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Topic: A very unfortunate matter concerning a Mingle2 moderator
luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 05/16/12 08:54 AM

I knew Lex fairly well at one point. He had a great deal of difficulty with interactions with adults. Asperger's persons often have trouble interacting with grown ups. THEY ARE NOT ALL CHILD MOLESTERS. I am NOT saying that. But men who are socially inept sometimes fall into a web of porn, child molestation, etc. So I am not shocked. I am glad that Charles took such swift action. I know people make fun of me using www.netdetective.com on anybody I meet in person. It's only $30 for three years with unlimited screenings. I strongly suggest you screen anyone who comes into your life.
No, no, no!

My question is why you used it on me, when we were never planning to meet in person? Did you not think that Gearhead was an adult, and could take care of himself? There was nothing there, that he didnt already know, but because he didnt step up, and not allow it to happen, I ended it with him. If he couldnt stop it, I at least deserved to be told about it, and not from a third party.

My point being, not EVERYONE should be put under investigation, and especially without the persons knowledge, and behind their back. It leaves a person feeling very violated, and betrayed.Not everyone deserves to be violated in that way, and in a relationship, if you dont have trust, you have nothing at all. JMO.

I am,

of course,

hearing 2 sides to this story now.what

I choose to forgive all involved,flowers

:banana: and move on.

Thats what Jesus would do.:angel: :heart:

willing2's photo
Wed 05/16/12 08:59 AM
I found his sales acct on Amazon. I along with many others sent the news article and pleaded that his books be pulled. Selling his stuff is supporting a dangerous child predator.
I slept very well last night.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 05/16/12 09:10 AM

scared scared This frightens me can the girl with the biggest boobs console me scared scared

soufiehere's photo
Wed 05/16/12 09:44 AM

scared scared This frightens me can the girl
with the biggest boobs console me scared scared

Take a number :-)

eileena9's photo
Wed 05/16/12 09:46 AM


scared scared This frightens me can the girl with the biggest boobs console me scared scared

C'mere Kevin....... I think I can handle that!devil devil drool :wink:

whispertoascream's photo
Wed 05/16/12 09:50 AM

I am sorry for Lexie... he was one of the smart ones. I appreciate that his conduct around little girls has required a lot of improvement. I don't condone killing and torturing baby girls.

He WAS though, spirited and smart on this site. I think there is such a thing as rehabilitation into the community. We can't really convict or condemn a man on his past mistakes if he has not re-sinned or re-entered his old sinful ways. It is the promise of the correctional system, that some people learn their lesson behind the bars.

Lex seemed like a learned, smart feller, he was rather well-spoken in the written word. He made the mistake of not disclosing his identity of LexFountaine to authorities. I can believe, while I have no evidence, that this was his private refuge. He may not have created this alias and kept it secret to plan to commit some crimes, or a crime; he may have needed some refuge, a sort of identity in which he was not a convict, a condemned man. It is this identity that brought the best out of him, and he enjoyed it, even possibly without ill will or sinful or terrifyingly cruel thoughts.

I am sorry he had to go. I, for one, don't condemn him. I do believe in the occassional success of the correctional system.

I chalk up his reluctance to offer this alias of his for the authorities' knowledge to his wanting to reform and keep on the straight and narrow. I am not saying this as fact, as I hardly had a few exchanges with him, but it is possible.

Of course the possibility exists that he was harbouring sinister thoughts, and he was slowly working his way into committing more crimes agains female humanity.

I don't know. I can't tell. I am unable to decide, but I hold the opinion that we must not condemnt him until such time that we have evidence that he again had started to torture and rape after his release from prison.

It is true that his basic sexual urges never changed. No gay man will turn straight at 45, and no straight man will turn gay after 45. No sexual sadist will become a sexual giver-lover, and no sexual giver-lover will turn into a sexual sadist all of a sudden.

These tendencies are terribly unfortunate for both society, and the criminal; it is devastating to the families of the victims, and for the victims, it is hell. I hold, nevertheless, that jail and living standards there for fifteen years will make a man think twice before he commits the same crime again, and chances are he will never again.

All I am saying is that he had been punished for his old sinning, or criminal activites. We must not assume that he has done any of that since his release seven years ago, we most not condemn him automatically, we must give him the benefit of doubt.

OK, I have been doing a LOT of thinking about all this since I found out the news. Part of me has been taken. I even called the Chicago Police Department last night with additional information. And I must say it was one of the hardest phone calls that I have ever had to make. I had grown to care for this man a great deal over the past 5-6 years that I have known him.

I can never EVER forgive him for his actions NEVER. If he truly wanted to be fully rehabilitated back into society then he should of fallowed the law, by registering ALL his alias. And I do say "ALL" because I know "Lex" was not the only name that Keith used. And if you think about it, if "Lex" was not his only alias, then refuge was he trying to seek, by using more then one alias? The crimes he committed where HORRIBLE, and since he is the one that did the crime, then he is also the one that needs to pay for his actions, and that means following the laws, and registering his names, and following the rules to rehabilitate himself.

He obviously was very good at being manipulating. He not only manipulated all of us but LITTLE GIRLS as well! Think about that? While you are sitting thinking that "Lex Fonteyne" was his "refuge" Why not also sit there and think, why if he was wanting to change his ways did he not register the name, and deal with the consequences? Sure they would of been harsh, but that again is the price you pay.

Now with all that being said, in a small part of I can see where you are coming from when you say you "feel sorry for him". But only a small part. He apeard to be a stand up guy. That is the image that wanted to portray to all of us. And a lot of us, had build a close friendship with Keith. We grew to trust and care for him, through the image that he wanted us to see. Did I want to make that phone call that I did last night? Not a chance in hell. There was a huge part of me that felt like I was turning in my best friend. I cried on the phone with the officer for like half an hour, I sat and talked to this police man for like half an hour. He tried to comfort me, but really for me right now there is no comfort. I lost my best friend, I lost my trust for people, I lost a part of me.

Right as I type this, I am actually feeling sorry for you, for not being able to take the blinders off and see, he was manipulative. He was an author, good with words. Good with telling stories. And that is what he did for all of us, wrote us a character that he wanted us to believe was a real one, but now in the end, it was just another one of his stories.

lilangel2's photo
Wed 05/16/12 10:23 AM

It's easier, sometimes, to demonize that it is to look at the shades of grey.

It's easier, sometimes, to demonize a man who raped three girls under the age of 10, well, because he's a f***ing monster. That's why that is so easy. It's actually a bit strange that I had to explain that to you.

BRAVO! More proof of his guilt than of his innocence. Such a thing as being TOO Liberal (blind and dumb).

lilangel2's photo
Wed 05/16/12 10:30 AM
Maybe dating sites should require people to post more than one pic and those pics to be CLEAR and of an actual PERSON (no dogs, cartoons etc). This would weed out some who are hiding for whatever reason. I am deleting anyone in my friends list that cannot seem to come up with more than one clear pic. Common sense. I am doing this on FB as well. I am know longer in the dating game, thank goodness. But, I did fine my guy here and know of others who did , so most people are on up an up. But, I would never had met anyone that only had one disguised pic or that could not come up with a phone number I could call at anytime, or could not video chat. Common Sense is important on the net. Dating site or social site.

lilangel2's photo
Wed 05/16/12 10:38 AM

I really don't think we need to be getting on each others case for airing this tragedy out. Lets let the views "all the views" be heard. We need to show our adulthood and let things be said as all of us see them.

What would be dumb is if people did not concern themselves with the big picture here and "all" that are involved.

The irony of writing that "I really don't think we need to be getting on each others case for airing this tragedy out" and "Lets let the views 'all the views' be heard." doesn't occur to you, does it?

Correct, some our our views (most) are that he is scum and the evidence proves that. Where does this, "Benefit of Doubt" come in? There is NO Doubt! Charles would not have taken the severe measure of removing him as mod and member of this site if their were DOUBT!

soufiehere's photo
Wed 05/16/12 10:53 AM
Posts attacking other members, since the last
warning, have been deleted.

Please keep your comments directed at Topic,
and NOT other members.

Site Moderator

no photo
Wed 05/16/12 11:35 AM

It's easier, sometimes, to demonize that it is to look at the shades of grey.

It's easier, sometimes, to demonize a man who raped three girls under the age of 10, well, because he's a f***ing monster. That's why that is so easy. It's actually a bit strange that I had to explain that to you.

You are simply elaborating on my point, emphasizing my point for me. The only thing I see as strange here is the fact that you seem to think you just explained something to me, this makes me wonder what you might have read into my words.

Some of the hate-filled posts in this thread are also fact-based, but some of the other hate filled posts in this thread are irrational and distorted.

The latter category always pisses me off, no matter how worthy of their hatred the target may otherwise be. This is why I am so grateful for our current, modern legal system. An angry mob is not capable of executing justice - irrationality reigns supreme.

But since I know from experience that many people (not you, Spider) will confuse a critique of their irrational or non-evidenced portions of their accusations with an attack on their righteous hostility - and worse, will confuse such a critique with a defense of the guilty, I'm not especially motivated to debate those points.

If it makes any difference, I don't, as I write this, recall you saying any of the ignorant hate-fill things that offended my sense of truth. Your judgementalism appears to me to be fact based.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 05/16/12 11:44 AM
He tried to comfort me, but really for me right now there is no comfort. I lost my best friend, I lost my trust for people, I lost a part of me.
Even though I will admit, my heart is suffering from this,

I refuse to let this take my trust for people, or any part of me away.

I am always careful about internet people, and will continue to be.

I love everyone, but that doesnt mean I do it blindly, or stupidly.

I personally dont think, that Lex's love, for any of us, was fake.

You can do horrible things, and still have the capacity to love others.

And yes, I understand his crimes were against humanity,

but I dont choose to believe that his testimonial to me was fake, or calculated, or his entire persona here was an act.

I thing that Keith, IS Lex Fontain, in many ways, he just wasent completely honest,or forthcoming, with all of us.

But keep in mind,

if he had been, he would have never been allowed on this site, or any other,

and no one would have given him even the time of day.

And I believe he was, like lots of single people, lonely.

So he created a new name, and a partially new identity, so as, not to be judged, and to be accepted, and make friends.

And yes, I know from my own experience, internet friends can be just as comforting, and good, as ones you make in real life.

Its unfortunate, that people do abuse the concept, of internet interactions with others...

and Keith wasent the first, and he wont be the last.

To let him take anything away from me, would just be letting him hurt me further, and im not going to allow that to happen,

thats a lose, lose, situation.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:19 PM

He tried to comfort me, but really for me right now there is no comfort. I lost my best friend, I lost my trust for people, I lost a part of me.
Even though I will admit, my heart is suffering from this,

I personally dont think, that Lex's love, for any of us, was fake.

You can do horrible things, and still have the capacity to love others.

As humans we SHOULD have an innate desire to protect the weaker, the helpless, the young, animals, the elderly...to be the voice for those who can not speak for themselves.

That's what makes and keeps us human, our ability to WANT to help, not hurt each other.

This man and his brother had terrible, awful things done to them....more than being molested. Witness to repeated violence possibly, I don't know. Something that destroyed their compassion for life..any life.

Anyone who keeps their kitchen cabinets filled with violent, graphic, horrific images of toddlers and infant girls instead of dishes, doesn't have the capacity to love...

I'm sorry your hurt over this, he does not deserve your tears.


teadipper's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:20 PM

He tried to comfort me, but really for me right now there is no comfort. I lost my best friend, I lost my trust for people, I lost a part of me.
Even though I will admit, my heart is suffering from this,

I refuse to let this take my trust for people, or any part of me away.

I am always careful about internet people, and will continue to be.

I love everyone, but that doesnt mean I do it blindly, or stupidly.

I personally dont think, that Lex's love, for any of us, was fake.

You can do horrible things, and still have the capacity to love others.

And yes, I understand his crimes were against humanity,

but I dont choose to believe that his testimonial to me was fake, or calculated, or his entire persona here was an act.

I thing that Keith, IS Lex Fontain, in many ways, he just wasent completely honest,or forthcoming, with all of us.

But keep in mind,

if he had been, he would have never been allowed on this site, or any other,

and no one would have given him even the time of day.

And I believe he was, like lots of single people, lonely.

So he created a new name, and a partially new identity, so as, not to be judged, and to be accepted, and make friends.

And yes, I know from my own experience, internet friends can be just as comforting, and good, as ones you make in real life.

Its unfortunate, that people do abuse the concept, of internet interactions with others...

and Keith wasent the first, and he wont be the last.

To let him take anything away from me, would just be letting him hurt me further, and im not going to allow that to happen,

thats a lose, lose, situation.

Even the worse person has a good side. Lex definitely had his. He purposely avoided children if you recall. He is still a published author. He really did live in Crowne Point IN. He really did love to joke around in Glorious Profiles. And he was a fanatic about spelling and grammar. Those parts of Lex were real.

no photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:25 PM

Even the worse person has a good side. Lex definitely had his. He purposely avoided children if you recall. He is still a published author. He really did live in Crowne Point IN. He really did love to joke around in Glorious Profiles. And he was a fanatic about spelling and grammar. Those parts of Lex were real.

Be careful, if you don't constantly qualify statements like that, people will distort your meaning.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:33 PM

Take a number :-)

love mmmm *licks lips*

C'mere Kevin....... I think I can handle that!devil devil drool :wink:

meoowwww send your helicopter over to pick me up love smooched

as to the Lex guy,..I always thought he was weird ever since he posted that pic holding up two camera's noway noway

not gonna say anything negative karma is a B*itch pitchfork

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:40 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 05/16/12 12:44 PM

I'm sorry your hurt over this, he does not deserve your tears.


I was unfriended for that, the first time ever, but what that person fails to recognize is to suggest that I was crying over a pedophile is ridiculous!!

I have never cried over "Keith", I cried over the lose of someone I believed to be a very close friend of mine, that I cared deeply about, and with that in mind if they still choose to unfriend me, then they were never my friend to begin with. Not because we dont agree, but because they chose to not read my heart, and my REAL friends at least attempt to try.

I myself am learning this, THE HARD WAY!

teadipper's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:41 PM
I thought I would post the five stages of grief to show that for those of you who lost who we thought we knew that we are truly grieving the loss of the entity we knew as Lex:

Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me."
Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death. Denial can be conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, or the reality of the situation. Denial is a defense mechanism and some people can become locked in this stage.

Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?"
Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Anger can manifest itself in different ways. People can be angry with themselves, or with others, and especially those who are close to them. It is important to remain detached and nonjudgmental when dealing with a person experiencing anger from grief.

Bargaining — "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..."
The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just do something to buy more time..." People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise. For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death.

Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"
During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed. Depression could be referred to as the dress rehearsal for the 'aftermath'. It is a kind of acceptance with emotional attachment. It's natural to feel sadness, regret, fear, and uncertainty when going through this stage. Feeling those emotions shows that the person has begun to accept the situation.

Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."
In this last stage, individuals begin to come to terms with their mortality, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. This stage varies according to the person's situation. People dying can enter this stage a long time before the people they leave behind, who must pass through their own individual stages of dealing with the grief.

teadipper's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:43 PM

I'm sorry your hurt over this, he does not deserve your tears.


I was unfriended for that, the first time ever, but what that person fails to recognize is to suggest that I was crying over a pedophile is ridiculous!!

I have never cried over "Keith", I cried over the lose of someone I believed to be a very close friend of mine, that I cared deeply about, and with that in mind if they still choose to unfriend me, then they were never my friend to begin with. Not because we dont agree, but because they fail to read my heart, or even try to understand this.

Keith went off on me too and unfriended me. At one point the person I knew as Lex spent hours exchanging messages as friends. Then he became mad, unfriended me and never spoke to me again.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 05/16/12 12:46 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 05/16/12 12:48 PM

I'm sorry your hurt over this, he does not deserve your tears.


I was unfriended for that, the first time ever, but what that person fails to recognize is to suggest that I was crying over a pedophile is ridiculous!!

I have never cried over "Keith", I cried over the lose of someone I believed to be a very close friend of mine, that I cared deeply about, and with that in mind if they still choose to unfriend me, then they were never my friend to begin with. Not because we dont agree, but because they fail to read my heart, or even try to understand this.

Keith went off on me too and unfriended me. At one point the person I knew as Lex spent hours exchanging messages as friends. Then he became mad, unfriended me and never spoke to me again.
Please requote me on this Terry, and remove my former quote... as I drastically changed what I said. Thank you.

Its important, especially to you, that I am understood on this.flowerforyou

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