Topic: Islam. Problem solvers or trouble makers in the U. S. and f
Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:02 PM

Ariel Sharon initiated the Sabra-Shatila massacre in which between 1000 and 3000 people (mostly Palestinians) were murdered, and now leads a terrorist campaign against all Palestinians living in the occupied territories of the West Bank.

As commander of the notorious Unit 101, Sharon led attacks on Palestinian villages in which women and children were killed. The massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya, on October 14, 1953, was perhaps the most notorious. His troops blew up 45 houses and 69 Palestinian civilians — about half of them women and children — were killed. — The Electronic Intifada

No one has ever been tried for the massacre, but an official Israeli commission of inquiry found that Israel's defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, "bears personal responsibility" as well as "indirect responsibility." It was Sharon, after all, who had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to invade Beirut and surround the camps. ... Like Pinochet and other war criminals, Sharon and his Phalangist underlings should be brought to book; if they can successfully evade justice, then it will give heart to killers everywhere. — Marking a Massacre, The Nation

Sharon's preemptive logic undercuts all form of dialogue and negotiations. Its rule of thumb is violence, and then more violence, whether it manifests itself as a military attack or as an aggressive act of dispossession. So while it may seem that the bloody routine is in some way preordained, it is actually Sharon's preemptive zeal alongside Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's fundamentalism that has clouded the horizon and concealed, as Arendt might have said, the possibility for a better future. — Neve Gordon, Sharon's Preemptive Zeal, Counterpunch, 2003-09-24

Your article failed to mention they were in the middle of a War.As usual these events nearly always go back to the Palestinians wanting Israel destroyed and starting conflicts.This also happened 28 years ago.What this has to do with modern day Israelite terrorist you tell me.

Israel didn't exist except in the minds of these men.

The land was called Palestine and was ruled by the British.
The UN had mandated a partition for when the British withdrew. They, UN, sent Lord Moyne to Palestine to negotiate a deal.
The UN was going to give 70% of the land to 30% of the population. This was the UN plan to be Israel.
They were going to give 70% of the pop. only 30% of the land. This would be Palestine.
The Israelis wanted it all and assassinated the UN diplomat, Lord Moyne.

From 1975 to 1990, groups in competing alliances with neighboring countries fought against each other in the Lebanese Civil War. Infighting and massacres between these groups claimed several thousands of victims; notable massacres in this period included the Syrian-backed Karantina Massacre (January 1976) by the Phalangists against Palestinian refugees, Damour massacre (January 1976) by the PLO against Maronites and the Tel al-Zaatar Massacre (August 1976) by Phalangists against Palestinian refugees. The total death toll in Lebanon for the whole civil war period was around 200,000–300,000 victims.[clarification needed]

The Civil War saw many shifting alliances among the main players; the Lebanese Nationalists, led by the Christian Phalangist party and militia, were allied initially with Syria then with Israel, which provided them with arms and training to fight against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); other factions were allied with Syria, Iran, and other states of the region. In addition, Israel had been training, arming, supplying and uniforming the Christian-dominated South Lebanon Army (SLA), led by Saad Haddad, since 1978.

Sabra is the name of a poor neighborhood in the southern outskirts of West Beirut, which is adjacent to the Shatila UNRWA refugee camp set up for Arab refugees in 1949. Over the years the populations of the two areas became ever more mingled, and the loose terminology "Sabra and Shatila camps" has become usual. Their populations had been swelled by Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites from the south fleeing the wars.

The PLO had been attacking Israel from southern Lebanon, and Israel had been bombing PLO positions in southern Lebanon[3]. The attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov in London on June 4, 1982 by Abu Nidal's organization became a casus belli for a full-scale Israeli invasion of Lebanon. On June 6, Israel invaded Lebanon with 60,000 troops in an act condemned by the UN Security Council. Two months later, under a U.S.-sponsored cease-fire agreement signed in late August, the PLO agreed to leave Lebanon under international supervision, and Israel agreed not to advance further into Beirut.

On August 23, 1982, Bachir Gemayel, who was very popular among Maronites, was elected President of Lebanon by the National Assembly. Israel had relied on Gemayel and his forces as a counterbalance to the PLO, and ties between Israel and Maronite groups had grown stronger.[4][5][6]

On September 1, the expulsion of the PLO fighters from Beirut was completed. Two days later, Israel deployed its armed forces around the refugee camps.[7]

The Israeli Premier Menachem Begin met Gemayel in Nahariya and strongly urged him to sign a peace treaty with Israel. According to some sources[8], Begin also wanted the continuing presence of the SLA in southern Lebanon (Haddad supported peaceful relations with Israel) in order to control attacks and violence, and action from Gemayel to move on the PLO fighters which Israel believed remained a hidden threat in Lebanon. However, the Phalangists, who were previously united as reliable Israeli allies, were now split because of developing alliances with Syria, which remained militarily hostile to Israel. As such, Gemayel rejected signing a peace treaty with Israel and did not authorize operations to root out the remaining PLO militants.[9]

On September 14, 1982, Gemayel was assassinated in a massive explosion which demolished his headquarters. Eventually, the culprit, Habib Tanious Shartouni, who confessed to the crime turned out to be a member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and an agent of Syrian intelligence. The Palestinian and Muslim leaders denied any connection.[10]

Within hours of the assassination, Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, supported by Begin, decided to occupy West Beirut, informing only then Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and not consulting the Israeli cabinet. The same night Sharon began preparations for entering the Sabra-Shatila refugee camps.[11] Thus on September 15, the Israeli army reoccupied West Beirut. This Israeli action breached its agreement with the United States not to occupy West Beirut;[12] the US had also given written guarantees that it would ensure the protection of the Muslims of West Beirut. Israel's occupation also violated its peace agreements with Muslim forces in Beirut and with Syria.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:04 PM
That's a problem!

What's the root cause?

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:06 PM
I'd give you Peace in the ME, but
it may cost American lives.

Want to hear it?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:11 PM

Fanta is great.flowerforyou But we are not the match you think, are we Fanta?

we disagree often.

Would the KKK, a christian organization, be considered terrorists?
And what about the Skinheads?


KKK, skinheads, militias etc...and they all use Christianity to further their agenda

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:15 PM

Fanta is great.flowerforyou But we are not the match you think, are we Fanta?

we disagree often.

Would the KKK, a christian organization, be considered terrorists?
And what about the Skinheads?


KKK, skinheads, militias etc...and they all use Christianity to further their agenda


Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:23 PM

Fanta is great.flowerforyou But we are not the match you think, are we Fanta?

we disagree often.

Would the KKK, a christian organization, be considered terrorists?
And what about the Skinheads?


KKK, skinheads, militias etc...and they all use Christianity to further their agenda

laugh Yeah I hear skinheads and the KKK saying all the time how much the love worshiping a Jew(Jesus) following commandments written Jews,and obeying a book written by Jews for Jews.

Skinheads and the KKK are Atheist using the bible to make Christians look bad because they hate them and want them destroyed.You can't say you are a Christian and at the same time calling for Israel to be destroyed and have Hitler as your master because he was killing all the Jews.

This is nothing but a common tactic Atheist use.Claim to be bible thumping,God fearing Christians,and then be as offensive and as disgusting as possible to build up hate towards Christianity to bring a end to it.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:26 PM

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:34 PM
Lets not forget the KKK also despise Catholics as much as the Jews.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:34 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 01/03/11 10:34 PM
The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 11:00 PM

The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

They can claim what ever they want it doesn't make it fact.Everything they are doing is against what the bible commands then not to do.There is no justification for killing and hating non white people.

Jesus was a Jew and Jesus died because it was the will of his father.Jesus spoke of his death many times before it happened.I think it's pointless to blame the Jews for something that was already his destiny.The Jews may have wanted Jesus dead but it was ultimately the call of the Roman leaders who could issue a death warrant.Pilate issued the execution and Pilate could have set him free.There is only one person responsible for the death of Jesus and that is God who offered him as a sacrifice.

willing2's photo
Tue 01/04/11 07:18 AM

The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

That's one commonality the Klan, Skinheads and Nation of Islam share.
They all hate Jews.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 01/04/11 07:24 AM

The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

They can claim what ever they want it doesn't make it fact.Everything they are doing is against what the bible commands then not to do.There is no justification for killing and hating non white people.

Jesus was a Jew and Jesus died because it was the will of his father.Jesus spoke of his death many times before it happened.I think it's pointless to blame the Jews for something that was already his destiny.The Jews may have wanted Jesus dead but it was ultimately the call of the Roman leaders who could issue a death warrant.Pilate issued the execution and Pilate could have set him free.There is only one person responsible for the death of Jesus and that is God who offered him as a sacrifice.

Ahhh, and ther-in is the minds of most Muslims about Terrorism.

no photo
Tue 01/04/11 07:36 AM

The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

They can claim what ever they want it doesn't make it fact.Everything they are doing is against what the bible commands then not to do.There is no justification for killing and hating non white people.

Jesus was a Jew and Jesus died because it was the will of his father.Jesus spoke of his death many times before it happened.I think it's pointless to blame the Jews for something that was already his destiny.The Jews may have wanted Jesus dead but it was ultimately the call of the Roman leaders who could issue a death warrant.Pilate issued the execution and Pilate could have set him free.There is only one person responsible for the death of Jesus and that is God who offered him as a sacrifice.

actually the bible is full of justifications for the killing and/or enslavement of "non-believers"..

when referring to the bible, jesus and must remember that there is a clear difference between the Old testament (which are the 5 books of moses and make up the torah) and the New testament in which are included the gospels that speak of jesus and his life (please note that there is NOTHING written by jesus himself, its all here-say)

groups like Skin heads, the kkk and other white supremacists groups are evangelists that follow the new testament, renounce the pope and Catholicism... Supremacists are christians, but NOT catholic..(there is a difference).

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/04/11 07:40 AM

The KKK and the Skinheads claim the bible supports their bigotry.
They"ll both quote you bible text they think supports their view.

They hate the Jews because they believe the Jews killed Jesus.

They can claim what ever they want it doesn't make it fact.Everything they are doing is against what the bible commands then not to do.There is no justification for killing and hating non white people.

Jesus was a Jew and Jesus died because it was the will of his father.Jesus spoke of his death many times before it happened.I think it's pointless to blame the Jews for something that was already his destiny.The Jews may have wanted Jesus dead but it was ultimately the call of the Roman leaders who could issue a death warrant.Pilate issued the execution and Pilate could have set him free.There is only one person responsible for the death of Jesus and that is God who offered him as a sacrifice.

actually the bible is full of justifications for the killing and/or enslavement of "non-believers"..

when referring to the bible, jesus and must remember that there is a clear difference between the Old testament (which are the 5 books of moses and make up the torah) and the New testament in which are included the gospels that speak of jesus and his life (please note that there is NOTHING written by jesus himself, its all here-say)

groups like Skin heads, the kkk and other white supremacists groups are evangelists that follow the new testament, renounce the pope and Catholicism... Supremacists are christians, but NOT catholic..(there is a difference).
yea, the Catholics are the MS13, La Familia, and so on...

s1owhand's photo
Tue 01/04/11 08:36 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Tue 01/04/11 08:38 AM

Ariel Sharon initiated the Sabra-Shatila massacre in which between 1000 and 3000 people (mostly Palestinians) were murdered, and now leads a terrorist campaign against all Palestinians living in the occupied territories of the West Bank.

As commander of the notorious Unit 101, Sharon led attacks on Palestinian villages in which women and children were killed. The massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya, on October 14, 1953, was perhaps the most notorious. His troops blew up 45 houses and 69 Palestinian civilians — about half of them women and children — were killed. — The Electronic Intifada

No one has ever been tried for the massacre, but an official Israeli commission of inquiry found that Israel's defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, "bears personal responsibility" as well as "indirect responsibility." It was Sharon, after all, who had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to invade Beirut and surround the camps. ... Like Pinochet and other war criminals, Sharon and his Phalangist underlings should be brought to book; if they can successfully evade justice, then it will give heart to killers everywhere. — Marking a Massacre, The Nation

Sharon's preemptive logic undercuts all form of dialogue and negotiations. Its rule of thumb is violence, and then more violence, whether it manifests itself as a military attack or as an aggressive act of dispossession. So while it may seem that the bloody routine is in some way preordained, it is actually Sharon's preemptive zeal alongside Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's fundamentalism that has clouded the horizon and concealed, as Aren't might have said, the possibility for a better future. — Neve Gordon, Sharon's Preemptive Zeal, Counterpunch, 2003-09-24

60 year old terrorism...ok... now i have to watch out for some 90 year old Israeli I'll be on the lookout...
maybe their walkers are strapped?

The point is that they are terrorist. Once was always is.
Israel was not a State. These men although each later became PM of Israel killed civilians and diplomats in the hopes of gaining Statehood.
Is that not what some Palestinians and other Muslims doing?
no, they are killing people in the name of allah....the 3000 people that died in new york, what statehood were they trying to gain?

The Jews kill because they think they are the God's chosen people.
Even though they didn't live in Palestine for thousands of years, except in a small number, before the west started moving them back (Zionist movement), they think it is their birth right. God told them so!
They think they are right and justified, just as the Palestinians and other Muslims think what they do is justified and right.

1. This is completely wrong. First you misunderstand the term chosen
people. Jews have said that they they are "chosen" not to be above
anyone else or have priority but merely to have received the Bible
and to be a good example of ethical behavior to others. This is
what most Jews apparently believe they were chosen for...

Has nothing to do with land or birthright. It is a slur to say this
an attempt to make the Jews look petty, superior and selfish.

"Crucial to the Jewish notion of chosenness is that it creates obligations exclusive to Jews, while non-Jews receive from God other covenants and other responsibilities. Generally, it does not entail exclusive rewards for Jews. Classical rabbinic literature in the Mishnah Avot 3:14 has this teaching"

Jews do not believe that you have to be jewish to be a good
person, go to heaven or have any other "reward".

2. Jews want to live in Palestine because it is the land of their
ancestors and the country their ancestors built. It is one of the
world's oldest and best documented societies and of tremendous
historical significance. Israel is to Jews as Saudi Arabia and
Mecca are to Muslims or as Italy and the Holy See are to Catholics.
Israel was the last open refuge of millions of Jews fleeing
the Holocaust and they were welcomed there when refused sanctuary
everywhere else. Many believe that it is crucial that they maintain
a safe place where they can go when there are other attacks against
Jews elsewhere in the world and many Jews have emigrated there to
save themselves from the Soviets, Iran, South America etc.

Of course many religious beliefs originated in Jerusalem but
Judaism did in fact precede both Christianity and Islam there
and this is a historical fact. The Jews do in fact have a
reasonable claim to being the first. The Palestinians are not
like American Indians but a polyglot of a variety of cultures
many of whom immigrated to the area long after Zionists came.
Ethnically most "Palestinians" are Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese,
Arabian, Persian, Turkish etc. Except for Jordan, ironically,
Israel is the only middle eastern country where Palestinians have
citizenship and enjoy full civic rights.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 01/04/11 09:28 AM

Ariel Sharon initiated the Sabra-Shatila massacre in which between 1000 and 3000 people (mostly Palestinians) were murdered, and now leads a terrorist campaign against all Palestinians living in the occupied territories of the West Bank.

As commander of the notorious Unit 101, Sharon led attacks on Palestinian villages in which women and children were killed. The massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya, on October 14, 1953, was perhaps the most notorious. His troops blew up 45 houses and 69 Palestinian civilians — about half of them women and children — were killed. — The Electronic Intifada

No one has ever been tried for the massacre, but an official Israeli commission of inquiry found that Israel's defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, "bears personal responsibility" as well as "indirect responsibility." It was Sharon, after all, who had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to invade Beirut and surround the camps. ... Like Pinochet and other war criminals, Sharon and his Phalangist underlings should be brought to book; if they can successfully evade justice, then it will give heart to killers everywhere. — Marking a Massacre, The Nation

Sharon's preemptive logic undercuts all form of dialogue and negotiations. Its rule of thumb is violence, and then more violence, whether it manifests itself as a military attack or as an aggressive act of dispossession. So while it may seem that the bloody routine is in some way preordained, it is actually Sharon's preemptive zeal alongside Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's fundamentalism that has clouded the horizon and concealed, as Aren't might have said, the possibility for a better future. — Neve Gordon, Sharon's Preemptive Zeal, Counterpunch, 2003-09-24

60 year old terrorism...ok... now i have to watch out for some 90 year old Israeli I'll be on the lookout...
maybe their walkers are strapped?

The point is that they are terrorist. Once was always is.
Israel was not a State. These men although each later became PM of Israel killed civilians and diplomats in the hopes of gaining Statehood.
Is that not what some Palestinians and other Muslims doing?
no, they are killing people in the name of allah....the 3000 people that died in new york, what statehood were they trying to gain?

The Jews kill because they think they are the God's chosen people.
Even though they didn't live in Palestine for thousands of years, except in a small number, before the west started moving them back (Zionist movement), they think it is their birth right. God told them so!
They think they are right and justified, just as the Palestinians and other Muslims think what they do is justified and right.

That is the most ignorant thing you said so far! Let us harken to the 7 Day War. Egypt struck on the Jewish Sabbath hoping the Jews would be too caught by surprise and would not act due to their belief in not doing anything on the Sabbath. Israel was ready to toss all of their Jericho Missiles armed with Nukes into Egypt and it was OUR surveillance footage and photographs of the missiles being aimed that got Egypt to stop the attack before they got nuked.

Oddly I can only think of four times out of their entire history Israel acted preemptively and one of those times was taking out the artillery Palestine was threatening Israel with from the high ground in Gaza. Why do you think Israel will not let them have it back?

Slightly Anti Semitic aren't we????

And now who had been tossing rockets into Israel lately in unprovoked attacks AFTER Israel actually offered to pull out of Gaza?

If anyone is the bastard it is Palestine! Get your facts straight before poffering us with tilted facts. Granted Israel's hands are not completely clean but you seem to forget that they live among their enemies and they do have historic claim to the region. Their claim goes back to the days of the Pharaohs. Islamics claim EVERYTHING is theirs. Time to pull one's head out of one's backside.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:27 AM

I asserted then and reassert presently that Islam is an international threat to humanity with the exception of any who are willing to become active members of the Muslim religion. According to the Kuran (Quran), the radical Islamic believer is one who does not act out the beliefs depicted within the Quran. We refer to the radicals as being the few to the right or left of the center Muslim community. According to the Quran, the ones who don’t kill the infidel (everybody other than an Islamic recognized participant) are the radicals who stray from the words of their Holy Book The Quran, written by Allah and The Prophet Mohammad. The average Muslim really doesn’t give a flip about the Quran but is forced to by those religious leaders who are about looking for those who are willing to not support their universal religious cause, being world domination. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read and understand their book of divine guidance, the Quran. I’ve read three versions of the Quran, one by the Sunnie, one by the Shite and one by the Kurds. They are complimentary to each other even though there are differences, much like the differences in the King James Version of The Holy Bible and The International Version of the same religious writing.

There are over 7 million within the boundaries of the United States and over 8 million in Mexico and 12 million in South America as a whole. There are only 7 billion people on earth and it is reported that approximately 4 billion of them are Muslims. If it comes to an international vote, guess who wins the election.

It will soon be that there are enough Muslims within the U. S. that they can swing an election legally. Worried? You should be. What should we do. I don’t know but they deserve watching as concerns their literal numbers present within our country. Remember that their goal is world domination. That’s not to say that every Muslim thinks that way, but the core leaders do because of their mandate given within the Quran. So, if enough of them do what they claim to believe, they’ll own us. Amora Allah Amadad.

Islam is nothing but trouble aling with their book of absolute filth the Qur'an.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:40 AM
Like this one.


Like Obamacare was going to do us any favors! And how about the Deficit that Tar baby will leave us with?

Tar Baby?

What a disrespectful way to refer to your duly elected President.
What's wrong?
Don't you believe in Democracy?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:42 AM

I asserted then and reassert presently that Islam is an international threat to humanity with the exception of any who are willing to become active members of the Muslim religion. According to the Kuran (Quran), the radical Islamic believer is one who does not act out the beliefs depicted within the Quran. We refer to the radicals as being the few to the right or left of the center Muslim community. According to the Quran, the ones who don’t kill the infidel (everybody other than an Islamic recognized participant) are the radicals who stray from the words of their Holy Book The Quran, written by Allah and The Prophet Mohammad. The average Muslim really doesn’t give a flip about the Quran but is forced to by those religious leaders who are about looking for those who are willing to not support their universal religious cause, being world domination. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read and understand their book of divine guidance, the Quran. I’ve read three versions of the Quran, one by the Sunnie, one by the Shite and one by the Kurds. They are complimentary to each other even though there are differences, much like the differences in the King James Version of The Holy Bible and The International Version of the same religious writing.

There are over 7 million within the boundaries of the United States and over 8 million in Mexico and 12 million in South America as a whole. There are only 7 billion people on earth and it is reported that approximately 4 billion of them are Muslims. If it comes to an international vote, guess who wins the election.

It will soon be that there are enough Muslims within the U. S. that they can swing an election legally. Worried? You should be. What should we do. I don’t know but they deserve watching as concerns their literal numbers present within our country. Remember that their goal is world domination. That’s not to say that every Muslim thinks that way, but the core leaders do because of their mandate given within the Quran. So, if enough of them do what they claim to believe, they’ll own us. Amora Allah Amadad.

Islam is nothing but trouble aling with their book of absolute filth the Qur'an.

This only applies if the bible is also a book of absolute filth because they are very similar in context and idealism.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:45 AM
Very similar!