Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Wed 09/18/19 07:25 PM
A nice round number, zero!

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Wed 09/18/19 07:24 PM
What annoys you most about online dating? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

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Thu 02/15/18 04:37 PM
personally, I have never used an illegal drug, and I have no intention of starting now. I would never date a person who uses illegal drugs, pot being a possible exception. If I meet a woman who uses pot, I would want for her to honor my wishes and not use it around me. I would keep my distance from militant pot smokers whose mission in life it is to try to convince everyone they meet to smoke it.

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Thu 02/15/18 03:37 PM
Would you date someone who uses illegal drugs?

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Thu 02/15/18 03:35 PM
It all depends on the relationship.

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Wed 02/14/18 06:25 PM
Dating and possibly a relationship

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Sun 02/11/18 04:18 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 02/11/18 04:19 PM
It would appear that more and more people are deciding against breaking things off with someone the adult and proper way, and instead choosing to ghost them (ignore texts and phone calls). This classless and cowardly practice is not just limited to the dating scene. In any arena of life, a growing number of people think it's acceptable to just disrespectfully ignore a person, a date, business associate, even friend, if the person no longer suits his/her purpose. I was ghosted by a lady after 5 dates, and a lady I am communicating with was ghosted by her best friend of 20 years. To this day, neither one of us have the foggiest idea as to why. Yet, at the end of the day, we realize that the practice of ghosting says a lot more about the perpetrator than the victim.

Have you experienced ghosting, or ghosted someone else?

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Sun 02/11/18 04:05 PM
I have dated women of other races and had interracial relationships, and will do it again if the right person comes along.

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Sun 02/11/18 04:00 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 02/11/18 04:00 PM
I look at it like this: everybody's looking for something specific in a person. What one might find appealing in someone, another might not. At the end of the day, there is someone for everybody out there. As for profile views, how would someone know if a person is the right one without looking?

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Sat 02/10/18 07:09 PM
I don't do the "friends with exes thing." Once it's over, it's over.

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Sat 02/10/18 07:07 PM
Absolutely not. Long distance romances are pipe dreams, plain and simple.

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Tue 10/03/17 07:24 PM
Never give up. Remember: we are not all the same. There are good ones out there. You will find the right one someday.

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Tue 10/03/17 07:21 PM
My idea of a perfect date is whatever it takes to ensure a next date will take place. Whatever keeps the ball rolling.

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Tue 10/03/17 07:18 PM
My type is a decent human being, first and foremost. Next comes the 3 S's: STRAIGHT, SANE, and SOBER. As far as looks are concerned, I like girly girls: feminine appearance, manicured hands, pedicured feet, the right amount of makeup (not to Tammy Faye Bakker extremes), and a ladylike disposition.

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Tue 10/03/17 07:14 PM
A middle-aged man wanting to date a woman 20 years his junior is no more delusional than some of the lofty expectations women have of men. It works both ways.

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Tue 01/26/16 05:38 PM
Angry pictures, ghetto slang, bashing of the opposite sex, use of terms like "king," "queen," "princess," "diva," "knight in shining armor," etc.

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Thu 05/30/13 06:10 PM
I don't think this is about insecurity. It is more like "a house divided will soon fall." I have always viewed a bisexual as divided or conflicted, never really knowing what she wants (a man or woman). I'd hate to be in that predicament.

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Thu 05/30/13 04:22 PM
Within the past couple of months, I have been in steady online and phone communication with two ladies, who I felt I was very compatible with. One lived close to me, the other pretty far away. I connected with each on many different levels. Then, out of the blue, each of them admitted to me that they were bisexuals. I just about hit the floor. Nothing was mentioned in either profile, and there was nothing that ever came up in conversation that would suggest that they were anything but straight. I have nothing against gays, lesbians, or bisexuals, but being straight, I have little understanding of their circumstances. Needless to say, I was shocked and disappointed. I had developed feelings for both of them, but, being that I'm looking for LTR or marriage, I don't think it would work out. I would always feel that I would be involved with only half the other person, and that there would always be an uneasy feeling that she would someday decide she would rather be with a woman. I have since remained on friendly terms with both of them.

Has anybody ever run into this kind of situation?

Please be civil in your responses, and stay serious. Thank you.

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Sat 07/23/11 05:48 AM
It is not just Democrats in Congress involved in sex scandals. Many Republicans as well got caught with their pants down (ie. Bob Packwood, Larry Craig, Arnold Schwartzennegger as well as several of those who strongly condemned former president Clinton). Movie stars, musicians, and athletes have also done the same thing. It doesn't make it right, but being involved in some sort of sex scandal is equal opportunity, regardless of political affiliation.

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Thu 11/11/10 05:13 AM
I don't know if The Learning Channel is biased or not, but the show I saw profiled two women who cheated on their husbands. I'm sure a show in the same vein profiling cheating husbands is forthcoming. The statistics of adulterous husbands should be interesting. One thing I really liked about the show is the way the therapists spoke of adulterers. Instead of the usual milquetoasty psycho-babble that approves of any type of behavior, they labelled cheating spouses as narcissistic, self-centered, and apathetic of their spouses feelings. They did say that forgiveness and rebuilding of the marriage is possible.

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