sex, ect. Just looked like and or felt like a good idea at the time and acted before truly thinking about what one is doing.

so after Satan tempted you into temptation...did you ask God for forgiveness and to deliver you from evil

Every day. And thanks to God almighty I'm forgiven through him.

Cowboy...then do the same when Satan induce you in a dream to go against God and spill your seed to the ground

Do what now? That's kinda creepy, I never said I spilt my seed. Why would you think of another man spilling his seed?

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:27 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:29 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

if they actually drank his blood yes

since its symbolic and merely juice or wine,, no

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:30 PM

Do what now? That's kinda creepy, I never said I spilt my seed. Why would you think of another man spilling his seed?

Cowboy...I'm pretty sure you probably catch your seeds...all I saying is those followers that are not an expert in seed catching like you and it spill upon the ground should pray to God for forgiveness

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:31 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

Nobody drank the physical blood of Jesus. We drink of Jesus' blood from parable form all the time.

Matthew 26
27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.

It is shown to be speaking specifically of the whine in verse 29 eg., this fruit of the vine.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:32 PM

Do what now? That's kinda creepy, I never said I spilt my seed. Why would you think of another man spilling his seed?

Cowboy...I'm pretty sure you probably catch your seeds...all I saying is those followers that are not an expert in seed catching like you and it spill upon the ground should pray to God for forgiveness

Wow, kinda flattering in a strange way. That there is atleast one person fantasizing about me in one way or other. But no need for flatter funches.

no photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:34 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

if they actually drank his blood yes

since its symbolic and merely juice or wine,, no

see Cowboy...MsHarmony answer "yes" that the blood of Christ is unclean...so it appears you two believers do not agree....

so are you going to refute what MsHarmony said....or be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:35 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

if they actually drank his blood yes

since its symbolic and merely juice or wine,, no

see Cowboy...MsHarmony answer "yes" that the blood of Christ is unclean...so it appears you two believers do not agree....

so are you going to refute what MsHarmony said....or be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

lol please quote the words from Msharmony where she specifically says the blood of Christ is unclean. Not that drinking it is unclean, but specifically the blood itself.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/22/12 12:38 PM

aye, but she didn't say anything about "Christ's" blood. Only mentioned blood on a general note. It is you speak of "Christ's" blood, please try to stay on topic Funches.

Cowboy...MsHarmony went off topic when she mention blood....so now let's see if you tell her to stay on topic, or let's see you be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

but anyway MsHarmony said that blood is unclean....so allow her to answer if she also believe that the blood of Jesus is unclean....for all you know she might answer yes

She did not say specifically blood was unclean. She was referring to blood being spilt and or coming out of the body. If a shirt is soaked in blood, is it a clean shirt? If there is blood on the floor, is it a clean floor? And so forth.

didn't a Roman Guard stick a spear in Jesus and his blood spilt?

so again Cowboy....allow MsHarmony to answer if the blood was unclean or not..

you keep putting your foot in your mouth trying to answer for her


whatever the blood fell upon would no longer be CLEAN

thus, unclean

MsHarmony...so those that drink the blood of Christ is drinking something unclean

if they actually drank his blood yes

since its symbolic and merely juice or wine,, no

see Cowboy...MsHarmony answer "yes" that the blood of Christ is unclean...so it appears you two believers do not agree....

so are you going to refute what MsHarmony said....or be a hypocrite and say nothing to her

the usual sparring, I see

heads up: 'believers' often disagree, there are many issues to disagree over or agree with and 'believers' are potentially going to disagree on or agree about some or even many of them,,,,,

human blood is not clean, human blood will soil and stain, if you spill anything that can soil and stain you make whatever you spilled it on 'unclean'

IF Jesus blood had HUMAN qualities , it also soiled and stained and would leave behind an UNCLEAN condition on whatever it spilled

but that is a distraction from the point being made about HUMANS (born of man and woman) spilling their ejaculate,,,

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