Topic: What scares you off?
crysbauer's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:08 PM
Its like you are expecting something to come flying your way,, should you sit next to them for fear that you might get more for desert than you bargained for,,, or do you need to start carrying shields to your next dates

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:12 PM

Calliopesgirl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:29 PM
Wow! I read Allen Aquas and I don't think I can add a thiing! lol

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:34 PM
I was hitch hiking once and this guy picked me up. At first when he pulled the gun out from the seat and aimed it at me it scared me but then he said that he was only going to give me a ride. After that we got along fine. People who aim guns at me would have to be the first scare me off.

Another time there was this state trouper was picked me up. I was scared at first but he was nice and gave me a ride to the next off ramp. I tried that, again and progressed by off ramps. I even thought, "Hey, when they ask where I am going I will just tell them to the next off ramp." People who have flashing lights on there vehicles scare me off would have to be the second.

Then there was this time I was hitch hiking and he asked me if I was looking for work. I said yes I was. He said you will have to carry a gun. I was intrigued. He said there is this bank you will help rob. I said I think I see the place I wanted to go which was the sidewalk as I really felt like I wanted to walk instead of ride. People who try involve me in crime would have to be third scare me off.

crysbauer's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:47 PM
Wow maybe you need to change your profession,, hitch hiking doesnt seem very beneficial for you

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:52 PM
Yeah. I like staying at home now.

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:56 PM
1. Racist remarks
2. Rude to waiters
3. Addiction
4. Abusive in any way
5. Saying I've been promised to them by God (yeah ... it's happened noway )
6. Arrogance

crysbauer's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:57 PM
Dont blame ya there.... I think I could find better things to risk my life for,, other reasons to end up in the back of a cop car, and I can get into enough trouble all on my own dont need anyone getting me in theirs

crysbauer's photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:59 PM
I think that if God promised me to you and he told you about it,,,, then Im wondering if I spent to many years not sober,, or if he for some reason forgot to tell me that you were promised to me,,,,

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 10:13 PM

What are some of the things that scare you off when you meet new people? If a man says "hi sexy" to me when we barely know each other this turns me off. How about you?

If she says "What should we name the kids?" I'm out the door. Permanently.

irishkiki's photo
Mon 09/06/10 05:30 AM
ha there are lots of turn offs , my favourite being needy and clingly ! for some odd reason everyone thinks women do this , but no men do this just as much , i know from first hand experience! oh and calling you sexy ina text message , bad breath and gets so hammered when your out , yous have to carry him home! i think thats the worst !

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 09/06/10 01:37 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 09/06/10 01:41 PM

A man who cannot commit turns me away.

Actions speak louder than words. Even if he says all of the elements of our relationship are intact but he won't take the next step to either exclusivity or marriage - then I believe he is just not that into me. If he can't commit then we should just move on and stop wasting our time.

hmmm .... wondering on the time frame here ... if its too short then it fits into previous posters complaints of expecting an instant relationship ... and that sure turns me off.

My reply was meant if I was already IN an established relationship. I am not the type for "instant" anything. I am also turned off by someone who tries to move to fast.

I refer to men who will not commit beyond just dating. I assume he doesn’t have to fortitude for an adult relationship and might have a little “the grass is always greener” attitude.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sun 09/12/10 02:03 PM

When they don't have a picture , you do and they want to meet you (no clue what they look like).
I don't know, I have met some good friends that way. I don't like posting pictures of myself. Heck, if they want to meet because of what I look like, it makes me wonder even more sometimes. It's nice to get to know someone a little before meeting them anyways. Just my two cents.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sun 09/12/10 02:07 PM

What are some of the things that scare you off when you meet new people? If a man says "hi sexy" to me when we barely know each other this turns me off. How about you?

If she says "What should we name the kids?" I'm out the door. Permanently.

That's too funny, I need to remember that one.

LadyLovely1105's photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:05 PM
Here's a list of things that scare me off:

past of domestic violence
married too many times (not sure how many is too many...)
men who are "seperated"
party animals
eye wanderers
jobless and homeless
guys living with mommy

that's just off the top of my head...I'm sure I'll add to this feed

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:06 PM
IT scares me scared

you_dont_know_me's photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:42 PM
women that want your phone number right off the start
welfare moms

no photo
Sun 09/12/10 04:04 PM
A control freak attitude, and being argumentative all the time. After a while I'm just like, screw it. I'll find someone easier to get along with. :laughing:

ProPhotographer's photo
Sun 09/12/10 08:17 PM
I guess I'm too openminded to be scared off.
When a woman reveals something about herself that I would find problematic then it's time to find a resolution right away.
If we agree to disagree then we go our separate ways.


Goofball73's photo
Sun 09/12/10 08:24 PM
Ms. Olympia scared