Topic: Islam. Problem solvers or trouble makers in the U. S. and f
mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/02/11 10:32 PM

Who is it that will "stand with the Muslims"?

I will stand with anyone who is law abiding and fair, regardless of their religious affiliation

well, if they are rioting, that is not exactly law abiding now is it?

what has that to do with being asked if one will stand with muslims?

read it a few more times and you should get it

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/02/11 10:36 PM

Who is it that will "stand with the Muslims"?

I will stand with anyone who is law abiding and fair, regardless of their religious affiliation

well, if they are rioting, that is not exactly law abiding now is it?

what has that to do with being asked if one will stand with muslims?

read it a few more times and you should get it

trust me, IM no intellectual slouch,, I understood quite clearly

the first question was 'who will"stand with the Muslims"?'

my response was that I would stand with law abiding and fair people regardless of religious affiliation

the second question was 'if they are rioting, that is not exactly law abiding now is it?'

my answer is, that has nothing to do with my response that I will stand with law abiding and fair people of any religion

if they are RIOTING, whatever their religion, I will not stand by them

but what has that to do with the specific question about MUSLIMS, as opposed to any other religious group(who may also have members who 'riot'?)

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/02/11 10:46 PM

The Muslim belief is not even remotely close to doing much of anything in the United States.

until they see an opportunity.

Explain, please.

Their BOOK tells them to act like they are friends with infidels until they get an opportunity to either convert them or cause harm to them, plysically.


Not to be cynical but have you even read a Quaran? Do it. It is ALL spelled out in their Bible! I read it and was horrified to see what it says! it DOES seriously spell out how to conduct yourself in the presence of infidels like you and me! Makes me want to gut a pig in a mosque to defile the ground!

I'm fairly confident that the Quran says nothing about infidels, although it does say to kill those that attack you...but if you grab any book of any faith you can find a line that you can twist to present a threat. Christianity has been preaching that God is against homosexuality for years, even though the Christian bible says very little about homosexuality and it all pertains to a point in time when people weren't nearly as developed and different as they are today.

However, the word 'infidel' does not show up in the Quran at all.

Have you read the Quran?

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:08 PM

The Muslim belief is not even remotely close to doing much of anything in the United States.

until they see an opportunity.

Explain, please.

Their BOOK tells them to act like they are friends with infidels until they get an opportunity to either convert them or cause harm to them, plysically.


Not to be cynical but have you even read a Quaran? Do it. It is ALL spelled out in their Bible! I read it and was horrified to see what it says! it DOES seriously spell out how to conduct yourself in the presence of infidels like you and me! Makes me want to gut a pig in a mosque to defile the ground!

I'm fairly confident that the Quran says nothing about infidels, although it does say to kill those that attack you...but if you grab any book of any faith you can find a line that you can twist to present a threat. Christianity has been preaching that God is against homosexuality for years, even though the Christian bible says very little about homosexuality and it all pertains to a point in time when people weren't nearly as developed and different as they are today.

However, the word 'infidel' does not show up in the Quran at all.

Have you read the Quran?

You obviously don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.As usual you are only debating this topic for the sole reason of disagreeing with the usual people you can't stand regardless if the facts are real or not.

How about doing 5 minutes of research next time.

God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.

Quran 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.

Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.

Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:17 PM
Do you think I give a **** about your opinion? You've been spewing hatred out like crazy and backing it incorrectly with a bible, I could really care less what you have to say.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:19 PM

I think all religions are rubbish.

On Punishing ‘Immorality’

Leviticus 20:9
If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.
20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.
Deuteronomy 22:20-1 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house.
Exodus 35:2
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.
On Destroying Other People

Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
20:10-17 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. . . . This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.
On the Evil of Biblical Law

Ezekiel 20:25-26 I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; I let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD.
On Slavery & Subjugation of Women

Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Exodus 21:20-21 If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
1 Peter 2:13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men.
2:18 Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
Leviticus 25:44-45
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property

This is all Old testament laws which have been null and void for over 2,000 years.You won't find a single church on the planet who enforces those Old testament laws no matter where you go or who you ask.

Maybe next time you can post articles about people getting eaten lions in the Roman coliseums.Or maybe how people are getting tortured in dungeons in castles in Europe.Maybe you can talk about how people are slaves to the Egyptians and being forced to build the pyramids.

People don't care about issues over 2,000 years ago.Women being stoned to death by Muslims in the Middle east are issues that are happening as we speak.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:20 PM

I think the issue is that INFIDEL is not a quranic word but an ENGLISH/CHRISTIAN term often used in many translations.

here is a site with several different interpretations as well as the original arabic,, you can put any of the above verses in and see what it TRULY looks like and then how it has been interpreted

I would also suggest(if interested) reading perhaps a full chapter or half chapter instead of just one verse to understand the context of the writings,,,

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:20 PM
Just like with any book the Quran has different translations, just like the bible and any other religious book...

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:26 PM

Do you think I give a **** about your opinion? You've been spewing hatred out like crazy and backing it incorrectly with a bible, I could really care less what you have to say.

Spewing hatred huh?It's not my opinion it's a fact.If you feel the need to debate current events then you going to have to present facts from a neutral website.If you can't post facts or if you want to say they are facts when then there is really no reason to debate with us.

Maybe instead of getting pissed off,cursing,and acting stupid you can back up your so called facts with facts instead of insulting anyone who corrects what you claim is facts.

I'm trying to be civil and factual.Why don't you try it sometime.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:40 PM

I think the issue is that INFIDEL is not a quranic word but an ENGLISH/CHRISTIAN term often used in many translations.

here is a site with several different interpretations as well as the original arabic,, you can put any of the above verses in and see what it TRULY looks like and then how it has been interpreted

I would also suggest(if interested) reading perhaps a full chapter or half chapter instead of just one verse to understand the context of the writings,,,

Anyone who is not a believe in Islam is considered a infidel.Who really cares if you use the term infidel or unbeliever.The point is they really don't care.You really think you could preach Christianity in Saudi Arabia,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan with out getting your head cut off?How many times have we heard Muslims preaching violence towards any country who apposes Islam using the quran for their justification.How many times have we seen leaders of middle eastern countries applauding and calling for violence towards Israel and the United states for the sole reason that they are Jews and Christians.Are you really going to tell me with a straight face that Islam has nothing to do with their frame of thinking?Islam has everything to do with their way of thinking.Every violent act,every terrorist attack,every bombing is being conducted for the sake of destroying the infidel or anyone who is not a Muslim.

You can play all the smoke and mirrors all you want.Unless you can debunk every one of these quran bible verses as false then I don't know what to tell you.

"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."

Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy

(Quotes below are from N.J. Dawood's The Koran: with a Parallel Arabic Text, Penguin Classics, 1990)

Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful - he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good - except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.

Quran 3:28; "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 52

God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.

Quran 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13

Lord...Give us victory over the unbelievers.

Quran 2:286, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 46

"Lord...give us victory over the unbelievers."

Quran 3:148, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 67

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.

Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.

Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.

Quran 2:190-2:191, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 28

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.

Quran 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.

Quran 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.

Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: "Taste the torment of the Conflagration!"

Quran 22:19-20, "The Pilgrimage," Dawood, p. 333

Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.

Quran 48:29, "Victory," Dawood, p. 514

Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.

Quran 4:56, "Women," Dawood, p. 86

Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain and crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land.

Quran 5:33, "The Table," Dawood, p. 112

When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.

Quran 47:4, "Muhammad," Dawood, p. 506

Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy...

Quran 8:59-60, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 183

Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrong-doers.

Quran 5:51, "The Table," Dawood, p. 116

Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.

Quran 9:28, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 190

The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.

Quran 98:6, "The Proof," Dawood, p. 598

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:41 PM

Do you think I give a **** about your opinion? You've been spewing hatred out like crazy and backing it incorrectly with a bible, I could really care less what you have to say.

Spewing hatred huh?It's not my opinion it's a fact.If you feel the need to debate current events then you going to have to present facts from a neutral website.If you can't post facts or if you want to say they are facts when then there is really no reason to debate with us.

Maybe instead of getting pissed off,cursing,and acting stupid you can back up your so called facts with facts instead of insulting anyone who corrects what you claim is facts.

I'm trying to be civil and factual.Why don't you try it sometime.

That's all I've done...some people just refuse to learn.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:43 PM
all religous books have hundreds of thousands of websites with lists of VERSE after VERSE to discredit them or prove them hateful, violent, or bigoted

I just advise anyone truly interested in a balance to look forward, for themself, and read(in context) more than just isolated passages chosen with an agenda,,,,

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 12:27 AM

all religous books have hundreds of thousands of websites with lists of VERSE after VERSE to discredit them or prove them hateful, violent, or bigoted

I just advise anyone truly interested in a balance to look forward, for themself, and read(in context) more than just isolated passages chosen with an agenda,,,,

It's called picking up a quran off the shelf of the library and reading it.Those verses are in there regardless of what any website claims.

Seriously do we even need to do that?You have entire countries under Islamic sharia law killing women on a daily basis according to the quran.You have people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who spend hours in front of a TV camera talking about how he is justified destroying Isreal and the United states because of what the quran said.Are you seriously going to tell me that he doesn't know what the quran says and you think you do?Are you seriously going to tell me all those judges and countries who are under Sharia law don't know the laws of Islam?

Your acting like if we just sat down with the 300 plus million Islams in those middle eastern countries(nearly all have Sharia law)and just told them to read the quran from start to finish,Sharia law would be banned,women would be treated equal,they would get along with Jews and Christians,and everyone would be holding hands singing "we are the world".

The only reason the other non middle eastern countries don't have the Islamic brutal laws,no rights for women,terrorist attacks, because the countries laws forbids them or the rest of the public won't allow it.But as we are seeing Islam is trying to take over the world,we read about how Muslims want Sharia law in Britain and the United states.We read about bombings in non Islamic countries like Spain and Russia that are becoming more common.We read about mass murder of Christians by Muslims in Africa.

I'm wide awake and well read on these issues.It's too bad some people see reality as reality and others see it as illusion.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/03/11 05:38 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 01/03/11 05:40 AM
I posted earlier, there are plenty of muslim countries more peaceful than this 'christian' one, and there are plenty of 'christian' countries which arent doing so well in the peace area

like any other religion, regional traditions often affect how any people 'interpret' their religious readings and how they are applied

to paint the billions in a religion with one brush, in my opinion, is less than intellectually honest

I dont feel anymore need to 'watch' someone who is muslim than I do someone who is christian or atheist , I WATCH when those individuals give me a reason to not because of a religious label but thats just me

I dont believe all 'christians' are peaceful and to be trusted nor that all 'muslims' are not

I dont even have a reason to believe anywhere near a majority of EITHER are not, but like most things, those doing the worst things get the most press and others believe that means its because they do those things MORE than others,,,

willing2's photo
Mon 01/03/11 07:26 AM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 01/03/11 07:27 AM

Their BOOK tells them to act like they are friends with infidels until they get an opportunity to either convert them or cause harm to them, plysically.

I believe 'to cause harm to them', means kill 'em.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:44 AM

Do you think I give a **** about your opinion? You've been spewing hatred out like crazy and backing it incorrectly with a bible, I could really care less what you have to say.

Spewing hatred huh?It's not my opinion it's a fact.If you feel the need to debate current events then you going to have to present facts from a neutral website.If you can't post facts or if you want to say they are facts when then there is really no reason to debate with us.

Maybe instead of getting pissed off,cursing,and acting stupid you can back up your so called facts with facts instead of insulting anyone who corrects what you claim is facts.

I'm trying to be civil and factual.Why don't you try it sometime.

That's all I've done...some people just refuse to learn.

let us Qualify this, You have not read the Quaran, I have. Then you dare to fall back on intellectual blindness to substantiate your ideals when others present the verses from the Quaran to you. When a fact is presented to you instead of checking into it you attack people verbally. Also when the facts are dumped into your lap instead of correlating or debunking the evidence you toss it over your shoulder and get mad. BAD FORM MY FRIEND!

That is not civil, adult, or intellectual. The least you can do is stop trying to read between the lines so much and present some counter facts. That does not work with the bible either. I have chewed on my share of Bible thumpers here and elsewhere.

Msharmony, in the real world when things go bad "Us and Them" lines are drawn and for as blurry as those can be some times in this case when the poo hits the fan this is what it will come down too. If you are sympathetic to Islam's right to exist and things are in a state of Violence (War) Islam will demand you convert or die. The rest of us will hand you a rifle and tell you to go forth and kill Muslims and if you are Sympathetic to them you will be branded a traitor and a life sentence is a stroke of luck for you and anyone else branded a traitor becasue when religious tensions get high enough I personally will side with Christians and Jews to kill Musilms. Under circumstances like that many people including myself have a dim enough view of enemy sympathizers that any caught would be treated exactly like a Muslim. There is no gray area here. Sympathizing the existence of a faith of such violence makes you an accomplice to the act so to speak.

Another thing people seem top forget is the more humans you put in one place the more eager they are to do bad things as long as the crowd is part of it. Mob Mentality has NO Conscious. Mob Mentality has no sympathy. Mob Mentality has no intelligence behind it. Look at riots. The Mob is NEVER in control of the situation or themselves. Even "Peaceful" Muslims in the right circumstances will turn deadly violent. How many of those Muslims attending the various stonings they hold are peaceful? What is peaceful about attending and being a participant of an execution? Stoning a woman to death for choosing her husband over her family's will is right? SINCE WHEN? Some old bearded worthless jackoff with underwear on his head surrounded by men with guns issues a Fatwha because he is frustrated and angry with all the infidelity in the world?

You also are aware the words 'Diet Cola' in English are indistinguishable from the word 'Execution' in Barbarian? They hold an execution every week need lots of men with Underwear on their heads and guns!:banana:

Frankly the only Peaceful Muslim is one who turns away from Islam!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:52 AM

The Muslim belief is not even remotely close to doing much of anything in the United States.

until they see an opportunity.

Explain, please.

Their BOOK tells them to act like they are friends with infidels until they get an opportunity to either convert them or cause harm to them, plysically.


Not to be cynical but have you even read a Quaran? Do it. It is ALL spelled out in their Bible! I read it and was horrified to see what it says! it DOES seriously spell out how to conduct yourself in the presence of infidels like you and me! Makes me want to gut a pig in a mosque to defile the ground!

I'm fairly confident that the Quran says nothing about infidels, although it does say to kill those that attack you...but if you grab any book of any faith you can find a line that you can twist to present a threat. Christianity has been preaching that God is against homosexuality for years, even though the Christian bible says very little about homosexuality and it all pertains to a point in time when people weren't nearly as developed and different as they are today.

However, the word 'infidel' does not show up in the Quran at all.

Have you read the Quran?

You obviously don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.As usual you are only debating this topic for the sole reason of disagreeing with the usual people you can't stand regardless if the facts are real or not.

How about doing 5 minutes of research next time.

God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.

Quran 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.

Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.

Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

OOps thought I was reading from the bible there for a minute. It has the same garbage in it.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:54 AM

I think the issue is that INFIDEL is not a quranic word but an ENGLISH/CHRISTIAN term often used in many translations.

here is a site with several different interpretations as well as the original arabic,, you can put any of the above verses in and see what it TRULY looks like and then how it has been interpreted

I would also suggest(if interested) reading perhaps a full chapter or half chapter instead of just one verse to understand the context of the writings,,,

Anyone who is not a believe in Islam is considered a infidel.Who really cares if you use the term infidel or unbeliever.The point is they really don't care.You really think you could preach Christianity in Saudi Arabia,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan with out getting your head cut off?How many times have we heard Muslims preaching violence towards any country who apposes Islam using the quran for their justification.How many times have we seen leaders of middle eastern countries applauding and calling for violence towards Israel and the United states for the sole reason that they are Jews and Christians.Are you really going to tell me with a straight face that Islam has nothing to do with their frame of thinking?Islam has everything to do with their way of thinking.Every violent act,every terrorist attack,every bombing is being conducted for the sake of destroying the infidel or anyone who is not a Muslim.

You can play all the smoke and mirrors all you want.Unless you can debunk every one of these quran bible verses as false then I don't know what to tell you.

"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."

Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy

(Quotes below are from N.J. Dawood's The Koran: with a Parallel Arabic Text, Penguin Classics, 1990)

Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful - he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good - except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.

Quran 3:28; "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 52

God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.

Quran 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13

Lord...Give us victory over the unbelievers.

Quran 2:286, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 46

"Lord...give us victory over the unbelievers."

Quran 3:148, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 67

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.

Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.

Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.

Quran 2:190-2:191, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 28

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.

Quran 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.

Quran 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.

Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: "Taste the torment of the Conflagration!"

Quran 22:19-20, "The Pilgrimage," Dawood, p. 333

Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.

Quran 48:29, "Victory," Dawood, p. 514

Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.

Quran 4:56, "Women," Dawood, p. 86

Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain and crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land.

Quran 5:33, "The Table," Dawood, p. 112

When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.

Quran 47:4, "Muhammad," Dawood, p. 506

Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy...

Quran 8:59-60, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 183

Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrong-doers.

Quran 5:51, "The Table," Dawood, p. 116

Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.

Quran 9:28, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 190

The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.

Quran 98:6, "The Proof," Dawood, p. 598

OOps againg thought I was reading the bible.

It is pretty scarey when you take these religious books to heart huh?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:57 AM
As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:03 AM

I think the issue is that INFIDEL is not a quranic word but an ENGLISH/CHRISTIAN term often used in many translations.

here is a site with several different interpretations as well as the original arabic,, you can put any of the above verses in and see what it TRULY looks like and then how it has been interpreted

I would also suggest(if interested) reading perhaps a full chapter or half chapter instead of just one verse to understand the context of the writings,,,

Anyone who is not a believe in Islam is considered a infidel.Who really cares if you use the term infidel or unbeliever.The point is they really don't care.You really think you could preach Christianity in Saudi Arabia,Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan with out getting your head cut off?How many times have we heard Muslims preaching violence towards any country who apposes Islam using the quran for their justification.How many times have we seen leaders of middle eastern countries applauding and calling for violence towards Israel and the United states for the sole reason that they are Jews and Christians.Are you really going to tell me with a straight face that Islam has nothing to do with their frame of thinking?Islam has everything to do with their way of thinking.Every violent act,every terrorist attack,every bombing is being conducted for the sake of destroying the infidel or anyone who is not a Muslim.

You can play all the smoke and mirrors all you want.Unless you can debunk every one of these quran bible verses as false then I don't know what to tell you.

"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."

Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy

(Quotes below are from N.J. Dawood's The Koran: with a Parallel Arabic Text, Penguin Classics, 1990)

Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful - he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good - except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.

Quran 3:28; "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 52

God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.

Quran 2:89-2:90, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 13

Lord...Give us victory over the unbelievers.

Quran 2:286, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 46

"Lord...give us victory over the unbelievers."

Quran 3:148, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 67

I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.

Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors.

Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.

Quran 2:190-2:191, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 28

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.

Quran 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186

Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.

Quran 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.

Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: "Taste the torment of the Conflagration!"

Quran 22:19-20, "The Pilgrimage," Dawood, p. 333

Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.

Quran 48:29, "Victory," Dawood, p. 514

Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.

Quran 4:56, "Women," Dawood, p. 86

Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain and crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land.

Quran 5:33, "The Table," Dawood, p. 112

When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.

Quran 47:4, "Muhammad," Dawood, p. 506

Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy...

Quran 8:59-60, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 183

Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrong-doers.

Quran 5:51, "The Table," Dawood, p. 116

Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.

Quran 9:28, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 190

The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.

Quran 98:6, "The Proof," Dawood, p. 598

OOps againg thought I was reading the bible.

It is pretty scarey when you take these religious books to heart huh?

Taking them as just allegorical stories is fine. It is taking
them literally which is foolish. There are many useful lessons
and illuminating discussions of philosophical, ethical and
moral importance but when they are twisted to justify unkind
or even abusive behavior then it is evil. No truly religious
and conscientious person would be intolerant of another persons
religious beliefs or attempt to discriminate against others.

"A religion that comes of thought, and study, and deliberate conviction, sticks best. The revivalized convert who is scared in the direction of heaven because he sees hell yawn suddenly behind him, not only regains confidence when his scare is over, but is ashamed of himself for being scared, and often becomes more hopelessly and malignantly wicked than he was before."

Mark Twain- Letter San Francisco Alta California, November 15,1868