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Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe
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Tue 02/28/12 02:16 PM

God said , " Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS before me.

WHICH ENTITY is Your God, Cowboy....

Since Jesus is one Entity to you and the Father and Holy Sprit

are 2 other entirely different Entities..which one do

you pick as your God !!!!

You can't worship 3 Gods..so pick one !!!

I worship ONE god. Jesus, his Father, and the Holy Spirit are ONE GOD.

"One God" to you does NOT mean One Supreme

Being as Christians believe......

"One God" to you just means " a familY of Gods".....so which

God among the Gods do you pick!!!

Pick one !!!

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:17 PM
interpretation varies,, and causes unnecessary division

the point is about God and Jesus, not whether we worship or idolize a building or allow it to take the place of (Be an icon of) God,,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:17 PM

Also.... do a study also on the Temple before

posting on the subject...The temple represents holiness as we

are now also to keep our temple holy.....

you keep posting error on here...when will you stop and take time

to learn first, before posting!!!

WHEN Cowboy......


Not saying I haven't posted error in the past, but right here right now I have posted no error. Except by what YOU view as error. But no error on the topic at hand.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:21 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 02/28/12 02:22 PM
Also, you misunderstand what "ye are gods" is all

about ,also !!!

Everything you post on here is just sad !!

Simply because you think you know it all...and therefore

remain unteachable!!!

ps...IF you think God will allow you to continue forecver,

making a MOCKERY of God and His Word on here , think again,Cowboy.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:21 PM

God said , " Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS before me.

WHICH ENTITY is Your God, Cowboy....

Since Jesus is one Entity to you and the Father and Holy Sprit

are 2 other entirely different Entities..which one do

you pick as your God !!!!

You can't worship 3 Gods..so pick one !!!

I worship ONE god. Jesus, his Father, and the Holy Spirit are ONE GOD.

"One God" to you does NOT mean One Supreme

Being as Christians believe......

"One God" to you just means " a familY of Gods".....so which

God among the Gods do you pick!!!

Pick one !!!

Christians do not believe them to be one ENTITY.

If how I interpret the word "god" explain the following verses.

Psalm 82:6

6I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High

Psalm 82

1God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods


And then we have the verse

James 2:19

19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

This is why we are referred to as "gods" and that God judges among the GODS. And yes there is ONE God. Because we are referred to as gods because we are the dominate beings on this planet, we are the AUTHORITY to the planet. And is also why Jesus referred to his father as HIS GOD.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:26 PM
ALL Christians Believe God is ONE ENTITY!!!

(except for cults, who don't believe).

Even all mainline denominations agree on this basic simple

truth of the gospel..that God is ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:27 PM

ALL Christians Believe God is ONE ENTITY!!!

(except for cults, who don't believe).

Even all mainline denominations agree on this basic simple

truth of the gospel..that God is ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!!!!!

Right! And not some pagan triune god concept...

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:33 PM
trin·i·ty/ˈtrinitē/Noun: 1.The Christian Godhead as one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2.A group of three people or things

quibbling over the semantics, I think God cares more about the heart than such things,,,,

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:33 PM

ALL Christians Believe God is ONE ENTITY!!!

(except for cults, who don't believe).

Even all mainline denominations agree on this basic simple

truth of the gospel..that God is ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!!!!!

I couldn't care less what "all christians" believe. I don't believe purely what "Christians" believe. "Christian" is man made. I care about what the scriptures say, not what some religion says. And the scriptures say specifically separate God the father from God the son all the way back to Genesis, thus showing two separate ENTITIES.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:35 PM
Cowboy...Gonna say this one last time:

Take time off and really get to know God's Word.

Get into a spirit filled bible church.

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.

Take a bit of advice...for once in your life......take a break

and really take time to learn the Word before continuing to

post on here.

This is my last post to you....and I pray you will listen to the advice given.

If not..I have done all I can do to help you now.

I leave you in God's hands now.


CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:37 PM

Cowboy...Gonna say this one last time:

Take time off and really get to know God's Word.

Get into a spirit filled bible church.

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.

Take a bit of advice...for once in your life......take a break

and really take time to learn the Word before continuing to

post on here.

This is my last post to you....and I pray you will listen to the advice given.

If not..I have done all I can do to help you now.

I leave you in God's hands now.


You can mutter the same words over and over if you wish. But I show verses that are not taken out of context to show exactly what I'm saying.

We are specifically told "I have said YE ARE GODS". There are many references of us being "Gods" throughout the entire bible.

And all the way back to GENESIS it separates God the father from God the son eg., saying either "God" or "LORD God".

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:39 PM

Cowboy...Gonna say this one last time:

Take time off and really get to know God's Word.

Get into a spirit filled bible church.

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.

Take a bit of advice...for once in your life......take a break

and really take time to learn the Word before continuing to

post on here.

This is my last post to you....and I pray you will listen to the advice given.

If not..I have done all I can do to help you now.

I leave you in God's hands now.


I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.

And here you go judging my eternal well being. All I have to say for that is

Matthew 7

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 02:54 PM

Cowboy...Gonna say this one last time:

Take time off and really get to know God's Word.

Get into a spirit filled bible church.

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.

Take a bit of advice...for once in your life......take a break

and really take time to learn the Word before continuing to

post on here.

This is my last post to you....and I pray you will listen to the advice given.

If not..I have done all I can do to help you now.

I leave you in God's hands now.


You can mutter the same words over and over if you wish. But I show verses that are not taken out of context to show exactly what I'm saying.

We are specifically told "I have said YE ARE GODS". There are many references of us being "Gods" throughout the entire bible.

And all the way back to GENESIS it separates God the father from God the son eg., saying either "God" or "LORD God".

And no, not saying they are two different gods. Just two different "entities" but the same God.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:14 PM
Edited by chocolina on Tue 02/28/12 03:16 PM

ALL Christians Believe God is ONE ENTITY!!!

(except for cults, who don't believe).

Even all mainline denominations agree on this basic simple

truth of the gospel..that God is ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!!!!!

I couldn't care less what "all christians" believe. I don't believe purely what "Christians" believe. "Christian" is man made. I care about what the scriptures say, not what some religion says. And the scriptures say specifically separate God the father from God the son all the way back to Genesis, thus showing two separate ENTITIES.

Are you sure you don't read some Hollywood's scenario of "Holy scriptures' by Steven Spielberg ?

surprised bigsmile

And to be correct in what I ask you may you tell us what kind or the name of scriptures you read ??


no photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:16 PM
I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.


Do you know how a Christian tells a person that they are full of s*h*i*t and to go to hell?

They say, "I will pray for you."

You have gone further than that and have used your "god" to threaten someone you don't agree with.

Do you not realize what you are doing?

Let people believe the way they choose.

We have free will and we have access to the same Bible.

Why do you think that your understanding is better than everyone elses?

If you believe you are going to heaven, then you should be happy.

Do not curse others or worry about their souls. It is not your job save people. That is, I'm sure you will agree, Jesus's job.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:17 PM

ALL Christians Believe God is ONE ENTITY!!!

(except for cults, who don't believe).

Even all mainline denominations agree on this basic simple

truth of the gospel..that God is ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!!!!!

I couldn't care less what "all christians" believe. I don't believe purely what "Christians" believe. "Christian" is man made. I care about what the scriptures say, not what some religion says. And the scriptures say specifically separate God the father from God the son all the way back to Genesis, thus showing two separate ENTITIES.

Are you sure you don't read some Hollywood's scenario of "Holy scriptures' by Steven Spielberg ?

surprised bigsmile

And to be correct in what I ask you may you tell us what kind or the name of scriptures you read ??


lol yeah I'm sure I don't read anything from Steven. I read the Holy Bible and it's scriptures. I usually go with King James, but I most always cross reference mongst the different interpretations with one another.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:21 PM

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.


Do you know how a Christian tells a person that they are full of s*h*i*t and to go to hell?

They say, "I will pray for you."

You have gone further than that and have used your "god" to threaten someone you don't agree with.

Do you not realize what you are doing?

Let people believe the way they choose.

We have free will and we have access to the same Bible.

Why do you think that your understanding is better than everyone elses?

If you believe you are going to heaven, then you should be happy.

Do not curse others or worry about their souls. It is not your job save people. That is, I'm sure you will agree, Jesus's job.

It's not exactly that. It's her judging of others and continualling denial of what the scriptures say. She has a very good heart and spirit. She's just a bit extreme. She believes what she knows is the absolute with out a doubt compact truth and no way of it being wrong. And not saying I'm 100% correct on everything, there are times I was wrong. Which I then conceded from when shown my error, MorningSong has a hard time doing that for she believes she is right without a doubt and can't be wrong. And is why we have different denominations. The person(s) that started baptists believe they have it 100% correct without a doubt as well do say catholics, lutherans, church of chirst, ect ect. They deny the fact that they may have possibly translated something incorrectly.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:32 PM

I'm sorry for getting into this but...

.... Cowboy is not teaching the gospel or preaching. He has said that many times. He is just exploring the meaning of scripture and interpreting it in his own way. He has the right to do that. (At least he is reading it. That is more than most people do.)

If his conclusions don't agree with what you have come to believe, or with your church, that is really not your problem. Maybe you should have a little more faith in Jesus to be the savior. You are not the savior are you? Have some real faith!

Do you have faith in God? If you do, you will not be so concerned about what other people do or believe or post here. What are you so worried about?

It is not your job to protect God or Christianity. You have chosen your church and your belief and you believe you are right and so many other people are wrong.

What if you are the one who is wrong? Ever think of that? I'm sure you haven't. I feel that if you discovered that you were wrong and what you are preaching is false it would destroy your whole world and maybe ruin your life.

If you are sure you are right, then don't feel threatened by what other people believe. Have faith.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:36 PM


I'm sorry for getting into this but...

.... Cowboy is not teaching the gospel or preaching. He has said that many times. He is just exploring the meaning of scripture and interpreting it in his own way. He has the right to do that. (At least he is reading it. That is more than most people do.)

If his conclusions don't agree with what you have come to believe, or with your church, that is really not your problem. Maybe you should have a little more faith in Jesus to be the savior. You are not the savior are you? Have some real faith!

Do you have faith in God? If you do, you will not be so concerned about what other people do or believe or post here. What are you so worried about?

It is not your job to protect God or Christianity. You have chosen your church and your belief and you believe you are right and so many other people are wrong.

What if you are the one who is wrong? Ever think of that? I'm sure you haven't. I feel that if you discovered that you were wrong and what you are preaching is false it would destroy your whole world and maybe ruin your life.

If you are sure you are right, then don't feel threatened by what other people believe. Have faith.

Or if she believes it differently, to DISCUSS, rather then just denying the statement made. Cause again, never said I know it 100% absolute correct. I personally believe not ONE person does. Some may be close and not even saying I know it 100% absolute without a doubt. Still learning. That is what life is for, learning.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/28/12 03:42 PM

I pray that you take thi advice for once in your life,

or else, God will deal with you about your erroneous

teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever.


Do you know how a Christian tells a person that they are full of s*h*i*t and to go to hell?

They say, "I will pray for you."

You have gone further than that and have used your "god" to threaten someone you don't agree with.

Do you not realize what you are doing?

Let people believe the way they choose.

We have free will and we have access to the same Bible.

Why do you think that your understanding is better than everyone elses?

If you believe you are going to heaven, then you should be happy.

Do not curse others or worry about their souls. It is not your job save people. That is, I'm sure you will agree, Jesus's job.

It's not exactly that. It's her judging of others and continualling denial of what the scriptures say. She has a very good heart and spirit. She's just a bit extreme. She believes what she knows is the absolute with out a doubt compact truth and no way of it being wrong. And not saying I'm 100% correct on everything, there are times I was wrong. Which I then conceded from when shown my error, MorningSong has a hard time doing that for she believes she is right without a doubt and can't be wrong. And is why we have different denominations. The person(s) that started baptists believe they have it 100% correct without a doubt as well do say catholics, lutherans, church of chirst, ect ect. They deny the fact that they may have possibly translated something incorrectly.

This sounds like an angry desperate attempt to threaten and intimidate using God.

"God will deal with you about your erroneous teaching on here.

God will not allow you to continue to mock His Word forever."


I don't think so.

Hell fire and damnation preachers I don't like to listen to.
I can't take that seriously.

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