Topic: Three kinds of dating
Monier's photo
Sun 03/13/11 09:33 PM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

All three. I say that I don't want to get married which could change as I get to know somebody and find out that they are fantastic wife material. I want to find the right woman to settle down with, unfortunately, just because I'm out there looking and dating does'nt mean that I'll find somebody. Also, I want to get laid as well and a whole lot!! Getting laid is easy enough. I just want it to be with somebody i care about, otherwise it get's boring quick.

gummykiss's photo
Sun 03/13/11 09:38 PM
I tend to bump into #2's and #3's all the time. noway

Lili_M's photo
Mon 03/14/11 01:09 AM

You are oversimplifying and making a big generalization about men. There are numerous other possibilities. I would hate to lump all women into 3 categories. What about these types of men:

4. Those who bend over backwards to adore a woman but she's not yet ready for commitment.

5. Those who find themselves at the hands of a woman who just wants to "play the field".

6. Those who are willing to take the time to build a relationship but get caught up in love so fast they fall head over heels and don't have any brakes.

Men are not as callous as you describe. Not all men are in it for self gratification; there are those of us out here who know how to treat a woman with respect and know what kinds of joys are worth waiting for.

Don't be so cynical. Love can be grand and romance is not dead. Kissing and spooning is under-rated.

--Just my two cents ...

I agree that people or women... are all the same...some good some bad...

categories are just a good way of keeping track...put him in a box...take him out when you need to...then put him's so simple and neat....

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 05:43 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

While I do not agree that these are all the categories a man could fall into, I have met #2 quite a bit recently.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 05:46 AM

Oh cut it with the categorical ****. Women can be put into categories too, but I won't delve into lowering myself to that. Human beings are more complex than most people would want to believe, and just because you've met the worst of a gender doesn't mean you can lump all of the gender into 3 categories.

Let's put it this way. The reason you can't find men outside of those three categories is because the ones that are outside those bounds are already taken, not looking, or don't want to waste their time with people who hold such a narrowminded view.

So, all men outside of these categories are already taken? I see. You seem awfully insulted by what she posted. Is that because you fit into one of the categories? If not, why get so insulted because she has met those types of men?

wux's photo
Mon 03/14/11 06:45 AM

Bad habits I have plenty of. pitchfork No man in his right mind would get involved with me.

I'll wear a mask. bigsmile

U wear your Angelina Jolie mask, and I wear my Wilt Chamberlain bodycast camouflage.

Now, for the accoutramants: Your preference for the rod: 29 inches or 58 inches? (if the former, I unfortunately have to cut it back, which I will do only reluctantly, but for you... I will.)

Wilt Chamberlain is way too tall. I told you I like short guys.

There are only three short guys' body-casts available: Danny de Vito, Tonto (da plane, boss!! da plane! [while jumping up and down in spot, dressed in a white tux.]) and Stallone.

I refuse to wear any one of them. Because:
1. Danny de Vito has a good body, but plays a tough guy, who is a sweetheart deep inside, and that sort of direction in characterization in Disney movies makes me puke.
2. Tonto is an idiot. He is made into an idiot, because of his accent and because he is short. "Short?" people say to themselves, "... then idiot. Simple as that." I also resent this, coz I'm 5'4". Short, in other words. I am put into a pigeon hole, from moment one, and only the top of my head shows when I am in that hole. If fact, when you are short male, you are visibly distinguishable from moment 1., and easily discriminated against, like visible minorities. My personal strengths, weaknesses, foibles and morbidity is not considered ever, I am a faceless short person, "probably like Tonto", people muse as they pass me on the street and spit in my face for they don't want to dirty the sidewalk.
3. Stallone = Rambo, Rocky. I can't make friends with guys like those. I absolutely can't fit the image, can't connect with the personality.

My last offers of acceptable bullies' lookalike costumes: Arnold Schwartzenegger, M. Heidegger, H.M.S. Hume, Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhhamed Ali), Bruce Lee, Mahatma Ghandi, Mick Jagger, Kostas Socrates, Dmitri Odysseus, Friedrich Nietzsche. (I like these bullies for their bodies as well as for their minds. And they all have very cool names.)

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 06:51 AM
I knew Tonto wasn't right, so I had to look it up. It was Tattoo (Fantasy Island)

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:34 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/14/11 08:40 AM
Yeh, Tonto hung around with the Lone ranger.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:40 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/14/11 08:41 AM
Here are my preferences: (you got to choose yours)

James Caan, Adrian Paul, (the Hilander), Russel Crow,(OMG), Antonio Banderas, (preferably dressed as Zorro), Telly Savalas, (sexy short bald guy)

That's off the top of my head.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:48 AM
Seems like a good line-up to me. I have a habit of asking my partners what they think of this actor or that. I can't tell what women are going to find attractive. I am often surprised.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:53 AM
I fell in heat for Russel Crow in the movie "L.A. Confidential." He played a cop who beat the crap out of and killed men who beat up on their wives. laugh He made love to Kim Basinger.

Actually his face is not a "pretty boy" face, but he is oh so sexy.

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 08:53 AM

Seems like a good line-up to me. I have a habit of asking my partners what they think of this actor or that. I can't tell what women are going to find attractive. I am often surprised.

I can't speak for other women, but I'm attracted to many different kinds of people, not just one type. Men seem to think we all have one specific type, from what I've seen.

galendgirl's photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:23 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Something for everyone?

I'd hate to ask, but what are the three types of women?

darkrythm's photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:40 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

It is quite possible to fall into all three depending on the woman. :)

darkrythm's photo
Mon 03/14/11 09:42 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

Something for everyone?

I'd hate to ask, but what are the three types of women?

Only 2
She look soo Fine

Everyone else. :)

PS we don't really care that much about your mind initially (or if we say we do, its because you are above our league; the only way to equal the playing field). :)

no photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:02 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/14/11 10:06 AM
darkrythm said:

PS we don't really care that much about your mind initially (or if we say we do, its because you are above our league; the only way to equal the playing field). :)

Initially is the key/ (Because initially you just want sex.)

You say that you don't really care that much about a woman's mind but I think that is only if all you are thinking about is sex. Initially.

I don't think you would be very happy in the long run - with a really stupid and uninteresting woman no matter how good she looked. You would soon lose respect for her and start mistreating her and chasing smarter women.

But if you are telling the truth about yourself, that you really don't care about your woman's mind, then that does not really reflect good character upon you. You are being honest, but that kind of thinking is not going to be very successful in the long run. Its caveman kind of thinking.

Women were the last to get the right to vote because of men thinking that women were better kept ignorant, barefoot and pregnant. It is because in truth, women are smarter than men on the average so men do what they can to keep them down.

That's just the way it is. And it is the statistics.

Now turn that around, and see how you would feel about this statement:

Women don't care about a man's mind as long as they can provide sperm and work like a horse to support us in the style we want.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:07 AM
think the three kind i been getting lately is

1. yep even if he is nice he still ends up like a Jerk
2. yep they still looking for that one thing an not a serious relationship.
3. yep they really really still have no idea what they really want.

stephanie_chicago's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:29 AM

In my experience there are three kinds of men.

1. The ones who "say" they don't want to get married but within about three months they are talking about marriage or asking you to get married.

2. The ones who talk about wanting to find the right woman to settle down and get married, but are really just playing the field, or afraid of commitment.

3. They just want to get laid, and beyond that they are fair game. (Meaning they don't think beyond that.)

Men, do any of you fall into one of these categories?

You are looking for fallen men?

Bingo! You're my soulmate.

Because I also only date fallen and wayward Catholic girls in highschool uniforms.

stephanie_chicago's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:48 AM
I am going to look for my uniform right now!

Goofball73's photo
Mon 03/14/11 02:34 PM
I don't "fall" into either catagory, so suck on that! :tongue: laugh