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Topic: 'Jew-hate stems from conflict'
s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:21 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:36 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:16 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 05:20 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

The Israelis are not committing the crimes though!

Israel conducts checkpoints and inspections.

Hamas kills children on buses and social gatherings.


I will help you. The terrorists are the ones actively trying to
kill innocent Israeli women and children on purpose. The checkpoints
and inspections at airports and borders are the price we have to
all pay to avoid more hijackings and bombings but these are not
crimes but prudent protective measures.

Bus bombers on the other hand are war crimes.

Most people can distinguish the difference - and should support
the Israelis strongly in their effort to build a safe and non-violent
country for their children. If only the Palestinians would do the same.

Jew-hatred or antisemitism predates 1948 by a good 1000 years.
Jew-hate is the cause of the irrational and self-defeating attacks
against the Jewish State of Israel and likewise the source of the
anguish and misery on both sides. It should stop and the Arabs
have the ability to put it to rest so easily by accepting Israel
as a Jewish state and laying down their arms.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:24 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

The Israelis are not committing the crimes though!

Israel conducts checkpoints and inspections.

Hamas kills children on buses and social gatherings.


I will help you. The terrorists are the ones actively trying to
kill innocent Israeli women and children on purpose. The checkpoints
and inspections at airports and borders are the price we have to
all pay to avoid more hijackings and bombings but these are not
crimes but prudent protective measures.

Bus bombers on the other hand are war crimes.

Most people can distinguish the difference - and should support
the Israelis strongly in their effort to build a safe and non-violent
country for their children. If only the Palestinians would do the same.

Jew-hatred or antisemitism predates 1948 by a good 1000 years.
Jew-hate is the cause of the irrational and self-defeating attacks
against the Jewish State of Israel and likewise the source of the
anguish and misery on both sides. It should stop and the Arabs
have the ability to put it to rest so easily by accepting Israel
as a Jewish state and laying down their arms.

this comes back down to looking at BOTH sides, what they have done to each other

its not enough to just look at today and point out which side is striking without considering the whole HISTORY and the ongoing tensions that have remained because of it

israelis have indeed allowed innocent palistinans to be massacred in the past, so their hands are not free of blood and guilt, blood and guilt that Im sure is not easily forgotten by those who are or have PERSONALLY lived through it and with it as a way of life

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:31 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

The Israelis are not committing the crimes though!

Israel conducts checkpoints and inspections.

Hamas kills children on buses and social gatherings.


I will help you. The terrorists are the ones actively trying to
kill innocent Israeli women and children on purpose. The checkpoints
and inspections at airports and borders are the price we have to
all pay to avoid more hijackings and bombings but these are not
crimes but prudent protective measures.

Bus bombers on the other hand are war crimes.

Most people can distinguish the difference - and should support
the Israelis strongly in their effort to build a safe and non-violent
country for their children. If only the Palestinians would do the same.

Jew-hatred or antisemitism predates 1948 by a good 1000 years.
Jew-hate is the cause of the irrational and self-defeating attacks
against the Jewish State of Israel and likewise the source of the
anguish and misery on both sides. It should stop and the Arabs
have the ability to put it to rest so easily by accepting Israel
as a Jewish state and laying down their arms.

this comes back down to looking at BOTH sides, what they have done to each other

its not enough to just look at today and point out which side is striking without considering the whole HISTORY and the ongoing tensions that have remained because of it

israelis have indeed allowed innocent palistinans to be massacred in the past, so their hands are not free of blood and guilt, blood and guilt that Im sure is not easily forgotten by those who are or have PERSONALLY lived through it and with it as a way of life

As I said before, I am not unsympathetic to the pathetic plight of
the Palestinians but there would be no Palestinians if there had
been acceptance of Israel and repeated unprovoked attacks on Israel
by the Arabs and Arafat etc.

It has never been Israeli policy to kill and murder Palestinians.
Israel has only battled back in self-defense. This is the real history
for those who actually look into it.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Aqsa and their ilk on the other hand have always
had the POLICY of teaching jew-hatred in their schools, and
attacking known civilians on purpose to try to kill people.

When they have laid down their arms as did Jordan and Egypt then
the Israelis have always respected their peace agreements. This
is the truth of the matter.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:35 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

The Israelis are not committing the crimes though!

Israel conducts checkpoints and inspections.

Hamas kills children on buses and social gatherings.


I will help you. The terrorists are the ones actively trying to
kill innocent Israeli women and children on purpose. The checkpoints
and inspections at airports and borders are the price we have to
all pay to avoid more hijackings and bombings but these are not
crimes but prudent protective measures.

Bus bombers on the other hand are war crimes.

Most people can distinguish the difference - and should support
the Israelis strongly in their effort to build a safe and non-violent
country for their children. If only the Palestinians would do the same.

Jew-hatred or antisemitism predates 1948 by a good 1000 years.
Jew-hate is the cause of the irrational and self-defeating attacks
against the Jewish State of Israel and likewise the source of the
anguish and misery on both sides. It should stop and the Arabs
have the ability to put it to rest so easily by accepting Israel
as a Jewish state and laying down their arms.

this comes back down to looking at BOTH sides, what they have done to each other

its not enough to just look at today and point out which side is striking without considering the whole HISTORY and the ongoing tensions that have remained because of it

israelis have indeed allowed innocent palistinans to be massacred in the past, so their hands are not free of blood and guilt, blood and guilt that Im sure is not easily forgotten by those who are or have PERSONALLY lived through it and with it as a way of life

As I said before, I am not unsympathetic to the pathetic plight of
the Palestinians but there would be no Palestinians if there had
been acceptance of Israel and repeated unprovoked attacks on Israel
by the Arabs and Arafat etc.

It has never been Israeli policy to kill and murder Palestinians.
Israel has only battled back in self-defense. This is the real history
for those who actually look into it.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Aqsa and their ilk on the other hand have always
had the POLICY of teaching jew-hatred in their schools, and
attacking known civilians on purpose to try to kill people.

When they have laid down their arms as did Jordan and Egypt then
the Israelis have always respected their peace agreements. This
is the truth of the matter.

killing innocent palestinians is not excused by whether or not palestinians 'accepted' Israel

Israeli doesnt have to have an official 'policy' to be engaged in wrongdoing

Israel has allowed innocent palestinians to be slaughtered by others, and I Believe has its own bigots who do their fair share of killing as well

they are too equally human to be so inhumanly perfect as to not have innocent blood on their hands that is just as inexcused as any other loss of innocent blood,,,

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:41 PM

As I said before, I am not unsympathetic to the pathetic plight of
the Palestinians but there would be no Palestinians if there had
been acceptance of Israel and repeated unprovoked attacks on Israel
by the Arabs and Arafat etc.

It has never been Israeli policy to kill and murder Palestinians.
Israel has only battled back in self-defense. This is the real history
for those who actually look into it.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Aqsa and their ilk on the other hand have always
had the POLICY of teaching jew-hatred in their schools, and
attacking known civilians on purpose to try to kill people.

When they have laid down their arms as did Jordan and Egypt then
the Israelis have always respected their peace agreements. This
is the truth of the matter.

Check out the lead up to Operation Cast Lead and see who broke the Truce.

23 days and nights of bombing ------

self defense..?????---No

23 days and night of terror for the people of Gaza and a war crime

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:58 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 12/04/11 06:08 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

The concept of a "Jewish State" called Israel is a fiction, and orthodox jews do not accept it.

You can find voluminous information about this subject, including writings of many Rabbis from Maimonides to the Post war/contemporary period here-http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/rabbi_quotes/alter.cfm
well isn't that special?
I suppose they are not a Member of the UN either?
Guess that's a Fiction too!
Furthermore it's a Fiction that they belong to any International Body!
You all really have to do better than this!

Who gives a Poo about a few Fringe-Soreheads that are unable to find their way around in today's World?

I suppose you'll soon hear from the Amish,Mennonites and Quakers on how illusory and fictional the USofA is!

All nations are fiction in the real world. Their boundaries are arbitrarily drawn-most are the result of conquest, some are determined by geography. "Israel", in particular is a fiction. Historically, there has never been a place called "Israel" until the 20th century, and then only upon arbitrary UN mandate. The word "Israel" prior to that just referred to a group of 12 nomadic tribes. There was, of course, once a kingdom of Judah ("Judah-ites" were the inhabitants) See here-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_%28united_monarchy%29 and here-http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Kingdom_of_Judah

Hell, the concept of a nation-state didn't really come into fruition until the 18th-19th century. Before that, "official" borders were constantly changing ("constantly" in the larger context of history, of course).

ETA: I encourage you to also study the Diaspora. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_diaspora This event is not refuted by any credentialed historian.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:07 PM
The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:11 PM

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Terrorism is not land disputes. Terrorism is planting bombs in
buses, cafes, marketplaces and schools. Terrorism is shooting
rockets indiscriminately into cities to try to kill innocent

Bus, cafe, market bombs and rocket attacks on cities are the
tactics of Hamas not Israel. This is why Hamas and Hezbollah
are recognized the world over as terrorist organizations and
why Iran who supports them is considered the worlds worst state
sponsor of terrorist attacks.

To try to blame the Israel victims of the terrorist attacks for
the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in killing innocent
people is just both laughable and revolting.

No one is buying it.

laugh whoa

Nothing to buy sir.
The facts speak for themselves. anti-Semitism is at a verry high level and its not because people hate jews for being jews.

Anti-Semitism is the charge that Israel flings at anyone who criticizes them. Its a real fraud and irony that Israel treats the Palastinians as Hitler treated Poland.

I think most people once informed are revolted by what the state of Israel is doing. It is verry hard to change peoples conditioning being they are naturaly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, so its a real sad testement to Israels current leadership and the crimes they are commiting in the name of stopping terrorism.

The Israelis are not committing the crimes though!

Israel conducts checkpoints and inspections.

Hamas kills children on buses and social gatherings.


I will help you. The terrorists are the ones actively trying to
kill innocent Israeli women and children on purpose. The checkpoints
and inspections at airports and borders are the price we have to
all pay to avoid more hijackings and bombings but these are not
crimes but prudent protective measures.

Bus bombers on the other hand are war crimes.

Most people can distinguish the difference - and should support
the Israelis strongly in their effort to build a safe and non-violent
country for their children. If only the Palestinians would do the same.

Jew-hatred or antisemitism predates 1948 by a good 1000 years.
Jew-hate is the cause of the irrational and self-defeating attacks
against the Jewish State of Israel and likewise the source of the
anguish and misery on both sides. It should stop and the Arabs
have the ability to put it to rest so easily by accepting Israel
as a Jewish state and laying down their arms.

this comes back down to looking at BOTH sides, what they have done to each other

its not enough to just look at today and point out which side is striking without considering the whole HISTORY and the ongoing tensions that have remained because of it

israelis have indeed allowed innocent palistinans to be massacred in the past, so their hands are not free of blood and guilt, blood and guilt that Im sure is not easily forgotten by those who are or have PERSONALLY lived through it and with it as a way of life

As I said before, I am not unsympathetic to the pathetic plight of
the Palestinians but there would be no Palestinians if there had
been acceptance of Israel and repeated unprovoked attacks on Israel
by the Arabs and Arafat etc.

It has never been Israeli policy to kill and murder Palestinians.
Israel has only battled back in self-defense. This is the real history
for those who actually look into it.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Aqsa and their ilk on the other hand have always
had the POLICY of teaching jew-hatred in their schools, and
attacking known civilians on purpose to try to kill people.

When they have laid down their arms as did Jordan and Egypt then
the Israelis have always respected their peace agreements. This
is the truth of the matter.

killing innocent palestinians is not excused by whether or not palestinians 'accepted' Israel

Israeli doesnt have to have an official 'policy' to be engaged in wrongdoing

Israel has allowed innocent palestinians to be slaughtered by others, and I Believe has its own bigots who do their fair share of killing as well

they are too equally human to be so inhumanly perfect as to not have innocent blood on their hands that is just as inexcused as any other loss of innocent blood,,,

Israel has not "allowed" innocent people to be killed.
Terrorist groups are not tolerated in Israel or the U.S.

Not to say that there haven't been defensive wars.
But Israel has not allowed innocent people to be killed
Israel goes out of their way to warn civilians and always
has military targets who are firing at them before returning

When there have been mistakes, those responsible have been
vigorously prosecuted in Israel.

By contrast, Hamas holds celebrations and gives out candy when
innocent civilians are successfully killed.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:15 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sun 12/04/11 06:18 PM
The problem with the American presidential fixation with Israel’s security is that it is based on a myth – that poor little Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, “the driving into the sea of its Jews”. As I document in detail in my book, the truth of history is that Israel’s existence has never, ever, been in danger from any combination of Arab forces. Not in 1948. Not in 1967. And not even in 1973.


no photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:56 PM

The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


Are you now speaking for American Jews?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:58 PM

The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


Are you now speaking for American Jews?

he's not speaking at all... he's just posting from the anti-Jewish websites...

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:00 PM
Ah, it was just copied and pasted? I didn't bother to look at the link.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:02 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 12/04/11 07:02 PM

The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


Are you now speaking for American Jews?

he's not speaking at all... he's just posting from the anti-Jewish websites...

Zionism is not Judaism and vice-versa.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:07 PM

The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


Are you now speaking for American Jews?

he's not speaking at all... he's just posting from the anti-Jewish websites...

Zionism is not Judaism and vice-versa.

i disagree...just a play on words

mightymoe's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:09 PM
Zionism (Hebrew: ציונות‎, Tsiyonut) is a Jewish political movement that, in its broadest sense, has supported the self-determination of the Jewish people in a sovereign Jewish national homeland.[1] Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to advocate on behalf of the Jewish state and address threats to its continued existence and security. In a less common usage, the term may also refer to non-political, cultural Zionism, founded and represented most prominently by Ahad Ha'am; and political support for the State of Israel by non-Jews, as in Christian Zionism.

from wiki....

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:10 PM

The real concern of those American Jews who are taken in by Zionist propaganda is that a second term Obama might, just might, decide to put America’s own real interests first and confront the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress in order to get a real peace process going. (Readers of the third volume of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews will be aware of what former President Jimmy Carter told me. For those who are not aware, Carter told me that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby: “in the first nine months of his first term” and “the last year of his second term if he has one”.)


Are you now speaking for American Jews?

he's not speaking at all... he's just posting from the anti-Jewish websites...

Zionism is not Judaism and vice-versa.

As Jenniebean has stated in the past, she doesn't know/care whether "zionists" are actually Jewish or not. I'm guessing others like her are the same way.

It's just a way for people to rationalize going after Jews.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:13 PM

Ah, it was just copied and pasted? I didn't bother to look at the link.

I am just as lazy as youlaugh

But what I copy and paste I believe in.

Nice and easy does it.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:13 PM
Huh. The I love jews thread is gone already and yet several jew bashing threads stick around? Interesting.

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