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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:01 PM
Cowboy wrote:

What is comical about it? What is so different? All history beyond a few hundred years could very well be put into the "far-removed extremely ancient rumors" just as well as you're trying to do with God.

If you feel a need to ask those questions there isn't much sense in talking with you. You clearly aren't capable of understanding why those ancient biblical stories aren't worth consideration.

As I've told you before, I can only conclude that you've gotten yourself caught up in the fear that they might be true and that if you refuse to accept them as "God's Word" you'll be servery punished.

I can't help you with that, other than to try to get you to see that there is no reason to believe those stories. There is no evidence that they are anything more than the made up stories of but a mere handful of men. There's no independent support for the stories at all.

So your fear of a God who punished people for not believing in him is truly unwarranted. You can rest assured that it's most likely just empty fables. Especially compared to other things we do know about like scientific facts about the earth being a globe, and being over 4 billion years, old, etc.

You can even trust that we evolved from lower primates. :wink:

We have far more independent evidence for that, than we have for the boogieman God who will punish you forever if you refuse to believe what the Hebrews claim he is like. You may as well believe in Zeus or Satan Claus if you're going to do that. flowerforyou

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:05 PM

Cowboy wrote:

What is comical about it? What is so different? All history beyond a few hundred years could very well be put into the "far-removed extremely ancient rumors" just as well as you're trying to do with God.

If you feel a need to ask those questions there isn't much sense in talking with you. You clearly aren't capable of understanding why those ancient biblical stories aren't worth consideration.

As I've told you before, I can only conclude that you've gotten yourself caught up in the fear that they might be true and that if you refuse to accept them as "God's Word" you'll be servery punished.

I can't help you with that, other than to try to get you to see that there is no reason to believe those stories. There is no evidence that they are anything more than the made up stories of but a mere handful of men. There's no independent support for the stories at all.

So your fear of a God who punished people for not believing in him is truly unwarranted. You can rest assured that it's most likely just empty fables. Especially compared to other things we do know about like scientific facts about the earth being a globe, and being over 4 billion years, old, etc.

You can even trust that we evolved from lower primates. :wink:

We have far more independent evidence for that, than we have for the boogieman God who will punish you forever if you refuse to believe what the Hebrews claim he is like. You may as well believe in Zeus or Satan Claus if you're going to do that. flowerforyou

As I've told you before, I can only conclude that you've gotten yourself caught up in the fear that they might be true and that if you refuse to accept them as "God's Word" you'll be servery punished.

I can't help you with that, other than to try to get you to see that there is no reason to believe those stories. There is no evidence that they are anything more than the made up stories of but a mere handful of men. There's no independent support for the stories at all.

You're funny bro, I have absolutely no fear. I have no fear in either if they are true or not. I'm sorry you have to fear something before you believe in it, my condolences. And there's no evidence of ANYTHING when you look at it from the perspective. There is no evidence for ANYTHING that they are anything more then made up stories of but a mere handful of men on anything to do with what we call "history". There is NO evidence for ANYTHING if one isn't willing to give it credit to which it is supposedly evidence for.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:25 PM
Cowboy wrote:

You're funny bro, I have absolutely no fear. I have no fear in either if they are true or not. I'm sorry you have to fear something before you believe in it, my condolences. And there's no evidence of ANYTHING when you look at it from the perspective. There is no evidence for ANYTHING that they are anything more then made up stories of but a mere handful of men on anything to do with what we call "history". There is NO evidence for ANYTHING if one isn't willing to give it credit to which it is supposedly evidence for.

Your "arguments" are totally irrational and senseless.

Believe whatever you like if it makes you happy. drinker

I'm sorry you were unable to grasp the concept of independent evidence.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:26 PM

Cowboy wrote:

You're funny bro, I have absolutely no fear. I have no fear in either if they are true or not. I'm sorry you have to fear something before you believe in it, my condolences. And there's no evidence of ANYTHING when you look at it from the perspective. There is no evidence for ANYTHING that they are anything more then made up stories of but a mere handful of men on anything to do with what we call "history". There is NO evidence for ANYTHING if one isn't willing to give it credit to which it is supposedly evidence for.

Your "arguments" are totally irrational and senseless.

Believe whatever you like if it makes you happy. drinker

I'm sorry you were unable to grasp the concept of independent evidence.

Ditto my friend.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 03/24/11 11:28 PM

massagetrade, which are your favorite verse over the years?

I'm inclined to wait a bit longer, and see how much integrity and humility you bring to your communication with people here before I invest myself too readily in these conversations.

I am curious what your purpose is in asking.

This is one of my favorites.. Because as John was said to of been bringing the EliYah message of Repentance as a forerunner to Yahshua's coming then .., so are we bringing this message that Yahshua brought.. He quoted from Isa 61 but did not finish the Prophecy when he returns then the rest is finished but we are to bring this message of Hope as Yahshua did as He began.. Blessings..Miles

Luke 4:16-22

So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

18 "The Spirit of Yahweh is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the Evangel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh."

20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said,"Is this not Joseph's son?"

Isa 61:1-2

"The Spirit of Yahweh Elohim is upon Me,
Because Yahweh has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh,
Isa 61:2-3
And the day of vengeance of our Elohim; ( This he left out for it is to come)
To comfort all who mourn,
3 To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of Yahweh, that He may be glorified."


The problem with this is that if Mark, Matthew or Luke, wrote these things they are not impressive. Especially considering that they are apparently just a re-hashing of Mark's original story.


Well, it should be crystal clear. If a person suspects that Mark, Matthew, and Luke are attempting to create a story to convince their readers that Jesus was "The Christ", then, they just claim that Jesus did this, when in fact, he may have never done any such thing.

This is one huge problem with Christian and Christianity. Christians look at the New Testament as the "Gospel Truth". They refuse to question its validity. So they begin with the assumption that everything it says is true, and work from there.

Well, if you do that you'll clearly be convinced that these author were speaking for God. And you can even forget about something as trivial as you've just mentioned. All you need to do is accept their claim that a voice spoke from the heavens saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased", and you're finished, you have absolute confirmation that Jesus was the son of God right there.

Of course that depends entirely on your conviction to believe the "Gospels".

What non-believers can show is that in every instance, the claims could have easily been made up, and there's really no reason to accept them at face value.

So all you're basically doing is asking us to be 'duped' by these authors because they were clever enough to root through the old testament and make up stories that make Jesus appears to have done things that claim that he was "The Christ". That was their entire goal in their writings, to try to convince the readers that Jesus was "The Christ".

In fact, I find the claim that God spoke to a crowd from heaven saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased", to be extreme desperation on the part of the authors of the New Testament. Obviously they felt that they may not be convincing the readers so they use this to insure the reader that God himself had validated their claims.

In fact, it's things like this that cause non-believers to roll their eyes. whoa

It's like it's not obvious that these authors are extremely desperate to try to convince the readers of their case, that they even start tossing in utter absurdities, basically saying, "Oh and by the way, if you don't believe us perhaps you'll believe the voice of God coming from the sky?" bigsmile

Yeah right. slaphead

No, these authors haven't convinced me, and they weren't able to convince the Jews, or Muslims either.

If God truly wanted to speak to mankind saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased", why bother saying that to an insignificant obscure crowd that no one ever heard from again?

There is no independent historical account of anyone actually reporting this event outside of these gospel stories.

If a God truly had a message to mankind and wanted everyone to believe that Jesus was his son why not speak to the far more significant crowd when Jesus was being accused of blaspheme?

The bottom line for me is that these stories make no sense.

There would have been absolutely no reason for God to have spoken to a totally insignificant crowd of people like these gospels claim. Clearly they are making this claim just to try to convince the readers that God has actually verified their claims that Jesus was "The Christ".

So to even use these writings in the way that you use them as "evidence" that just "must have been the Christ", is an extremely weak presentation because in truth all you are basically asking people to do is to accept that the gospels are indeed TRUTH.

Well, you're only going to convince the Christians of that, because that's what they already believe. But you're certainly not going to convince a non-believer, because the non-believers already fully understand why your presentation doesn't support anything.

All you're doing is basically saying, "Hey look! If we actually believe what the authors of the New Testament have written, we have no choice but to conclude that Jesus was the Christ!"

Well, no kidding! slaphead

We already know that.

God spoke from heaven saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased"

If you believe the writings of the New Testament, you have no choice but to believe that Jesus was the son of God.

That's a given!

So the question isn't whether or not the authors of the New Testament are making these claims, obviously they are. But rather the more serious question is whether or not they are to be believed.

I personally don't believe that God spoke from heaven saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased"

And so I highly question the story that you've just describe that has Jesus claiming to have fulfilled the scripture of Isaiah.

I'm not about to accept the writings of authors who have already told me that God spoke from heaven saying, "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased"

They've already lost any credibility at that point, as far as I'm concerned, and they have already revealed their desperation to try to convince the readers of their tales.

If they'll stoop to that, they'll stoop to anything.
The scriptures accounts for historical accracy have come about to show things as true that even scholars until the 20ieth century have said were just stories.

The story of Jonah.. He was called to go and warn Nineveh to repent or face judgement.

No one could find any proof but in the 20ieth century proof was found in a dig. May seem like old news but its been maybe 20 or 30 years ago they found this out. very short period of time.

What did they find at Neneveh? at the Entrance was a statue.. A statue of Jonah coming and saving the city..

Trade routes the bible speaks of were said to be made up.. What did Satalite mapping of Israel find.. These Antient trade routes are really thier.

The red or Reed sea where Moses and the Israelites crossed from what the Bible says was a wind I believe seperated the water.

Again satalite mapping found in the area the scriptures speak of is a shelf thats only like 10 feet under the water but nobody of the day could of understood this narrow shelf was thier now the scientific community acknowledges with the wind patterns that sometimes hit this area that it is very possible this account really happened.

Abra you really need to brush up on History as do alot of people because the Archelogical community is finding evidence of the Biblical descriptions almost daily that for some reason probally technology is bringing things to light..Blessings..Miles
That's how I see it. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 09:45 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 03/25/11 09:46 AM
Abra you really need to brush up on History as do alot of people because the Archelogical community is finding evidence of the Biblical descriptions almost daily that for some reason probally technology is bringing things to light..Blessings..Miles

Recently, as people drift away from religion, there has been a frantic effort on the part of the religious community to find anything in the form of evidence to support their claims. I am sure that some of it has been manufactured and most of it has been challenged.

Even if they feel they have valid evidence that an historical event mentioned in the Bible may have actually occurred, this alone does not provide proof that the stories surrounding that event are true.

I have a friend who writes historical romance that is always based on historical fact. This does not mean that her stories are true. They are fiction.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/25/11 11:38 AM

Abra you really need to brush up on History as do alot of people because the Archelogical community is finding evidence of the Biblical descriptions almost daily that for some reason probally technology is bringing things to light..Blessings..Miles

Recently, as people drift away from religion, there has been a frantic effort on the part of the religious community to find anything in the form of evidence to support their claims. I am sure that some of it has been manufactured and most of it has been challenged.

Even if they feel they have valid evidence that an historical event mentioned in the Bible may have actually occurred, this alone does not provide proof that the stories surrounding that event are true.

I have a friend who writes historical romance that is always based on historical fact. This does not mean that her stories are true. They are fiction.

Understandable. Digs have been going on for a long time. Many scholars gave up on like the story of Neneveh as just a story. Yet Yahshua used it as the only sign of him being the Messiah. now you want fanticy then you can see where the chr-stians made up a story to fit thier unbelief. 3 days and 3 nights. we have good friday and a sunday resserection. they are taught the scriptures are hard to understand but yet Yahshua said to be born again you had to become as a child as the scriptures were made for a child to understand. so we have here a friday death and being put into the heart of the earth at sunset friday the 1st sign of Jonah.. but yet we can not count to 3 days and 3 nights they say well they are partial.. this is even how sundqay worship came about using the Sign of Jonah. another Pagan Holy Day. See these are signs of a mixed up world it says the whole world would be decieved If it were Possible.. But Yahweh allows them to believe a lie and it points well another topic on these boards of who he is. So you JB are like a chr-stian only u want more proof.understandable. The same thing was happening in Yahshua's day they wanted more proof and what they saw they just refused to se it.. thats why unless you truely want to see you will and almost all the world will be blinded because of a simple fact.. Your unbelief. Like i have some friends who you might think they are a bum on the street by how they dress with holes in thier jeans and such who could buy whole cities if they wanted to. When you know for yourself thiers no reason to try to prove anything to anyone.. You know who cares.. they are still welcome if they will open thier eyes to see but they like the world they are in and they like blasting the other world they can not see.. A pearl is precious and protected by those who wish to destroy. what is it to those who hold the pearls to show anyone who does not live thier belief in Yahweh? Yahshua says they will take them and trample them under thier feet. You really think I have tried to show anyone the real Pearls of Yahweh on here.. They have only seen a slight glimpse of what i have seen and believe. thier to precious to just throw them out.. One must truely seek and they will find them.. as long as they stick with Tradition that Yahshua came back to abolish not Yahweh's laws but thier belief in man is thier Messiah on earth.. what do you really think the Pope is? a man to follow.. here do this or do that.. if they question well the Pope/messiah says so so do it.. Mans deception and he likes it.. he gets to pray to statues made by man as if that seen thing made by mans hands can do anything. even the cross so many hold so special. they do not understand that they are wearing death not life. Did Yahshua rise off a Cross? no he rose from being put in the heart of the earth as all men die and are burind or whatever but a symbol they are gon forever. The earth brings new life to all meaning on life and the earth is where Yahshua came back from. conquering Satans power over life. where he subdues man to a point he destroys ourselves.. Look around you Yahweh says we will destroy ourselves and whats happening? No need to prove anything to anyone.. I am content and Yahweh knows who has a heart to hear the Voice of Truth and they are coming slowly but shurely. Thats the real truth .. the heart of man will he who has sen a minut speck of Yahweh's truth answer the call to be called and then through his fevert desire for Yahweh's way turn and then be chosen as a King Knights a warrior to battle.. many soldiers are called but how many are Knighted. so much is thier right in front of mans face.. the net will show and prove anything but a King wants someone who searches and he will find if he wants.. no other time in history has this been possible.. no never in time. Now is the day of Salvation but thier be few who find it.. just because they really do not want to.. they love the old ways and thier tradition they know if they renunce the Whole world around them will renounce them because thier ministers will make sure of it. they are not following all the little Popes in the world and Thier Kingdom must survive. But Yahweh is allowing archelogy to find ancient cities of past known to let people see maybe we are missing the point.. Blessings..Miles

maydawg530's photo
Fri 03/25/11 01:37 PM
im atheist i wont get mad

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/25/11 01:43 PM
im christian and wont get mad either,,,,,,sometimes offended, but never mad

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 01:47 PM
I never get mad at atheists or Christians. We never hate the sinners, only the sins.

maydawg530's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:49 PM
ok cool, well let me start off by saying god is not real. my first example is with Noahs ark. for one im not stupid, noah and his son couldn't physcally build that big of a boat. Even if they did, 2 of each animal? come on.... EVEN SO, IF THE oceans were that full, THE HUMIDITY would be so high YOU WOULD DROWN TRYING TO BREATH!!!

maydawg530's photo
Fri 03/25/11 03:03 PM
AND THE dam dinosaurs! what the hell was that? ***** and giggles? i thought god made us in his image?

KerryO's photo
Fri 03/25/11 06:11 PM

This is the main problem that opponents of the "Bible" have.

It is only them and a few "believers" who claim God wrote it. The rest of the world realises that it was written by man. I however, will not discount that it was "inspired" by God...

Ok, so god _didn't_ write the 10 Commandments on stone tablets and give them to Moses? Moses made them up, then? Or was taking dictation with a sculpting tools?

And if god did write them ( or even he dictated them to Moses), it's pretty obvious by one of them that he has no problem with slavery and human bondage.

We don't even have to get into that the Bible says Jesus is God The Son, so when the Bible quotes him, what's that all about?

-Kerry O.

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 07:22 PM

This is the main problem that opponents of the "Bible" have.

It is only them and a few "believers" who claim God wrote it. The rest of the world realises that it was written by man. I however, will not discount that it was "inspired" by God...

Ok, so god _didn't_ write the 10 Commandments on stone tablets and give them to Moses? Moses made them up, then? Or was taking dictation with a sculpting tools?

And if god did write them ( or even he dictated them to Moses), it's pretty obvious by one of them that he has no problem with slavery and human bondage.

We don't even have to get into that the Bible says Jesus is God The Son, so when the Bible quotes him, what's that all about?

-Kerry O.

"And if god did write them ( or even he dictated them to Moses), it's pretty obvious by one of them that he has no problem with slavery and human bondage."

Which one would that be?

Do you know the correct translation of "Thou shalt not steal"???

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 03/25/11 08:20 PM

Abra you really need to brush up on History as do alot of people because the Archelogical community is finding evidence of the Biblical descriptions almost daily that for some reason probally technology is bringing things to light..Blessings..Miles
That's how I see it. flowerforyou

No Miles. That's the wrong kind of "evidence".

I have no doubt that many of the events described in the biblical stories actually took place. That doesn't support their claims of divine intervention.

Historians even recognize that many of the ancient Greek mythologies were most likely based on actual events. That doesn't make the superstitious parts of the stories true. Some historians believe that Hercules was indeed an actual human man. Of course, the tale about him were most likely extremely exaggerated and made into unrealistic rumors.

I don't doubt at all that the Biblical stories were indeed written by the Hebrews and reflect various actual events that occurred in their lives.

None of that supports the divine interventions claimed by the biblical stories.

For example, in one story it is claimed that God told Joshuah to have his army surround the city of Jerico and sound their horns and the walls of the city would crumble.

So today "Christian" archeologists believe to have found remains of a city that "Could have been" the city of Jerico, and it appears that the wall had indeed tumbles to ruins.

So they claim that this "supports" the biblical stories. slaphead

Well, that's far from true.

What is more likely true is that this fella Joshua brought his army to bear on the city and purely by coincidence an earthquake occurred. And the protective walls of the city fell. Then his army was able to enter the city and kill the Canaanites.

After the fact it became rumored that this was a premeditated act of God, and thus story became a part of the culture, and eventually a part of the Bible.

You may think, "Well, that would have been SOME coincidence!"

But no, not really. The reason it appears to be such a rare event is because it was indeed a rare event and this is why it sparked such a STORY worth telling!

There were probably hundreds of battles where no earthquakes helped knock down the walls of the city. But in the very RARE instance when this just happened by coincidence it is naturally going to become a legend.

So that kind of archeological "evidence" is really nothing more than "evidence" that when seemingly rare events occur people attribute them to the gods.

Nothing new there. That's precisely what we would EXPECT!

So to suggest that these kinds of things are 'evidence' for the divine claims made in bible is nonsense.

They simply are not evidence for that. All they are 'evidence' for is that when rare things happen people attribute them to SUPERSTITIONS associate with "gods" etc.

That's all.

Like I say, almost all mythologies are probably based on some real event. I imagine a real flood probably sparked the story of Gilgamesh or Noah.

I imagine, that some weird natural even happened that "parted the red sea" too that maybe helped some people escape a bad situation. Naturally they're going to write that up as a "supernatural" event.

Of course those stories are going to become more and more complex as they get passed down.

So, archeological "evidence" for the events in the Bible is NOT evidence of the divine or superstitious claims being made in the stories. All it's "evidence" for is that rare events tend to spark superstitious stories.

That's all.

In fact, these would indeed be the stories that would "survive" to be made into a cannon. You're not going to bother choosing mundane stories that don't depict really strange or rare events.

So archeological "evidence" for these stories is not impressive. I would expect to find this even if the stories have no divine merit at all.

Historians even believe they have found evidence for Iliad and Helen of Troy. Almost all stories are based on some sort of human event. That doesn't mean that every superstitious claim within the stories is true.

Far from it. flowerforyou

maydawg530's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:18 AM
Until the White race realizes that there is only one source from which we can ascertain lasting truths, there will never be peace or stability on this earth. In the immutable Laws of Nature are the keys to life, order, and understanding. The words of men, even those which some consider "inspired" are subject to the translations, vocabulary, additions, subtractions, and distortions of fallible mortals. Therefore, every writing or influence, ancient or modern, must be strained through the test of conformity to Natural Law. The White Peoples of the earth must collectively understand that they are equally subject to the iron-hard Laws of Nature with every other creature of the Universe, or they will not secure peace, safety, nor even their existence. The world is in flames because Races, Sub-races, Nations, and Cultures are being forced to violate their own Nature-ordained instincts for self-preservation. Many men of good will, but little understanding, are struggling against symptoms which are the result of disobedience to Natural Law. As is the Nature of Man, most take narrow, provincial stances predicated on views formed by immediate environment, current circumstances, and conditioned dogma. This is encouraged by that powerful and ruthless Tribe which has controlled the affairs of the world for untold centuries by exploiting Man's most base instincts. Conflict among and between the unenlightened serves as their mask and shield. A deeper understanding of the Fundamental Laws that govern the affairs of Men is necessary if we are to save civilization from its usurious executioners. The following are not intended to provide a detailed system of government, but as PRECEPTS which, when understood, will benefit and preserve a People as individuals and as a Nation.

maydawg530's photo
Sat 03/26/11 04:19 AM
"David Lane" RIP

no photo
Sat 03/26/11 10:23 AM

"David Lane" RIP

So is this racist neo-Nazi Klu Klux Klan member your hero then? Are you a Wotanist?

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/26/11 11:57 AM
nothing wrong with being white and concerned about white people, but how about being human as well, concerned about humans

Im not sure what the purpose of preserving 'race' is exactly,, but to each their own

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/26/11 01:56 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sat 03/26/11 02:41 PM

Abra you really need to brush up on History as do alot of people because the Archelogical community is finding evidence of the Biblical descriptions almost daily that for some reason probally technology is bringing things to light..Blessings..Miles
That's how I see it. flowerforyou

No Miles. That's the wrong kind of "evidence".

I have no doubt that many of the events described in the biblical stories actually took place. That doesn't support their claims of divine intervention.

Historians even recognize that many of the ancient Greek mythologies were most likely based on actual events. That doesn't make the superstitious parts of the stories true. Some historians believe that Hercules was indeed an actual human man. Of course, the tale about him were most likely extremely exaggerated and made into unrealistic rumors.

I don't doubt at all that the Biblical stories were indeed written by the Hebrews and reflect various actual events that occurred in their lives.

None of that supports the divine interventions claimed by the biblical stories.

For example, in one story it is claimed that God told Joshuah to have his army surround the city of Jerico and sound their horns and the walls of the city would crumble.

So today "Christian" archeologists believe to have found remains of a city that "Could have been" the city of Jerico, and it appears that the wall had indeed tumbles to ruins.

So they claim that this "supports" the biblical stories. slaphead

Well, that's far from true.

What is more likely true is that this fella Joshua brought his army to bear on the city and purely by coincidence an earthquake occurred. And the protective walls of the city fell. Then his army was able to enter the city and kill the Canaanites.

After the fact it became rumored that this was a premeditated act of God, and thus story became a part of the culture, and eventually a part of the Bible.

You may think, "Well, that would have been SOME coincidence!"

But no, not really. The reason it appears to be such a rare event is because it was indeed a rare event and this is why it sparked such a STORY worth telling!

There were probably hundreds of battles where no earthquakes helped knock down the walls of the city. But in the very RARE instance when this just happened by coincidence it is naturally going to become a legend.

So that kind of archeological "evidence" is really nothing more than "evidence" that when seemingly rare events occur people attribute them to the gods.

Nothing new there. That's precisely what we would EXPECT!

So to suggest that these kinds of things are 'evidence' for the divine claims made in bible is nonsense.

They simply are not evidence for that. All they are 'evidence' for is that when rare things happen people attribute them to SUPERSTITIONS associate with "gods" etc.

That's all.

Like I say, almost all mythologies are probably based on some real event. I imagine a real flood probably sparked the story of Gilgamesh or Noah.

I imagine, that some weird natural even happened that "parted the red sea" too that maybe helped some people escape a bad situation. Naturally they're going to write that up as a "supernatural" event.

Of course those stories are going to become more and more complex as they get passed down.

So, archeological "evidence" for the events in the Bible is NOT evidence of the divine or superstitious claims being made in the stories. All it's "evidence" for is that rare events tend to spark superstitious stories.

That's all.

In fact, these would indeed be the stories that would "survive" to be made into a cannon. You're not going to bother choosing mundane stories that don't depict really strange or rare events.

So archeological "evidence" for these stories is not impressive. I would expect to find this even if the stories have no divine merit at all.

Historians even believe they have found evidence for Iliad and Helen of Troy. Almost all stories are based on some sort of human event. That doesn't mean that every superstitious claim within the stories is true.

Far from it. flowerforyou

Shalom Abra.

Very understandable.. you do use good logic and I like that.. alittle swayed in saying we are foolish but like I said I am content and if you all are also who am I to tell you different but we are here as friends just discussing and thats cool.

But I wonder sometimes when you point out " Just happenstance" in Jericho and elsewhere if you are trying to convince Your self?

I know you studied all the way into wanting to be a minister and you had to have proof you were not going to preach a lie. You had to know that everything is as it says or forget it. I respect that I did the same thing but still refusing to preach as you might say because of the same thing.. I believe if I am suppose to go out and say on the streets start public speaking and not just personal debates/reasoning the scriptures Yahweh will make it happen.

Many people ask me how are you so positive people tried to destroy you. they tried everything possible to take you out of the way and even though I did try to kill myself and woke up 2 days later in intensive care with my arms tied to the bed and tubes down my throat and I was not a happy camper.. You ever tried yelling" Nurse Nurse" with tubes down your throat?

I never blamed Yahweh and for a while I had a very hard time with my brethern in which I loved. They never even came and seen me.. not a word or card.. I felt all alone. Job helped me get through it no matter what you want to say it is because I did not understand fully why so many people turned against me when just a couple of years earlier I was a Golden boy so to speak. my family made sure to go between familys and assemblys around the country because the Elders in power I knew were good people but they seemed to of lost thier way. families in different assemblies who did not talk to each other. It was like an un spoken loyalty people did to the heads of man who was in charge as respect.. I had learned so much from them and they seemed so great untill you see the divisions of families who actually believe the same thing but 2 elders got into it and we can't have 2 chiefs so they split.

But it was not just them splitting people and families had to chose sides. how sad. and these are people I call brethern. but you know by trying to look at Yahweh's word as it says not the man but looking at Yahweh's counsel i was not to disrespect them but I also was not to follow them when they wanted that un seen power that only the CEO had. to many Indians for us.I was very fortunate though as I never fully understood why then but I was able to go between assemblies because I never committed so each assembly would accept me because in thier eyes i was still searching and Yahweh all were sure would bring me to them. what happened is those assemblies elders ended up seeing children and family they had not seen for years.. it is not like that no more at least with the members some hard headedness in the leadership. But the families are together now across the country and 1 fine young man became a Parametic and his wife.
I am so proud of this young man and his wife.

His parents are Yale Graduates or i should say he is for sure and i think she was or at least went to an Ivory league school. and both rebelled in the 60's Katie his wife became a flower child and they lived in thier VW van.. finally settled east of Harrisburg Penn in the Pocahonas mountains if i remember the mountain range right.
His Dad is a Manhattan banker not sure about Katie parents.

But he started his own surveying business and she stayed at home and home schooled. thier 7 children i think. anywazes oh they were so far into taking care of the earth that the earth was thier refrigerator and had no electricity up until the late 80's with 3 kids. he built his own house kinda like Noah's arc. definately lookes like a boat over looking the valley.. all the kids bedrooms are upstairs on the deck so every bedroom opens out to the deck for them and its a great house for kids as when you walk out of the bedroom you are looking out on the valley and mountains in every direction.

These were good kids.. his son that i am talking about always had a dream he was going to be a pilot.. at 16 working he took lessons and actually bought his 1st plane then.. oh the Feast of Tabernacles where everyone from all over the country and some from other countries would come also for a week in like late september early oct you know the gathering together to celebrate the Harvest is done.

His dad let him fly his plane from Penn to Missouri and he gave the kids airplane rides.. he saved his money because he wanted to do this.

He's a great kid i can not say enough about him remembering him from a small child growing up.. well i may be getting off topic but I love my brethern and thier children and got to remerencing.

But David Ezra Jay who's great........ great grandfather signed the constitution is putting his Love for Yahweh and his love for man to good work.

Matt 6:33-34
3 But seek first the kingdom of Yahweh and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matt 22:37-40

37 Yahshua said to him, "'You shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

This kid is living proof of Yahweh in my eyes hes Has a Heart for Yahweh which his Dad does also.. If I ever decided to preach i hope thier along side me keeping me in line..i truely hope that.

take a look and you will see.. these are 2 special kids David and his Wife.. Blessings of Shalom and Good will Towards man, may this be the Heart of All of Yahweh's people..Miles

Abra I get mixed up on how to make the link direct without copying and pasting.. would you posted it the right way Thanks Abra


Abra.. i will have to find out more on the link.. i did not realize that apperently the site is mainly private to friends.. My daughter showed me all the pics and he keeps a report going on the people he is helping.. posts them and alot of pics from thier. but what they have been doing for several years is thiers around 300 people who are by themselves no outside contact at all and the only way to get to them is by plane.. so him and his wife are thier medical assistance and they fly back and forth for supplies or whatever and live with the people and they are loving every minute of it. been thier for a few years but i will have to find out more when my daughter gets back for a link hopefully you can see the pics.. its great.. what a Heart for Serving mankind

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