Topic: Is it a sin?
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Thu 10/11/12 12:09 PM

Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden Funches. That wasn't the only location on this Earth. I'm sorry for the mistaken mention of the Lord walking with Cain in the garden. But even after Adam/Eve was kicked out, they still had a relationship with God. Just didn't live in the Garden. stated that Cain knew God before Adam and Eve "fell from Grace"

so this is why you clearly were preaching False Gospel and still attempting to do so

you might be possessed by Satan

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 10/11/12 02:03 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 10/11/12 02:05 PM

Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden Funches. That wasn't the only location on this Earth. I'm sorry for the mistaken mention of the Lord walking with Cain in the garden. But even after Adam/Eve was kicked out, they still had a relationship with God. Just didn't live in the Garden. stated that Cain knew God before Adam and Eve "fell from Grace"

so this is why you clearly were preaching False Gospel and still attempting to do so

you might be possessed by Satan

I said I may be mistaken of when these specific times had happened specifically. Man, grow up and learn how to have a discussion. No one is specifically "preaching". I don't know enough of the specific "scriptures" and where they are, ect to "preach" I haven't "studied" the bible. Grow up and learn how to have a casual discussion between two grown ups talking with one another.

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Thu 10/11/12 03:14 PM
Cowboy, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you haven't studied nor read the bible...but as a Christian should you be here in the forum posting lies

you're clearly have one of the spirits from Satan's legion,

you can probably get a Cyber-Exorcism on The Internet

but got busted telling yet another whopper of a Lie

and as I've said, it's those Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 10/11/12 04:18 PM

Cowboy, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you haven't studied nor read the bible...but as a Christian should you be here in the forum posting lies

you're clearly have one of the spirits from Satan's legion,

you can probably get a Cyber-Exorcism on The Internet

but got busted telling yet another whopper of a Lie

and as I've said, it's those Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

Why the personal attacking? With slander of lying?

no photo
Thu 10/11/12 05:30 PM

Why the personal attacking? With slander of lying?

were your many references that Cain was born before the fall of Adam and Eve truth?

or were they... lies/intentional mistakes?

royalblue599's photo
Thu 10/11/12 05:47 PM

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 10/11/12 07:11 PM

Why the personal attacking? With slander of lying?

were your many references that Cain was born before the fall of Adam and Eve truth?

or were they... lies/intentional mistakes?

They were unitentional, they were mistakes. You act like their is something to gain here. Like I'm here intentionally doing something. There is absolutely nothing to gain for me in any of this. Weather you end up believing or not. It matters none to me. Only here for the discussions. Grow up Funches, I don't mean that insultively. Just a suggestion.

no photo
Fri 10/12/12 05:24 AM
Just because someone has taken the title "christian" does not mean they are one. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a duck.

Not judging anyone's stance on this, but yeah lol. Just because one claims to be a Christian, doesn't make it so. post 2

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:36 AM

Just because someone has taken the title "christian" does not mean they are one. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a duck.

Not judging anyone's stance on this, but yeah lol. Just because one claims to be a Christian, doesn't make it so. post 2

What's your point with bringing that comment up? That has absolutely and entirely nothing to do with what is being said here. Unless you can enlighten us on the connection between what is being said here and what was said in that post.

no photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:40 AM
Edited by funches on Sat 10/13/12 05:46 AM

Just because someone has taken the title "christian" does not mean they are one. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a duck.

Not judging anyone's stance on this, but yeah lol. Just because one claims to be a Christian, doesn't make it so. post 2

What's your point with bringing that comment up? That has absolutely and entirely nothing to do with what is being said here. Unless you can enlighten us on the connection between what is being said here and what was said in that post. don't study the bible posts untruths and then blame it on not studying the bible don't follow the commands of Jesus

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:45 AM

Just because someone has taken the title "christian" does not mean they are one. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a duck.

Not judging anyone's stance on this, but yeah lol. Just because one claims to be a Christian, doesn't make it so. post 2

What's your point with bringing that comment up? That has absolutely and entirely nothing to do with what is being said here. Unless you can enlighten us on the connection between what is being said here and what was said in that post. don't study the bible posts untruths and then blame it on not studying the bible don't follow the commands of Jesus

1. I make mistakes and later go correct myself and or someone corrects it for me.

Sorry I'm not perfect.

no photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:47 AM
Edited by funches on Sat 10/13/12 06:16 AM

1. I make mistakes and later go correct myself and or someone corrects it for me.

Sorry I'm not perfect. ..blame God for creating them imprefect

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/14/12 08:58 AM

1. I make mistakes and later go correct myself and or someone corrects it for me.

Sorry I'm not perfect. ..blame God for creating them imprefect

me/they blame nothing. We are perfect in every single way. We are made exactly how God wanted us. But that has nothing to do with actions one takes, what are you talking about? Actions one takes is solely dependent on their own choice, which again has absolutely nothing to do with how they were "made".

But thankfully I have a loving God that is willing to overlook the mistakes I have made in life and forgive me.

no photo
Sun 10/14/12 01:11 PM
Sorry I'm not perfect. (post.18)

We are perfect in every single way.(post.19)

so what is "Cowboy 3" going to post?....that Cowboy 1 and Cowboy 2 didn't contradict each other?

Trinity Syndrome:
an acute disorder that manifest within religious believers that cause the sufferer to give three different versions of the same contradiction

in religion the term is also referred to as "False Gospeler"
in layman's term it's referred to as "Pathological liar"

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/14/12 01:32 PM

Sorry I'm not perfect. (post.18)

We are perfect in every single way.(post.19)

so what is "Cowboy 3" going to post?....that Cowboy 1 and Cowboy 2 didn't contradict each other?

Trinity Syndrome:
an acute disorder that manifest within religious believers that cause the sufferer to give three different versions of the same contradiction

in religion the term is also referred to as "False Gospeler"
in layman's term it's referred to as "Pathological liar"

Context Funches, CONTEXT.

The first post was in reference to specifically my actions. The second post was in reference to specifically how we are made physically.

Why do you continue playing silly games here?

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 04:36 AM
If we are all descendants of adam n eve, then who the hell, allowed incest among their kids? Lol

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 05:13 AM

If we are all descendants of adam n eve, then who the hell, allowed incest among their kids? Lol

"Adam" and "Eve" are not singular people. They are not "names".

Adam = Mankind
Eve = Life

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 05:21 AM

Context Funches, CONTEXT.

Contradictions Cowboys, Contradictions

The first post was in reference to specifically my actions.

your choice not to follow the commands of your so called Savior is not due to you not being perfect, it's due to you not being a Christian

The second post was in reference to specifically how we are made physically.

if God made you so "perfect" physically, then why isn't Flesh and Bone allowed in Heaven,

Why do you continue playing silly games here?

if I was playing silly games, then I would be in the forums playing like I was a you are doing

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 05:32 AM

If we are all descendants of adam n eve, then who the hell, allowed incest among their kids? Lol

God at first tried to offer Adam some Beasts, he even ask him to name them.....probably wishing that he would name one of them "sweetpie"

that didn't work so he had to make Eve and plunge Mankind into incest

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 06:48 AM
Ha ha ha. But i didnt get cowboyGH. is he trying to publish an adapted version of bible to give to kids or what?