Topic: Obama backs controversial New York mosque project | |
Francis John Sadocha
Jude Safi Brock Joel Safronoff Edward Saiya John Patrick Salamone Hernando Salas Juan G. Salas Esmerlin Antonio Salcedo John Salvatore Salerno, Jr. Richard L. Salinardi, Jr. Wayne John Saloman Nolbert Salomon Catherine Patricia Salter Frank Salvaterra Paul Richard Salvio Samuel Robert Salvo, Jr. Rena Sam-Dinnoo Carlos Alberto Samaniego James Kenneth Samuel, Jr. Michael San Phillip Sylvia San Pio Hugo M. Sanay Erick Sanchez Jacquelyn Patrice Sanchez Eric M. Sand Stacey Leigh Sanders Herman S. Sandler James Sands, Jr. Ayleen J. Santiago Kirsten Santiago Maria Theresa Santillan Susan Gayle Santo Christopher Santora John A. Santore Mario L. Santoro Rafael Humberto Santos Rufino Conrado Flores Santos Iii Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya Kalyan Sarkar Chapelle R. Sarker Paul F. Sarle Deepika Kumar Sattaluri Gregory Thomas Saucedo Susan M. Sauer Anthony Savas Vladimir Savinkin Jackie Sayegh John Michael Sbarbaro Robert L. Scandole, Jr. Michelle Scarpitta Dennis Scauso John Albert Schardt John G. Scharf Frederick Claude Scheffold, Jr. Angela Susan Scheinberg Scott Mitchell Schertzer Sean Schielke Steven Francis Schlag Jon Schlissel Karen Helene Schmidt Ian Schneider |
Thomas G. Schoales
Frank G. Schott, Jr. Gerard Patrick Schrang Jeffrey H. Schreier John T. Schroeder Susan Lee Schuler Edward William Schunk Mark E. Schurmeier Clarin Shellie Schwartz John Burkhart Schwartz Mark Schwartz Adriane Victoria Scibetta Raphael Scorca Randolph Scott Sheila Scott Christopher Jay Scudder Arthur Warren Scullin Michael Herman Seaman Margaret M. Seeliger Anthony Segarra Carlos Segarra Jason Sekzer Matthew Carmen Sellitto Howard Selwyn Larry John Senko Arturo Angelo Sereno Frankie Serrano Alena Sesinova Adele Christine Sessa Sita Nermalla Sewnarine Karen Lynn Seymour Davis Sezna Thomas Joseph Sgroi Jayesh S. Shah Khalid M. Shahid Mohammed Shajahan Gary Shamay Earl Richard Shanahan Neil Shastri Kathryn Anne Shatzoff Barbara A. Shaw Jeffrey James Shaw Robert John Shay, Jr. Daniel James Shea Joseph Patrick Shea Linda Sheehan Hagay Shefi John Anthony Sherry Atsushi Shiratori Thomas Joseph Shubert Mark Shulman See Wong Shum Allan Abraham Shwartzstein Johanna Sigmund Dianne T. Signer Gregory Sikorsky Stephen Gerard Siller David Silver Craig A. Silverstein Nasima Hameed Simjee Bruce Edward Simmons Arthur Simon Kenneth Alan Simon Michael J. Simon Paul Joseph Simon Marianne Teresa Simone |
Barry Simowitz
Jeff Lyal Simpson Khamladai Singh Kulwant Singh Roshan Ramesh Singh Thomas E. Sinton III Peter A. Siracuse Muriel Fay Siskopoulos Joseph Michael Sisolak John P. Skala Francis Joseph Skidmore, Jr. Toyena Skinner Paul A. Skrzypek Christopher Paul Slattery Vincent Robert Slavin Robert F. Sliwak Paul K. Sloan Stanley S. Smagala, Jr. Wendy L. Small Catherine Smith Daniel Laurence Smith George Eric Smith James Gregory Smith Jeffrey R. Smith Joyce Patricia Smith Karl T. Smith Keisha Smith Kevin Joseph Smith Leon Smith, Jr. Moira Ann Smith Rosemary A. Smith Bonnie Jeanne Smithwick Rochelle Monique Snell Leonard J. Snyder, Jr. Astrid Elizabeth Sohan Sushil S. Solanki Ruben Solares Naomi Leah Solomon Daniel W. Song Michael Charles Sorresse Fabian Soto Timothy Patrick Soulas Gregory Spagnoletti Donald F. Spampinato, Jr. Thomas Sparacio John Anthony Spataro Robert W. Spear, Jr. Maynard S. Spence, Jr. George Edward Spencer III Robert Andrew Spencer Mary Rubina Sperando Tina Spicer Frank Spinelli William E. Spitz Joseph Spor, Jr. Klaus Johannes Sprockamp Saranya Srinuan Fitzroy St. Rose Michael F. Stabile Lawrence T. Stack Timothy M. Stackpole Richard James Stadelberger Eric Stahlman Gregory Stajk Alexandru Liviu Stan Corina Stan Mary Domenica Stanley Anthony Starita Jeffrey Stark Derek James Statkevicus Craig William Staub William V. Steckman Eric Thomas Steen William R. Steiner Alexander Steinman Andrew Stergiopoulos Andrew Stern Martha Stevens Michael James Stewart Richard H. Stewart, Jr. Sanford M. Stoller Lonny Jay Stone Jimmy Nevill Storey Timothy Stout Thomas Strada James J. Straine, Jr. Edward W. Straub George J. Strauch, Jr. Edward T. Strauss Steven R. Strauss Steven F. Strobert Walwyn W. Stuart, Jr. Benjamin Suarez David Scott Suarez Ramon Suarez Yoichi Sugiyama William Christopher Sugra Daniel Suhr David Marc Sullins Christopher P. Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Hilario Soriano Sumaya, Jr. James Joseph Suozzo Colleen Supinski Robert Sutcliffe Seline Sutter Claudia Suzette Sutton John Francis Swaine Kristine M. Swearson Brian Edward Sweeney Kenneth J. Swenson Thomas Swift Derek Ogilvie Sword Kevin Thomas Szocik Gina Sztejnberg Norbert P. Szurkowski Harry Taback Joann Tabeek Norma C. Taddei Michael Taddonio Keiichiro Takahashi Keiji Takahashi Phyllis Gail Talbot Robert Talhami Sean Patrick Tallon Paul Talty Maurita Tam Rachel Tamares Hector Tamayo Michael Andrew Tamuccio Kenichiro Tanaka Rhondelle Cheri Tankard Michael Anthony Tanner Dennis Gerard Taormina, Jr. Kenneth Joseph Tarantino Allan Tarasiewicz Ronald Tartaro Darryl Anthony Taylor Donnie Brooks Taylor Lorisa Ceylon Taylor Michael Morgan Taylor Paul A. Tegtmeier Yeshauant Tembe Anthony Tempesta Dorothy Pearl Temple Stanley Temple David Tengelin Brian John Terrenzi Lisa M. Terry Shell Tester Goumatie T. Thackurdeen Sumati Thakur Harshad Sham Thatte Thomas F. Theurkauf, Jr. Lesley Anne Thomas Brian Thomas Thompson Clive Thompson Glenn Thompson Nigel Bruce Thompson Perry A. Thompson Vanavah Alexei Thompson William H. Thompson Eric Raymond Thorpe Nichola Angela Thorpe Sal Edward Tieri, Jr. John p Tierney Mary Ellen Tiesi William R. Tieste Kenneth Francis Tietjen Stephen Edward Tighe Scott Charles Timmes Michael E. Tinley Jennifer M. Tino Robert Frank Tipaldi John James Tipping II David Tirado Hector Luis Tirado, Jr. Michelle Lee Titolo John J. Tobin Richard Todisco Vladimir Tomasevic Stephen Kevin Tompsett Thomas Tong Doris Torres Luis Eduardo Torres Amy Elizabeth Toyen Christopher Michael Traina Daniel Patrick Trant |
Abdoul Karim Traore
Glenn J. Travers Walter Philip Travers Felicia Y. Traylor-Bass Lisa L. Trerotola Karamo Trerra Michael Angel Trinidad Francis Joseph Trombino Gregory James Trost William P. Tselepis Zhanetta Valentinovna Tsoy Michael Tucker Lance Richard Tumulty Ching Ping Tung Simon James Turner Donald Joseph Tuzio Robert T. Twomey Jennifer Tzemis John G. Ueltzhoeffer Tyler V. Ugolyn Michael A. Uliano Jonathan J. Uman Anil Shivhari Umarkar Allen V. Upton Diane Marie Urban John Damien Vaccacio Bradley Hodges Vadas Renuta Vaidea William Valcarcel Felix Antonio Vale Ivan Vale Benito Valentin Santos Valentin, Jr. Carlton Francis Valvo II Erica H. Van Acker Kenneth W. Van Auken Richard B. Van Hine Daniel M. Van Laere Edward Raymond Vanacore Jon C. Vandevander Barrett Vanvelzer, 4 Edward Vanvelzer Paul Herman Vanvelzer Frederick Thomas Varacchi Gopalakrishnan Varadhan David Vargas Scott C. Vasel Azael Ismael Vasquez Arcangel Vazquez Santos Vazquez Peter Anthony Vega Sankara S. Velamuri Jorge Velazquez Lawrence G. Veling Anthony Mark Ventura David Vera Loretta Ann Vero Christopher James Vialonga Matthew Gilbert Vianna Robert Anthony Vicario Celeste Torres Victoria Joanna Vidal John T. Vigiano II Joseph Vincent Vigiano Frank J. Vignola, Jr. Joseph Barry Vilardo Sergio Villanueva Chantal Vincelli Melissa Vincent Francine Ann Virgilio Lawrence Virgilio Joseph Gerard Visciano Joshua S. Vitale Maria Percoco Vola Lynette D. Vosges Garo H. Voskerijian Alfred Vukosa Gregory Kamal Bruno Wachtler Gabriela Waisman Courtney Wainsworth Walcott Victor Wald Benjamin James Walker Glen Wall Mitchel Scott Wallace Peter Guyder Wallace Robert Francis Wallace Roy Michael Wallace Jeanmarie Wallendorf Matthew Blake Wallens John Wallice, Jr. Barbara P. Walsh James Henry Walsh Jeffrey P. Walz Ching Wang Weibin Wang Michael Warchola Stephen Gordon Ward James Arthur Waring Brian G. Warner Derrick Washington Charles Waters James Thomas Waters, Jr. Patrick J. Waters Kenneth Thomas Watson Michael Henry Waye Todd Christopher Weaver Walter Edward Weaver Nathaniel Webb Dinah Webster Joanne Flora Weil Michael T. Weinberg Steven Weinberg Scott Jeffrey Weingard Steven George Weinstein Simon Weiser David M. Weiss David Thomas Weiss Vincent Michael Wells Timothy Matthew Welty Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers Ssu-Hui Wen Oleh D. Wengerchuk Peter M. West Whitfield West, Jr. Meredith Lynn Whalen Eugene Whelan Adam S. White Edward James White III James Patrick White John Sylvester White Kenneth Wilburn White, Jr. Leonard Anthony White Malissa Y. White Wayne White Leanne Marie Whiteside Mark P. Whitford Michael T. Wholey Mary Catherine Wieman Jeffrey David Wiener Wilham J. Wik Alison Marie Wildman Glenn E. Wilkenson John C. Willett Brian Patrick Williams Crossley Richard Williams, Jr. David J. Williams Deborah Lynn Williams Kevin Michael Williams Louie Anthony Williams Louis Calvin Williams III John P. Williamson Donna Ann Wilson William Wilson David Harold Winton Glenn J. Winuk Thomas Francis Wise Alan L. Wisniewski Frank Thomas Wisniewski David Wiswall Sigrid Wiswe Michael Wittenstein Christopher W. Wodenshek Martin P. Wohlforth Katherine Susan Wolf Jennifer Yen Wong Siu Cheung Wong Yin Ping Wong Yuk Ping Wong Brent James Woodall James John Woods Patrick J. Woods Richard Herron Woodwell David Terence Wooley John Bentley Works Martin Michael Wortley Rodney James Wotton William Wren John Wayne Wright Neil Robin Wright Sandra Lee Wright Jupiter Yambem Suresh Yanamadala Matthew David Yarnell Myrna Yaskulka Shakila Yasmin Olabisi Shadie Layeni Yee William Yemele Edward P. York Kevin Patrick York Raymond R. York Suzanne Youmans Barrington Young Jacqueline Young Elkin Yuen Joseph C. Zaccoli Adel Agayby Zakhary Arkady Zaltsman Edwin J. Zambrana, Jr. Robert Alan Zampieri Mark Zangrilli Ira Zaslow Kenneth Albert Zelman Abraham J. Zelmanowitz Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl Zhe Zeng Marc Scott Zeplin Jie Yao Justin Zhao Ivelin Ziminski Michael Joseph Zinzi Charles A. Zion Julie Lynne Zipper Salvatore Zisa Prokopios Paul Zois Joseph J. Zuccala Andrew S. Zucker Igor Zukelman List of Victims on American Airlines Flight 11 Anna Allison David Lawrence Angell Lynn Edwards Angell Seima Aoyama Barbara Jean Arestegui Myra Joy Aronson Christine Barbuto Carolyn Beug Kelly Ann Booms Carol Marie Bouchard Robin Lynne Kaplan Neilie Anne Heffernan Casey Jeffrey Dwayne Collman Jeffrey W. Coombs Tara Kathleen Creamer Thelma Cuccinello Patrick Currivan Brian Paul Dale David Dimeglio Donald Americo Ditullio Alberto Dominguez Paige Marie Farley-Hackel Alexander Milan Filipov Carol Ann Flyzik Paul J. Friedman Karleton D.B. Fyfe Peter Alan Gay Linda M. George Edmund Glazer Lisa Reinhart Gordenstein Andrew Peter Charles Curry Green Peter Paul Hashem Robert Jay Hayes Edward R. Hennessy, Jr. John A. Hofer Cora Hidalgo Holland John Nicholas Humber, Jr. Waleed Joseph Iskandar John Charles Jenkins Charles Edward Jones Barbara A. Keating David P. Kovalcin Judith Camilla Larocque Natalie Janis Lasden Daniel John Lee Daniel M. Lewin Sara Elizabeth Low Susan A. Mackay Karen Ann Martin Thomas F. McGuinness, Jr. Christopher D. Mello Jeffrey Peter Mladenik Carlos Alberto Montoya Antonio Jesus Montoya Valdes Laura Lee Morabito Mildred Naiman Laurie Ann Neira Renee Lucille Newell Kathleen Ann Nicosia Jacqueline June Norton Robert Grant Norton John Ogonowski Betty Ann Ong Jane M. Orth Thomas Nicholas Pecorelli Berinthia B. Perkins Sonia M. Puopolo David E. Retik Jean Destrehan Roger Philip Martin Rosenzweig Richard Barry Ross Jessica Leigh Sachs Rahma Salie Heather Lee Smith Dianne Bullis Snyder Douglas Joel Stone Xavier Suarez Madeline Amy Sweeney Michael Theodoridis James Anthony Trentini Mary Barbara Trentini Pendyala Vamsikrishna Mary Alice Wahlstrom Kenneth Waldie John Joseph Wenckus Candace Lee Williams Christopher Rudolph Zarba, Jr NOW IT ENDS!!!!! You can see there are QUITE a few families that were affected, i'm sure some were Muslim, some were Christian...have respect...MANY MANY MANY people died(as you can see....take a scroll) |
In order for this country to be religiously free there cannot be any ground that if available should not be available for a religious building of whatever kind. So we are either religiously free or we are not. It cannot be both ways. Now if you say we are not religiously free, I have some suggestions for eliminating some churches. The land would better serve something that is accommodating to me. It's not about religious's about RESPECT! bottom line, if THESE muslims...that want to build it had ANY sensitivity it wouldn't be an argument...but THESE PARTICULAR MUSLIMS don't have any Sensitivity...not saying they are terrorist but they have no sensitivity... Even CORPORATIONS have SENSITIVITY to peoples religious beliefs...I.e 7/11 not selling liquor or porn within so many feet of a is about RESPECT...if the people that were building the mosque(or want to) had ANY respect at all...they wouldn't be doing it...they wouldn't even ask. But the FACT is they OBVIOUSLY DO NOT! |
If this mosque is allowed to build and open then you might as well be opening Pandaors box.Because from that day forward if you are going to ignor morality,respect,and dignity of the American people you are going to get hundreds of people and groups opening up buildings for the sole purpose of intimadation and disrespect for the group of people they hate.
Some examples would be... Aryan nation or KKK headquarters next to a Jewish temple Christian church next to a planned parenthood. A slaughter house next to a Hindu temple. The list goes on and on. |
If this mosque is allowed to build and open then you might as well be opening Pandaors box.Because from that day forward if you are going to ignor morality,respect,and dignity of the American people you are going to get hundreds of people and groups opening up buildings for the sole purpose of intimadation and disrespect for the group of people they hate. Some examples would be... Aryan nation or KKK headquarters next to a Jewish temple Christian church next to a planned parenthood. A slaughter house next to a Hindu temple. The list goes on and on. |
If this mosque is allowed to build and open then you might as well be opening Pandaors box.Because from that day forward if you are going to ignor morality,respect,and dignity of the American people you are going to get hundreds of people and groups opening up buildings for the sole purpose of intimadation and disrespect for the group of people they hate. Some examples would be... Aryan nation or KKK headquarters next to a Jewish temple Christian church next to a planned parenthood. A slaughter house next to a Hindu temple. The list goes on and on. They are only putting it there because they know it will create contraversy. They know that the people of New York will protest, riot, vandalize and probably burn it to the ground and basically making them look like a martyr. |
If this mosque is allowed to build and open then you might as well be opening Pandaors box.Because from that day forward if you are going to ignor morality,respect,and dignity of the American people you are going to get hundreds of people and groups opening up buildings for the sole purpose of intimadation and disrespect for the group of people they hate. Some examples would be... Aryan nation or KKK headquarters next to a Jewish temple Christian church next to a planned parenthood. A slaughter house next to a Hindu temple. The list goes on and on. I think a better analogy would be kkk headquarters two blocks away from a temple church two blocks away from planned parenthood slaughter house two blocs away from a temple etc,,, I dont know of too many hindu temples in america or in meat eating areas,,,lol but as far as the others, I doubt many would take issue with them |
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. |
I tell you what Issac, if we let a handful of people that are offended decide that the rights of others can be trampled on, then those that you took the time to list, have died in vain.
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. How many other religions promote sex and marriage with children? How many pedophiles would you pardon in the name of Islam, if, they agreed to marry their victims? |
Edited by
Mon 08/16/10 09:17 AM
Folks, this 'mosque' has NOTHING to do with 'religion', 'freedom of religion', 'openness', 'fair play', 'tolerance', 'understanding', or any of the other little weenie-fied descriptors that are being used to slip this under the national door.
This 'mosque' is about ISLAM marking the site of a MILITARY VICTORY over the INFIDELS. Nothing less. To say it's about 'religion' or 'tolerance' or 'freedom of worship' is to display (1) a serious lack of intelligence, and (2) an appreciation for and understanding of the psychology at work behind the false political 'face' presented to the world. A nation with descended balls would smack 'em back to the Stone Age. |
Edited by
Mon 08/16/10 09:39 AM
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. How many other religions promote sex and marriage with children? How many pedophiles would you pardon in the name of Islam, if, they agreed to marry their victims? actually the christian bible says nothing about sex with children in the positive or negative, it only says we shall leave the home to cling to our spouse,,,,,,the very definition of a 'child' for legal purposes is entirely cultural if we get technical, a christian could have sex with a child if they were married (which is the only prerequisite given by the bible) christians were once pretty steadfast against homosexuality until culture changed many minds, because, supposedly, some believe the bible says nothing condemning it give it time and perhaps child brides will be more acceptable in the christian cultures too,,,along the same grounds, that the bible doesnt specifically condemn it and jesus says ABSOLUTELY nothing about it and if they wanted to take the matter further, I suppose extremely liberal christians could repeat the adage to be fruitful and multiply to support a stand that the only requirements given sex are marriage and the purpose of marriage was clearly to be fruitful(which can start happening at puberty) |
Edited by
Mon 08/16/10 09:40 AM
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. How many other religions promote sex and marriage with children? How many pedophiles would you pardon in the name of Islam, if, they agreed to marry their victims? actually the christian bible says nothing about sex with children in the positive or negative, it only says we shall leave the home to cling to our spouse,,,,,,the very definition of a 'child' for legal purposes is entirely cultural if we get technical, a christian could have sex with a child if they were married (which is the only prerequisite given by the bible) christians were once pretty steadfast against homosexuality until culture changed many minds, because, supposedly, some believe the bible says nothing condemning it give it time and perhaps child brides will be more acceptable in the christian cultures too,,,along the same grounds, that the bible doesnt specifically condemn it and jesus says ABSOLUTELY nothing about it That sounds so nice and tolerant. Tell me. Why prosecute men who rape babies? Mohamed and others have married women as young as 8 years old. Would you consider an 8 year old ready for marriage and plucking? Straight up questions. |
Edited by
Mon 08/16/10 09:52 AM
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. How many other religions promote sex and marriage with children? How many pedophiles would you pardon in the name of Islam, if, they agreed to marry their victims? actually the christian bible says nothing about sex with children in the positive or negative, it only says we shall leave the home to cling to our spouse,,,,,,the very definition of a 'child' for legal purposes is entirely cultural if we get technical, a christian could have sex with a child if they were married (which is the only prerequisite given by the bible) christians were once pretty steadfast against homosexuality until culture changed many minds, because, supposedly, some believe the bible says nothing condemning it give it time and perhaps child brides will be more acceptable in the christian cultures too,,,along the same grounds, that the bible doesnt specifically condemn it and jesus says ABSOLUTELY nothing about it Mohamed and others have married women as young as 8 years old. Would you consider an 8 year old ready for marriage and plucking? Straight up question. I wouldnt because I grew up in WESTERN culture, in historical catholic culture the age of consent was 12(puberty) in countries with doweries there are also younger ages as the man is supposed to be the caretaker and the family structure is set in ROLES that are not necessarily based in sex or even some concept of 'love' like many western relationships are IF I grew up in one of those countries, I suppose I could have been married off by 14 or 15,, and if I was in love(in real life I was in love by 16 and we married after I could give legal consent to), or had a husband who cared for me, it would be fine heck even in America the age of consent has only been raised in recent years and Canada and Mexico still have age of consent as low as 12 |
so if we follow your warped thinking about placement of a mosque then....... do we stop christians from building around medical clinics that perform abortions??? they terrorize just as much as muslims do, (just in their self rightious christian way...that makes it right)lol muslim ,christian, etc, etc, all are fine to practice and observe.its not the majority of people in these religions doing these acts of terror, its the hand full of fanatics ... ask Ireland thay will tell you.. How many other religions promote sex and marriage with children? How many pedophiles would you pardon in the name of Islam, if, they agreed to marry their victims? actually the christian bible says nothing about sex with children in the positive or negative, it only says we shall leave the home to cling to our spouse,,,,,,the very definition of a 'child' for legal purposes is entirely cultural if we get technical, a christian could have sex with a child if they were married (which is the only prerequisite given by the bible) christians were once pretty steadfast against homosexuality until culture changed many minds, because, supposedly, some believe the bible says nothing condemning it give it time and perhaps child brides will be more acceptable in the christian cultures too,,,along the same grounds, that the bible doesnt specifically condemn it and jesus says ABSOLUTELY nothing about it That sounds so nice and tolerant. Tell me. Why prosecute men who rape babies? Mohamed and others have married women as young as 8 years old. Would you consider an 8 year old ready for marriage and plucking? Straight up questions. question asked an answered a BABY, or a little life that cannot walk , talk, or be fruitful, would have no cultural or religious 'value' as a wife and so I doubt Islam OR Christianity would condone it,, neither would I however, what we call a 'child' who has hit PUBERTY is able to be fruitul and (depending upon their culture) fairly independent and neither Islam or the Bible would condemn sexual activity for those types of brides IN western culture, we typically raise 'children'(dependent people) until at LEAST 18 so most of our western children are not independent or socially mature enough to be anyones spouse,,,so I would not support their marriage I wouldnt support marriage to an 8 year old that is based in sex, although I could understand ceremonital marriage to an 8 year old for purposes of non sexual spousal duties(having a man to take care of her and having responsibilities to take care of the home) |
Then, if Islam is so readily accepted, it should be discrimination to lock old men up just because they knocked 'em off some young tail.
As long as they intended to marry 'em. |
Edited by
Mon 08/16/10 10:02 AM
What ever happened to 'women's rights' ... ? Guess that's a dead issue in an 'islamic marriage' ... which in and of itself is an oxymoron ... |