Topic: Students Stomp Out Flag Burning and Go After the Burner
Bestinshow's photo
Wed 05/18/11 04:37 AM


Not that I condone flag burning but....

What the F**K happened to freedom of speech????

Not that I would ever do it cause I think it retarded and a waste of time, but if I was to burn the American flag it would be for one reason and one reason alone...

The nation that created the flag is no longer the nation that should wave the flag.

The three colors on the American Flag stand for:
Red: Hardiness , valor,strength, and bravery We are a nation that is at war with countries we have no business being in. We are a country that cares not for our own homeless, but spends billions of dollars feeding the rest of the world's homeless....

White: peace and honesty Our politicians lie to us daily. Our own presidents can't keep their lies in order. We are AT WAR FOR 10 YEARS and apparently have no plans to withdraw...

Blue: Vigilance, Perseverance, Justice, Truth, and Loyalty Oh sure, we are vigilant and persevere at killing and staying in war. We are vigilant at letting illegals take over our country and use our resources meant for the citizens. We let murderers free and wrongly execute innocent people Our presidents and politicians lie to us, our government lies to us. We turn our backs on our own citizens and turn around and give the money and our military to places that don't want us or our help in the first place.

Anyway, this is just my opinion.

I'm not anti-American.

I am just saying that we should have the right to express ourselves. After all, we can't say we are truly free if we don't have the rights to those freedoms.

Most awsome postflowers

Chazster's photo
Wed 05/18/11 08:39 AM

I really dont care why he bought the flag, if he bought it with his money what he does with it is

HIS business

and gives noone else a right to assault him in any way

I never said they had the right to do it. That doesn't mean they wont. Just like when I child rapist gets off because of some technicality no one has the right to take the law into their own hands but I wouldn't be upset if they did.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:15 AM

And yes, he apparently got a permit to do the flag burning protest.


Burning the American flag in protest is offensive, disrespectful, demonstrably ineffective -- and legal. A pair of U.S. Supreme Court decisions more than 20 years ago declared that a nation committed to freedom of speech must permit even this most-distasteful form of dissent.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:17 AM

And yes, he apparently got a permit to do the flag burning protest.


Burning the American flag in protest is offensive, disrespectful, demonstrably ineffective -- and legal. A pair of U.S. Supreme Court decisions more than 20 years ago declared that a nation committed to freedom of speech must permit even this most-distasteful form of dissent.

In addition, the original flag that was burnt was a stolen flag. Yes, the person should go to jail for that.

However, had he just hopped over to Walmart and bought one, it would have been a LEGAL flag burning.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:31 AM

I really dont care why he bought the flag, if he bought it with his money what he does with it is

HIS business

and gives noone else a right to assault him in any way

I never said they had the right to do it. That doesn't mean they wont. Just like when I child rapist gets off because of some technicality no one has the right to take the law into their own hands but I wouldn't be upset if they did.

but the difference there is you are talking about someone physically HARMING another person, which , at the very least, would make physical harm to them justifiable by the rules of karma(eye for an eye)

but assaulting someone for what they choose to do with THEIR property is something entirely different

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:35 AM
but assaulting someone for what they choose to do with THEIR property is something entirely different

I agree with you there, but unfortunately, the flag in this case was not his to burn. It was the school's property.

Still not saying the beat down was okay and the beaters should also be arrested for assault.

This was a matter for the courts and a bunch of bull-headed "patriots" took the matter into their own hand. If they were truly patriotic, they would have researched the fact that the flag burning truly was legal.

no photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:39 AM

I keep hearing he had the right to burn it, but what is the point of it? just because he has the right, that makes it OK? why does anyone need to publicly burn the flag? if your that unhappy, just move to canada, or mexico... burn their flags, they won't mind either...

That's true...
We don't mind burning synthetic threads made in China. We've evolved from the idealistic protection of corrupt and savage government.

Try it sometime... It's called TRUE FREEDOM! winking

And you wonder why the whole world wants to beat all your Azzes for burning the Koran?
Hell I want to beat some of your azzes just reading this BS laugh drinker

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:40 AM

I keep hearing he had the right to burn it, but what is the point of it? just because he has the right, that makes it OK? why does anyone need to publicly burn the flag? if your that unhappy, just move to canada, or mexico... burn their flags, they won't mind either...

That's true...
We don't mind burning synthetic threads made in China. We've evolved from the idealistic protection of corrupt and savage government.

Try it sometime... It's called TRUE FREEDOM! winking

And you wonder why the whole world wants to beat all your Azzes for burning the Koran?
Hell I want to beat some of your azzes just reading this BS laugh drinker

lol,,,ur nuts,, but thats funny (synthetic threads made in China,,lol)

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:54 AM

I keep hearing he had the right to burn it, but what is the point of it? just because he has the right, that makes it OK? why does anyone need to publicly burn the flag? if your that unhappy, just move to canada, or mexico... burn their flags, they won't mind either...

why post negative comments about others in a forum just because we can? I think the point is not about whether he should(Because thats a moral decision that differs for everyone)

the issue was more about whether he has the right to not be ASSAULTED (because thats an issue of law)

he should have been assaulted... why should we watch something we don't wanna see? sometimes to make change, you have to take the law into your own hands... you mentioned muslims stoning women earlier... if the people of muslimworld started stoning the people doing the stoning, do you think it would stop? yes it would, thats the prime example of majority rules

r u serious? you dont have to watch what you dont want to see, unless someone is holding a gun to your head to do so,,,,and I saw no guns,,,

taking the law in your hands is no defense because there is no law that allows for assualt on the grounds that we 'dont want to ' see something

and if people stone those who stone, wouldnt that mean everyone would eventually die?,,,

yes,, everyone dying would just about guarantee no more crimes were EVER committed,,,,

gotta do what you gotta do... he has an urge to burn the flag, i get an urge to kick his a$$... no, everyone wouldn't die, just the people that started stoning the women in the first place, and good riddance.. sometimes you have to set an example so others don't want to try something stupid... police do it all the time, so i do to... if you have something to say, just say it, we don't need any visual references to go with it...

well, you would be in jail , and they wouldnt,,,but as long as you own it and are ok with it,,,,,

it's only illegal if you get caught...

you only get charged if you get caught, its illegal even when you are running from the consequences of it though

yea, but he will think twice about burning a flag the next time, won't he?...

about as likely as those who get charged with assault think twice before assaulting someone else who is doing or showing something they ' dont want to see'

Not if you have witnesses who say you got hit first and you know how to write a report.

so we dont condone burning a cloth but we condone assault AND fraud

what a great consistent western culture we have,,,

more liberal logic? i suppose if someone burned the mona lisa, they burned just a piece of canvas? when someones house gets burned down, it is just some wood? just because the flag has no meaning to you, that doesn't mean it applies to everyone else... you may think you don't have to respect anything, but for those of us that do, burning the flag is a symbol of anti american sentiment. just because some judge is an anti american liberal, doesn't mean he speaks for everyone.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:01 AM

I keep hearing he had the right to burn it, but what is the point of it? just because he has the right, that makes it OK? why does anyone need to publicly burn the flag? if your that unhappy, just move to canada, or mexico... burn their flags, they won't mind either...

why post negative comments about others in a forum just because we can? I think the point is not about whether he should(Because thats a moral decision that differs for everyone)

the issue was more about whether he has the right to not be ASSAULTED (because thats an issue of law)

he should have been assaulted... why should we watch something we don't wanna see? sometimes to make change, you have to take the law into your own hands... you mentioned muslims stoning women earlier... if the people of muslimworld started stoning the people doing the stoning, do you think it would stop? yes it would, thats the prime example of majority rules

r u serious? you dont have to watch what you dont want to see, unless someone is holding a gun to your head to do so,,,,and I saw no guns,,,

taking the law in your hands is no defense because there is no law that allows for assualt on the grounds that we 'dont want to ' see something

and if people stone those who stone, wouldnt that mean everyone would eventually die?,,,

yes,, everyone dying would just about guarantee no more crimes were EVER committed,,,,

gotta do what you gotta do... he has an urge to burn the flag, i get an urge to kick his a$$... no, everyone wouldn't die, just the people that started stoning the women in the first place, and good riddance.. sometimes you have to set an example so others don't want to try something stupid... police do it all the time, so i do to... if you have something to say, just say it, we don't need any visual references to go with it...

well, you would be in jail , and they wouldnt,,,but as long as you own it and are ok with it,,,,,

it's only illegal if you get caught...

you only get charged if you get caught, its illegal even when you are running from the consequences of it though

yea, but he will think twice about burning a flag the next time, won't he?...

about as likely as those who get charged with assault think twice before assaulting someone else who is doing or showing something they ' dont want to see'

Not if you have witnesses who say you got hit first and you know how to write a report.

so we dont condone burning a cloth but we condone assault AND fraud

what a great consistent western culture we have,,,

more liberal logic? i suppose if someone burned the mona lisa, they burned just a piece of canvas? when someones house gets burned down, it is just some wood? just because the flag has no meaning to you, that doesn't mean it applies to everyone else... you may think you don't have to respect anything, but for those of us that do, burning the flag is a symbol of anti american sentiment. just because some judge is an anti american liberal, doesn't mean he speaks for everyone.

more poor analogies here, because there is ONE mona lisa(original), if someone bought a manufactured mona lisa and chose to burn it,,that would be a better analogy

a house? has people who LIVE in it. Burning it puts peoples LIVES at risk by FIRE, it would risk the PHYSICAL homes around it,,

the flag is a MANUFACTURED piece of cloth that people spend THEIR money to purchase, it is not a one of a kind mona lisa or a source of shelter for anyone,,,there is still a huge difference

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:13 AM

more poor analogies here, because there is ONE mona lisa(original), if someone bought a manufactured mona lisa and chose to burn it,,that would be a better analogy

a house? has people who LIVE in it. Burning it puts peoples LIVES at risk by FIRE, it would risk the PHYSICAL homes around it,,

the flag is a MANUFACTURED piece of cloth that people spend THEIR money to purchase, it is not a one of a kind mona lisa or a source of shelter for anyone,,,there is still a huge difference

like i said, your liberal anti American sentiment is getting the better of your thought process

the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, of the many people that have fought and died for you to enjoy being an anti American liberal... to burn it in disgrace like that is beyond anything i can comprehend. why don't you and your flag burning buddies go spit on the graves of everyone that died for it? how about the 4 soldiers in Iwo Jima that risked their lives to keep it from falling? I'm sure yall could burn a flag on their graves, that's all the respect your showing them. but what do flag burners care? they take their freedoms for granite, they never served in the military or learned any respect for anything. Just burn a flag, i'm pissed off... one of the many, many reasons why i hate liberals way of thinking

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:17 AM

more poor analogies here, because there is ONE mona lisa(original), if someone bought a manufactured mona lisa and chose to burn it,,that would be a better analogy

a house? has people who LIVE in it. Burning it puts peoples LIVES at risk by FIRE, it would risk the PHYSICAL homes around it,,

the flag is a MANUFACTURED piece of cloth that people spend THEIR money to purchase, it is not a one of a kind mona lisa or a source of shelter for anyone,,,there is still a huge difference

like i said, your liberal anti American sentiment is getting the better of your thought process

the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, of the many people that have fought and died for you to enjoy being an anti American liberal... to burn it in disgrace like that is beyond anything i can comprehend. why don't you and your flag burning buddies go spit on the graves of everyone that died for it? how about the 4 soldiers in Iwo Jima that risked their lives to keep it from falling? I'm sure yall could burn a flag on their graves, that's all the respect your showing them. but what do flag burners care? they take their freedoms for granite, they never served in the military or learned any respect for anything. Just burn a flag, i'm pissed off... one of the many, many reasons why i hate liberals way of thinking

not gonna fly here, My big brother was a naval captain , preparing to become a seal when he was injured and is now a doctor

he has always 'fought' for people, never for a piece of cloth
its insane to me to put so much more value on the cloth because it supposedly stands for american FREEDOMS while condoning assault on the AMERICANS its supposed to represent

truly backwards,,

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:21 AM

more poor analogies here, because there is ONE mona lisa(original), if someone bought a manufactured mona lisa and chose to burn it,,that would be a better analogy

a house? has people who LIVE in it. Burning it puts peoples LIVES at risk by FIRE, it would risk the PHYSICAL homes around it,,

the flag is a MANUFACTURED piece of cloth that people spend THEIR money to purchase, it is not a one of a kind mona lisa or a source of shelter for anyone,,,there is still a huge difference

like i said, your liberal anti American sentiment is getting the better of your thought process

the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, of the many people that have fought and died for you to enjoy being an anti American liberal... to burn it in disgrace like that is beyond anything i can comprehend. why don't you and your flag burning buddies go spit on the graves of everyone that died for it? how about the 4 soldiers in Iwo Jima that risked their lives to keep it from falling? I'm sure yall could burn a flag on their graves, that's all the respect your showing them. but what do flag burners care? they take their freedoms for granite, they never served in the military or learned any respect for anything. Just burn a flag, i'm pissed off... one of the many, many reasons why i hate liberals way of thinking

not gonna fly here, My big brother was a naval captain , preparing to become a seal when he was injured and is now a doctor

he has always 'fought' for people, never for a piece of cloth
its insane to me to put so much more value on the cloth because it supposedly stands for american FREEDOMS while condoning assault on the AMERICANS its supposed to represent

truly backwards,,

my brother? lol, proves my point... ask your brother why he flies his colors everyday... you just might learn something... like i said, just sit back and enjoy these freedoms people like "your brother" have done for you... and what have you done for these freedoms?

no photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:33 AM
Agreed Harmony

Why do most Americans automatically associate their flag directly with deceased war veterans? When it most likely is against the government, AND NOT THE PEOPLE! I just don't understand the logic.

Could the association perhaps be changed to the space program?
As in... I'll burn this friggin flag because I hate NASA, instead of war veterans? would that be UN-American too? I'm thinking the masses wouldn't get so bent out of shape over NASA would they?. So why for war vets?

Totally unrelated IMO.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:43 AM

Agreed Harmony

Why do most Americans automatically associate their flag directly with deceased war veterans? When it most likely is against the government, AND NOT THE PEOPLE! I just don't understand the logic.

Could the association perhaps be changed to the space program?
As in... I'll burn this friggin flag because I hate NASA, instead of war veterans? would that be UN-American too? I'm thinking the masses wouldn't get so bent out of shape over NASA would they?. So why for war vets?

Totally unrelated IMO.

why do you want to burn a flag period? you hate something so your going to burn something? how childish is that? like i said before, show me one instance where burning a flag did any good what so ever...

no photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:56 AM

Agreed Harmony

Why do most Americans automatically associate their flag directly with deceased war veterans? When it most likely is against the government, AND NOT THE PEOPLE! I just don't understand the logic.

Could the association perhaps be changed to the space program?
As in... I'll burn this friggin flag because I hate NASA, instead of war veterans? would that be UN-American too? I'm thinking the masses wouldn't get so bent out of shape over NASA would they?. So why for war vets?

Totally unrelated IMO.

why do you want to burn a flag period? you hate something so your going to burn something? how childish is that? like i said before, show me one instance where burning a flag did any good what so ever...

I wouldn't burn anything.

How childish is NOT supporting the Commander in Chief of your democratically elected government 100%?
That seems so much more serious than any flag burnin IMO.
See my point?
Get a grip and stop breeding your own brand of patriotism. Cheers!

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:04 AM
Imo..he did accomplish one got him attention..which is what he was after.

The whole point of the flag was to let other countries know who we are on the battle field .That idea wasn't even ours to begin with. Scotland and Irland were doing it way before us.They used their family colors in their kilts and spartens and also on their shields so they wouldn't get confused with other clans during a battle

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:16 AM

more poor analogies here, because there is ONE mona lisa(original), if someone bought a manufactured mona lisa and chose to burn it,,that would be a better analogy

a house? has people who LIVE in it. Burning it puts peoples LIVES at risk by FIRE, it would risk the PHYSICAL homes around it,,

the flag is a MANUFACTURED piece of cloth that people spend THEIR money to purchase, it is not a one of a kind mona lisa or a source of shelter for anyone,,,there is still a huge difference

like i said, your liberal anti American sentiment is getting the better of your thought process

the flag is a symbol of our freedoms, of the many people that have fought and died for you to enjoy being an anti American liberal... to burn it in disgrace like that is beyond anything i can comprehend. why don't you and your flag burning buddies go spit on the graves of everyone that died for it? how about the 4 soldiers in Iwo Jima that risked their lives to keep it from falling? I'm sure yall could burn a flag on their graves, that's all the respect your showing them. but what do flag burners care? they take their freedoms for granite, they never served in the military or learned any respect for anything. Just burn a flag, i'm pissed off... one of the many, many reasons why i hate liberals way of thinking

not gonna fly here, My big brother was a naval captain , preparing to become a seal when he was injured and is now a doctor

he has always 'fought' for people, never for a piece of cloth
its insane to me to put so much more value on the cloth because it supposedly stands for american FREEDOMS while condoning assault on the AMERICANS its supposed to represent

truly backwards,,

my brother? lol, proves my point... ask your brother why he flies his colors everyday... you just might learn something... like i said, just sit back and enjoy these freedoms people like "your brother" have done for you... and what have you done for these freedoms?

my BIG brother, whom I adore, and who happens to be a very hard working and intelligent man who doesnt IDOLIZE a flag,, even though he risked his life for the people it supposedly 'represents'

(there is no flag which represents me by the way,,,)

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:20 AM
We had a guy at OSU (okla) that would come on campus and "preach". His name was preacher Bob. His whole point was to piss people off badly enough to physically assult him so he could sue the campus and the person that did it. This could be what we are really looking at here. So many people just try to be a victim so they can file lawsuits. I think he has the right to burn the flag in protest. Someone burning the flag in protest doesnt bother me because it doesn't effect my beliefs or patriotism. If he wants people to hate him that's fine with me. He will end up like the people who protest funeral's of soldiers. We will find legal or semi-legal ways of dealing with them. I don't think giving him an old fashioned American a** beating will change his mind or stop any future burnings and it could be what he is really looking for, just to sue the pants off anyone he can when its over.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:22 AM

We had a guy at OSU (okla) that would come on campus and "preach". His name was preacher Bob. His whole point was to piss people off badly enough to physically assult him so he could sue the campus and the person that did it. This could be what we are really looking at here. So many people just try to be a victim so they can file lawsuits. I think he has the right to burn the flag in protest. Someone burning the flag in protest doesnt bother me because it doesn't effect my beliefs or patriotism. If he wants people to hate him that's fine with me. He will end up like the people who protest funeral's of soldiers. We will find legal or semi-legal ways of dealing with them. I don't think giving him an old fashioned American a** beating will change his mind or stop any future burnings and it could be what he is really looking for, just to sue the pants off anyone he can when its over.

I agree, and it could be those who would BEAT him are exactly the TYPE of americans he is thinking of when he burns that flag,,,

all americans arent alike, one flag cannot possibly represent EVERYTHING about all of us,,,