Topic: I hate dating :-/ | |
There are many guys here who send emails and get responses. Seriously. I don't message people very much, but when I do they usually respond. But then, I'm also usually not trying to get with anyone, maybe that has something to do with it. If you're not getting what you're looking for, change your approach. No one here owes anyone anything. ![]() |
That your in absolute denial of the fact that about 50% of threads we see hitting the dating and relationships forum here are posters sharing problems they're having dating, or sorting out their partners. when did i deny this? i didn't even know this was the subject of this thread. |
Whatever you say. All I'm after is stopping the spread of ignorance that people seem to prefer to find refuge in. If there was any knowledge applied in bhernandez's posts, she'd recognize that simply because of her gender she's bound to receive five times more messaging minimum on any online dating site compared to men. Yes that is statistically correct Naw, couldn't be. After all, I'm a man, I'm wrong on all fronts to begin with. Let me guess... you're a nice guy, too? I used to be; as of late I'm not sure. There are many guys here who send emails and get responses. If you're not getting what you're looking for, change your approach. No one here owes anyone anything. We've all sent email that hasn't been responded to. And just because a woman is receiving email, it doesn't automatically mean that she's going to find the right guy that way. This is not a matter of onus. Actually, that concept should not even be in the thought process. What I'm trying to communicate is, how the hell is someone supposed to find "the one" when they censor every other person from the simple common respect of communication. There's no rule that you have to be all over some guy simply because you engaged or allowed him to engage you in conversation. But it seems like everyone accepts it as kosher to just give the **** off signals to move onto "the next one". That your in absolute denial of the fact that about 50% of threads we see hitting the dating and relationships forum here are posters sharing problems they're having dating, or sorting out their partners. when did i deny this? i didn't even know this was the subject of this thread. You clearly ignore it any time its brought up, therefore one would see it as intentional. Its fascinating really that you pull the punches and then talk about what the thread subject is. I didn't post this to start off with: aren't you just a nice cup of tea. My response to the OP was that many women draw "the line" really quickly with guys they meet. It should be well known that men communicate better through physical attention than words, and that women communicate better through words than they do with physical attention. So my point, as harshly as I put it, was its silly to cut men off so quickly. This developed into conversation about how messaging actually becomes irrelevant with women, as most men are not chosen for the words they choose, rather their physical appearance. |
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? |
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? Maybe you need a different approach of Nice. When you can use nasty language and it will come across as helps...A LOT!!!! Women are like men, they want class in the streets and a slut in the sheets. |
If you are assuming all women date to have sex, you are mistaken. I will take that bet.......... |
ding ding ding------ Wait, what round on we are again???
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? You've played the nice guy many times? Sounds like you aren't actually a nice guy, but just playing the part. |
This is not a matter of onus. Actually, that concept should not even be in the thought process. What I'm trying to communicate is, how the hell is someone supposed to find "the one" when they censor every other person from the simple common respect of communication. There's no rule that you have to be all over some guy simply because you engaged or allowed him to engage you in conversation. But it seems like everyone accepts it as kosher to just give the **** off signals to move onto "the next one".
Instead of complaining about those who don't respond to you, take the time to read profiles and write to new people. And try actually participating in threads to show everyone what you're like other someone who complains. Many of us have met people through the forums. Once you start to get to know people that way, you'll start making friends that may turn into something more. |
This is not a matter of onus. Actually, that concept should not even be in the thought process. What I'm trying to communicate is, how the hell is someone supposed to find "the one" when they censor every other person from the simple common respect of communication. There's no rule that you have to be all over some guy simply because you engaged or allowed him to engage you in conversation. But it seems like everyone accepts it as kosher to just give the **** off signals to move onto "the next one".
Instead of complaining about those who don't respond to you, take the time to read profiles and write to new people. And try actually participating in threads to show everyone what you're like other someone who complains. Many of us have met people through the forums. Once you start to get to know people that way, you'll start making friends that may turn into something more. It worked for me.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
<---Razorback. Souieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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oh just shut the **** up.
This is not a matter of onus. Actually, that concept should not even be in the thought process. What I'm trying to communicate is, how the hell is someone supposed to find "the one" when they censor every other person from the simple common respect of communication. So... you feel like other people aren't taking a smart approach to finding their partner? If I have that right - what motivates you to comment on it? Aside from frustration that other people aren't how you want them to be? There's no rule that you have to be all over some guy simply because you engaged or allowed him to engage you in conversation. But it seems like everyone accepts it as kosher to just give the **** off signals to move onto "the next one". That's kosher from my pov. People should feel free to chose whoever they want to relate to (or not relate to), and communicate that to others. From JM to BH: That your in absolute denial of the fact that about 50% of threads we see hitting the dating and relationships forum here are posters sharing problems they're having dating, or sorting out their partners. BH: when did i deny this? i didn't even know this was the subject of this thread. JM: You clearly ignore it any time its brought up, therefore one would see it as intentional. Really, I think you owe BH an apology - you said she is in absolute denial of some claim, then shift to 'intentional ignoring'. Ignoring is not denying. I don't think its cool to put words in other people's mouth, or to make definitive statements about another's thought process on so little evidence. Just sayin. Apologizing when you are wrong shows class. |
This is not a matter of onus. Actually, that concept should not even be in the thought process. What I'm trying to communicate is, how the hell is someone supposed to find "the one" when they censor every other person from the simple common respect of communication. So... you feel like other people aren't taking a smart approach to finding their partner? If I have that right - what motivates you to comment on it? Aside from frustration that other people aren't how you want them to be? There's no rule that you have to be all over some guy simply because you engaged or allowed him to engage you in conversation. But it seems like everyone accepts it as kosher to just give the **** off signals to move onto "the next one". That's kosher from my pov. People should feel free to chose whoever they want to relate to (or not relate to), and communicate that to others. From JM to BH: That your in absolute denial of the fact that about 50% of threads we see hitting the dating and relationships forum here are posters sharing problems they're having dating, or sorting out their partners. BH: when did i deny this? i didn't even know this was the subject of this thread. JM: You clearly ignore it any time its brought up, therefore one would see it as intentional. Really, I think you owe BH an apology - you said she is in absolute denial of some claim, then shift to 'intentional ignoring'. Ignoring is not denying. I don't think its cool to put words in other people's mouth, or to make definitive statements about another's thought process on so little evidence. Just sayin. Apologizing when you are wrong shows class. Wow, its a Good thing I'm not wrong :D. I don't think its cool to prompt a whole argument that expands a thread by three pages because someone can't be bothered to read legit details on part of a DISCUSSION. Maybe you need a different approach of Nice. When you can use nasty language and it will come across as helps...A LOT!!!! Women are like men, they want class in the streets and a slut in the sheets. Possibly. But I do know that I've filled my quota of kissing @$$ all the time for many years; its time I see return on my investment. To date, there's been none. In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? You've played the nice guy many times? Sounds like you aren't actually a nice guy, but just playing the part. Sounds like your going to take matterz of teh internetz more importantly than having actual conversations with people. In that regard, you and I wouldn't work to begin with. |
Edited by
Wed 10/12/11 04:59 AM
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? You've played the nice guy many times? Sounds like you aren't actually a nice guy, but just playing the part. Sounds like your going to take matterz of teh internetz more importantly than having actual conversations with people. In that regard, you and I wouldn't work to begin with. What are you talking about? |
Honestly. I hate that when I go on a date with a guy, he's looking for the girl he's going to 'hook up with' and I'm looking for the guy that I get to laugh and chill with. Keep your hand off my leg and don't try to sleep with me on the first date... or within the first few dates. Lets make sure that we're actually compatible as friends first, yes? It's the reason I hate dating. I want to meet people. People. Friends. ![]() |
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? You've played the nice guy many times? Sounds like you aren't actually a nice guy, but just playing the part. Sounds like your going to take matterz of teh internetz more importantly than having actual conversations with people. In that regard, you and I wouldn't work to begin with. What are you talking about? He thinks your into him? Written conversations arent real? Dunno. No clue. He's making no sense. |
In addition, displaying hostility for women while referring to nice guys, will make women assume you are not qualified to define what a nice guy is. I've played the nice guy many times. And time after time, its failed. Clear enough? You've played the nice guy many times? Sounds like you aren't actually a nice guy, but just playing the part. ![]() ![]() That struck me same way! |
Honestly. I hate that when I go on a date with a guy, he's looking for the girl he's going to 'hook up with' and I'm looking for the guy that I get to laugh and chill with. Keep your hand off my leg and don't try to sleep with me on the first date... or within the first few dates. Lets make sure that we're actually compatible as friends first, yes? It's the reason I hate dating. I want to meet people. People. Friends. ![]() I'll give you that one. You're absolutely right. I shouldn't complain? The grass is always greener situation, I suppose... ![]() My confession is this: I get a little irked when I suddenly realize that someone who has met me and goes out with me gets really clingy, really fast... because they are attracted to something superficial. I kind of would rather them adore me for more objective reasons. Ooohh... but that's something else I've been openly accused of from close friends: I'm sooo not in tune with my emotional side. Therefore, there tends to be an imbalance when someone comes along who is. |
Whatever you say. All I'm after is stopping the spread of ignorance that people seem to prefer to find refuge in. If there was any knowledge applied in bhernandez's posts, she'd recognize that simply because of her gender she's bound to receive five times more messaging minimum on any online dating site compared to men. oh the relevance. The relevance speaks for itself. Guys can sit and write 20 different messages to 20 different girls, only to find that most don't even bother reading, or delete, and if the guy's lucky, he'll find one response out of it. A girl shows cleavage in a picture, bang, done deal. Any comment a girl makes about "not being able to find a guy" purposefully leaves out that she's receiving email, yet she censors the men that she'll allow to converse with her at all. I know, I know... I'm late to the game, but I've been dying to weigh in here... but I was just too busy. Until now. ![]() So a girl is guaranteed a response if we show cleavage? This is EARTH-Shattering news! Will that work in a bar, too?? LADIES! You heard it here, men are visual creatures and care not for content or personality... just a nice set of jugs (preferably uncensored by bothersome clothing). ![]() C'mon now. Most, if not all of your posts are not earth-shattering or insightful in the least. We women know (or at least I think we do), that we probably have an easier time at garnering attention then men, AND that men are more vocal about their interest in us. The problem, is that while they all try to feign the "I'm a nice guy" routine, we have to be incredibly careful and try to read through the BS (and there's a lot of BS). Unfortunately, some men, even the nice ones, won't pass our gut test. If we don't feel a good gut feeling about you, we aren't going to test it out when we are MORE vulnerable in a physical setting. Truth is (in most cases) men are stronger and at 5'1", I'm easily overpowered. It would be highly dangerous (and mighty stupid) of me to accept every invite on a date that I get. I may be turning down wonderful guys, yes, but I have to be careful... BTW-- I've met a lot of guys who play the 'nice guy' card. Very few actually ARE nice guys. Telling us won't convince us that you're nice. You want more responses when you send emails? Put some thought into your email. Make it stand out. I get a ton of "hi." emails. It's literally all the message says. I'm really supposed to respond to all of them? I have better things to do. If you are interested enough to put together a thoughtful email, then I'll make time to respond. Stepping down off of the soapbox now. Thanks. ![]() |