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Topic: Is it a sin?
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/29/12 05:52 PM

aye, you're confusing things here as well. Jesus didn't follow "Judaism". Jesus didn't "follow" anything.

I guess Jesus also didn't follow the ten commandments, that would explain why the Jews didn't accept him

to the Jews wet dreams would be lust and a sin...but according to you lust stop being a sin once a gentile falls asleep

this would indicate that Jesus taught you not to take responsibility for what your soul does which is a sure fire way to be placed on the Yahweh to Hell

going by what the Jews learned from Moses and what you learned from Jesus...it's understandable why the Jews are the chosen ones

lol, out of context AGAIN. You're awesome Funches lol.

Jesus didn't "follow" any laws. He was the one that MADE those laws. Not saying he acted against the laws. Just he had no laws, for he made those laws. Those are his rules, he doesn't have someone above him grading him so to speak in order to get judged.

no photo
Sun 09/30/12 07:33 AM
perhaps Jesus was making those laws while he was running and hiding from the people to keep from getting stone and forgot to write them down ...this would explain why nothing can be found which was actually written by Jesus but written mostly by those that in the end betrayed him ....

even now you are preaching that believers should not take responsibility when their soul committ the sin of lust in dreams ...which is telling believers to betray God instead of asking for forgiveness

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/30/12 01:23 PM

perhaps Jesus was making those laws while he was running and hiding from the people to keep from getting stone and forgot to write them down ...this would explain why nothing can be found which was actually written by Jesus but written mostly by those that in the end betrayed him ....

even now you are preaching that believers should not take responsibility when their soul committ the sin of lust in dreams ...which is telling believers to betray God instead of asking for forgiveness

perhaps Jesus was making those laws while he was running and hiding from the people to keep from getting stone and forgot to write them down

Who was Jesus running from? And where/when do/did you get your information of this from? Not your speculations or why he did a certain thing, but where specifically have found this knowledge that Jesus was "running"?

And yes we do take responsibility for what we do, what in the world are you talking about? Who else would take responsibility? Jesus took our punishment for our disobedient actions. But nevertheless we are responsible for them, Heck we are responsible for Jesus' death on the cross. If not for our sins and or actions Jesus would not have had to come to die for our sins.

And again, how is it a sin when done in a dream? Can you control everything you dream about? Is it like being a virtual world where you still have a conscious thought of things you do or don't do in your dreams? Cause that would be absolutely awesome lol, how did you achieve such a thing?

And the apostles betrayed Jesus? How so? The only person I know that "betrayed" Jesus, was Judas. He betrayed Jesus for some gold. And Peter denied Jesus 3 times I believe was the amount. But who else did since you claimed all the apostles did.

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 05:45 AM

Who was Jesus running from? And where/when do/did you get your information of this from? Not your speculations or why he did a certain thing, but where specifically have found this knowledge that Jesus was "running"?

Cowboy why are you acting delusional like this is the first time you heard of Jesus running, don't you guys ever read the bible?...no wonder the Jews are the chosen ones

God created one sure fire way to test if someone is a false God, it's called a "Jesus stone" ...pick one up and if the person runs...then most likely they are not a God

the "Jesus stone" is named after Jesus for the times he ran and hid,

it places a whole new spin on turn the other cheek

I guess the Jews just didn't see the benefit in worshipping Gods that make themselves invisible by running and hiding amidst the crowd everytime someone picked up a "Stone"

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 05:55 AM

And again, how is it a sin when done in a dream? Can you control everything you dream about? Is it like being a virtual world where you still have a conscious thought of things you do or don't do in your dreams? Cause that would be absolutely awesome lol, how did you achieve such a thing?

when the minds away the soul will play....

which is why in religion,Wet Dreams can only be a result from either a reflection of the lust in your heart "which is a sin" or influences from God or Satan

name another religious option...if you can

but if you can't, then you have to choose from one of three options

3.Your Soul
4. ?

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 06:07 AM

And the apostles betrayed Jesus? How so? The only person I know that "betrayed" Jesus, was Judas. He betrayed Jesus for some gold. And Peter denied Jesus 3 times I believe was the amount. But who else did since you claimed all the apostles did.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the village heard of the impending crucifixion of Jesus

so where were his disciples?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/01/12 07:04 AM

Who was Jesus running from? And where/when do/did you get your information of this from? Not your speculations or why he did a certain thing, but where specifically have found this knowledge that Jesus was "running"?

Cowboy why are you acting delusional like this is the first time you heard of Jesus running, don't you guys ever read the bible?...no wonder the Jews are the chosen ones

God created one sure fire way to test if someone is a false God, it's called a "Jesus stone" ...pick one up and if the person runs...then most likely they are not a God

the "Jesus stone" is named after Jesus for the times he ran and hid,

it places a whole new spin on turn the other cheek

I guess the Jews just didn't see the benefit in worshipping Gods that make themselves invisible by running and hiding amidst the crowd everytime someone picked up a "Stone"

That is hearsay my friend. Please do share with us these verses that say he ran and or hid. If there are many, don't put the entire passage, just the book/chapter/verse number.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/01/12 07:07 AM

And again, how is it a sin when done in a dream? Can you control everything you dream about? Is it like being a virtual world where you still have a conscious thought of things you do or don't do in your dreams? Cause that would be absolutely awesome lol, how did you achieve such a thing?

when the minds away the soul will play....

which is why in religion,Wet Dreams can only be a result from either a reflection of the lust in your heart "which is a sin" or influences from God or Satan

name another religious option...if you can

but if you can't, then you have to choose from one of three options

3.Your Soul
4. ?

Option for what?

God condemned sin into this flesh. Your physical brain is part of this flesh which is only temporary. "Wet dreams" are brought on by the desires of this sinful flesh, not "YOU" specifically. You do not choose to or even want to have this type of dream. But your body has them automatically, by itself. So therefore, again you could not possibly be held accountable for these dreams, because once again you do not cause them to happen.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/01/12 07:14 AM

And the apostles betrayed Jesus? How so? The only person I know that "betrayed" Jesus, was Judas. He betrayed Jesus for some gold. And Peter denied Jesus 3 times I believe was the amount. But who else did since you claimed all the apostles did.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the village heard of the impending crucifixion of Jesus

so where were his disciples?

Where were his disciples you say?

John 19:26-27
26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

This was said while Jesus was on the cross. Notice "and the DISCIPLE" standing by. So they fled did they? If they fled, why were they seen there?

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 08:37 AM

Who was Jesus running from? And where/when do/did you get your information of this from? Not your speculations or why he did a certain thing, but where specifically have found this knowledge that Jesus was "running"?

Cowboy why are you acting delusional like this is the first time you heard of Jesus running, don't you guys ever read the bible?...no wonder the Jews are the chosen ones

God created one sure fire way to test if someone is a false God, it's called a "Jesus stone" ...pick one up and if the person runs...then most likely they are not a God

the "Jesus stone" is named after Jesus for the times he ran and hid,

it places a whole new spin on turn the other cheek

I guess the Jews just didn't see the benefit in worshipping Gods that make themselves invisible by running and hiding amidst the crowd everytime someone picked up a "Stone"

That is hearsay my friend. Please do share with us these verses that say he ran and or hid. If there are many, don't put the entire passage, just the book/chapter/verse number.

John 8:59
Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

it sure sounds like Jesus ran and hid ....are you sure Gods are suppose to run away...The Jews voted "No"

it reminds me of the movie "Blade" when the Gods of the Vampires ran from Blade....I was thinking this guy is supposedly the Father of all the Vampires why in the heck is he running away, why don't he just turn around and start kicking Blade's Apse

what's the point of claiming that you're omnipotent while you're running and leaving dust in your tracks

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 08:48 AM

"Wet dreams" are brought on by the desires of this sinful flesh, not "YOU" specifically.

who's responsible for you having sinful flesh?


willing2's photo
Mon 10/01/12 08:52 AM
A person who wakes up with cum-filled drawers isn't responsible for that.

Unless, the dream becomes lucid ad they start masturbating to help it along. Then, we are guilty spilling the seed.

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 08:58 AM

And the apostles betrayed Jesus? How so? The only person I know that "betrayed" Jesus, was Judas. He betrayed Jesus for some gold. And Peter denied Jesus 3 times I believe was the amount. But who else did since you claimed all the apostles did.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the village heard of the impending crucifixion of Jesus

so where were his disciples?

Where were his disciples you say?

John 19:26-27
26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

This was said while Jesus was on the cross. Notice "and the DISCIPLE" standing by. So they fled did they? If they fled, why were they seen there?

Why would it take 11 disciples to take his Mother Home...except but to flee

their God is nailed to the cross...and they leave...to do what?

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 09:06 AM

A person who wakes up with cum-filled drawers isn't responsible for that.

Unless, the dream becomes lucid ad they start masturbating to help it along. Then, we are guilty spilling the seed.

if they are supposedly sleep, how would they know that they weren't masturbating or that Satan didn't influence them to masturbate

this is why a believer is not suppose to second guess if shooting their seed it a sin or not, if God said don't do it, then a believer is suppose to follow him without question...which is why they are suppose to ask God for forgiveness

willing2's photo
Mon 10/01/12 10:36 AM
I'm guilty of both.
I've woken up with sticky drawers not remebering a thing and also jerking off while in a lucid state, a lots of times!
Thousands of wet dream sins I've commited!smokin smokin

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/01/12 10:38 AM
you all really need to stop dreaming about fixing Bicycle Inner-Tubes!laugh bigsmile

willing2's photo
Mon 10/01/12 10:44 AM

you all really need to stop dreaming about fixing Bicycle Inner-Tubes!laugh bigsmile

I have the dream of a gal blowing them up.
She is so good at it.
OMG, I've blasphemed agin'!

no photo
Mon 10/01/12 11:16 AM

I'm guilty of both.
I've woken up with sticky drawers not remebering a thing and also jerking off while in a lucid state, a lots of times!
Thousands of wet dream sins I've commited!smokin smokin

that may explain that spill disaster in Louisiana...perhaps it wasn't oil

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 10/01/12 11:30 AM

you all really need to stop dreaming about fixing Bicycle Inner-Tubes!laugh bigsmile

I have the dream of a gal blowing them up.
She is so good at it.
OMG, I've blasphemed agin'!
seems you just can't help it!laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 10/04/12 11:59 AM

"Wet dreams" are brought on by the desires of this sinful flesh, not "YOU" specifically.

who's responsible for you having sinful flesh?


Mankind in general. Before mankind screwed up, there was no such thing as "sin". Man was made perfect and only through our disobedience we allowed imperfection to come in. When Jesus died on the cross for us, he condemned sin to the flesh.

Romans 8:3
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

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