Topic: The word date
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Thu 12/29/11 03:13 AM

If dating means seeing someone regularly and Phukn wit no serious commitment then I am all for it

Yeah, it can mean that.

Yeah. That seems to be the common definition...funnily enough, it differs from mine and that’s the reason why most guys don’t make it to date #2.

Although date has its definition.. many people perceive it differently.

I agree with this. If I were to meet someone online who didn’t reside in the same country as myself but we were forming a ‘relationship’ and corresponding over a period of time, I would call that dating despite never having met him.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:26 AM

If dating means seeing someone regularly and Phukn wit no serious commitment then I am all for it

Yeah, it can mean that.

not here

dating is a process of getting to know someone not using them for sex or money - that is called ummmm....something else

sorry but it is what it is

any date who expects a decent and attractive woman to behave like that is crazy, dreaming, or both (or "paying" for it if u know what I mean)

this is exactly why many women will not have first date sex

I know you won;t agree so I'll call the truce up front

Who said anything about using them for sex or money? If both people are into each other and want to have sex while dating, why not?

He didn't mention having sex on the first date. He said seeing someone regularly.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:29 AM

From reading many posts here since I've been here, it seems like some people are afraid of the word date. There are always people talking about how they don't date, or they hate dating, or they don't want to date and so on. Why?

Sometimes people use 'date' to mean 'in a relationship with' - in that sense I 'date' women.

But dating can also mean going out and doing something like dinner/movie/play/picnic/etc with a woman (often one you don't know very well) for the purpose of building a connection or exploring your compatibility.

I only go on these kinds of 'dates' with woman I am already in a relationship with.

In that sense "I don't date". I don't use these social outings to get to know women or explore whether I'd want to be closer to them.

And if you don't date/don't like dating, how do you go about getting to know someone?

Pillow talk.

Do you just pretend you're not dating? Do you call it something different?

I guess you are talking about a 'phase' to a relationship? A labeling of a period in between 'friendship' and 'together'?

I usually move directly from friendship to something more meaningful and involved than 'dating', but sometimes less restrictive. We might still be seeing other people, but we are not 'merely dating'.

You say you don't date, but you're still going on those "social outings?" Those are what I'd call dates, whether I'm in a relationship with someone, or just getting to know them.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:30 AM

If dating means seeing someone regularly and Phukn wit no serious commitment then I am all for it

Yeah, it can mean that.

Yeah. That seems to be the common definition...funnily enough, it differs from mine and that’s the reason why most guys don’t make it to date #2.

Although date has its definition.. many people perceive it differently.

I agree with this. If I were to meet someone online who didn’t reside in the same country as myself but we were forming a ‘relationship’ and corresponding over a period of time, I would call that dating despite never having met him.

For me to date someone, it has to be in person. I don't count the getting to know someone online part as dating.

prashant01's photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:35 AM

From my experience, men and women have different definitions for the word "date". I have a friend that I have known for about 20 years. She was a person I knew from around town, we had some mutual friends and would talk occasionally. Within the last year we began spending more time together, talking daily and going out, or having dinner and hanging out at her place. I know she is on a tight budget, she owns here own condo and after bills she doesn't have a lot left, so when we go out I usually pay for dinner, drinks, whatever. She is a great friend and I can afford it.

When we first started going out to dinner and such I thought, in the beginning, these were "dates". We were going out and getting to know each other better. As we began to spend more time together and realized we have fun together and have a lot of common interest, I brought up the topic of a physical relationship. It was at this point I found out the difference in the "date" definition.

Pay attention guys, and ladies feel free to correct me.

Man's definition, Date, taking a woman out to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating process ends and perhaps a friendship can continue.

Woman's definition, Date, going out with a man to dinner, for drinks and various other activities in an attempt to get to know them better and see if the possibility is there for a serious relationship. If there is no spark then the dating continues until such time as the man attempts to get physical, at which point you tell the man we are "just friends and I don't want to risk losing your friendship by getting involved with you that way. But we can still go out as friends." Unsaid but thought, "As long as you continue to pay for everything and realize you have no chance of getting any!"

oops frustrated frustrated slaphead

Dude,Did you forgot gays?? don't they date??

BettyB's photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:37 AM
For me dating means a way to find out if you want to take the realtionship further or not.
Sometimnes it can lead to marriage , sometimes you like things just the way they are, and sometimes it means you need to end it.
Just depends on what you both want. I know a couple that have been dating for seventeen years now and thats all they want and are perfectly happy.

jemare's photo
Thu 12/29/11 10:17 AM
I'm sure there are many views as to what dating is to them. For me a date is what you go on with a person to see if there is enough compatability for a future relationship that could lead to a serious committment (and marriage for most). Going out is something you do to form a friendship. The friendship could lead to a physical intimacy, but not the type of committment that most people hope to attain that dating can lead to. So this leads to another question, do FWB go on dates?

prashant01's photo
Thu 12/29/11 10:51 AM
I don't think I dated anyone in my life.((though scratching head....))
Never attended a judiciary court's date too.:wink:
Mingle2 is the first & only dating site I'm on.For me it's not a dating site but a symbiosis.
I wasn't even knowing the exact meaning of "dating" before coming here (It's true...not jokinglaugh laugh ))I came to know about this site through an invitation on my gmail account from one of my chat friend,Initially I thought this is also a chatting site & thought 'forums' as 'chat rooms' laugh laugh laugh laugh after some time I got to know this site & what really dating is.laugh laugh

I remember,initially I was just seeing "who is online" & IM'ing everybody for having chat with them instead of coming in forums. (as chatting sites usually have arrangements) laugh laugh

Still I think I haven't dated anyone & as I'm married & as I love my family very much,I won't be dating here further too.I'm aware that I'm on a dating site hence for avoiding mistakes I have clearly mentioned that note on my profile too.It helps to avoid wastage of other's time.

Our indian society is still based on caste,region & religion.
before marriage,I had love feeling about a colleague who was 2 years older than me,from different caste & region.she was non vegetarian & was having a younger sister than her.Me too was having a younger sister & brother to get married after me.

The overall circumstances were not in favor.Still there was something in her eyes which was calling me repeatedly but I never proposed her & one day she left the company,the town & went to her state.While leaving the town she called me on the railway station to drop her which was just 5 miles away but I just couldn't go there,instead of which I passed that evening alone on river *****.

So if it can be called a date...I didn't dated.

The next incidence that I remember is about a native girl with whom I decided literally a date but on time I went somewhere else to avoid that date...yeah..I'm really afraid of date.sad2

Now I'm married & happy with my spouse & children but I strictly avoid romantic discussions,romantic eye contacts with my spouse too.laugh laugh something like that increases my heart bits.

I like flirt, I like sex ,I like girls but when some girl comes on that way....I don't know exactly why but I get scared...yeah.laugh laugh laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 12/29/11 11:19 AM
Getting to know people is dating? Cool. I am learning a lot and must be dating. So far from meeting women I have found that I am not their type, their sexual preference or their age requirement. I have found some that have told me that their husband or boyfriend or significant other wouldn't approve. All this time I thought I was just being frugal.:smile:

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 12/29/11 02:09 PM

which I passed that evening alone on river *****.

Why has the name of the river been censored out? Wtf? rofl. Or is it called a rude name like River *****, or River Pants? Hmmmm.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 02:17 PM

I'm sure there are many views as to what dating is to them. For me a date is what you go on with a person to see if there is enough compatability for a future relationship that could lead to a serious committment (and marriage for most). Going out is something you do to form a friendship. The friendship could lead to a physical intimacy, but not the type of committment that most people hope to attain that dating can lead to. So this leads to another question, do FWB go on dates?

Going out with friends and dating is different to me. I may go out to dinner with a friend, but I wouldn't call it a date.

auburngirl's photo
Thu 12/29/11 07:38 PM
Hiya Emily! I didn't read all of the replies but I can tell you, I have this friend that is 24. Apparently their word "generation below me ha" calls it "hanging out". You can hang out and watch a movie or a football game or have some drinks or even sex apparently and still not be dating. LOLOL I'm old I question is always WHEN do they call it dating?!

Always good to see you,


no photo
Thu 12/29/11 07:42 PM

Hiya Emily! I didn't read all of the replies but I can tell you, I have this friend that is 24. Apparently their word "generation below me ha" calls it "hanging out". You can hang out and watch a movie or a football game or have some drinks or even sex apparently and still not be dating. LOLOL I'm old I question is always WHEN do they call it dating?!

Always good to see you,


Hi Connie!

Hanging out to me would be something to do with friends. Seems some older men like to use "hanging out" as meaning anything goes as well, though. laugh

auburngirl's photo
Thu 12/29/11 07:46 PM
Oh hey girl, you're online!

Really you think it's older men? My 24 yr old friend has moved in with me...she rents my downstairs. I never heard the term until she uses it and seems it covers EVERYTHING. I guess I'm old school, or just old, in that if you go out several times and do things, you are dating.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:08 PM

If dating means seeing someone regularly and Phukn wit no serious commitment then I am all for it

Yeah, it can mean that.

not here

dating is a process of getting to know someone not using them for sex or money - that is called ummmm....something else

sorry but it is what it is

any date who expects a decent and attractive woman to behave like that is crazy, dreaming, or both (or "paying" for it if u know what I mean)

this is exactly why many women will not have first date sex

I know you won;t agree so I'll call the truce up front

Who said anything about using them for sex or money? If both people are into each other and want to have sex while dating, why not?

He didn't mention having sex on the first date. He said seeing someone regularly.

as I said previously I am aware that u would not agree

I would prefer to agree to disagree and not discuss it further. Thanks

teadipper's photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:12 PM
I find it interesting that someone will ask someone on a date and then assume it dutch....I mean if you come to a mutual decision kind of thing I understand this but if you flat out ask out a person who didn't know you existed previously and the check is say $20, I really think the asking party should pay. Male or female. I am not old fashioned that way. But if you are actively pursuing someone who is clueless about your existence, I think it makes a better impression..........I dunno. Just me.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:25 PM

Oh hey girl, you're online!

Really you think it's older men? My 24 yr old friend has moved in with me...she rents my downstairs. I never heard the term until she uses it and seems it covers EVERYTHING. I guess I'm old school, or just old, in that if you go out several times and do things, you are dating.

I've seen men in general on sites like this saying they want to "hang out." To me, it's always just meant getting together with friends and that's it.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:26 PM

If dating means seeing someone regularly and Phukn wit no serious commitment then I am all for it

Yeah, it can mean that.

not here

dating is a process of getting to know someone not using them for sex or money - that is called ummmm....something else

sorry but it is what it is

any date who expects a decent and attractive woman to behave like that is crazy, dreaming, or both (or "paying" for it if u know what I mean)

this is exactly why many women will not have first date sex

I know you won;t agree so I'll call the truce up front

Who said anything about using them for sex or money? If both people are into each other and want to have sex while dating, why not?

He didn't mention having sex on the first date. He said seeing someone regularly.

as I said previously I am aware that u would not agree

I would prefer to agree to disagree and not discuss it further. Thanks

I was just wondering where the using them for sex or money came into the picture.

no photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:28 PM

I find it interesting that someone will ask someone on a date and then assume it dutch....I mean if you come to a mutual decision kind of thing I understand this but if you flat out ask out a person who didn't know you existed previously and the check is say $20, I really think the asking party should pay. Male or female. I am not old fashioned that way. But if you are actively pursuing someone who is clueless about your existence, I think it makes a better impression..........I dunno. Just me.

I think too many people worry about the money that is being spent on a date. Spending money on me isn't going to impress me, but I guess it does work for some. Then again, I always offer to pay my share.

teadipper's photo
Thu 12/29/11 08:30 PM

I find it interesting that someone will ask someone on a date and then assume it dutch....I mean if you come to a mutual decision kind of thing I understand this but if you flat out ask out a person who didn't know you existed previously and the check is say $20, I really think the asking party should pay. Male or female. I am not old fashioned that way. But if you are actively pursuing someone who is clueless about your existence, I think it makes a better impression..........I dunno. Just me.

I think too many people worry about the money that is being spent on a date. Spending money on me isn't going to impress me, but I guess it does work for some. Then again, I always offer to pay my share.

I am honestly a NO money girl if I have my choice as in "meet me at the park and talk me while we shoot hoops........" If it totally bites, no one invested anything and there is no uncomfortable waiting around for the check.........