Topic: The Great Pitbull debate? | |
I was attacked by a Doberman when I was a I hate the brred? some animals brains outgrow their skulls and cause attacks....yeah owner train dogs to be mean....yeah some owners fight their dogs and train them to be mean yeah sometimes......does that mean a breed of dog shouldn't exist pansy as s cat lovers thinks cats are superior and therfore dog lover shouldn't ne able to own dogs probably.....does that give you a right towards pushing laws towards distinction? No......there are laws that govern dog owners and all pet lovers..........some of these dogs get put down because of owners and that's ashame..... Hey, not all of us cat owners think that dog owners shouldn't be able to have the dog of their choice. Shhhhh, secretly I've owned cats turtles pigs hamsters and guniea pigs too.....was just annoyed by his attitute |
there are laws to ensure dog owners are responcible for their pets. i have a problem with the neighbors who have cats. those cats jump up on my motorcycle at night and claw up my seat. why aren't owners held responsible for keeping their cats in their own yard.
You don't because there are so few of them. And the media doesn't publish the "minority report."
Sorry...SAY WHAT???????????? The media only reports what it feels is going to be "big news". An example---even though it is about people, it makes a point---- the media back in the '90s only reported on Mail Processing Center workers who had mental problems and shot and killed fellow workers. All postal workers then got labeled as crazy and disgruntled, and a new term term was coined "going postal". That was how many shooters? 7? There are over 200,000 postal workers in the U.S., but all of us got labeled. Same with the pit bulls, you only hear about a certain amount of dogs who attack....they DON'T WANT to tell about the thousands of loving pit bulls who are a fun part of a family. The media only wants to publish about the blood and the gore. "Fluffy" stories about good dogs, or people, really don't them the viewers/readers they are hoping for. |
Over the years there has been calls to "outlaw" many breeds that were popular at the time and grew a reputation as maulers, Shepherds, Dobies, Rotties, Mastiffs, and a few others. As their reputation grows, unscrupulous breeders, and people lacking in common sense or any dog training ability looking for a tough scary protective dog basically ruin the breed and add to it's bad reputation.
Pittys are like any other breed. There are good ones and there are poorly trained poorly treated poorly bred ones. And most dog bites in the U.S. are from Labradors. |
there are laws to ensure dog owners are responcible for their pets. i have a problem with the neighbors who have cats. those cats jump up on my motorcycle at night and claw up my seat. why aren't owners held responsible for keeping their cats in their own yard. I keep my cat inside at nite... |
What a load of crap!
Labs had the record last year for attacks. Then shepards then spanials. Pits didn't even make the list. If you are scared of a dog....probably just natural. If you are gonna demonize a breed, what's next mien Herr? Accuse all blacks of drug dealing, all hispanics of illegal immigration or all rednecks of humping their cousins? Well....look, my cousin is hot and we were drunk.... But, I digress. A cat guy on a rant about dogs holds about as much credit with me as a drag queen griping about dykes. To each their own. You don't want a pit? Fine. Unless you are quallified to tell people what they should and shouldn't do with their lives, it makes you look petty. Telling people what to do with their lives is the televangelists jobs. |
Edited by
Mon 11/15/10 04:32 PM
What a load of crap!
Labs had the record last year for attacks. Then shepards then spanials. Pits didn't even make the list. If you are scared of a dog....probably just natural. If you are gonna demonize a breed, what's next mien Herr? Accuse all blacks of drug dealing, all hispanics of illegal immigration or all rednecks of humping their cousins? Well....look, my cousin is hot and we were drunk.... But, I digress. A cat guy on a rant about dogs holds about as much credit with me as a drag queen griping about dykes. To each their own. You don't want a pit? Fine. Unless you are quallified to tell people what they should and shouldn't do with their lives, it makes you look petty. Telling people what to do with their lives is the televangelists jobs. Sorry bout the double lost thinking about my cousin....good times. |
Love to see all the support for the most mistreated and misunderstood breed of dog!
I have owned Pit Bulls for 15 yrs! Not one of them has ever been aggressive towards a human without good cause. I do not own them for protection, I can take care of myself! I own them because they are the best companions I have ever had. They are strong, intelligent, independent and require a responsible and respectable leader IMO, but they are not monsters and the media is (it's never the true story)! Pit Bulls rank higher than most other breeds in temperament testing & that's a fact! |
The only time you hear about a pitbull is one attacks someone, there a tens of thousands of pitbulls and you only hear the few that bites someone. Those that do bite need to have their humans looked at to see what they have done to make such an aggressive dog. People seem to forget that when 101 dalmations came out in the 90's that there was a rash of people being attacked and bitten by dalmations due to puppy mills cranking out dogs that were defective due to poor breeding which sadly is the case with most pure breed dogs. All dogs, even those crappy lil overbread dogs that shake and piss all the time bite and can cause serious damage if the bite is in the right area. Exactly. You don't hear about all the nice, friendly, loving pits in the news. I've known a few people who have had them and they were nothing but friendly, happy dogs. I have friends who have a pit mix who is the most cuddly dog ever. Very sweet. You don't because there are so few of them. And the media doesn't publish the "minority report." You don't hardly ever hear of agressive Bijon or Aussie Shepherd dog attacks. Yet PB defenders keep bringing up other breeds as being agressive, yet they won't acknowledge that the breed they are defending has a long history of agressive and offensive behavior. You don't know what you are talking about and I just read your name...that explains alot. |
statistically more people get bit by German Sheperds every year than by any other breed... even a poodle can be turned into a vicious animal if its abused enough...pit bulls, rotties, and other work dogs get the brunt of the bad pr, because when they go bad the damage they can do is very serious... as stated before, its not the dogs fault but the irresponsible owners that should be blamed and held accountable for the damages any animal commits. That's true, followed by Golden Retrievers. |
Why is it that pitbull owners keep clinging to the same sorry logic that their "cute adorable hell-hounds" are harmless and affectionate? These dogs are vicious, nasty, killers, and frankly, very offensive. Of all the 100s of breeds of dogs, why do people choose to adopt a pit-bull? I mean, what the hell? Isn't the name enough to deter someone from adopting such an objectionable canine? Or how about its track record, or behavioral tendencies? I say it's time that communities all accross America start making this breed illegal, too much harm has been done already by this breed. Pitbulls were bred to be fighters/guard dogs. How they're raised does matter, but they are born with traits that make them optimal lean, mean, killing machines. Which is why they are so feared. It's not just about how they are raised, but about understanding the breed itself and the traits the dog is born with. I grew up around dogs, pits, poodles, dalmations, mixes, etc. You have to understand and respect them, like any other animal. |
Why is it that pitbull owners keep clinging to the same sorry logic that their "cute adorable hell-hounds" are harmless and affectionate? These dogs are vicious, nasty, killers, and frankly, very offensive. Of all the 100s of breeds of dogs, why do people choose to adopt a pit-bull? I mean, what the hell? Isn't the name enough to deter someone from adopting such an objectionable canine? Or how about its track record, or behavioral tendencies? I say it's time that communities all accross America start making this breed illegal, too much harm has been done already by this breed. Pitbulls were bred to be fighters/guard dogs. How they're raised does matter, but they are born with traits that make them optimal lean, mean, killing machines. Which is why they are so feared. It's not just about how they are raised, but about understanding the breed itself and the traits the dog is born with. I grew up around dogs, pits, poodles, dalmations, mixes, etc. You have to understand and respect them, like any other animal. And finally a voice of reason and worthy of intelligent discourse in this debate. It seems that I touched a nerve with so many and many of whom have gotten lost in the meaning of the topic. It's not cats vs. dogs, or demonizing dogs in general, it is the persistent track record of the breed named "pitbull" and knowing this, what would posess a reasonable thinking and responsible adult to ever want to adopt such an unpredictable and agressive animal? They never seem to answer the question about why the pitbull, and not another breed, do they? Seems like dodging to me. |
Love to see all the support for the most mistreated and misunderstood breed of dog! I have owned Pit Bulls for 15 yrs! Not one of them has ever been aggressive towards a human without good cause. I do not own them for protection, I can take care of myself! I own them because they are the best companions I have ever had. They are strong, intelligent, independent and require a responsible and respectable leader IMO, but they are not monsters and the media is (it's never the true story)! Pit Bulls rank higher than most other breeds in temperament testing & that's a fact! Don't lie to yourself, there is a real reason why you chose that breed and no other, come clean and tell the truth. At least tell us convincingly why you did. You may not feel you have too, but as a pittie owner you are in a bit of a bias. |
Why is it that pitbull owners keep clinging to the same sorry logic that their "cute adorable hell-hounds" are harmless and affectionate? These dogs are vicious, nasty, killers, and frankly, very offensive. Of all the 100s of breeds of dogs, why do people choose to adopt a pit-bull? I mean, what the hell? Isn't the name enough to deter someone from adopting such an objectionable canine? Or how about its track record, or behavioral tendencies? I say it's time that communities all accross America start making this breed illegal, too much harm has been done already by this breed. Because all dogs are basically the same. They can all be killers if they are large enough. They can all be loyal when treated and trained properly. And just like with all living things there will be bad in all of us, animals are no different but that doesn't go by breed it goes by mental illness and such. |
And finally a voice of reason and worthy of intelligent discourse in this debate. It seems that I touched a nerve with so many and many of whom have gotten lost in the meaning of the topic. It's not cats vs. dogs, or demonizing dogs in general, it is the persistent track record of the breed named "pitbull" and knowing this, what would posess a reasonable thinking and responsible adult to ever want to adopt such an unpredictable and agressive animal? They never seem to answer the question about why the pitbull, and not another breed, do they? Seems like dodging to me. The court of public opinion, sucks when someone doesn't agree with you, huh? Ironic and hypocritical . Good job. |
Why is it that pitbull owners keep clinging to the same sorry logic that their "cute adorable hell-hounds" are harmless and affectionate? These dogs are vicious, nasty, killers, and frankly, very offensive. Of all the 100s of breeds of dogs, why do people choose to adopt a pit-bull? I mean, what the hell? Isn't the name enough to deter someone from adopting such an objectionable canine? Or how about its track record, or behavioral tendencies? I say it's time that communities all accross America start making this breed illegal, too much harm has been done already by this breed. Because all dogs are basically the same. They can all be killers if they are large enough. They can all be loyal when treated and trained properly. And just like with all living things there will be bad in all of us, animals are no different but that doesn't go by breed it goes by mental illness and such. You have a choice placed before you: Adopt a chow chow, a Siberian, a Black Lab, a German Shep, or a PitBull, which would you choose? And why? I don't see how a reasonably thinking person can honestly trust the integrity or beauty of this manufactured breed. |
And finally a voice of reason and worthy of intelligent discourse in this debate. It seems that I touched a nerve with so many and many of whom have gotten lost in the meaning of the topic. It's not cats vs. dogs, or demonizing dogs in general, it is the persistent track record of the breed named "pitbull" and knowing this, what would posess a reasonable thinking and responsible adult to ever want to adopt such an unpredictable and agressive animal? They never seem to answer the question about why the pitbull, and not another breed, do they? Seems like dodging to me. The court of public opinion, sucks when someone doesn't agree with you, huh? Ironic and hypocritical . Good job. Ooh, oww, you wound me. Maybe you could enlighten me as to why so many people, probably millions by now are so fascinated in owning or desiring to aquire a pitbull breed dog. Not the sugar-coated reasons, the real reasons. |
At this point... it appears you only want people to tell you what you wanna hear.
This thread is filled with "reasons" people chose to own them, and yet you dismiss them very obsurdly. Kinda ignorant if you ask me, but I guess you didn't, so forget I just said that. |