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Topic: Is Knowledge a Gift from Satan
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Tue 06/15/10 05:49 AM

God failed at nothing. It is free will and adam/eve's choice to have eat'n of the fruit. If God would have been "controlling" circumstances there would be no such thing as free will. As in if you put a ball on top of a hill and let it roll down you are giving that ball free will, weather it bumps into things and gets stuck along the way or rolls all the way it does it on it's own. If you physically force it over a bit to miss the obsticle you have taken away it's free will.

God is responsible for giving fake "Free Will" that resulted in complete failure

if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again you do not understand free will. With EVERY action there is a REACTION. You have the free will to do as you wish, only you'll have to also take the reaction,

Cowboy...you're confusing "Free Will" with "Newton's Laws of Motion" ...it appears you are the one that do not understand what "Free Will" is.....but feel "free" to give another explanation of what you think it is ...next time try to leave "Newton" out of it and place God in it

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:51 AM

God failed at nothing. It is free will and adam/eve's choice to have eat'n of the fruit. If God would have been "controlling" circumstances there would be no such thing as free will. As in if you put a ball on top of a hill and let it roll down you are giving that ball free will, weather it bumps into things and gets stuck along the way or rolls all the way it does it on it's own. If you physically force it over a bit to miss the obsticle you have taken away it's free will.

God is responsible for giving fake "Free Will" that resulted in complete failure

if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again you do not understand free will. With EVERY action there is a REACTION. You have the free will to do as you wish, only you'll have to also take the reaction,

Cowboy...you're confusing "Free Will" with "Newton's Laws of Motion" ...it appears you are the one that do not understand what "Free Will" is.....but feel "free" to give another explanation of what you think it is ...next time try to leave "Newton" out of it and place God in it

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:58 AM

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

then as I said...if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:59 AM

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

then as I said...if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again that has NOTHING to do with free will.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:01 AM

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

then as I said...if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again that has NOTHING to do with free will.

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:11 AM

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

then as I said...if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again that has NOTHING to do with free will.

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

but what about your quote below

Cowboy posted:
free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" or "the choice" or "the option" to remain alive in your body healthy as you exist today without food and water forever?

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:12 AM

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

apparently you never heard of suicide

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:13 AM

free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

then as I said...if you believe that you have free will....then use your "Free Will" to remain alive in your human body as you exist today for all eternality without food and water

if you can't do that...then stop all that Free Will nonsense

Again that has NOTHING to do with free will.

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

but what about your quote below

Cowboy posted:
free will is just that you are able to do any action you wish to take in life.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" or "the choice" or "the option" to remain alive in your body healthy as you exist today without food and water forever?

your pick'n words out of my statement. I said you are able to take any action you wish in life. Death is not an action, it just happens. Again it's not something people choose to do, free will is things you choose to or choose not to do. Death isn't a choice so does not apply to free will.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:15 AM

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

apparently you never heard of suicide

well you just helped my side out there thanks funches. Free will gives you the ability to commit suicide if you wish. I was refering to dieing of old age. Dieing of old age is not an option and or anything you choose to do.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:20 AM

Death is not an action, it just happens.

Cowboy ...if death is not an action...then explain how something can "just happen" without an action first taking place

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:25 AM

Death is not an action, it just happens.

Cowboy ...if death is not an action...then explain how something can "just happen" without an action first taking place

Alot of things "just happen" in nature. It's called the law of nature. Kids are born with no hair and it grows, people get old and that hair turns grey, and alot of people loose their hair or atleast hair thins out as they get older. Just happens, it's called nature funches. None of this is a choice that would fall into the free will, JUST HAPPENS NATURALLY.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:26 AM

free will is actions you take. Dieing is not an action you take, it just happens. It's not a choice or anything that applies to any kind of will.

apparently you never heard of suicide

well you just helped my side out there thanks funches. Free will gives you the ability to commit suicide if you wish. I was refering to dieing of old age. Dieing of old age is not an option and or anything you choose to do.

sorry but you have to pay more attetion to what you post....you said that dying is not a choice...but dying by way of suicide is a choice .....

now you try to change it to dying of old age which brings us right back to the same question that you keep refusing to answer

the question:

are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" or "the choice" or "the option" to remain alive in your body healthy as you exist today without food and water forever?

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:36 AM

Alot of things "just happen" in nature.

Cowboy....nothing "just happens...an action must first take place to cause an action to take place

so again explain why dying is not an action

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:08 AM

Alot of things "just happen" in nature.

Cowboy....nothing "just happens...an action must first take place to cause an action to take place

so again explain why dying is not an action

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option. We are to live on this earth until our time is up. Life is nothing but a test if you wish to call it that, now God himself doesn't test us just life in general. It is a chance to earn our way into heaven.

That is why life gets so hard, cause it is a test. It isn't ment to be easy. It is to push us to our limits and see which way we use our free will to go. Weather we cling to God for his blessings and love or let go and fall into Satan's arm so he can carry us away from our holy gift.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:15 AM

Alot of things "just happen" in nature.

Cowboy....nothing "just happens...an action must first take place to cause an action to take place

so again explain why dying is not an action

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option. We are to live on this earth until our time is up. Life is nothing but a test if you wish to call it that, now God himself doesn't test us just life in general. It is a chance to earn our way into heaven.

That is why life gets so hard, cause it is a test. It isn't ment to be easy. It is to push us to our limits and see which way we use our free will to go. Weather we cling to God for his blessings and love or let go and fall into Satan's arm so he can carry us away from our holy gift.

and again not mentioning suicide, i meen literally just lay down and close your eyes to die without any outside involvement.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:30 AM

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" to lay down and die natuarally

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:33 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 06/15/10 07:34 AM

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" to lay down and die natuarally

Again dieing of natural causes has nothing to do with free will. Free will is actions taken, and again dieing of natural causes has no actions done on your side to cause, just happens.

no photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:49 AM

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" to lay down and die natuarally

Again dieing of natural causes has nothing to do with free will.

a natural death means that you were not the victim of an accident or a homicide or a suicide...the choices that people take in life will directly influence the action that will cause their death naturally ...this is why a natural death has everything to do with "Free Will"

just admit that you have no "Free Will" to choose not to die from your existing body

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:54 AM

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" to lay down and die natuarally

Again dieing of natural causes has nothing to do with free will.

a natural death means that you were not the victim of an accident or a homicide or a suicide...the choices that people take in life will directly influence the action that will cause their death naturally ...this is why a natural death has everything to do with "Free Will"

just admit that you have no "Free Will" to choose not to die from your existing body

No i don't, this mortal body is not me. It's a shelling, a carrying case if you may. Free will pertains to "you" and your mortal body isn't "you" just a transporter.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:58 AM

alright speaking of dieing of natural causes, can you just choose to lay down and die? No, because that is not an option.

so are you saying that you do not have the "Free Will" to lay down and die natuarally

Again dieing of natural causes has nothing to do with free will.

a natural death means that you were not the victim of an accident or a homicide or a suicide...the choices that people take in life will directly influence the action that will cause their death naturally ...this is why a natural death has everything to do with "Free Will"

just admit that you have no "Free Will" to choose not to die from your existing body

it is inevitable that this mortal body dies, regardless if i use my free will to try to keep it alive or not. I could take all the vitamins i can and everything to make it the healthiest i can be, but it's still gonna nevertheless die eventually.

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