Topic: Your Weirdest Experience
Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 09/19/10 03:55 PM

Email from here from a guy who wanted to do the nudist living thing, year round. When I asked how that worked for cooking, and running the chainsaw (he worked at a lumber company) he claimed he would get dressed for that. But if I got with him, I'd have to run around nude all the time. whoa That was amusing, but wasn't gonna happen.

Then he got odd when discussing having kids, and he didn't have any sense of privacy at all, and if the kids saw him having sex, no big deal.

Then he got creepy when I told him no thanks, really not interested. Wanted me to carry his kid for him, and he'd pay me off so he could raise the kid. surprised


Holy shizzzzz!!!!

and I thought I got all the freakazoids!!!! wow:heart:

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 09/19/10 04:06 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 09/19/10 04:07 PM
Dude emailed me at the same time as Gossipmpm and asked if I like to get "freaky". I DO, but I was tired.

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 09/19/10 04:09 PM
what the hell!!!!!...........This guys makin the rounds!!!!.........rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl :heart:

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 09/19/10 04:17 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 09/19/10 04:18 PM
Perhaps if he had a better line......?????slaphead

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 09/19/10 04:38 PM
Probably the saddest was a vet that wrote me for a long time and just dissappeared. For a while I thought maybe it was a scam; maybe some married guy or some such baloney.

Then his son wrote and said his Dad had left me the majority of his estate to over see which was substantial. It was strange since I did not even remember his last name but he had and extensive file on me having worked in government which was kind of creepy.

He was a really great guy, who did so much for his country/community but had not really had anyone for years. Kids grown/off in their lives, wife passed away, people where he volunteered liked him. But didn't appear anyone but a couple nurses had been in his home for years. He died trying to have corrective heart surgery.

Lots of other flakes and some creepo's but no-one I ever felt so sad I never actually met.

Blaze1978's photo
Mon 09/20/10 02:42 AM
Edited by Blaze1978 on Mon 09/20/10 02:44 AM
I once webcammed with this creepy Minnesota girl on a different site. I was dismayed to learn that she had the intelligence of a mashed potato, and I almost ended the conversation abruptly when I realized her grainy cam image depicted a girl in her mid-teens, not 19-20 as I had been led to believe. But she managed to keep me on by threatening to cut her wrists if I disconnected.huh

But when the unannounced stripteases started appearing at random, I decided enough was enough.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/20/10 03:48 AM
I mewt this lovely young lady and fell in love.

no photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:10 AM
Not on my first date but it almost ended up as the last date!
This lady try’s to copy one of her friends best dates by taking me to almost identical scenery. A small stream, isolated place, in the back of gawd knows where. She thinks its wonderful and here I’m thinking how long is it going to take before I’ll end up contracting ross river fewer or malaria from the plague of mosquitoes.
The other day I get an e-mail from friend saying to check out her profile which now states… not interested in anybody worried about ants and mosquitoes. …lol

no photo
Mon 09/20/10 09:09 AM

today, out with my daughter, a kid asked me 'what are you guys mixed with?'

those types of questions always seem weird to me, because I would never think to ask a stranger such a thing and because I wonder what satisfaction one gets from the answer,,,

That reminds me of the Office...
Michael goes up to one of the new hires and is like.."Oh, was your dad a GI?" lol!

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/20/10 06:00 PM

my weirdest but funniest experience on Mingle was when this man begged me to look at his penis....why.....because I had nice eyes!!!!!!

I was hysterical.....he wrote me this for weeks till I finally blocked him.......:heart: :wink:

You should have told him that you could not do what he wanted you to do because you did not have a microscope.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/20/10 06:08 PM

My weirdest experience on Mingle is when a guy ask my hands in marriage and moved in with him.
I didn't reply him back because It freaked me out and I was like only two weeks here in Mingle.
I guess thats what they say when they mean 'SAVE TIME AND MEET NEW PEOPLE WITH MINGLE.'
There's nobody in here that you can't find. LOL

Daisuke, I hope that you blocked him from messaging you again.

daisuke88's photo
Mon 09/20/10 11:41 PM

My weirdest experience on Mingle is when a guy ask my hands in marriage and moved in with him.
I didn't reply him back because It freaked me out and I was like only two weeks here in Mingle.
I guess thats what they say when they mean 'SAVE TIME AND MEET NEW PEOPLE WITH MINGLE.'
There's nobody in here that you can't find. LOL

Daisuke, I hope that you blocked him from messaging you again.

Don't worry:)
I did. End of storywinking

no photo
Tue 09/21/10 04:29 PM
Here is another weird experience: I messaged a lady who was of a different ethnicity. She had no specifications in her profile as to which ethnicities could or could not email her. She responded with I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO CAUCASIANS. The rejection didn't bother me, as she was no great shakes to begin with. It was the way she said what she said --in caps. This lady was not only prejudiced (unlike me), but she also thought I should be able to read minds (if I could, I would read something more substantial). If someone prefers to date within their own ethnicity or religion, so be it, but specify in your profile. Just don't wait for someone of a different background to email you, and then get nasty with him or her. By the way, I responded to her with courtesy, as I wouldn't stoop to her level.

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 09/21/10 05:04 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 09/21/10 05:08 PM

Here is another weird experience: I messaged a lady who was of a different ethnicity. She had no specifications in her profile as to which ethnicities could or could not email her. She responded with I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO CAUCASIANS. The rejection didn't bother me, as she was no great shakes to begin with. It was the way she said what she said --in caps. This lady was not only prejudiced (unlike me), but she also thought I should be able to read minds (if I could, I would read something more substantial). If someone prefers to date within their own ethnicity or religion, so be it, but specify in your profile. Just don't wait for someone of a different background to email you, and then get nasty with him or her. By the way, I responded to her with courtesy, as I wouldn't stoop to her level.

I don't think her reply was prejudice. It was her preference - an obviously strong preference. I wouldn't take it any differently had she replied with, "I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO MEN WITH BEARDS." Granted, her delivery needs a little work but in comparison to some I've gotten - she was Miss Manners. laugh

The CAPS might be her way of typing. I think that is rude in general but not always does the person intend to offend with using CAPS; they may not realize internet etiquette.

Her appearance has noting to do with whether you should be offended either. Ugly or hot, people can have all the preferences they want in life. Being attractive doesn’t give entitlement as well as the contrary that being ugly shouldn’t dismiss what a person desires.

I agree that she should delineate in her profile what she is attracted to in a partner. As you said, we can't read anyone's mind.

I’m sure there are a lot of examples everyday of people laughing off profiles. tongue2

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/21/10 06:29 PM

This lady was not only prejudiced (unlike me), but she also thought I should be able to read minds (if I could, I would read something more substantial).

A woman expected you to read her mind.

Who does she think you are, Mel Gibson?

no photo
Tue 09/21/10 07:36 PM
Interesting responses: MelodyGirl, I agree that anyone can have whatever preferences they want, and they should be upfront about the type of person they are seeking. However, I still think that this woman's email was an example of venomous bigotry. All she needed to say in her email to me was that she preferred a man of her own ethnic background. I would not have been offended in the least by that. She also could have simply not responded. As for her not knowing about text etiquette, this woman claimed to be college educated and a teacher. She had to be living under a rock not to know that all caps conveys anger. With all of this in mind, I truly believe that this woman had an axe to grind. I would like to see if anyone else had a similar experience, whether it be because of ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.
On a lighter note, kudos to Dodo_David! Your reply was hilarious! It would have sounded even funnier in Alf's voice!

no photo
Tue 09/21/10 07:47 PM
i havent had the unfortunate experience of weirdness yet. I have met a few guys and thankfully they have all been cool and friendly. Wait, i have seen one guy which i dont want to say anything to hurt peoples feelings but lets just say caterpillar eyebrow? then again, thanks to yahoo messenger we never had to meet up.

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 09/21/10 08:00 PM

Interesting responses: MelodyGirl, I agree that anyone can have whatever preferences they want, and they should be upfront about the type of person they are seeking. However, I still think that this woman's email was an example of venomous bigotry. All she needed to say in her email to me was that she preferred a man of her own ethnic background. I would not have been offended in the least by that. She also could have simply not responded. As for her not knowing about text etiquette, this woman claimed to be college educated and a teacher. She had to be living under a rock not to know that all caps conveys anger. With all of this in mind, I truly believe that this woman had an axe to grind. I would like to see if anyone else had a similar experience, whether it be because of ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.

Your added perspective does cause me to reflect a little more. It's so difficult to interpret the sincerity of people on the internet.

Medic123's photo
Wed 09/22/10 11:23 AM
Edited by Medic123 on Wed 09/22/10 11:30 AM
Ok just happened, like 10 min ago...

So I just moved to this city, and I need to meet people, and my motorcycle is still getting shipped. Therefore I turned to the internet to find friends and hopefully a lady. Anyways this morning before I went off to work I was on craigslist looking for a cheap car to buy for the year I am here. Well thats when I noticed that craigslist has personals, so I thought 'why the hell not?' dun dun dun... Anyways I emailed back to an ad that was well thought out and a good description, I told her a little about my self blah blah blah and your pic gets mine. I then found a car I liked and sent an email asking where it was and how much they were asking blah blah blah. Well I just got home on my lunch break, and I saw a fresh email reading "Time and Price negotiable" So I thought sweet I might get to check out that car today! Well I excitedly opened the email it read Pics are attatched. I clicked on the attachments and was suprised that rather than a 95Ford I was looking at a dirty nasty er um... woman with less than standard morals... Just happened, still on lunch right now... I must not be good at this internet dating thing... lol

EDIT** Ok so I replied back "Not looking for a prostitute. Good bye."
She Replied "Well what else do you think you're gona find on the internet loser! P**** aint free!"

so wait, I'm the loser?

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/22/10 11:47 AM
on THIS site?

the reason I dont give my messenger ID anymore,,,texted with a guy a few times, he wanted to talk in messenger

I asked if he read my profile(which clearly states how I feel about people obsessed with sex and body parts), to which he said yes

once I gave him the messenger id , the FIRST question he asked was about my breasts,,,and he was not joking,,,,he said something about how he doesnt play games and because he is an adult he asks about things that are important or some such drivel

suffice to say, that was the end of that or any potential conversation with him and unfortunately causes me to never give out my messenger name anymore