Topic: Is there a "before" the big bang?
no photo
Fri 12/02/11 05:50 PM

Many people believe the Big Bang is fact.

Theories explains facts. The BB is a cosmological model. It explains many of the FACTS we have observed.

I would urge you to use the appropriate language.

So one might say, do you accept the BB as an accurate model? Or
Do you accept the BB as an accurate theory?

Or do you think the BB explains the facts?

Or do you think there are inconsistencies with how the BB model explains the facts?

A scientist would never ask . . . do you think the BB is fact?

Personally I think the BB + inflation explain the facts better than anything else . . . so for now I accept it as an accurate model.


jrbogie's photo
Sat 12/03/11 04:46 PM
theories do not explain facts. that's why they're called theories.

no photo
Sat 12/03/11 04:50 PM
It is a fact that apples will fall to the ground from a tree.

The theory of gravity comes to mind.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:30 PM

is there a before the big bang?

I think, jeanne, that is called foreplay

Sorry, I have to bring this up again.

That was funny!

I don't believe in the big bang. It's pretty weak.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:35 PM

is there a before the big bang?

I think, jeanne, that is called foreplay

Sorry, I have to bring this up again.

That was funny!

I don't believe in the big bang. It's pretty weak.

That must be just a man joke, cause I don't find it funny.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:38 PM

is there a before the big bang?

I think, jeanne, that is called foreplay

Sorry, I have to bring this up again.

That was funny!

I don't believe in the big bang. It's pretty weak.

That must be just a man joke, cause I don't find it funny.

Well a woman said it.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:38 PM
Edited by mg1959 on Sun 12/04/11 01:47 PM
I'm sorry Jeanie. I love you dear, I'm just having a giggle moment.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:40 PM
Edited by The_Pete_Man on Sun 12/04/11 01:42 PM
I always thought The Big Bang took place on the night of March 2, 1961 - the most likely date of my being conceived - so, with that in mind, I always thought there had to be a "before" The Big Bang.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:45 PM

I always thought The Big Bang took place on the night of March 2, 1961 - the most likely date of my being conceived - so, with that in mind, I always thought there had to be a "before" The Big Bang.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Hi Pete

OMGosh this is just too funny. Now I can't look at the words without laughing.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:11 PM
There could have been a whole series of bangs like firecrackers that went off.

no photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:20 AM

theories do not explain facts. that's why they're called theories.
Ohhhhh really?

So the Germ Theory of Medicine does not explain facts?

The theory of gravity does not explain facts?

Phenomena: observable fact.

Scientific theory: explains observable/testable phenomena.

So you are going to have to explain your statement some there JR . . .

no photo
Tue 12/06/11 11:15 PM
Because there are to many out there who believe in this crap as a athiest i believe in facts not fiction proof befor a story book it has to be proven with no doubt .

The point is know one knows and will never know what happen but according to religion it was (A)God created this earth in 6 days 7th day a god rested also created the big bang .My point is this funny how this topic getting how this big bang started how many people have differnt idea's.But Nasa already has discoverd new planets that could substain life so there for we might not be the only planet out there who has life.So we are not alone out there imagine that.

Religion plays a big role in this as much it is bull crap thats my opion it seems to teach people that there is a figure out there that created everything but as a lot know that the big bang was not created by this being or figure of ones imagination excuse my spelling over tired lol .

RKISIT's photo
Wed 12/07/11 07:08 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Wed 12/07/11 07:10 AM
i think the answer to this isn't in our universe but beyond it in the deep dark depths of space.Something in that darkness has an opposite that when joining it goes BANG.It has always existed never had a point of origin.Until scientist can actually figure out what that is the big bang may just be a theory.Although it's a theory i think is possible,though i believe our universe is way older than 15 billion years old.

no photo
Wed 12/07/11 08:01 AM
cool site on inflation and how we have developed our current model of cosmology.

By no means am I an expert on this topic, but I do enjoy to geek out from time to time.

insangel's photo
Wed 12/07/11 08:13 AM
everything that was before
the big bang will be once more,
when time and space collapse
well all start again perhaps.

solox123's photo
Thu 12/15/11 10:23 PM
I believe there is a higher power that created all this. I mean seriously... what is the chance of sustaining life at all?
NASA is full of it these days... seriously they hide stuff from us and lie to us all the time.

metalwing's photo
Thu 12/15/11 11:32 PM

I believe there is a higher power that created all this. I mean seriously... what is the chance of sustaining life at all?
NASA is full of it these days... seriously they hide stuff from us and lie to us all the time.

Such as?

solox123's photo
Fri 12/16/11 10:40 AM
I believe they hide information from us so we wouldn't panic or get in there *** for it. There closely connected to the government so it's prevalent.
Hm, a good example is blurring/bad quality resolution in their google mars program when they can access it crystal-clear. Remember Bio-Station Alpha?

metalwing's photo
Fri 12/16/11 10:55 AM

I believe they hide information from us so we wouldn't panic or get in there *** for it. There closely connected to the government so it's prevalent.
Hm, a good example is blurring/bad quality resolution in their google mars program when they can access it crystal-clear. Remember Bio-Station Alpha?

NASA is probably the most peer reviewed organization in the world for a variety of reasons.

Maybe if you took another look at the Bio-station Alpha event.

no photo
Fri 12/16/11 11:20 AM

I believe they hide information from us so we wouldn't panic or get in there *** for it. There closely connected to the government so it's prevalent.
Hm, a good example is blurring/bad quality resolution in their google mars program when they can access it crystal-clear. Remember Bio-Station Alpha?

At any step along the process between 'taking the photo' and 'viewing it in google mars', it might be reasonable to limit resolution out of concern for bandwidth costs.