Topic: Islam. Problem solvers or trouble makers in the U. S. and f
Lpdon's photo
Mon 01/03/11 11:39 AM

I asserted then and reassert presently that Islam is an international threat to humanity with the exception of any who are willing to become active members of the Muslim religion. According to the Kuran (Quran), the radical Islamic believer is one who does not act out the beliefs depicted within the Quran. We refer to the radicals as being the few to the right or left of the center Muslim community. According to the Quran, the ones who don’t kill the infidel (everybody other than an Islamic recognized participant) are the radicals who stray from the words of their Holy Book The Quran, written by Allah and The Prophet Mohammad. The average Muslim really doesn’t give a flip about the Quran but is forced to by those religious leaders who are about looking for those who are willing to not support their universal religious cause, being world domination. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read and understand their book of divine guidance, the Quran. I’ve read three versions of the Quran, one by the Sunnie, one by the Shite and one by the Kurds. They are complimentary to each other even though there are differences, much like the differences in the King James Version of The Holy Bible and The International Version of the same religious writing.

There are over 7 million within the boundaries of the United States and over 8 million in Mexico and 12 million in South America as a whole. There are only 7 billion people on earth and it is reported that approximately 4 billion of them are Muslims. If it comes to an international vote, guess who wins the election.

It will soon be that there are enough Muslims within the U. S. that they can swing an election legally. Worried? You should be. What should we do. I don’t know but they deserve watching as concerns their literal numbers present within our country. Remember that their goal is world domination. That’s not to say that every Muslim thinks that way, but the core leaders do because of their mandate given within the Quran. So, if enough of them do what they claim to believe, they’ll own us. Amora Allah Amadad.


mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 07:58 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:04 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

She already tried that lame statement 10 times before.There is no Christian terrorist in this World.But I'm sure that won't stop her for posting the same BS 100 times in here about Mcveigh or someone else who we have already proved had nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with peoples problems with Government.

the last abortion clinic bombing was in the 90's... thats her bread and butter on those statements...

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:10 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

She already tried that lame statement 10 times before.There is no Christian terrorist in this World.But I'm sure that won't stop her for posting the same BS 100 times in here about Mcveigh or someone else who we have already proved had nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with peoples problems with Government.

the last abortion clinic bombing was in the 90's... thats her bread and butter on those statements...

How would that even be justified using the bible?I wouldn't be because the bible commands us not to kill.Someone can say they were justified using the bible but there is no justification.Islam can kill and say they were justified because the Quran says they are.Big difference between the two.

I also find it ironic you have one abortion doctor killed every 10 or 15 years yet you have hundreds if not thousands killed every year for every reason you can imagine including thrill killings.

I have said this before and will say it again.You are more likely to get killed by anything natural or unnatural then by Christian terrorism.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:54 PM
Grouping all Muslims together and labeling them terrorist is a true sign of bigotry and ignorance.
I have a few Muslim friends and they are very hard working, honest, and law abiding people. Some of them are Palestinian and some of the most decent people I've ever met. Their reason for coming to America was the same as many immigrants who came here. A better chance at happiness. They are now US Citizens and I'm proud to call them my friends.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:02 PM

Grouping all Muslims together and labeling them terrorist is a true sign of bigotry and ignorance.
I have a few Muslim friends and they are very hard working, honest, and law abiding people. Some of them are Palestinian and some of the most decent people I've ever met. Their reason for coming to America was the same as many immigrants who came here. A better chance at happiness. They are now US Citizens and I'm proud to call them my friends.

so what? everyone has a couple of muslim matter what you believe, they are more ignorant and biggots the you think we are for saying what we say. i have known more than a few muslims, and they were all the same... talk to your friends about the Jews, or Bush, or Israel... see how friendly they are then....

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:07 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

My post still applies.

Religious fanatism is the problem and any religion can be the culprit.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:09 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

My post still applies.

Religious fanatism is the problem and any religion can be the culprit.

i won't disagree with that, but i don't think you can compare islam to Christians tho...

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:11 PM
I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:12 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

My post still applies.

Religious fanatism is the problem and any religion can be the culprit.

i won't disagree with that, but i don't think you can compare islam to Christians tho...

Why not they are the same.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:13 PM

I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

so you me an Israeli terrorrist

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:13 PM
We have more to worry about with the Republican Party and the fools who fall for their propaganda and lies than we do Al Quieda.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:15 PM

As to the OP, if you are going to target bad people you have to target all religions and all people as bad people exist in all.

So is there trouble caused by people, yep. Is it specific to one religion nope. Christianity has the same issues as Islam.

no, they don't... at lest Christians are somewhat civilized...

My post still applies.

Religious fanatism is the problem and any religion can be the culprit.

i won't disagree with that, but i don't think you can compare islam to Christians tho...

Why not they are the same.

how many people died from muslim terrorists in the name of allah compared to how many died by christian terrorists in the last 50 years?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:15 PM

We have more to worry about with the Republican Party and the fools who fall for their propaganda and lies than we do Al Quieda.

so you say... show me some proof

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:17 PM

I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

so you me an Israeli terrorrist

Menachim Begin,
Yitzhak Shamir,
Ariel Sharon

There is three of them for you.

If you want to know more study.
I'm not your history teacher.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:18 PM

I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

so you me an Israeli terrorrist

Menachim Begin,
Yitzhak Shamir,
Ariel Sharon

There is three of them for you.

If you want to know more study.
I'm not your history teacher.

whatever.. i can make up 3 names too...

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:19 PM

We have more to worry about with the Republican Party and the fools who fall for their propaganda and lies than we do Al Quieda.

so you say... show me some proof

Open your eyes and mind.
The truth shall reveal itself.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:20 PM

I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

so you me an Israeli terrorrist

Menachim Begin,
Yitzhak Shamir,
Ariel Sharon

There is three of them for you.

If you want to know more study.
I'm not your history teacher.


Man I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.Your a funny guy!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:21 PM

I talk to them about that chit all the time.
Unlike this conversation the ones we have are very insightful, fair minded, and knowledgeable.
Speaking of Israel. Did you know that they are a terrorist State and most of their leaders were once on a terrorist watch list?

so you me an Israeli terrorrist

Menachim Begin,
Yitzhak Shamir,
Ariel Sharon

There is three of them for you.

If you want to know more study.
I'm not your history teacher.

whatever.. i can make up 3 names too...

Do you really think those are make believe names?rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:22 PM

We have more to worry about with the Republican Party and the fools who fall for their propaganda and lies than we do Al Quieda.

so you say... show me some proof

Open your eyes and mind.
The truth shall reveal itself.

the truth is, the way you feel about the the repubs, i feel the exact same way about the dems...they are whats going to tear this country apart. they have shown this by not listening to the people, and doing what they wanna do, regardless of what the people want... the repubs are not much better, but the lessor of two evils...