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Topic: 'Jew-hate stems from conflict'
Conrad_73's photo
Sun 12/04/11 11:49 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 12/04/11 11:52 AM


Yeah right. Another Jew bashing thread.


Hitler and the Spanish Inquisition predated modern Israel.
Bigots hate Israel because it is a Jewish state not the other way around!


No Laughing matter...This is an emotive topic no need for cartoon shite.

As the great Jewish writer Primo Levi once remarked “Everybody has their Jews, and for the Israelis it’s the Palestinians”. By creating a middle Eastern version of the Warsaw ghetto they are recapitulating their own history as though they’ve forgotten it.
you don't know what you are talking about!

You are knowingly distorting the truth,and that is Slander,or Libel,whichever you prefer!

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 11:49 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 12/04/11 11:50 AM
imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 12/04/11 11:59 AM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?
drinker drinker drinker

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:09 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:14 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:14 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:17 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Now where did I say that singme?

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:29 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:31 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:38 PM
If anyone on this thread has seen this I would like to know..Thank you.

This from the BBC

Includes Rummy the Guy who couldn't trace 2.3 Trillion Dollars his department lostlaugh laugh laugh That is something to laugh at


There is no such thing as "al Qaeda", there is no one on earth who calls himself a member of "al Qaeda". "al Qaeda" is a term made up by the U.S. government to be applied to anyone killed during in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no formal organization. There is no secret terrorist network. What there is a is a phantom enemy, a boogyman that was easily sold to the American people for the benefit of the Bush Administration and their friends at PNAC.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:39 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Now where did I say that singme?

You mentioned the "disgraceful treatment" of Palestinians and by Israel, and forgot to mention anything the Palestinians have done.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:42 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Now where did I say that singme?

You mentioned the "disgraceful treatment" of Palestinians and by Israel, and forgot to mention anything the Palestinians have done.

Ask me specific questions and I will attempt to answer then honestly.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:52 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Now where did I say that singme?

You mentioned the "disgraceful treatment" of Palestinians and by Israel, and forgot to mention anything the Palestinians have done.

Ask me specific questions and I will attempt to answer then honestly.

I've tried that approach with you in the past. I know how well that doesn't work. :smile:

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:53 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:55 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:04 PM

The disgraceful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel for the past 65 years hasn't helped the Jewish cause.

Political Zionism is the worst enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.

And the Palestinians have done absolutely nothing wrong in your eyes, right?

Now where did I say that singme?

You mentioned the "disgraceful treatment" of Palestinians and by Israel, and forgot to mention anything the Palestinians have done.

Ask me specific questions and I will attempt to answer then honestly.

I've tried that approach with you in the past. I know how well that doesn't work. :smile:

We are engaged again so have another try:tongue:

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:06 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

The concept of a "Jewish State" called Israel is a fiction, and orthodox jews do not accept it.

You can find voluminous information about this subject, including writings of many Rabbis from Maimonides to the Post war/contemporary period here-http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/rabbi_quotes/alter.cfm

s1owhand's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:17 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 01:18 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

The concept of a "Jewish State" called Israel is a fiction, and orthodox jews do not accept it.

You can find voluminous information about this subject, including writings of many Rabbis from Maimonides to the Post war/contemporary period here-http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/rabbi_quotes/alter.cfm

Nonsense. The Jewish State of Israel is a fact not fiction. That
there are some Jews who are not big supporters does not change it.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:31 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 12/04/11 02:08 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

The concept of a "Jewish State" called Israel is a fiction, and orthodox jews do not accept it.

You can find voluminous information about this subject, including writings of many Rabbis from Maimonides to the Post war/contemporary period here-http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/rabbi_quotes/alter.cfm
well isn't that special?
I suppose they are not a Member of the UN either?
Guess that's a Fiction too!
Furthermore it's a Fiction that they belong to any International Body!
You all really have to do better than this!

Who gives a Poo about a few Fringe-Soreheads that are unable to find their way around in today's World?

I suppose you'll soon hear from the Amish,Mennonites and Quakers on how illusory and fictional the USofA is!

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:55 PM

imagine if this type of crucifixion had happened to those opposing race based oppression in the united states...

what if someone had simply stated

'"The dixiecrat critic will never state dixiecrat go home but is questioning the legality of the oppression of the africans and therefore the right for the african people to be treated equally. He will not say the dixiecrats are the evil of the world but claim that the dixiecrats are a major influence for continued oppression and war in the region," he said. "There is no other party, no other people on this planet the 'dixiecrat critic' would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of dixiecrats."

it would seem completely logical to anyone being honest and not a word of 'hate' could be found

but much like people complain that anyone against obama must only be so because of his race

so too, do people falsely complain, that any sentiment of non support of Israel is simply because it is jewish,,,

do we honestly expect to silence people when they feel wronged just because EVERYONE is not guilty of wronging them?

That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

but the difference is African AMericans didnt 'move', they were 'forced' into america

the difference is one is talking about how people FEEL And your example talks about what people DO to each other

AFrican americans did not create conflict because there was no CHOICE involved in their being here in the first place

ISrael was GIVEN a nation by non israelis and non palestinians(The UN) which came in and decided who would get what and both sides have treated the other criminally ever since to fight to either keep what an outside source gave them or take back what was taken away

AFricans were BROUGHT to the states by Americans who then decided what rights they would or would not afford them , which caused conflict and continues to cause a certain level of conflict

there are black people who hate whites because of mere ignorance, but there are others who have LEGITIMATE And personal experiences that created those feelings,, just as there are whites who are ignorant and those who have personal experiences which create those feelings

and it is not hateful to have honest discourse about any of those differences in where feelings come from,,,

It is not so different. Jews were FORCED to flee for their lives
from Germany, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Morocco
and Lebanon. Strict immigration laws found them with nowhere else
to go but Jews in Israel - at the time called Palestine took pity
on the refugees and welcomed them in.

Israel was not given to the Jews by the UN although this is a
common misconception. Modern Israel was re-founded by Jews who
had lived there for ages in part via a settlement of the Ottoman
Empire lands after World War I 30 years prior to the illegal
UN action.

Here are links to the actual history.




In any case - Jew hatred preceded the Israel-Arab conflict by
a thousand years!

It is just plain ignorant to suggest that the victims are to blame
for the conflict. Just like trying to blame the US for the attacks
by Al-Qaeda or Lockerbie or trying to blame the blacks for lychings.

If the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state and lay down arms the
conflict is really over.

nothing about this is simple

there is more than ONE level

YES , there is hatred that comes from ignorance and jewish bigotry

but to deny there is also hatred that is stemming from real and personal experiences of the palestines, is blindness at its worst... or denial

I am not trying to minimize the Palestinian suffering. It is tragic.
But it is a result of the conflict which was created by intolerance
of the Jewish state. The only Palestinian refugees before the Arabs
attacked the fledgling state of Israel were Jews.

Of course all parties are aggrieved but the Jew-hatred predates
Israel by a long shot and was not a result of the conflict.

Those attacking Israel should lay down their arms and live in

IM sure there is intolerance of the jewish state, that could stem from insensitivity to or superiority over non jewish states,,,

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:11 PM
That is like saying that African Americans brought lynchings upon
themselves by moving into "white areas" or by trying to sit at the
lunch counter or ride in the front of the bus.

African Americans did not create hatred towards themselves by
creating conflict. African Americans found themselves perpetually
in conflict because of racial prejudice and discrimination.

It is exactly the same case in Israel. Israel is attacked because
they are not welcome in the neighborhood and this is the origin of
the conflict.

If the Arabs laid down their arms and accepted the Jewish state of
Israel then the conflict is over.
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 12/04/11 12:10 PM

I think you have that scenario backwards.

Its more like how dare those palastinians object to Israel cutting down date trees and bulldowseing down entire villages and building Isreali settlments when they object to israel stealing lands we will call them terrorists, after all with the power of media behind them they can frame it as they see fit and be assured the other side of the story does not get news coverage.

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