Topic: Three kinds of dating
no photo
Mon 03/14/11 02:47 PM

I don't "fall" into either catagory, so suck on that! :tongue: laugh

Okay I've got another category for you. pitchfork

indianadave4's photo
Mon 03/14/11 07:13 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Mon 03/14/11 07:14 PM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Personally I think your list is not complete. There are as many types of desires for relationships in men as in women.

wux's photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:37 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 03/14/11 08:58 PM

Yeh, Tonto hung around with the Lone ranger.

That ranger dude was hung, that's for sure.

Rod the size of an Injun.

Rev-rev-rev, rev up that engine to Red hot, my reverend.

(I am not racist, I refer to North American Natives mostly as First Nations or Inuit. But I had to get into character.)

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:48 PM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Personally I think your list is not complete. There are as many types of desires for relationships in men as in women.

Hey Indiana,

I'm sure there are many other types. I was only speaking from MY personal experience. If there are any other types, it will have to come from another WOMAN.

I don't think men would be objective enough.

wux's photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:59 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 03/14/11 09:07 PM

wux's photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:04 PM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

I created a few more categories of men for your pleasure of displaying them,


4. Men who like to make love to women a lot, one woman or a hundred, to them

it's the same, but they like their hamburgers with no ketchup. Weirdos.

5. Men who live in the fishtank, and come out at night and eat all the catfood in

the pantry.

6. Men who play with bows and arrows, and bring home bison for dinner, and

swing from vines, and if the woman wants to get wined and dined, she ends up

with rope-burns (vined) and on the menu as the "soup of the day" the next day.

7. Men who complain more than the woman herself, and the centre of his

complaints are his artistic descriptions on how and why he hates it when the

woman complains.

8. Men who can't count. Their sense of "hole" is wrong. They make terrible golf

players, too. The word "count" here is misspelled for too obvious reasons, in

order to fool the censors.

9. Men who can't spell. They think garlic is an aphrodisiac, and perfume is best

when drunk with some beer. They're usually very philosophy-minded, in the

existentialist tradition: their essence preceeds their existence. In other words,

you always know they're coming into the room five minutes before they enter, by

your sense of spell.

10. Men who put their women on a pedestal, then the fridge on their women, and

finally, they sit on the house-hermit in the freezer compartment, and break each

commandment before the day is out.

11. Men who ask stupid questions like "why are there ten commandments, when

at that time there was no decimal system? Mostly twelve-based numbers

systems, but zero has not been invented yet. How did the Almighty know that

some two-thousand years after that the number 10 is going to rule? Is he

omniscient or what? I can't believe this entire thread." And then these men walk

away, shaking and scratching their heads.

12. Men who don't know anything, or anyone, yet they get lots of sex. Form A+.

(I know this here above was flat and boring. I am getting tired, must be. Time to


Hey, woman, is this here list objective enough for ya? Beeeech... (smiley)

wux's photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:06 PM

I don't "fall" into either catagory, so suck on that! :tongue: laugh

Okay I've got another category for you. pitchfork

This ^ was the funniest post in the entire thread.

The pitchfork devil was a tad overdoing it, but hey, that's just me, don't listen to my complaining unless it's flattering to you.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:28 PM

Why are women always trying to fit men
into certain categories, while at the
same time always wanting to
be "loved for who they are"?

Not me.
I want to be loved for who Angelina Jolie is.

O God Laura Croft is my hero!!!:thumbsup:

armycat23's photo
Mon 03/14/11 11:20 PM
Edited by armycat23 on Mon 03/14/11 11:31 PM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Why are women always trying to fit men into certain categories, while at the same time always wanting to be "loved for who they are"?

Agreed, but I'll humor this thread and do my own take for girls.

1. fits girls as well

There's one girl I know that was always anti-marriage for a long time and last month she's all giddy about getting married to her boyfriend now whom she's dated for 3 months.

2. Ones who talk about "there's no good men left" while completely ignoring the good guys right next to her bc they didn't fit all their preferences.

3. This one is the same as well. All you need to do is go anywhere where alcohol is or even Craig's List for that matter.

4. Those that are truely looking for a ltr. (You can add this to the guy's list as well)

darkrythm's photo
Tue 03/15/11 07:50 AM

darkrythm said:

PS we don't really care that much about your mind initially (or if we say we do, its because you are above our league; the only way to equal the playing field). :)

Initially is the key/ (Because initially you just want sex.)

You say that you don't really care that much about a woman's mind but I think that is only if all you are thinking about is sex. Initially.

I don't think you would be very happy in the long run - with a really stupid and uninteresting woman no matter how good she looked. You would soon lose respect for her and start mistreating her and chasing smarter women.

But if you are telling the truth about yourself, that you really don't care about your woman's mind, then that does not really reflect good character upon you. You are being honest, but that kind of thinking is not going to be very successful in the long run. Its caveman kind of thinking.

Women were the last to get the right to vote because of men thinking that women were better kept ignorant, barefoot and pregnant. It is because in truth, women are smarter than men on the average so men do what they can to keep them down.

That's just the way it is. And it is the statistics.

Now turn that around, and see how you would feel about this statement:

Women don't care about a man's mind as long as they can provide sperm and work like a horse to support us in the style we want.

Well, i think men and women are a lot more visual that we would like to acknowledge. A big component of attraction is the mind, but the initial attraction tends to be physical.

no photo
Tue 03/15/11 07:56 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Why are women always trying to fit men into certain categories, while at the same time always wanting to be "loved for who they are"?

Agreed, but I'll humor this thread and do my own take for girls.

1. fits girls as well

There's one girl I know that was always anti-marriage for a long time and last month she's all giddy about getting married to her boyfriend now whom she's dated for 3 months.

2. Ones who talk about "there's no good men left" while completely ignoring the good guys right next to her bc they didn't fit all their preferences.

3. This one is the same as well. All you need to do is go anywhere where alcohol is or even Craig's List for that matter.

4. Those that are truely looking for a ltr. (You can add this to the guy's list as well)

In regards to your number 2, why should a woman (or man) date someone just because they're a "good guy" or a "good girl," when they don't fit the preferences of what they're looking for?

no photo
Tue 03/15/11 07:57 AM

darkrythm said:

PS we don't really care that much about your mind initially (or if we say we do, its because you are above our league; the only way to equal the playing field). :)

Initially is the key/ (Because initially you just want sex.)

You say that you don't really care that much about a woman's mind but I think that is only if all you are thinking about is sex. Initially.

I don't think you would be very happy in the long run - with a really stupid and uninteresting woman no matter how good she looked. You would soon lose respect for her and start mistreating her and chasing smarter women.

But if you are telling the truth about yourself, that you really don't care about your woman's mind, then that does not really reflect good character upon you. You are being honest, but that kind of thinking is not going to be very successful in the long run. Its caveman kind of thinking.

Women were the last to get the right to vote because of men thinking that women were better kept ignorant, barefoot and pregnant. It is because in truth, women are smarter than men on the average so men do what they can to keep them down.

That's just the way it is. And it is the statistics.

Now turn that around, and see how you would feel about this statement:

Women don't care about a man's mind as long as they can provide sperm and work like a horse to support us in the style we want.

Well, i think men and women are a lot more visual that we would like to acknowledge. A big component of attraction is the mind, but the initial attraction tends to be physical.

Of course there has to be attraction, otherwise you're just going to be friends.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 03/15/11 07:59 AM

I tend to stay away from "categorizing". Causes too much trouble and things and their meanings get misconstrued and misplaced. I either like something or I don't. Pretty simple for me. I will leave that to everyone else.

no photo
Tue 03/15/11 11:05 AM

I tend to stay away from "categorizing". Causes too much trouble and things and their meanings get misconstrued and misplaced. I either like something or I don't. Pretty simple for me. I will leave that to everyone else.

There is always a risk of "causing trouble" every time a person opens their mouth. My categories are very quick and general look at what I personally have experienced in my dating life. It was not my intention to write a book about it. If I really gave it a thought I'm sure I could come up with a bunch more "trouble making" generalizations. laugh

If I wanted to "play it safe" in a conversation, and never cause any controversy, I would probably never post anything. I like to get people's minds working. Some have responded angrily some have not, but at least people are talking and thinking.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Tue 03/15/11 11:46 AM
This is why men should provide for their women and women should cook and clean. It makes everything simpler and easier.

indianadave4's photo
Tue 03/15/11 12:17 PM

Yeh, Tonto hung around with the Lone ranger.

That ranger dude was hung, that's for sure.

Rod the size of an Injun.

Rev-rev-rev, rev up that engine to Red hot, my reverend.

(I am not racist, I refer to North American Natives mostly as First Nations or Inuit. But I had to get into character.)

This is my take on types of men. Somewhat controversial but it is my opinion:

1. Nice guys. His mother taught him this is how you treat women:
a. Open the door for her
b. Hold her coat
c. Never argue with her
d. Always be polite
e. Etc...
These are desireable once one is in a relationaship with a woman but they do not teach a man how to draw her attention initially. Mother's teach their son's how to treat their mother's not draw other women. I'll get heat for this but it sweems the average nice guy doesn't really understand how a woman's mind works and ends up boring her.

2. Jerks and bad boys. These types have a personality disorder that happens to create circumstances that women like. They are uncontrollable, exciting, a challenge and always triggering a woman's emotions. Just like men can be manipulated by our testosterone women can be manipulated by their emotions. Women complain about jerks because they have been taken advantage of in the past.

3. Enlightened nice guy. Probably what most women are looking for but can't find. He is the basic nice guy with no intent on using a woman and then dumping her to the curb for a new "side of beef". This man understands how a woman's emotions can be directed and channeled to draw her towards himself if he desires a relationship. Once a woman finds one of these they can't get enough of him.

In my UNscientific opinion the percentages are as such:

1. Nice guys: 80%
2. Jerks and bad boys: 15%
3. Enlightened nice guys: 5%

In high school and college we all knew a minority of men who lived by the philosophy of, "stamp out virginity". They manipulated women to get sex, dumped them and moved on to the next conquest. I knew a guy (not a friend) who use to keep a pubic hair collection of each girl he had sex with. I thought he was sick. Unfortunately, these guys made the rounds and soon the women were to bitter and gun shy about dating anyone and we, the nice guys, usually felt the ladies anger.

I can't prove this but gut instinct tells me that society hasn't changed all that much since high school/college days. The men who message women for sex probably hit every woman in their area: i.e. mass mailing. This gives the image that "ALL MEN ARE LIKE THIS". No, we are not.

Men: take some time to reasearch what makes a woman tick. Yes, they put up walls but I can't help but believe they eanestly desire a man who can scale those walls.

Women: just like there are good and bad politicians there are good men and bad. Unfortunately, the jerks and bad boys are significately more aggressive and pushy than the average guy. Please don't throw the baby out with the bath water. We are out there.

no photo
Tue 03/15/11 12:26 PM

This is why men should provide for their women and women should cook and clean. It makes everything simpler and easier.

How does that make anything simple and easy? Because they're doing what you say?

darkrythm's photo
Tue 03/15/11 12:28 PM
Ultimately, all that matters is that a man is in touch with his masculinty and the world around him. All other "categories" are unimportant.

no photo
Tue 03/15/11 12:30 PM
Why do you think that, darkrythm?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Tue 03/15/11 12:31 PM
Singmesweet writes:

"How does that make anything simple and easy? Because they're doing what you say?"

Because we are doing what we are meant to do. As an example, no woman I know wants to pay her own way on a date. And the way i see it, if a man cannot afford to pay for a woman, he shouldn't ask her out.

So, my sweet cocoa puff, surf and turf?