Topic: cuddling...really?
josie68's photo
Mon 10/17/11 01:31 AM

I do not mind touching, feeling, stroking, sensuality through touch...thats not my definition of cuddling. Cuddling is having someone all up on you, almost in a suffocating embrace. Ok well, we just wont call it cuddling then. I hate that damned term. Yeah, I'll feel all over ya...very sensual and passionate...but I'll pass on the "cuddling". As for dogs chasing after cats...I'm one cat that puppy might turn tail and run from ;)

I( love to be cuddle, I feel safe and loved when someone holds me close..
well as long as it's my man and not some wierd person who just grabs me for a cuddle

no photo
Mon 10/17/11 02:02 AM
Edited by Alterette on Mon 10/17/11 02:04 AM
I love to cuddle; to me it means caring without sexual pressure or expectation - or when I've been with someone, it was more than just physical. I'm usually the strong one, the "nurse", the encourager. I take care of a special needs daughter, who takes up a great deal of my time and energy. When someone cuddles me, it gives me the chance to be the treasured one, the one who is safe and loved.

Awwww ... now I want a cuddle!

74Drew's photo
Mon 10/17/11 02:24 AM
not sure if this helps, but i agree with the definitions

. . .

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/17/11 09:03 AM

I see a lot of men talking about cuddling in their profiles. I always thought that was kind of odd. I'm guessing it's because they think that's what women want to hear.

And while I enjoy cuddling and am happy to know many men do as well, I don't really see why it's talked about in profiles.

Yep; I agree with what you said about they think that is what women want to hear. :thumbsup:

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 10/17/11 09:21 AM
Many guys like to sit and cuddle while watching tv or just walk up behind ya and put their arms around you.

Guys like the same thing women do it is human nature to want to touch the one your with. Not a darn thing wrong with it...

Ohh hell I just love to be touched once in a while and be noticed I'm around... If it is a touch a kiss or hugs from time to time.... even wrapped in each others arms just kicking back and watching tv..... Just a touch can be very sexy at times... bigsmile

DaveyB's photo
Mon 10/17/11 01:58 PM
Funny how people can define cuddling so differently.

To me, if I were to say I like cuddling it would mean holding someone in my arms (or being held for that matter) for an extended period of time. Not just a few moments, that's more of a hug... I'm really big on hugs. Cuddling face to face I sometimes find a little uncomfortable, and I think that may be what the OP might have been thinking by some of the things she's said since.

Anyway cuddling side by side or in a spooning position I enjoy a great deal. Sex or not.

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Mon 10/17/11 03:22 PM
OP... why do you seem to link cuddling with sex? they sex they like to cuddle, and you say you like to screw... they are NOT one and the same... so i'm confused...

i personally love to cuddle... but i dont want someone gripping to me for dear life... just an arm gently around me while laying together is heaven for me...

i miss having someone to cuddle with.... :cry:

youngboylon's photo
Mon 10/17/11 03:31 PM
I like to cuddle and tickle! Is that lame? I don't think so!noway

krupa's photo
Mon 10/17/11 04:32 PM

That is a dry humping.

I cuddle like a giant boney spider monkey.

MzMariah's photo
Mon 10/17/11 04:48 PM
I think it's a generalization that yes, if two people in a romantic relationship are sitting on a couch together would they be together legs and arms touching maybe one leaning on another, legs wrapped. Or would they be like prim victorian era brits with perfect posture and no touching. Simple, do you like to cuddle, snuggle, share touch and warmth while watching nightly news or do you prefer to sit unencumbered on your own throne?
Save a cuddler for me then :D

galendgirl's photo
Mon 10/17/11 05:52 PM
Maybe the offer the cuddle because it touches their woman's heart...
What's not to like? Intimacy isn't always about sex (yeah, yeah...I'm sure I'll get rotten tomatoes for that one!)

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 10/17/11 05:57 PM

They think it will get them closer to the pudding!

Welcome to Dog school where Professor Andy instructs others on the behavior of the many dogs who stalk these woods!

You all know most dogs chase after the cats! Some dogs though chase after other dogs!!!

noway YIKES!noway

Remember, to a dog, humping the leg is a way of saying hello! (Not really!)

And as we all know bad dogs deserve a spanking!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

hahahaha, nice true.

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 10/17/11 05:59 PM

I like to cuddle and tickle! Is that lame? I don't think so!noway

Cuddling and tickling, i love to do that too....of course i dont like to be tickled. I love to tickle my man though and laugh at his reaction. It's flirty fun for me, although he will disagree on the fun/tickling part, haha.

Holly4459's photo
Mon 10/17/11 06:04 PM
FYI-I LOVE to cuddle!love

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/17/11 06:17 PM
Telling you how ticklish I am was a big mistake.grumble

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 10/17/11 06:20 PM

Telling you how ticklish I am was a big mistake.grumble

yes it was, a very big mistake, hahaha, but i still love to cuddle as do you!

no photo
Mon 10/17/11 07:09 PM
OMG...way out of context some of you. First of all I havent said anything about 'screwing', secondly, lying on the couch watching a video with each other is not cuddling. Hey to each there own. I never said intimacy had to be sexual. ok, so with the information you have all provided in your opinions and such, I guess I'm just not that touchy feely. And when a man wants to 'cuddle' I view that as a weakness. I want a man not a teddy bear. It just equates with softness to me and I dont care for soft men either. Doesnt mean I wanna be strapped down and whipped!

krupa's photo
Mon 10/17/11 07:23 PM
Edited by krupa on Mon 10/17/11 07:25 PM
What the heck are you looking for?

A macho man who ain't supposed to touch you?

(it's cool if that is your thing)

galendgirl's photo
Mon 10/17/11 07:28 PM
Whoa! I sure thought you wanted to discuss.
Your opinions and choices are personal and A-okay...but so are other peoples. Sorry if you were offended.

no photo
Mon 10/17/11 07:56 PM

secondly, lying on the couch watching a video with each other is not cuddling.

It is if you are wrapped up together with lots of contact between your bodies.

And when a man wants to 'cuddle' I view that as a weakness. I want a man not a teddy bear. It just equates with softness to me and I dont care for soft men either.

Do you also want a many who isn't emotionally present? Who isn't caring? How 'non-soft' do you like your men?