Topic: Why Americans still don't have a Job.
no photo
Fri 01/28/11 12:00 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/28/11 12:07 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

so long as we keep health care repeal, the medicare is not an issue as they will or should already have their own health insurance. If the 50 percent cut includes salaries, its not deal, otherwise it all sounds peachy

no photo
Fri 01/28/11 12:18 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

so long as we keep health care repeal, the medicare is not an issue as they will or should already have their own health insurance. If the 50 percent cut includes salaries, its not deal, otherwise it all sounds peachy

well healthcare repeal is another issue in which i want more consessions for, the 50% comes in forms of jobs not salary cuts. cut DOE jobs!

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 01/28/11 02:44 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

so long as we keep health care repeal, the medicare is not an issue as they will or should already have their own health insurance. If the 50 percent cut includes salaries, its not deal, otherwise it all sounds peachy

well healthcare repeal is another issue in which i want more consessions for, the 50% comes in forms of jobs not salary cuts. cut DOE jobs!

You forgot Cut ALL Subsidies, cut off foreign aid, cut off ALL give aways, Cut back on all levels of bureaucracy, AND MOST OF ALL END THE FEDERAL TREASURY AND IRS!

no photo
Fri 01/28/11 11:56 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

so long as we keep health care repeal, the medicare is not an issue as they will or should already have their own health insurance. If the 50 percent cut includes salaries, its not deal, otherwise it all sounds peachy

well healthcare repeal is another issue in which i want more consessions for, the 50% comes in forms of jobs not salary cuts. cut DOE jobs!

You forgot Cut ALL Subsidies, cut off foreign aid, cut off ALL give aways, Cut back on all levels of bureaucracy, AND MOST OF ALL END THE FEDERAL TREASURY AND IRS!
lol well i didn't forget just haven't gotten to that yet!

Chazster's photo
Sat 01/29/11 01:05 AM
Yay flat tax

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/29/11 09:27 AM
It's too complicated to explain here, but
a flat tax won't work.

Therein, it does not make sense.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:04 AM

It's too complicated to explain here, but
a flat tax won't work.

Therein, it does not make sense.

the only reason it won't work is a lack of financial responsibility on the government's behalf! I have seen all arguments pro and con to a flat tax and frankly the only reason SOME people fear a flat tax is it levels the playing field dramatically.

Also it takes into account there is not an overwhelming demand on social services and welfare. Like I said two things to make welfare work are DRUG TESTING and Making some Welfare programs more like loans that have to be paid back somehow. We need to end the free rides!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:18 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 01/29/11 10:19 AM
The tax would be either too high for the average American to survive, or
you'd end up with such a low budget to work with that
you'd end up taking twice as long to pay off the debt already incured.

The first (#1) is a Gov's worst nightmare!
The civil unrest would be a catalyst for more spending. (Secruity)
and the gov would have their hands full just to survive.

The second (#20 is a lose-lose senario.

No services to the public,
a lowering education level,
A crumbling infrastructure,
and you're debt problem would be harder to manage.

Then, you'd end up with,
See #1---
The civil unrest would be a catalyst for more spending. (Secruity)
and the gov would have their hands full just to survive.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:28 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 01/29/11 10:34 AM
It's a false hope for Utopia.

A shining light that can never be reached.

A political game of words, that sounds good to
a manipulative and economically weary populace,
in hopes that it is they,
who in the end will weld the hammer
that's used to crush the civil uprising
that such a plan will create.

Ask anyone with a good job and healthy mortgage what it feels like to suddenly have to manage on half their salary.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:30 AM
I'd rather take the best economic system in the world,
and tweak it to improvement.drinker

Not totally dismantle it.rant frustrated

That's my opinion anyway!drinker

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 01/29/11 04:46 PM

The tax would be either too high for the average American to survive, or
you'd end up with such a low budget to work with that
you'd end up taking twice as long to pay off the debt already incured.

The first (#1) is a Gov's worst nightmare!
The civil unrest would be a catalyst for more spending. (Secruity)
and the gov would have their hands full just to survive.

The second (#20 is a lose-lose senario.

No services to the public,
a lowering education level,
A crumbling infrastructure,
and you're debt problem would be harder to manage.

Then, you'd end up with,
See #1---
The civil unrest would be a catalyst for more spending. (Secruity)
and the gov would have their hands full just to survive.

Number 1 above - Only if the government attempts to hang onto large agencies that should not be within the governments 'influence'... EPA, IRS, FED RESERVE (to name a few). If those large agencies did not exist the tax would not be more than someone could afford...

Numbe 2 above - Twice as long to pay what... Cut the darn agencies and you would reduce the money going out... which could then be applied to the debt.


taxes become an easily managed part of society.

It is only when government is to large that all you have said could happen.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 01/29/11 06:58 PM

I'd rather take the best economic system in the world,
and tweak it to improvement.drinker

Not totally dismantle it.rant frustrated

That's my opinion anyway!drinker

Economy and government are two different things altogether. Government should regulate economy yes but to become intertwined with it? NO! That is not government's job!

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 01/29/11 07:20 PM

I think it is the last place we need to cut, our children are FAILING and as cliche as it is they really are our future. Cut their source of funding and protection and you cut our future place in the world.
I'm not for cutting education just reallocation of taxes so how about we compromise? I get a 50% cut in the DOE, retirement age of teachers goes to 65 and they get no health benefits after they retire they take medicare like all other americans. You get 50% of DOE budget transfered to the local level, and i will throw in a tax increase for education. Fair?

You missed one of the largest wastes of monies in the education system RE public schools...

The ratio of 'administrative' personnel to teachers. When a school administrator has several assistants it takes away from that schools ability to hire teachers. (and insulates that administrator from the students)...

When an administrator makes more than a teacher (in some cases by a large amount) I personally feel the system is upside down.

actionlynx's photo
Sat 01/29/11 08:31 PM
Our children are failing because of false priorities, both at home and in government. You can throw all the money in the world at education, but if kids would rather hang out with their friends than learn, not a single dollar is going to have an impact. Families that taking an active, continuous, long-term interest in their children's education tend to have children who perform better academically. Stop blaming the teachers, the schools, and the government for something that should be solved at home.

The more that children are allowed to slack off on education, the more the teachers have to teach to dumbest children. That means that the children who actually do achieve are being done a disservice by their own classmates. Even sadder is that those classmates are hurting themselves even more. When children play dumb to avoid learning or to look cool, the educational system lowers the bar of expectations. Because of increased educational demands in today's world that bar should be raised. Not everyone should be going to college. College is for those whose planned career path requires a greater level of education than average. It should not be the average. This is how the educational system always used to work in the U.S., and it made us the envy of the world.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

Next, as far as Flat Rate Income Tax....I covered this in another thread. The budget is bloated, it can probably be slashed by 40%. That means that each person would pay somewhere between 12% and 15%, which is low end of current income tax brackets. With the current budget, the tax rate would need to be about 20% which is the current tax bracket for the lower middle class. These percentages fund THE ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET....they pay for Medicare and Social Security without any extra deductions or payroll taxes. No Federal gas tax, or cigarette tax, or booze tax....NOTHING. That means fewer taxes, and less money out of the pocket of virtually the entire population. Yes, that also means no federal business taxes. No inheritance tax, or capital gains tax, or luxury tax. How is this an excessive burden beyond what we already deal with?

And lastly, I keep wondering when States' Rights are going to enter these discussions. Over the past few decades, federal government has steadily encroached upon the rights of the individual States as guaranteed by the Constitution. States have become increasing dependent on federal money just to continue operating, and some of this money is because of laws or executive orders at the federal level. The drinking age is one of example: if it's not 21, then we won't give you highway funding. Another is No Child Left Behind.

How many other examples can you think of?

Now that the States have been infringed upon, personal freedoms are being impinged too. Personally, I think this country is headed towards revolution or even civil war unless people begin standing up to the federal government.

Chazster's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:34 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sat 01/29/11 10:42 PM
Does anyone know what the US gross income is? I am having trouble locating it.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:43 PM

Our children are failing because of false priorities, both at home and in government. You can throw all the money in the world at education, but if kids would rather hang out with their friends than learn, not a single dollar is going to have an impact. Families that taking an active, continuous, long-term interest in their children's education tend to have children who perform better academically. Stop blaming the teachers, the schools, and the government for something that should be solved at home.

The more that children are allowed to slack off on education, the more the teachers have to teach to dumbest children. That means that the children who actually do achieve are being done a disservice by their own classmates. Even sadder is that those classmates are hurting themselves even more. When children play dumb to avoid learning or to look cool, the educational system lowers the bar of expectations. Because of increased educational demands in today's world that bar should be raised. Not everyone should be going to college. College is for those whose planned career path requires a greater level of education than average. It should not be the average. This is how the educational system always used to work in the U.S., and it made us the envy of the world.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

Next, as far as Flat Rate Income Tax....I covered this in another thread. The budget is bloated, it can probably be slashed by 40%. That means that each person would pay somewhere between 12% and 15%, which is low end of current income tax brackets. With the current budget, the tax rate would need to be about 20% which is the current tax bracket for the lower middle class. These percentages fund THE ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET....they pay for Medicare and Social Security without any extra deductions or payroll taxes. No Federal gas tax, or cigarette tax, or booze tax....NOTHING. That means fewer taxes, and less money out of the pocket of virtually the entire population. Yes, that also means no federal business taxes. No inheritance tax, or capital gains tax, or luxury tax. How is this an excessive burden beyond what we already deal with?

And lastly, I keep wondering when States' Rights are going to enter these discussions. Over the past few decades, federal government has steadily encroached upon the rights of the individual States as guaranteed by the Constitution. States have become increasing dependent on federal money just to continue operating, and some of this money is because of laws or executive orders at the federal level. The drinking age is one of example: if it's not 21, then we won't give you highway funding. Another is No Child Left Behind.

How many other examples can you think of?

Now that the States have been infringed upon, personal freedoms are being impinged too. Personally, I think this country is headed towards revolution or even civil war unless people begin standing up to the federal government.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

this is kind of like saying health starts at home,, well no kidding

but once it REACHES the doctors office the doctor cant shun off the responsibilities he has to provide care

likewise with schools, it is a COMMUNITY effort, not just at home
so when it is failing,,, you are damn straight it is because of both PARENTS, COMMUNITIES, and THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ITSELF

no matter how smart a kid is, they arent going to be able to compete globally with children excelling in science and math when they are still in high schools teaching them to read 'the stinky bug'

Chazster's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:46 PM

Does anyone know what the US gross income is? I am having trouble locating it.

Never mind I found it. It is close to 10trillion if anyone was curious.

Chazster's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:48 PM

Our children are failing because of false priorities, both at home and in government. You can throw all the money in the world at education, but if kids would rather hang out with their friends than learn, not a single dollar is going to have an impact. Families that taking an active, continuous, long-term interest in their children's education tend to have children who perform better academically. Stop blaming the teachers, the schools, and the government for something that should be solved at home.

The more that children are allowed to slack off on education, the more the teachers have to teach to dumbest children. That means that the children who actually do achieve are being done a disservice by their own classmates. Even sadder is that those classmates are hurting themselves even more. When children play dumb to avoid learning or to look cool, the educational system lowers the bar of expectations. Because of increased educational demands in today's world that bar should be raised. Not everyone should be going to college. College is for those whose planned career path requires a greater level of education than average. It should not be the average. This is how the educational system always used to work in the U.S., and it made us the envy of the world.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

Next, as far as Flat Rate Income Tax....I covered this in another thread. The budget is bloated, it can probably be slashed by 40%. That means that each person would pay somewhere between 12% and 15%, which is low end of current income tax brackets. With the current budget, the tax rate would need to be about 20% which is the current tax bracket for the lower middle class. These percentages fund THE ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET....they pay for Medicare and Social Security without any extra deductions or payroll taxes. No Federal gas tax, or cigarette tax, or booze tax....NOTHING. That means fewer taxes, and less money out of the pocket of virtually the entire population. Yes, that also means no federal business taxes. No inheritance tax, or capital gains tax, or luxury tax. How is this an excessive burden beyond what we already deal with?

And lastly, I keep wondering when States' Rights are going to enter these discussions. Over the past few decades, federal government has steadily encroached upon the rights of the individual States as guaranteed by the Constitution. States have become increasing dependent on federal money just to continue operating, and some of this money is because of laws or executive orders at the federal level. The drinking age is one of example: if it's not 21, then we won't give you highway funding. Another is No Child Left Behind.

How many other examples can you think of?

Now that the States have been infringed upon, personal freedoms are being impinged too. Personally, I think this country is headed towards revolution or even civil war unless people begin standing up to the federal government.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

this is kind of like saying health starts at home,, well no kidding

but once it REACHES the doctors office the doctor cant shun off the responsibilities he has to provide care

likewise with schools, it is a COMMUNITY effort, not just at home
so when it is failing,,, you are damn straight it is because of both PARENTS, COMMUNITIES, and THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ITSELF

no matter how smart a kid is, they arent going to be able to compete globally with children excelling in science and math when they are still in high schools teaching them to read 'the stinky bug'

I knew kids failing at my schools. We had the same school and teachers etc. It's less often the school than the student. Not saying that there are not some bad schools out there but still.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:54 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 01/29/11 10:56 PM

Our children are failing because of false priorities, both at home and in government. You can throw all the money in the world at education, but if kids would rather hang out with their friends than learn, not a single dollar is going to have an impact. Families that taking an active, continuous, long-term interest in their children's education tend to have children who perform better academically. Stop blaming the teachers, the schools, and the government for something that should be solved at home.

The more that children are allowed to slack off on education, the more the teachers have to teach to dumbest children. That means that the children who actually do achieve are being done a disservice by their own classmates. Even sadder is that those classmates are hurting themselves even more. When children play dumb to avoid learning or to look cool, the educational system lowers the bar of expectations. Because of increased educational demands in today's world that bar should be raised. Not everyone should be going to college. College is for those whose planned career path requires a greater level of education than average. It should not be the average. This is how the educational system always used to work in the U.S., and it made us the envy of the world.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

Next, as far as Flat Rate Income Tax....I covered this in another thread. The budget is bloated, it can probably be slashed by 40%. That means that each person would pay somewhere between 12% and 15%, which is low end of current income tax brackets. With the current budget, the tax rate would need to be about 20% which is the current tax bracket for the lower middle class. These percentages fund THE ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET....they pay for Medicare and Social Security without any extra deductions or payroll taxes. No Federal gas tax, or cigarette tax, or booze tax....NOTHING. That means fewer taxes, and less money out of the pocket of virtually the entire population. Yes, that also means no federal business taxes. No inheritance tax, or capital gains tax, or luxury tax. How is this an excessive burden beyond what we already deal with?

And lastly, I keep wondering when States' Rights are going to enter these discussions. Over the past few decades, federal government has steadily encroached upon the rights of the individual States as guaranteed by the Constitution. States have become increasing dependent on federal money just to continue operating, and some of this money is because of laws or executive orders at the federal level. The drinking age is one of example: if it's not 21, then we won't give you highway funding. Another is No Child Left Behind.

How many other examples can you think of?

Now that the States have been infringed upon, personal freedoms are being impinged too. Personally, I think this country is headed towards revolution or even civil war unless people begin standing up to the federal government.

Learning is the responsibility of the child and his family. Schools are simply a service, an equal opportunity, offered to the entire population by the government as a cornerstone investment in our country's future. It requires an equal investment on the part of the individual to grant a return on the investment.

this is kind of like saying health starts at home,, well no kidding

but once it REACHES the doctors office the doctor cant shun off the responsibilities he has to provide care

likewise with schools, it is a COMMUNITY effort, not just at home
so when it is failing,,, you are damn straight it is because of both PARENTS, COMMUNITIES, and THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ITSELF

no matter how smart a kid is, they arent going to be able to compete globally with children excelling in science and math when they are still in high schools teaching them to read 'the stinky bug'

I knew kids failing at my schools. We had the same school and teachers etc. It's less often the school than the student. Not saying that there are not some bad schools out there but still.

that doesnt explain the difference in college enrollments between districts,, unless we are to believe there is some environmental difference between kids in one district from the next,, I think its more likely a difference in the SCHOOLS,,

my son came here from OHIO and I can tell you there is definitely a difference in the SCHOOLS

I never understand the mindset that teachers arent at the school to give the children a competitive education that their PARENTS are working hard every day and paying taxes for, If its all the parents job to finance and PROVIDE the education, what is the point of teachers and schools?

it frustrates me when people point fingers, instead of looking for how to improve,, the communities need improvement, the family units need improvement and the SCHOOLS NEED IMPROVEMENT

I heard this on the radio today as a matter of fact, the interviewer asked 'can children get a good education in las vegas' and her response is ' they can if they want to'....wth?

thats like putting a ten pound boulder on the back of a child who is racing against other kids in an uphill race and then being asked 'does he have a good chance of winning' and you say 'if he really wants to'