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Topic: Is it a sin?
Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/15/12 09:29 AM
This crap is exactly the reason I only adhere to Catholic spirituality and not Catholic/Christian dogma and teachings.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/15/12 09:32 AM

Does the bible speak against wet dreams? And is it a sin? Again what cause it?

Question: "Is a wet dream / nocturnal emission a sin?"

Answer: Wet dreams / nocturnal emissions are fairly common in the lives of men. The Bible mentions "emissions" in a few places (Leviticus 15:16,18,32; 22:4; Deuteronomy 23:10). Deuteronomy 23:10 specifically refers to nocturnal emissions: "If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there." Many young men (and older men) struggle with this concept. Is a wet dream / nocturnal emission sinful? How can it be a sin if we have no control over it?

Ultimately, we cannot control what we dream about or what happens with our bodies while we are asleep. However, if we are filling our minds with lustful / sinful things during the day, it will likely show up in our dreams. A nocturnal emission is a natural bodily function that is made more frequent by sexual over-stimulation. A nocturnal emission is not sinful in and of itself, but it can be the result of sinful thoughts, desires, and input. If you have a wet dream / nocturnal emission, examine your thought life. Examine what sort of images you are exposing yourself to. If you find that you have allowed yourself to be "inflamed" by lust, confess that to the Lord and asking for His help in overcoming it. In such a case, the wet dream / nocturnal emission is the result of sin, not a sin in and of itself. Follow the words of Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

If you find that the nocturnal emission / wet dream was simply the result of the body naturally "relieving itself," you do not need to confess anything to the Lord. The Old Testament law was very ceremonial in its treatment of bodily discharges, for men and women. Thankfully, we are not bound by these regulations. A man who has had a wet dream / nocturnal emission is not "unclean." Again, the issue is what is going on with your mind. The reactions of our bodies are the result of what takes place in our minds (Matthew 12:34-35).


I'm sorry, but this verse mentions nothing of nocturnal emissions.

Deuteronomy 23:10
10 If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp

Mentions nothing of anything of the sexual area neither.

As a matter of fact, none of these verses even remotely mention wet dreams.

no photo
Sat 09/15/12 09:35 AM

Does the bible speak against wet dreams? And is it a sin? Again what cause it?

Question: "Is a wet dream / nocturnal emission a sin?"

Answer: Wet dreams / nocturnal emissions are fairly common in the lives of men. The Bible mentions "emissions" in a few places (Leviticus 15:16,18,32; 22:4; Deuteronomy 23:10). Deuteronomy 23:10 specifically refers to nocturnal emissions: "If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there." Many young men (and older men) struggle with this concept. Is a wet dream / nocturnal emission sinful? How can it be a sin if we have no control over it?

Ultimately, we cannot control what we dream about or what happens with our bodies while we are asleep. However, if we are filling our minds with lustful / sinful things during the day, it will likely show up in our dreams. A nocturnal emission is a natural bodily function that is made more frequent by sexual over-stimulation. A nocturnal emission is not sinful in and of itself, but it can be the result of sinful thoughts, desires, and input. If you have a wet dream / nocturnal emission, examine your thought life. Examine what sort of images you are exposing yourself to. If you find that you have allowed yourself to be "inflamed" by lust, confess that to the Lord and asking for His help in overcoming it. In such a case, the wet dream / nocturnal emission is the result of sin, not a sin in and of itself. Follow the words of Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

If you find that the nocturnal emission / wet dream was simply the result of the body naturally "relieving itself," you do not need to confess anything to the Lord. The Old Testament law was very ceremonial in its treatment of bodily discharges, for men and women. Thankfully, we are not bound by these regulations. A man who has had a wet dream / nocturnal emission is not "unclean." Again, the issue is what is going on with your mind. The reactions of our bodies are the result of what takes place in our minds (Matthew 12:34-35).


I'm sorry, but this verse mentions nothing of nocturnal emissions.

Deuteronomy 23:10
10 If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp

Mentions nothing of anything of the sexual area neither.

Don't be sorry Cowboy, this explanation works for me in spite of the biblical references, not because of them.....I posted it because it makes perfect sense (to me)....bigsmile

Rexxiedavie's photo
Thu 09/20/12 03:25 AM
Thats just it....it depends on whether we visualise horny or lustfull immoral atimes hard to control thoughts in our hearts. We its d case,then am sorry,sexual demons have manipulated and defild you. But if no such thoughts its natural body regulation

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 09/20/12 07:59 AM
I never wondered about this before but do women have nocturnal orgasms?

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/20/12 08:20 AM

I never wondered about this before but do women have nocturnal orgasms?


no photo
Thu 09/20/12 09:55 AM

I never wondered about this before but do women have nocturnal orgasms?

Yes, frequently....And all of them are not brought on by having licentious thoughts during the day either, some are spontaneous..bigsmile So I guess that means some are sinful and some not...:wink:

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 10:40 AM

Does the bible speak against wet dreams?

the bible says don't shoot your seed on the....oops ...I meant the bible says "Don't spill your seed on the Ground" which is why for men wet dreams are a sin

you can pray to Jesus to heal this but how do you go about asking him

...er...you see Jesus...er...sometimes my bed is wet

Oh my son you would like me to make the weather cooler?

no Jesus ...I mean my bed because of me gets wet

Oh you mean you have a bladder problem you like me to heal?

..er..no Jesus...I meant that I lose my seed in the bed

Did ye check under the mattress my son?

...er..no Jesus I meant I spread my seed while I was sleep

You mean you plant your crops while sleep walking?

..er..no Jesus I meant that I lay down my seed in bed as with woman

You plant crops while dress as a woman

...er..ok...sorry Jesus

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:02 AM

Does the bible speak against wet dreams?

the bible says don't shoot your seed on the....oops ...I meant the bible says "Don't spill your seed on the Ground" which is why for men wet dreams are a sin

you can pray to Jesus to heal this but how do you go about asking him

...er...you see Jesus...er...sometimes my bed is wet

Oh my son you would like me to make the weather cooler?

no Jesus ...I mean my bed because of me gets wet

Oh you mean you have a bladder problem you like me to heal?

..er..no Jesus...I meant that I lose my seed in the bed

Did ye check under the mattress my son?

...er..no Jesus I meant I spread my seed while I was sleep

You mean you plant your crops while sleep walking?

..er..no Jesus I meant that I lay down my seed in bed as with woman

You plant crops while dress as a woman

...er..ok...sorry Jesus

the bible says don't shoot your seed on the....oops ...I meant the bible says "Don't spill your seed on the Ground" which is why for men wet dreams are a sin

True, the bible does speak of spilling your seed. But you're taking that out of context and twisting again Funches. We are told for US not to spill our seed. Having a wet dream and possibly ejaculating in our sleep due to the dream is not an action YOU chose to do. YOU are not spilling your seed, it's just being spilt. But nevertheless it is not an action you personally took.

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:16 AM
if God commands you not to spill your seed and you do, then you are suppose to ask for forgiveness..not make excuses

try plugging it up or have "safe wetdream sex" and wear a condom

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:19 AM

if God commands you not to spill your seed and you do, then you are suppose to ask for forgiveness..not make excuses

try plugging it up or have "safe wetdream sex" and wear a condom

??? lol what are you talking about??

No one's making any excuses. If you spill your seed while sleeping, it is not an action YOU took. YOU did not spill your seed. Even with wearing a condom while you sleep, come a wet dreams. You'd still be spilling your seed, just spilling your seed in the condom. Again, if one ejaculates while sleeping, it is not an action THEY partook on, thus could not possibly be judged on.

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:27 AM
I gave you two options...plug the top of it up and the problem is solved...you always tell of how God does so much for you...can't you do that one little thing "no pun intended" for him and plug it up

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:30 AM

I gave you two options...plug the top of it up and the problem is solved...you always tell of how God does so much for you...can't you do that one little thing "no pun intended" for him and plug it up

If one plugs the hole up, how is one to urinate? And what kind of destruction to the penis do you think will happen due to the plugging and unplugging?

And again, how would one be judged for doing something when THEY didn't do it? It is not our fault what our body naturally does eg., "wet dreams". That is beyond your control, so again I ask to give reason of why one would be and or could be judged and sentenced for something they did not personally do.

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:42 AM

If one plugs the hole up, how is one to urinate?

instead of urinating in the bed, they can get up go to the outhouse and take the plug out

And what kind of destruction to the penis do you think will happen due to the plugging and unplugging?

you're not going to need it in Heaven anyway

And again, how would one be judged for doing something when THEY didn't do it? It is not our fault what our body naturally does eg., "wet dreams". That is beyond your control, so again I ask to give reason of why one would be and or could be judged and sentenced for something they did not personally do.

if God said don't spill it and you do ...simply ask for forgiveness...why take a chance

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 11:49 AM

If one plugs the hole up, how is one to urinate?

instead of urinating in the bed, they can get up go to the outhouse and take the plug out

And what kind of destruction to the penis do you think will happen due to the plugging and unplugging?

you're not going to need it in Heaven anyway

And again, how would one be judged for doing something when THEY didn't do it? It is not our fault what our body naturally does eg., "wet dreams". That is beyond your control, so again I ask to give reason of why one would be and or could be judged and sentenced for something they did not personally do.

if God said don't spill it and you do ...simply ask for forgiveness...why take a chance

if God said don't spill it and you do ...simply ask for forgiveness...why take a chance

How does one ask for forgiveness for something they did not do, was not an action they partook on? And why would one ask forgiveness of such a thing, that they did not physically do?

When I say physically do, I'm referring to a meditated action. That's like being convicted for your hair growing, or your mouth making saliva, or your ears making ear wax. These are things done without your thinking about it.

When God speaks of not spilling your seed, he is referring to masturbation. An action that causes the seed to come out. That is an action intentionally done to spill the seed, having wet dreams is not intentional and is beyond your control. Thus you can not be held accountable for it, for again you did not cause it to happen. Nor was it a conscience thought on doing so.

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 12:12 PM
doesn't matter what the intent is to "Don't spill your seed to the ground" the facts are that it's a sin because God commanded you not to do it

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 09/20/12 01:02 PM
This is exactly what Ruth is speaking to. This crap is what makes people ruuuuunnnn from people of faith.

Funches. Your wrong and being a fool. Plan and simple. Paul wrote the letter to galatia to deal with their confusion about having lived by faith then abandoning faith and went back to trying to obey the law for salvation.

Please, I beg you brother, stop talking. Study Galatians until faith over obedience for salvation makes sense. If it doesn't help then dive deep into proverbs until wisdom and foolishness make sence. Then get back into Galatians.

But you speak about things that you have not figured out yet. Instead of being an instrument, your being used as an example.

I say this in love for you and love of our father. You are tempted to refute this. Please pause and seek to see if what I say is truth first.

no photo
Thu 09/20/12 01:35 PM
HikerJohn..."Don't Spill Your Seed On The Ground" is from the Old Testament ..it has nothing to do with Paul...Paul wasn't even a seed

even so....it's amazing that you guys look for excuses to spill your seeds to the ground....

when God said be Fruitful and Multiply...he was referring to people not the critters in your bed

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 01:40 PM

doesn't matter what the intent is to "Don't spill your seed to the ground" the facts are that it's a sin because God commanded you not to do it

And again, HE'S not doing it. It's happening in his sleep, BEYOND his control. What are you getting at?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/20/12 01:43 PM

HikerJohn..."Don't Spill Your Seed On The Ground" is from the Old Testament ..it has nothing to do with Paul...Paul wasn't even a seed

even so....it's amazing that you guys look for excuses to spill your seeds to the ground....

when God said be Fruitful and Multiply...he was referring to people not the critters in your bed

.it's amazing that you guys look for excuses to spill your seeds to the ground....'

You say, we're making excuses "to" spill our seeds on the ground, while we're here stating not to do it... hmmm, interesting take on that Funches.

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